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The aim of this report is to assess the use of public transport in Cluj, my hometown, by pointing out
which means are the most popular and, also, the improvements I’ve already remarked and those that
could be made in the foreseeable future.


It is a widely acknowledged fact that the use of public transport provides great advantages such as
smoother traffic, less pollution and faster transit with lower costs. Hence, the local authorities invested
in this public domain, especially in buses, therefore, these being the most popular way of interurban


Thankfully, the leadership of my town improved enormously the whole experience of public transport,
of the utmost importance being the bus lane introduced 10 years ago. As a result, any kind of delay was
eliminated since the buses can avoid all traffic jams. Moreover, all means of transport were converted to
electric, an investment in the future, but also for the all-day citizen who breathes a cleaner air. The best
way to encourage the population to use the public transport is to make it more efficient and pleaant
than any other way of city transit, a truly known fact by our authorities.


There is always room for improvement, consequently I would introduce a state-of-the-art payment
technology such as e-ticketing, not only more convenient, but also more environmentally friendly.


All things considered, it speaks for itself that the public transport in Cluj is up to date and even the rich
prefer it due to its convenience and fastest way to travel around.

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