Final Examination

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Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person

Final Examination




Multiple Choice.General Instructions: Read and comprehend all the questions properly. If you
wish to change your answer erase them neatly. Cheating must not be practiced. Honesty is
always the best policy.

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Shade the space given that best represents
your answer in your zipgrade answer sheet.

1. A German philosopher and phenomenologist, disclosed that he mood of anxiety reveals the nothing.

A. Lynn White B. Descartes c. St. Thomas Aquinas d. Martin Heidegger

2. He introduced the concept of weighing the reason.

A. Martin Heidegger b. Robert Nozick c. Descartes d. Lynn White

3. It opposes the notion of free will.

A. Causal determinism c. Determinism

B. Existentialism d. Physical Determinism

4. He said that through choice man lives an authentic human life.

A.Dobel, Patrick b. Sarter c. Robert Franks d. Dickey Loeb

5. Undermines free will if past event will be revealed as the cause of future actions and not really
chosen by the person as a free agent.

a. Causal Determinism c. Existentialism

b.Determinism d. Physical Determinism

6. The capacity to choose is a pawn to whoever or whatever nature allows to happen.

a. Humanity b. Fatalism c. Humankind d. Chance

7.An act is a result of a set of conditions which has only one possible outcome.

a. Causal Determinism c. Physical Determinism

b. Determinism d. Existentialism

8. Is the function and measure of the intrinsic value that leads to.

a. Intrinsic value c. Instrumental value

b. Originative value d. Contributory Value

9. Introduces new values to the world.

a. Intrinsic value c. Instrumental Value

b. Originative value d. Contributory Value

10. Freedom is viewed as something that arises from self-understanding, accompanied by____

a. Mood of anxiety b. Feeling c. Choice d. Decision

11.This view states that one is powerless to do anything than what he actually wants to do.

a. Humanity b. Prudent c. Fatalism d. Choosing

12. Sarter said, To act in bad____ is to allow others to choose for you or for chance to take its lead.

a. Faith b. Prudent c. Wise d. Humanity

13. This refers to shared of awareness and understanding among person.

a. Freedom c. Society

b. Intersubjectivity d. Death

14. The following are perception about persons with disabilities (PWD) except;

a. PWD are people with the same right as what other people does.

b. PWD’s are less productive.

c. PWD’s could possibly engage into various social activities.

d. PWD’s can contribute to the economic growth of the society.

15. . Which of the following is not an example of I thou relationship

a. A little boy helping an old woman carrying her things.

b. A man who pays money in exchange of sexual gratification

c. A granddaughter taking care her grandmother who is physically ill.

d. The Philippine government support person with disabilities

16. The human person is not just being in the world but being-with-others, or being- in the world but
being with the following EXCEPT

a. Acceptable c. Respect

b. Sincerity d. Rejection

17. Dialogue is an exchange in which people discover something new.” This best means?

a. Dialogue helps people to discover themselves more

b. Dialogue helps people to tolerate others more

c. Dialogue helps people to share understanding of greater truth about life

d. Dialogue helps people to conduct research

18. Authentic dialogue includes which of the following?

a. Active Listening b. Empathy c. Respect d. All of the above

19. . Martin Bubers’ concept of “I-Thou”relationship is focused on?

a. Human person as a subject c. Being-in-Relation

b. Fellow member d. Mutuality

20.. He believes that the human person is the one who exists and acts in a conscious will and self-
a. Martin Buber b. Pope John Paul II c. Wojtyla d. Jean Jacques Rousseau

21. How do you best explain this phrase given by St. Augustine of Hippo, “No human being should become
an end to himself/herself?”

a. We are responsible to our neighbors as we are to our own actions

b. It only takes a while to live and that is only an individual effort

c. The human person is oriented toward only for himself/herself

d. The human person experiences his wholeness in virtue of his relation to one’s self

22. Which of the following statement is true

a. Most people with disabilities cannot work

b. Human person can live on his own without the help of others

c. It is impossible to appreciate PWD’s and those from the underprivileged sectors of the society

d. Everybody deserves to be treated as human being no matter what he/she looks like

23. The following are the characteristics of the underprivileged, except?

a. Uneducated c.Victim of calamity

b. Malnutrition and poor health d. Lack of shelter

24. Which of the following is the best example of intersubjectivity

a. Ben has always loved dogs. When his parents let him choose a family pet, he picks a Labrador
puppy from the shelter

b. When Anna was twelve, her sister told her that pickles are rotten cucumbers. Because of this,
Anna now orders all her burgers without pickles

c. When Sarah was fifteen, she went exploring in a cave and became trapped. And she is now afraid
of closed spaces

d. Tony was born with vision in only one eye. Because of this, he sometimes has difficulty perceived

25. Which of the following is not an example of I thou relationship

a. A little boy helping an old woman carrying her things.

b. A man who pays money in exchange of sexual gratification

c. A granddaughter taking care her grandmother who is physically ill.

d. The Philippine government support person with disabilities

26. According to his social contract society is born based on the idea that man is by nature and
therefore ‘selfish”

A. Kant B. Hobbes C. Locke D. Rousseau

27. An element of society that is created through the interaction of people through these includes
norms,value, religion etc.

A. People B. Government C. Culture D. Interrelated

28. . A saying that explains “a person cannot live of his own”

A. “Human Person is Independent from others”

B. “No man is an Island “

C. “Human Person is Complete of his own”

D. None of the above

29. This type of society focuses on the production of crops and rising of farm animals

A. Industrial B. Virtual C. Agricultural D. None of these

30. What type of society where factories are seen as the center of work?

A. Virtual B. Industrial C. Agricultural D. None of these

31. Which of these does not describe social system?

A. It composes of individuals formed into groups with common religion and culture

B. It comprises of individuals and institutions interacting within the same structure

C. All types of individuals and social models co-exist and interact within the social system

D. Its culture is developed through simultaneous social interaction

32. A collection of individual shaped by social relations and interactions

A. Social Group B. Social System C. Society D. socialization

33. This type of society is characterized by the domestication of animals for food for a stable and
predictable food supply.

a. Horticultural Society c. Pastoral Society

B. Hunting and Gathering Society d. Agricultural Society

34. This type of society is a further evolution of pastoral and horticultural society.

a. Agricultural Society c. Pastoral Society

b. Hunting and gathering society d. Horticultural society

35. This refers to a society that focuses on producing and selling information

A. Modern Industrial B. Post Industrial C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B

36. An Element of society that refers the location where people reside

A. People B. Government C. Culture D. Territory

37. Consists of a group of individual actors interacting with each other in a situation that has at least a
physical or environment aspect.

a. Social system b. Social Group c. Society d. Caste


38. It specifically refers to enhanced telecommunication system and computing that people use to
interact with each other within the said society.

a. Educational Society c. Industrial Society

b. Virtual Society d. Agricultural Society

39. He claims that when people face and acknowledged death, they are able to free up themselves to
become themselves.

a. Martin Heidegger c. John Locke

b.Thomas Hobbes d. Martin Buber

40. Commonly understood as the end of bodily functions which signals the end of a person’s life.

a. Life b. Death c. Nativity d. Fate

41. Takes place when we patiently endure unpleasantness, discomfort, and pain.

a. Physical suffering b. Suffrering c. Mental Suffering d. Noble Good

42. These may caused by unexpected situation in life such as sudden changes in lifestyle, loss of

a. Physical suffering b. Suffering c. Mental Suffering d. Noble Good

43. It refers to the separation of the soul and the body

a. Life b. Happines c. Death d. Noble good

44. According to ancient Greek philosophy, it is an achievement and must be gained by living a productive
and moral life.

a. Life b. Happines c. Death d. Noble good

45. If you were to leave behind a legacy in this world, what would it be?

a. Inheritance b. Reputation c. Genuine relationship d. Opportunity

46. It is the essence of freedom which is the capacity to choose and act for oneself

a. Self-determination b Determinism c. Useful good d. Pleasurable good

47. It is a kind of suffering that includes depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness, and grief.

a. Physical suffering b. Mental Suffering c. Suffering d. Pleasurable good

48. It is a kind of good that is considered good so long as it serves as a means to an end.

a. Noble good b. Pleasurable good C. Happines

Second Quarter T.L.E. 9


I. Multiple Choice: Read the questions carefully and select the best answer. Encircle the correct answer.

1. Specifically used for tilling large areas, making furrows and inters row cultivation.

a. Harrow b. Rotavator c. Plows d. Hand Tractors

2. The native wooden and made of wood with a metal tooth and pulled by carabao.
a. Harrow b. Rotavator c. Plows d. Hand Tractors

3. Used in breaking rocks, driving posts or stakes,nudging a heavy timber into place, driving large spikes

a. Post-hole digger c. Axe

b. Sledge Hammer d. Grab-hoe

4. Used for cutting, planting materials and for performing other operations in the nursery.

a. Axe b. Knife c. Shovel d. Hand Fork

5. Farm tools are very important in pre-agronomical operations because they_______.

a. Make work easier c. Save time and effort

b. Make work faster d. Make work easier and faster thus saving time

6. Which tool resembles the appearance of spoon and use for transferring soil

a. Spade b. Shovel c. Spading fork d. Grub-hoe

7. They are being used in performing farm activities which involve small areas like school garden and
home garden.

a. Bolo b. Hand tools c. Spade d. Knife

8. These are ______used in horticultural and agronomical operations especially in vegetable, rice, corn
and cereal production.

a. Hand tool b. Machineries c. Harrow d. Rotavator

9. Used to thresh harvested rice.

a. Rice seeder c. Corn Thresh

b. Rice Thresh d. Grain Drier

10. Used to dry harvested grains to attain desirable moisture content to prevent spoilage.

a. Grain drier b. Rice thresh c. Rice seeder d. Corn thresh

11. It made crop production possible in areas without irrigation system.

a. Sprayer b. Sprinkler c. Water pump d. Source of water

12. This may contain sulfuric acid which can cause considerable harm if it comes into contact with your

a. Batteries b. Agricultural machinery c. Hydraulic fluid d. Chemical

13. When is the time to perform operative check-up tools, implements, and equipment

A. After the cropping season

B. After the harvest season

C. Before the start of the growing season

D. During the cropping season

14. Injuries inflicted by animal’s include_______.

a. Bites b. Brushing c. Kicks d. Bites, Brushing,and Kicks

15. Chemicals such as pesticides can cause injuries such as burns, respiratory illness and_____.

a. Poisoning b. Roll-over c. Run-over d. Salmonella

16. The following are effects of chemical exposure EXCEPT________.

a. Leptospirosis b. Nausea c. Poisoning d.Skin rashes and irratation

17. Which farm hazard includes faulty switches, cords and overhead power lines.

a. Animals b. Chemicals c. Electricity d. Heights

18. Material safety data sheet is your guide in using_______.

a. Animals b. Chemicals c. Electricity d. Equipment

19. Electrical systems in barns, especially in older structures, are often the sense of a_______.

a. Falls b. Fire c. Flood d. illness

20. The first step in reducing the cause of an accident is______.

a. Assess the risk associated with the hazard

b. Control the risk

c. Identify the hazard

d. Review the process

21. In selecting the best site for plant nursery, the availability and adequacy of______is the most
important factor to consider.

A. Compost C. Soil

B. Microclimate D. Water

22. Which is refers to when we talk about choosing a relatively flat area with at least 1-2% slope

A. Accessibility C. Soil Type

B. Location D. Topography

23. Which of the following must be removed because it will compete with nutrients needed by plants

A. Disease C. Stray animals

B. Insects D. Weeds

24. Which of the following is NOT considered the best location for a nursery site

A. Flat land C. Gently slope

B. Hill top D. Rugged terrain

25. In which of the following stages in plant growth in the nursery needs more water

A. Branching C. Matured

B. Flowering D. Seedling

26. Which is the best location for a nursery site

A. Near a river bank

B. Close to the growth area

C. Kilometer away from a road

D. Far from people in the community

27. What is the best thing to do if your nursery medium is clayey

A. Add more water to it

B. Mix the soil sand

C. Add compost to the material

D. Mix the soil, sand add compost to the material

28. Why do we need to conduct pre-operative checkup of tools, implements and equipment before
starting to work

A. To check if the tools are serviceable

B. To determine the functionality of tools, and implements

C. To repair defective tools

D. To check, repair and determine the functionality of tools

29. Why it is necessary to apply oil to the metal parts of tools and implements before storing them for a
long period time

A. To maintain their durability

B. To clean the tools

C. To prevent them from rust

D. To retain its shiny look

30. The following suggestions can help to avoid tractor accident EXCEPT_____.

A. Fit a falling object protective structure (FOPS) on the front loader

B. Keep a well -stocked, up-to-date first aid kit in an accessible area

C. Read and follow the manufacturers instructions for operation

D. Remove or modify safety features

31. What preventive action should a student apply when he/she is exposed to dust? He/She should

A. Eye and respiratory protection

B. Hearing protection

C. Safety footwear

D. Hard cap

32. It designed to protect workers from serious workplace injuries or illness resulting from contact with
chemical, radiological, physical.

A. Goggles C. Gloves

B. Personal Protective equipment D. Batteries

33. It is accessories to pulled by animals or mounted to machineries to make the work easier.

A. Equipment C. Hands Tool

B. Farm implements D. Farmer

34. Which of the following is a biological hazard

A. Bacteria C. Machinery

B. Falling Objects D. Pesticides

35. Which of the following is NOT Mechanical or Electrical hazard

A. Pressure vessel C. Fire

B. Equipment D. Dangerous goods

36. Anything which may cause injury or ill health to anyone at or near a workplace is a hazard

A. Risk C. Hazard

B. Exposure D. Physical Hazard

37. A cart used to transport things, usually drawn by a hand tractor or a tractor is called_____.

A. Trailer C. Hand tractor

B. Four-wheeled tractor D. Wheel barrow

38. Which PPE is used o protect the ears from hearing injury

A. Boots C. Gloves

B. Earmuffs D. Goggles

39. Which of the following PPE is used to protect the eyes from injury

A. Boots C. Gloves

B. Earmuffs D. Goggles

40. Which tools has one end flattened and the other pointed at right angle toward its handle?

A. Bolo C. Pick mattock

B. Crow bar D. Spade

41. What disease in the nursery is caused by Phythium spp. Rhizoctania Salami and other type of fungus?

A. Blotch C. Damping off

B. Canker D. Rust

42. Which of the following media is best for nursery material

A. Forest top soil C. Sandy loam

B. Loam soil D. All of the above

43. Which of the following is the least objective in installing preventive structures

A. To attain aesthetic beauty of the place

B. To safeguard crops from a stray animals and thieves

C. To avoid destruction of farm facilities due to inclement weather

D. B and C

44. Which of the following is NOT true about the care maintenance of farm facilities

A. Hands tools must be cleaned, dried, and placed in a tool rack when not in use

B. Cutting and digging tools should be frequently sharpened

C. Defective tools are segregated and brought to the junk shop

D. Iron parts of tools should be oiled, greased, or painted with coal tar when they are to be
stored for a long time.

45. Which of the following is a physical hazard

A. Bacteria C. Insect

B. Falling object D.Stress

46. The conditions of work which comply with prescribed Occupational Health Safety (OHS) standards
and which allow the workers to perform his or her job.

A. Occupational safety C. Safety

B. Health D. Prepare

47. This step involves collecting information and making decision_______.

A. Assess the risk associated with the hazard

B. Control the risk

C. Identify the hazard

D. Review the process

48. This step is effective in risk management in establishing and maintaining the system which give
opportunity for regular evaluation and review procedures.

A. Assess the risk associated with the hazard

B. Control the risk

C. Identify the hazard

D. Review the process

Prepared by



Komunikasayon at Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kultutang Pilipino

Final Examination

MGA PANUTO: Bilugan ang titik ng napiling sagot. Istriktong WALANG ERASURES.
Ang pagtatanong , pagtingin , pagtatayo, pagtingin sa cellphone sa loob ng klase ay
Dalawang ulit sa pagsita lamang ay HUWAG NG ITULOY ANG EXAM.

1. Ito ay ang natural na kaalaman ng tao sa sistema ng kaniyang wika, dahilan kaya nagagamit niya ito nang
tama at mabisa ayon kay Chomsky.

A. Kakayahang Komunikatibo C. Kakayahang Sosyolingwistik

B. Kakayahang Lingguwistiko D. Kakayahang Pragmatik

2. Ito ay sumasaklaw sa kasanayan nakatuon sa mga tuntunin at dapat iasal sa paggamit ng wika.

A. Kakayahang Komunikatibo C. Kakayahang Sosyolingwistik

B. Kakayahang Lingguwistiko D. Kakayahang Pragmatik

3. Ito tumutukoy sa kakayahang umunawa sa mga morpolohikal at ponolohikal na katangian ng wika.

A. Kakayahang Komunikatibo C. Kakayahang Sosyolingwistik

B. Kakayahang Lingguwistiko D. Kakayahang Pragmatik

4. Tumutukoy sa pamilyaridad sa tunog ng wika.

A. Ponolohikal B. Morpolohikal C. Sintatik D. Di-verbal

5. Ayon sa paglalahad ni Gonzales (1992), may dalawang mahalagang uri ng ponema sa Filipino.

A. Ponemang Segmental at Ponemang Suprasegmental

B. Patinig at Katinig

C. Segmental at Suprasegmental

D. Ponolohikal

6. Ito ay ang bigat ng pagbigkas ng patinig na makapag-iba sa kahulugan ng mga salita maging ang mga ito
man ay magkapareho

A. Haba B. Tono C. D iin D. Hinto

7. Ano ang limang patinig sa Filipino na nirepresenta ng mga grapemang?

A. ba,be,bi,bo,bu B. A,e,I,o,u C. ka,ke,ki,ko,ku D.da,de,di,do,do

8. Ito ang sikwens ng dalwang katinig ngunit may iisang tunog lamang.

A. Digrapo B. Katinig C. Klaster D. Pares Mininal

9. Tumutukoy sa saglit na pagtigil ng pagsasalita upang higit na maging malinaw ang mensahe ipinahayag.

A.Haba B. Tono C. Diin D. Hinto

10. ang taas baba na inuukol natin sa pagbigkas ng patinig ng isang salita.

A. Haba B. Tono C. Diin D. Hinto

11. Ito ang kakayahang gamitin ang angkop ang wika depende sa sitwasyon

A. Kakayahang Komunikatibo C. Kakayahang Sosyolingwistik

B. Kakayahang Lingguwistiko D. Kakayahang Pragmatik

12. Ayon sa kanya ang kakayahang sosyolingwistik ay isang kakayahang na gumagamit ng wika na
nangangailangan ng pag-unawa.

A. Savignon 1999 B. Hymes 1974 C. Chomsky 1965 D. Fraser 2010

13. Ito ang mga konsiderasyon sa mabisang komunikasyon ayon kay Dell Hymes 1974. Alin sa mga
sunusunod ang hing kasali sa mabisang komunikasyon

A. Setting B. Participant C. Acts sequence D. Tono

14. Ito ang lugar at oras ng usapan; naglalarawan sa kalikasan ng sitwasyon ng pag-uusap.

A. Setting B. Participants C. Acts sequence D. Tono

15. Mga taong sangkot sa usapan: ang nagsaslita at ang kinakausap

A. Setting B. Participants C. Acts sequence D. Intrumentalities

16. Layunin at mithin ng usapan gayudin ang maaring bunga ng pag-usapan.

A. Norms B. Genre C. Ends D. Keys

17. Ito ang pagkakasunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari habang naganap ang pag-uusap?

A. Setting B. Particiapnts C. Acts sequence D. Tono

18. Ito ay tumutukoy sa intensiyon at gamitng pahayag.

A. Locutionary B. Inilocutionary C. Prelocutionary D. Illocutionary

19. Ayon sa kanya pakikipag-usap ay hindi lamang sa paggamit ng mga salita upang maglarawan ng
karanasan kundi “ paggawa ng mga bagay gamit ang mga salita o speech act.”

A. J.L. Austin B. Dell Hymes C. Gonzales D. Savignon, (2007)

20. Ito ay tumutukoy sa epekto ng mismong pahayag. Halimbawa na pahayag nagtimpla ako ng kape.

A.Locutionary BP. Inilocutionary C. Prelocutionary D. Illocutionary

21. Ito ay tumutukoy sa paggamit ng sense of touch sa paghahatid ng mensaheng di-berbal.

A. Proxemics B. Haptics C. Kinesics D. Iconics

22. Tumutukoy kung paano ang oras ay nakaaapekto sa komunikasyon

A. Proxemics B. Chronemics C. Kinescis D. Haptics

23. Mabango ang niluto ni Maria na abodong manok. Anong komunikasyong di-berbal ito nkatuon?

A. Chronemics B. Colorics C. Olfactories D. Pictics

24. Ito ang batayag akto ng pahayag o ang paggawa ng isang makabuluhan na linggwistikong pahayag.

A. Prelocution B. Iilocutionary C. Inlocutionary D. Locution

25. Anong ibig sabahin ng SPEAKING

A. Setting Participants Ends Act Sequence Keys Intrumentalities Norms Genre

B. Setting Participant Ends Act Sequence Keys Intrumentalities Norms Genre

C. Setting Participants Ends Act Sequence Key Intrumentalities Norms Genre

D. Setting Participants Ends Act Sequence Keys Intrumental Norms Genre

26. Isa pang paraan ang makatutulong para sa ikalulutas ng mga hamong ito-ang pagsasanay sa prinsipyo ng
kooperasyon o mas kilala bilang__________________.

A. Cooperatives Principle

B. Cooperative principle

C. Coorporation Principle

D. Cooperatives Principles

27. Ito ang kuhulagang espasyong inilalagay nation sa pagitan ng ating sarili at ng ibang tao.

A. Chornemics B. Kinesscis C. Proxemics D. Haptics

28. Ito ay tumutuon hidi sa interpretasyon ng mga indibiduwal na pangimgusap kundi sa konneksyon ng
magkakasunod na mga pangungusap.

A. Kakayahang Pragmatik C. Kakayahang Gramatika

B. Kakayahang Diskorsal D. Kakayahang Sosyolingwistik

29. Tumutukoy sa ugnayan ng kahulugan sa loob ng teksto.

A. Kohirens B. Kohisyon C. Diskurso D. Retorikal

30. Sumasayaw ng ballet si Fe. Anong uri ng komplementong ng pandiwa ito?

A. Komplementong Benepaktibo C. Komplementong Layon

B. Komplementong Lokatibo D. Komplementong Aktor

31. Ang ____________ay nagmumula sa mga simpleng pasalita usapang patungo sa mga tekstong
nakalimbag tulad ng artikulo, aklat.

A. Diskurso B. Kohirens C. Kohisyon D. Retorika

32. Ito ay pagpapahayag na mga naglalayong maghayag nang sunud-sunod ng pangyayari, mga tauhan, at

A. Pangangatuwiran B. Paglalarawan C. Paglalahad D. Pasalaysay

33. Uri ng diskurso

A. Pasalaysay , Paglalarawan, Pagpapaliwang, Pangangatuwiran

B. Sanaysay, Larawan, Paglalahad, Pagpapaliwanag

C. Pasalaysay, Paglalarawan, Paglalahad, Pangangantuwiran

D. Pagsasanay, Paglalarawan, Pagpapaliwanag, Pangangatuwiran

34. Ito ay tumutukoy sa paraan kung paano makapag-ambag ang tagapasalita sa usapan.

A. Diskurso B. Kohirens C. Kohisyon D. Retorika

35. Tulad ng ibon nakawala sa hawla, si Monica ay masayang tumalon-talon nang makalabas siya at
makalanghap ng sariwang hangin.

A. Metapora B. Personipikasyon C. Simil i D. Hayperboli

36. Ang kanyang pagkatao ay malalim pa sa dagat na hindi kayang arkuhin. Anong uri ng tayutay ito.

A. Metapora B.Personipikasyon C. Simili D. Hayperboli

37. Pagod at pawisan siya na pumanhik na tila hinahabol ng isa niya pilit pinakli ssa puso at pag-iisip.

A. Metapora B. Personipikasyon C. Simili D. Aliterasyon

38. Ayon kay Good(1963), ang pananliksik ay isang ____________ at kritikal, displinadong inkwiri sa
pamamagitan ng iba’t-ibang teknik.

A. Malinaw B. Maingat C. Mapanghikayat D. Interes

39. Sa uri ng pananaliksik na ito, kinakalap ang iba’t-ibang uri ng datos at pinag-aralan upang hanapan ng
patern na maaaring magsibling gabay sa mag sumusunod na hakbang.

A. Evaluation Essay B. Kontrolado C. Tesis na Pahayag D. Analisis

40. Ang katagian ng isang tesis na pahayag na inaasahan na tatalakayin ng mananaliksik nang_______ at
buo kung ano ang isnisaad sa tesis na pahayag.

A. Malinaw B. Maingat C. Mapanghikayat D. Interes

41. Ito ay may layunin humatol at magbigay ng katwiran sa bisa ng isang produkto, proyekto, teknik,
oproseso, pelikula, pangyayari, aklat, at kikilang tao.

A. Evaluation Essay B. Kontrolado C. Tesis na Pahayag D. Analisis

42. Ito ay isang katangian ng pananaliksik na walang babaguhin sa resulta na ginawa ng pananaliksik.
A. Kontroloda B. Sistematiko C. Obhekitibo D. Kritikal

43. Ito ay isang katangian ng pananaliksik na may proseso o magkakasunod-sunod na hakbang tungo sa
pagtuklas ng katotohanan.

A. Kontroloda B. Sistematiko C. Obhekitibo D. Kritikal

44. Ito ay isang katangian ng pananaliksik na panatilihing konstant hindi dapat baguhin lalo nasa mga
eksperimental na pananaliksik.

A. Obhekitibo B. Kritikal C. Sistematiko D. Kontrolado

45. Sa paggawa ng isang pananaliksik ay kinakailangan ang mga ______ ay dapat mailahad sa pamamarang

A. Kilos B. Resulta C. Kritikal D. Datos

46. Ito ay ang pag-aaral ng politika.

A. Agham pampolitika B. Antropolohiya C. Kasaysayan D. Panitikan

47. Ito ay ang pagkuha ng pagkakatulad ng ideya hangyo sa iba’t-ibang sanggunian at pagsasama-sama ng
mga ideya.

A. Obhekitibo B. Kritikal C. Sistematiko D. Paglalagom

48. Ang _______ay mga kilos o hakbang na imungkahi ng mga mananaliksik.

A. Obhekitibo B. Kritikal C. Rekomendasyon D. Paglalagom

Prepare by

Angielyn L. Lucasan


Parent and Name Signature:_____

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