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acnorurc rnsr+

lntroduction + Basic/ General Trends + Details Description +

Summary (optional).


Starting Presentation Type Verb Descripticn

The/ the given / diagram /table / shows / represents / the comparison of...
the supplied / the figure I illustration / depicts / enumerates the ciiffere:rces..^
presented / the graph/chart/flow /illustrates / the changes...
shown / the chart / picture/ presentsl gives / the numher of...
provided presentation/ pie provicies / infcrrnation *n...
chart / bar graph/ dei ineates/ out[ines,/ riaia an...
column graph / tine describes / the proportion of...
graph /table datal rJeiineates/ th': amount of...
daia /inforn:ation / expresses/ den*tes/ infcrmation on...
pictoriai/ process ccrrpares/ shcws data about.,.
diagram/ map/ pie ccntrast i indicates / comparative cjata...
cl'rart and table/ bar figures / gives data the trend of...
graph and pie chart ... an / gives the percentage -r of..
information on/ the ratio of...
presents !nformation how the...
about/ shows data
sketch outl


1. The diagram shows emplo'y'ment rates alnong adults in fou:'European countries frcrn i925 tc 1985.
2. The given pie charts repi'esentthe proportion of male anC female emp!c1,ss5 in 6 broad categories,
ciirriCing !nto manual and non-manual occupaticns in Australia, between 2010 and 2015.
3. l-he chartgives informaticn abcut conslrmer expendilures c,n six products in fcur countries naitely
Germany,, ltaiy, Br"ifain and France.
4. The supplied bar graph cornpares the number of rvraie and femaie gi'aciuates in three cievelooing
cauntiies whiie the tabie data presents the overall literacy rate in these countries.
5. The bar-graph and the table data depict the water consumptioir in different sectoi's in five regions.
6. The bar graph enumerates the money spent on different research projects while the column graph
demonstrates the fund sources over a decade, commencing from 1981.
7. The line graph delineatesthe proportion of male andfemale employees inthree differentsectors in
Australia between 2010 and 2015.

The General statement is the first sentence (or two) you write in your reporting. lt
should always deal with:


Example:The diagram presents information on the percentages of teachers who have

expressed their views about different problems they face when dealing with children in three
Australian schools from 2001 to 2005.
What = the percentages of teachers...
Where = three Australian schools....
When = from 2001to 2005...
ln general, ln common, Generally speaking, Overall, lt is obvious, As is observed, As a general
trend, As can be seen, As an overall trend, As is presented, lt can be clearly seen that, At the
first glance, it is clear, At the onset, it is clear that, A glance at the graphs reveals that...


1-. ln general, the employment oppcrtunities increased till 1970 and then declined throughout
the next decade.
2. As is obserued, the figures for innprisonment in the five mentioned countries show no overall
pattern, rather shows the considerable fluctuations from country to country.
3. Generally speaking, citizens in the USA had a far better life standard than that of remaining
cou ntries.
4. As can be seen, the highest number of passengers used the London Underground stationat
8:00 in the morning and at 6:00 in the evening.
5. Generally speaking, more men were engaged in managerial positions in 1987 than that of
women in New York in this year.
6. As an overall trend, the number of crimes reported increased fairly rapidly until the mid-
seventies, remained constant for five years and finally, dropped to 20 cases a week after
7. At a first glance, it is clear that more percentages of native university pupils violated
regulations and rules than the foreign students did during this period.
B. At the onset, it is clear that drinking in public and drink driving were the most common
reasons for the US citizens to be arrested in 2014.
9. Overall, the leisure hours enjoyed by males, regardless of their employment status, was much
higher than that of women.

i*tro*uctioal + Gvervie"C Err"rera$ tr"end

t,,lainfeatures in the + Comparir*n and Contrast af the data.


{'**ctusrn* i*ptianali


1. As is presented in the diagram(s)/ graph{s}/ pie chart{s)/ table'

2. As (is) shown in the illustration"'
3. As can be seen in the...
4. As the diagrams suggest...
5. According to the...
6. Categorically speaking...
7. Getting back to the details.."
8. Now, turning tc the details....
9. The table data clearly shows that".
10. The diagram reveals that...
11, The data suggest that...
L2. The graph gives figure...
1-3. lt is interesting to note that.'. is apparently seen that...
15. lt is conspicuous that...
16. it is explicitly observed that...
17. it is obvious...
18. lt is clear from the data...
19. lt is worth noticing that.^.
20. lt is crystal clearf lucid that...
21. lt can be clearly observed that.,.
22. lt could be piainly viewed that.'.
23. it could be noticed that.,.
24. We can see that...

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Ff=r-i i !,.inh= '','in=ta Ar;an J Llir n

Name of Students

?hs ldethane-t!-fbctricity Pro*e*s

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?tr€ pro|}('raio* sf incama adrrlt5 ar*d shtrIdferr spe}ll sn 4 eoEmon iteryr* in th€ UK in
:=€IriEtr6fi If. j1:. r. l l, ifi?u6i-:=''.
adults 25v- 6-/* 5:6./o 1?/-
man 1 4?b 1o.,.',- 5"/a
3So,,- 5.3 o.5"$
children 1oD".i 3gr+/4 121/*
boys g04 1 4.,/. 38o;'- 18.l;
gins 1'l'r'; 44./- 1 7'tL

20$5 2{J1{}
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Srrst(}ryt€.r servir* ! .€€:

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Sati:,ii;i*tory .:,r t}()clr
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Trends Verb form Noun Form

lncrease Rise / increase / go up / r-rplift / rocket(ed) A rise/ an increase / an upward

I climb / upsurge / saar/shot up/ improve/ trend / a growth / a leap / a jump
jumpl ieapf move upward/ skyrocket/ an improvement/ a climb.
soar/ surge.

Decrease Fall decrease / decline I plummet /

/ Afall la decrease / a reduction /
plunge / drop / reduce / collapse / downward trends /a downward
deteriorate / dip I dive I go down I take a tendency / a decline/ a drop / a
nosedive / slum / slide / go into free-fall. slide I a collapse / a downfall.

Steadiness unchanged / level out / remain constant / a steadiness/ a plateau / a stab

remain steady / plateau / remain the same a static
f remain stable / remain static
Gradual increase an upward trend / an upward
tendency / a ceiling trend

Gradual decrease a downward trend / a downward

tendency / a descending trend
Standability/ Flat Level(ed) off/ remain(ed) constant /
remain(ed) unchanged / remain(ed) stable No change, a flat, a plateau
/ prevail(ed) consistency / plateaued /
reach(ed) a plateau / stay(ed) uniform
/immutable I level(ed) out/ stabilize/
remain(ed)the same.


1-. The overall sale of the company increased by 20% at the end of the year.
2. The expenditure of the office remained constant for the last 6 months but the profit rose by
almost 25%.
3. There was a !5/o drop in the ratio of student enrollment in this University.
4. The population of the country remained almost the same as it was 2 years ago.
5. The population of these two cities increase significantly in the last two decades and it is
expected that it will remain stable during the next 5 years.

To represent chamges:

Type of Adverb form: Adjective form


Rapid change Dramatically / rapidly I Dramatic / rapid / sharp I

sharply / quickly I quick / hurried / speedy /
hurriedly / speedily / swift / significant /
swiftly / significantly/ considerable / substantial /
considerably / noticeable.
substantially / noticeably

Moderate Moderately / gradually / lVloderate / gradual /

change progressively / progressive / seq uential
Steady Stea d i ly/ ceaselessly. Steady/ ceaseless.

Slight change Slightly / slowly / mildlv / Slieht / slow / mild /

tediously. tedious.


L. The economic inflation of the country increased sharply by 20% in 2008.

2. There was a sharp drop in the industrial production in the year 2009.
3. The dernand for new houses dramatically increased in 2OO2.
4. The population of the country dramatically increased in the last decade.
5. The price of the oil moderately increased in last quarter but as a consequence, the price of
daily necessity rapidly went up.


Type of Change Verb forrn Noun form

Rapid ups and wave / fluctuate / oscillate / waves / fluctuations /

downs vacillate I palpitate oscillations / vacillations
/ palpitations
1. The price of the goods fluctuated during the first three months in 2017.
2. The graph shows the oscillations of the price from 1998 to 20A2.
3. The passenger number in this station oscillates throughout the day and in early morning and
evening, it remains busy.
4. The changes of car production in Japan shows a palpitation for the second quarter of the
5. The number.of students in debate clubs fluctuated in different months of the year and rapid
ups and downs could be observed in the last three months of this year.
Great change / huge difference:
Adjectives Adverbs
Overwhelming OverwhelminglY
Substantial Substantially
Enormous EnormouslY
Big change / big difference:
Adjectives Adverbs
Significant SignificantlY
Considerable ConsiderablY
Medium change / Moderate differencq;
Adjectives Adverbs
Somewhat Somewhat
Moderate lVloderately
lMinor change / Small difference:
Adjectives Adverbs
Fractional FractionallY
Marginal MarginallY
Slight Slightly
Dates, Months & Years related vocabulary and gramrnar:
n From 1990 to 2000, Commencing from 1980, Setween 1995 and 20C5, After 2012'
>r By 1995, in 1998, ln February, over the period, during the period, during 2G11.
> ln the first half of the year, for the first quarter, the last quarter of the year, during the first
> ln the 80s, ln the 1980s, Duringthe next 5 months, ln the rnid-70s, Next 10 years, Previous
year, Next year, Between 198* - 1990'
> Within a time span of ten years, within five years.
>> Next month, Next qt-rarter, Next year, previous month, previous year'

r> Since, Then, Fram.

Percentage, Portion and Numbers:

l-0% increase, 25 percent decrease, increased by !5%, dropped by 10 per cent, fall atSOYI,
reached to 75Ys, tripled, doubled, one-fourth, three-quarters, half, double fold, treble, 5 times
higher, 3 timers lower, declined to about 49Yo, slood exactly al43%'

4o/o= Atinyfraction.
24Yo= Almost a quarter.
25% exactly a quarter.
26Yo =roughly one quarter.
32% = nearly one-third, nearly a third
49% = around a half, just under a half
5O%= exactlya half.
51%o = Just over a half.
three quarters'
73Yo = nearly
77lo= approximately three quarter, more than three-quarter
79% = Well over three quarters.

2%o =A tiny portion, a very small proportion'
4o/o = an insignificant minority, an insignificant proportion.
1,6Yo= A small minority, a small portion.
TOY,= A large proportion.
72Yo = A significant majority, A significant proportion.SgYo = A very large
89Y, = A very large proportion.

Words/ Phrases of Approximation - Vocabulary:

> Approximately
> Nearly
> Roughly
> Almost
> About
> Around
>> More or less

>> Just over

>r Just under

> Just around

> Just about
> Just below
> A little more than
> A little less than.
Overwhelming Overwhelmingly
Substantial Substantially
Enormous Enormously
Big change / big difference:
Adiectives Adverbs
Significant Significantly
Considerable Considerably
Medium change / Moderate differencqp
Adjectives Adverbs
Somewhat Somewhat
Moderate Moderately
Minor change / Small difference:
Adjectives Adverbs
Fractional Fractionally
Marginal Marginally
Slight Slightly
Dates, Months & Years related vocabularY and grammar:
n From 1990 to 2000, Commencing from 1980, Between 1995 and 2005, After 2012.
> By 1995, in 1998, ln February, over the period, during the period, during 2Gi-1.
> ln the first half of the year, for the first quarter, the last qu*rter of the year, during the first
>r ln the 80s, ln the 1980s, Duringthe next 6 months, ln the rnid-70s, Next 10 years, Previous
year, Next year, Between 1980 - L990.
> Within a time span of ten years, within five years.
>r Next month, Next quarter, Next year, previous month, previous year.
>r Since, Then, Frcrn.

Percentage, Portion and Numbers:

10% increase, 25 percent decrease, increased by 15%, dropped by 1"0 per cent, fall alSOY,,
reached to75Yo, tripled, doubled, one-fourth, three-quarters, half, double fold, treble, 5 times
higher, 3 tirners lower, declined to about 49%, slood exactly al43%.

4/o= Atinyfraction.
24%o= Almost a quarter.
25% exaclly a quarter.
26% = roughly one quarter.
32Yo = nearly one-third, nearly a third
49Yo= around a half, just under a half
50%= exactlya half.


' Well, I believe that

. I do share the same view that
. I truly subscribe to the view that
. Nobody can deny the fact that
. I express my solidarity with the idea that
r I stand by the notion (belief) that
I I honestly admit my approval to the belief that
r I am in complete favor of
. I hold an unshakable belief/opinion in
. I firmly assert that
. I am quite affirmative ( Positivelthat.


. Ido not buy the argument that

. Honestly speaking, my perception differs from what you have said
o I think very few people would accept the view that
. I really don't subscribe to the belief that
r I am afraid I don't believe so
r lt appears completely futile and illogical to me to support the viewthat
. This view contradicts to what I believe- This view contradicts to my perception


. Not completely, butto a certain extent lwould like to agreewith

. True, but another side is equally true
. I am really oscillating between the two but here I support
r Both are equally significant but I will here support
. This view appears good but I am not totally convinced about it

. The major/core reason is

is undisputedly believed to be the main reason for

also contributes substantially to.......
. lt is allegedly said that........
r Accusing fingers are usually raised at


r Stringent measures should be taken to

I Strict laws should be framed to...
r Remedy is
.should be introduced
r lt is impossible without......
. Due attention must be given to ....
r Nothing will help until and unless....
r Efforts should be directed towards.....
. The need of an hour is.....


r lt leads ta
I An inevitable outcome af this problem will be
. lt is bound to give rise to....
' The dire consequences will be
. This problem is likely to breed newer issues like...
. The worst possible outcome can be
. There cannot be worse consequence than

Denote order/to do logical expansion To begin with, next, then, afterward,

of ideas still, too, and so forth, earlier/later, at
the first place, at the onset,
conseque ntly, concurre ntly,
sirnulta neous ly, s* bseq ue ntly, fi na lly,
previously, befcr* this, following
this/that, initially
To add ideas/ inforrnation Despite the fact, what is more, !n
addition, additionally, furthermore,
further, similarly, besides, lastly, nor,
finally, equally important, not only
but also...
To show similarity Similarly, Likewise, to equate with,
Gn a same scale
To compare certaintyl to emphasis It goes without saying, it is needless to
say that, without any equivocations,
without a doubt, without reservation,
perennially, absolutely, obviously, in
any case, in fact, indeed, definitely,
naturally, never, always, irrefutably
emphatically, extremely, positively, of
course, plainly, unquestionably,
surprisingly, beyond question,
To compare and contrast ideas ln contrast, while, whereas, but, yet, on
the other hand, nonetheless,
nevertheless, on the contrary, though,
although, although, despite the fact,
despite, conversely, balanced against,
by comparison, where, although this
may be true, as opposed to, up against,
still, in spite of, even though,
alternatively, on the
flip side, on the downside
to express time or sequence of First, second, third etc. , immediately
events after, afterward, later, after
sometime, after a few hours, next ,
and then, formerly, erstwhile, before
thereafter, as soon as, as long as , no
sooner than, ago, until, till, since, just
as, while, immediately, last but not
least, former... latter
To make a point That is, Moreover, furthermore, in
fact, evidently, since, for the same
reason, in any case, besides, because,
for, in other words, granted , *greed
To define ls, to refer to, to define, to mean,
that is, consists of, involves
To add an example To quote an instance, an instance, for
instance, for example, to illustration,
such as , to exemplify, take the case
of, on this occasion, in this case, take
the case of as an illustration, to
demonstrate, in this situation, in
another case
To conclude Hence, in my final analysis, ergo, to
core out, in sum, in brief, as has been
noted, as a result, thereby,
eventually, in the end, as we have
seen, summing it up, in conclusion,
consequently, therefore, thus, thusly,
accordingly, as I have shown,
To denote an exception At times, sometimes, yet, however,
despite the fact, once in a while,
nevertheless, in spite of, it is clearly
an exception to the norm
Verynoisy deafening

Very often frequently

Very old ancient

Very old-fashioned archaic

Very open transparent

Verypainful excruciating

Verypale ashen

Very perfect flawless

Verypoor destitute

Very powerful compelling

Very pretty beautiful

Veryquick rapid

Very rainy pouring

Very ricle wealthy

Verysad sorrowful

Very scared petrified

Very scary chilling

Very serious grave

Very sharp keen

Very shiny gleaming

Very short brief

Very shy timid
Very simple basic

l.Alleviate - decrease 27.Dearth- shortage

2.Ailment - disease 28.Deem- consider

3.Amalgamation - mixture 29.Deem- believe

4.Amenity - Facility 30.Detrimental- harmful

5.Ample - enough 3l.Diminish- Decrease

6.Arduous - hard 32.Duly - Properly

T.Ascertain - decide 33.Eminent- Famous

S.Attain - Get 34.Emulate- follo,.v

9.Augment - increase 35.Explore- search

l0.Commence - begin 36. Exquisite- beautiful

ll.Proffer - impart 3T.Extensive- large

l2.Profound- deep 38.Flit- move

l-3.Prominent - famous 39.Fr:tile - Useless

l4.Recapitulation- cor.rcl*sion 40.Hazard- risk

l5.Reckless - irrespoi.lsible 41.Heed- notice

16.Reriundant- excessi';e. no longrr i* use 42.Hindrance- Obstacle

lT.Renounce- give up 43.incessant- continuous

l8.Sciupulous - cautious 44.lncredible- Unbelievable

19.Shun- A.;oid 45.lnevitable- unavoidable

20.Strive- try 46.lnimical- harmful

2L.Succor- help 4T.lnordinate- excessive

22.5iimulate- encourage 43.lntricate- complicated

23.Uphold- support 49.Manlfold- many types

24.Comprise- include 50.N/yriad- in large amount

25.Curb- stop 5l.Patronize- encourage

26.Perilous- Dangerous 52.Perpetual- constant

Verynoisy deafening

Very often frequently

Very old ancient

Very old-fashioned archaic

Very open ----f-\- transparent

Very painful excruciating

Verypale ashen

Very perfect flawiess

Verypoor destitute

Very powerful compelling

Very pretty beautiful

Very quick rapid

Very rainy pouring

Very rich wealthy

Verysad sorrowful

Very scared petrified

Very scary chilling

Very serious grave

Very sharp keen

Very shiny gleaming

Very short brief

Very shy timid
Verysimple basic
Adorable Dynamic Hilarious Proud
Agreeable Eager Honest Punctual
Alert Enchanting Honourable Rellable
Ambitious Encouraging lnteresting Respectful
Artistic Energetic Jolly Responsible
Athletic Entertaining Joyous Self -assured
Brave Enthusiastic Kind Self- confident
Bright Excellent Kind-hearted silly
Calm Excited KnowEedgeahl* Sincere
Capable Fabulous Likeable Smart
Cha rm ing Fai n Lively Sm iling
Cheerful trairhful Lovely Splendid
Confident Fantastic Loyal Successful
Considerate Fearl*ss Lucky Talented
Cooperative Fine Mature Thoughtful
Courageous Friendly Nice Trustworthy
Courteous Funny Obedient Upbeat
Creative Generous Organized Warm
Dazzling Gentle Outgoing Wise
Decisive Good Peaceful wonderful
Delightful Happy Pleasant Quick
Detailed Hardworking Productive Zenith
Determined Helpful Protective Zealous

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