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Design Document

Nuctech® LS1516BA X-ray Liquid Security

Inspection System

Operation Manual (Threat Detection)

Current Status:


Nuctech® LS1516BA
X-ray Liquid Security Inspection

Operation Manual

©Copyright 2008 NUCTECH COMPANY LIMITED All rights reserved



This manual will guide you through proper use of Nuctech® LS1516BA X-ray Liquid
Security Inspection System (hereinafter referred to as "LS1516BA"). Please read this
manual carefully before using the system.

This manual contains information including an introduction of equipment functions,

safe operation, operation panel and indicator lights, power-on and power-off,
detection of liquids, advanced functions, maintenance and so on, through which you
will gain knowledge of the following:

 LS1516BA brief introduction and function overview;

 How LS1516BA ensures the safety of the operating personnel and the public;

 The structure, function and usage of LS1516BA panel, operating platform and
indictor light;

 How to properly start the equipment, log in and out of the system, and shut it

 How to use LS1516BA for liquid security inspection;

 How to use the advanced functions of LS1516BA;

 How to handle LS1516BA’s routine maintenance.

This manual does not contain any information about the principle, installation and
maintenance of the equipment. For more information, please refer to the LS1516BA
X-ray Liquid Security Inspection System Maintenance Manual. You can also contact
us in the following ways for additional information.

Contact Us

Address: 2/F Block A, Tongfang Building, Shuangqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing,
Zip code: 100084
Tel: 8610-82393399
Fax: 8610-82393310



This manual uses eye-catching styles for operations that need special attention. The
significance of these styles are as follows:

Note: To add necessary supplemental explanations to the operation


Caution: To remind you precautions during operation – Improper operations

may degrade the results accuracy or damage the equipment.

Environmental Protection

This product belongs to Class III ray device. The product design and manufacturing
complies with the environmental protection requirements. Organizations using this
product shall apply for the Radiation Safety License in accordance with the
relevant provisions of the Regulations on Safety and Protection of Radioactive
Isotope and Radioactive Installation (Decree No.449 of the State Council of the
People's Republic of China) and the Measures for Administration of the Safety
Licensing of Radioactive Isotope and Radioactive Installation (Decree No.31 of
the State Environmental Protection Administration of People's Republic of China).”



 Only qualified personnel are allowed

to operate the equipment

 Be sure to read this operation

manual before operating the

 Prohibit any repair to the device

without authorization



Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction to the System...........................................................................................1
1.1 System Overview............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Detection Range.............................................................................................................................2
1.2.1 Types of Liquids that Can Be Detected...............................................................................2
1.2.2 Requirements for the Container of the Inspected Liquid..................................................2
Chapter 2 Operation Safety..............................................................................................................4
2.1 Operation Precautions...................................................................................................................4
2.2 Environmental Requirements.......................................................................................................4
2.2.1 Power Supply Requirements.................................................................................................4
2.2.2 Operating Environment Requirements................................................................................5
Chapter 3 Operating Platform and Display Panel......................................................................6
3.1 Operating Platform and Panel............................................................................................................7
3.1.1 Operating Platform..................................................................................................................7
3.1.2 Panel..........................................................................................................................................9
3.2 Others..............................................................................................................................................11
3.2.1 Castor and Foot Gear...........................................................................................................11
3.2.2 Emergency Operation Panel...............................................................................................12
Chapter 4 System Procedures......................................................................................................14
4.1 Switching On..................................................................................................................................14
4.1.1 Equipment Indicator Self-test..............................................................................................15
4.2 Switching Off..................................................................................................................................16
4.3 System Standby............................................................................................................................17
4.4 Resume From Standby................................................................................................................18
Chapter 5 Liquids Inspection........................................................................................................19
5.1 Liquids Inspection.........................................................................................................................19
5.1.1 Inspection of Liquids in Ultra-High Bottles........................................................................21
Chapter 6 OIS Interface...................................................................................................................23
6.1 Operating Inspection Interface...................................................................................................23
6.1.1 Quick Check...........................................................................................................................26
6.2 Main Menu.....................................................................................................................................28
Chapter 7 Operator Privileges Description...............................................................................29
7.1 System Management...................................................................................................................29


7.1.1 User Management.................................................................................................................30

7.1.2 Querying Images...................................................................................................................31
7.2 System Settings............................................................................................................................32
7.2.1 Alarm Settings........................................................................................................................32
7.2.2 Standby Settings....................................................................................................................32
Chapter 8 Administrator Privileges Description......................................................................33
8.1 System Management...................................................................................................................33
8.1.1 User Management.................................................................................................................33
8.1.2 Permission Management.....................................................................................................37
8.1.3 Querying Images...................................................................................................................40
8.1.4 Log Query...............................................................................................................................43
8.1.5 Equipment Information Management.................................................................................44
8.2 System Settings............................................................................................................................45
8.2.1 Alarm Settings........................................................................................................................46
8.2.2 Date and Time Settings........................................................................................................47
8.2.3 Network Settings....................................................................................................................48
8.2.4 Language Settings................................................................................................................49
8.2.5 Security Level Settings.........................................................................................................50
8.2.6 Standby Settings....................................................................................................................51
8.2.7 Ultra-height Check Settings.................................................................................................53
8.2.8 Extension of Hazardous Substances.................................................................................54
Chapter 9 Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and Description..........................26
9.1 Essential Points of Routine Maintenance.................................................................................26
9.1.1 Cleaning the Monitor.............................................................................................................26
9.1.2 Cleaning the Dust Screen of Side Covering Panel..........................................................26
9.2 Common Troubleshooting...........................................................................................................27
Appendix A Glossary I
Appendix B Abbreviations 1



Figure 3-1 Overall Appearance of LS1516BA.......................................................................................6

Figure 3-2 Operating Platform and Display Panel................................................................................7
Figure 3-3 Operating Platform Indicator Light.......................................................................................7
Figure 3-4 Key Switch................................................................................................................................8
Figure 3-5 Emergency Stop Switch.........................................................................................................8
Figure 3-6 Start Button...............................................................................................................................9
Figure 3-7 Run Button................................................................................................................................9
Figure 3-8 Electric Sliding Door...............................................................................................................9
Figure 3-9 Sound Alarm...........................................................................................................................10
Figure 3-10 Alarm Light and X-ray On Indicator..................................................................................10
Figure 3-11 Castor with Foot Gear Raised and Lowered..................................................................11
Figure 3-12 Emergency Operation Panel.............................................................................................12
Figure 4-1 System Login Interface.........................................................................................................14
Figure 4-2 “Equipment Indicator Self-Test” Prompt............................................................................15
Figure 4-3 “Equipment Indicator Self-test Succeeded” Prompt........................................................16
Figure 4-4 “Equipment Indicator Self-test Failed” Prompt.................................................................16
Figure 4-5 Screen Saver.........................................................................................................................17
Figure 4-6 Authentication Interface........................................................................................................18
Figure 5-1 DR Image of Normal HeightContainer...............................................................................21
Figure 5-2 DR Image of Ultra-high Container......................................................................................21
Figure 5-3 Ultra-Height Check Settings................................................................................................22
Figure 6-1 Operating Inspection Interface............................................................................................23
Figure 6-2 Quick Check Mode Interface...............................................................................................26
Figure 6-3 Scanning Position Under Quick Check Mode..................................................................27
Figure 6-4 Platform Height Under Quick Check Mode.......................................................................28
Figure 6-5 Main Menu..............................................................................................................................28
Figure 7-1 Operator System Management Menu Item......................................................................29
Figure 7-2 User Management.................................................................................................................30
Figure 7-3 Password Entry......................................................................................................................31
Figure 7-4 Operator Modifying User Password and Description......................................................31
Figure 7-5 Operator System Settings Menu Item...............................................................................32
Figure 8-1 Administrator System Management Menu Item...............................................................33
Figure 8-2 User Management.................................................................................................................34


Figure 8-3 Add User/Edit User...............................................................................................................35

Figure 8-4 Delete Confirmation Dialog Box.........................................................................................36
Figure 8-5 Password Entry......................................................................................................................36
Figure 8-6 Permission Management.....................................................................................................38
Figure 8-7 Querying Images...................................................................................................................40
Figure 8-8 Lock Prompt...........................................................................................................................41
Figure 8-9 Export System Images.........................................................................................................41
Figure 8-10 “External USB Storage Device Unfound” Prompt.........................................................41
Figure 8-11 “USB Storage Device Out of Space” Prompt.................................................................42
Figure 8-12 Printing....................................................................................................................................42
Figure 8-13 “No Default Printer” Prompt...............................................................................................42
Figure 8-14 Log Query.............................................................................................................................43
Figure 8-15 Query Interface with Usage Statistics Selected.............................................................44
Figure 8-16 Equipment Information Management..............................................................................44
Figure 8-17 Administrator System Settings Menu Item.....................................................................45
Figure 8-18 Alarm Settings......................................................................................................................46
Figure 8-19 Date and Time Settings......................................................................................................47
Figure 8-20 Network Settings.................................................................................................................48
Figure 8-21 Language Settings..............................................................................................................50
Figure 8-22 Security Level Settings......................................................................................................51
Figure 8-23 Standby Settings.................................................................................................................52
Figure 8-24 Ultra-height Check Settings..............................................................................................53
Figure 8-25 Extension of Hazardous Substances..............................................................................54
Figure 8-26 Import and Export Operations...........................................................................................56



Table 9-1 Common Troubleshooting.....................................................................................................27

Chapter 1 Introduction to the System

1. Introduction to the System

1. 1.1 System Overview

Based on dual-energy DR-CT (Digital Radiography-Computerized Tomography)

scan technique, LS1516BA X-ray Liquid Security Inspection System is capable of
detecting and identifying flammable and corrosive liquid substances without opening
the container and is applicable to the liquid inspection in civil aviation and other

With high-performance industrial computer as the platform, low energy X-ray

generator as the radiographic source, double-bank scintillator and photodiode array
as the detector, and using the DR-CT technology, LS1516BA enables fast and non-
destructive inspection of liquid substances in various containers. By measuring the
density and effective atomic number of the liquid substances and using the
database-based intelligent identification algorithm of hazardous substances,
LS1516BA is capable of detecting flammable, explosive and corrosive liquid
substances reliably.

Features and functions of LS1516BA:

 Provide DR scans with the ability to display radiofluoroscopic images of the liquid
and its container to reveal the liquid’s internal structure;

 Provide dual-energy CT scans with the ability to measure the density and
effective atomic number of the inspected item to offer more effective
distinguishing basis;

 Provide dual-energy CT scans of any height with the ability to scan and identify
the designated liquid position according to user requirements;

 Capable of intelligently identifying hazardous liquid substances and sending


 Display DR and CT slice images. The CT image is dyed based on the inspection
results to assist inspectors in making decisions and conducting inspection;

 Easy and safe to operate.


LS1516BA is capable of examining multiple dangerous items at the same time.

LS1516BA adopts fully-closed radiation protection structure to ensure minimal

radiation leakage, which exerts no influence on the operators, passengers and the
inspected liquid substances, such as food and drinks.

2. 1.2 Detection Range

1. 1.2.1 Types of Liquids that Can Be Detected

LS1516BA is capable of detecting common hazardous liquids (such as gasoline,

alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and perchloric acid liquid explosives) hidden in the
containers of common commodities and allows the common safe liquids, such as
water, beverage, daily chemical products and toothpaste, to pass the inspection.

LS1516BA is not subject to the influence of the liquid’s color and transparency.


LS1516BA only screens the security attributes of liquids, but doesn’t identify the

2. 1.2.2 Requirements for the Container of the Inspected Liquid

1. Container Size

 The diameter of the container shall be less than 160mm and greater than 20mm;
 The height of the container shall be not greater than 370mm;
 The weight of a single bottle of liquid shall be not greater than 5kg.

Chapter 1 Introduction to the System

It is recommended to use the partition assisted inspection tube when examining
multiple bottles at one time;
For containers whose height is between 320mm and 370mm, LS1516BA only
provides partial DR scan.

2. Container Material

The material should be applied to the packaging of various common liquids:

 Plastic material
 Glass material
 Ceramic material
 Paper material
 Metal material

LS1516BA is not suitable for the detection of laminated container.

3. Container Shape

A variety of common container shapes shall apply, such as cross section in circular,
square and regular polygon shapes.

4. Container Color

LS1516BA has no requirements on the color and transparency of containers.

Outer packing box made of paper has no influence on the inspection results.

Chapter 2 Operation Safety

2. Operation Safety

1. 2.1 Operation Precautions

Please make sure to strictly observe the following safety regulations. We assume no
liability for damages caused by non-compliance with these safety instructions.

 Only qualified personnel are allowed to operate the equipment;

 The equipment must be guarded when in use;
 Prohibit the removal of any safety interlocking switch;
 Prohibit the removal of any outer covering panels;
 Prevent any liquid into the inside of the equipment;
 If the inspected item is stuck in the inspection tunnel when the equipment is in
use, one must first press the emergency stop switch to stop the equipment before
taking further steps;
 The equipment must be securely grounded;
 Never move the equipment when it is powered on;
 Never put the opened liquid sample on the panel;
 Ensure that nobody puts any part of his/her body inside the inspection tunnel
during inspection.

In case of any liqid leakage inside the equipment, one must press the emergency
stop switch immediately, and disconnect the external power supply to clean the

2. 2.2 Environmental Requirements

1. 2.2.1 Power Supply Requirements

Rated voltage: 100~240VAC

Power frequency: 50 or 60 ± 3Hz

Chapter 2 Operation Safety

Ground resistance: Less than 0.1Ω

2. 2.2.2 Operating Environment Requirements

Operating ambient temperature: 0°C to +40°C

Operating ambient humidity: 10% ~ 95%

Storage ambient temperature: -20°C ~ +60°C

Open air operation is not allowed;
Make sure the equipment is properly grounded prior to use.

Chapter 4 System Procedures

3. Operating Platform and Display Panel

This chapter mainly introduces the external structure of LS1516BA, such as display
panel, operating platform and indicator light.

The overall appearance of LS1516BA is shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 Overall Appearance of LS1516BA

The dimension of the equipment is 850mm (L) × 550mm (W) × 1320mm (H).

Chapter 3 Operating Platform and Display Panel

1. 3.1 Operating Platform and Panel


8 2

7 3

6 4

1. Operating Platform Indicator Light; 2. LCD Touch Screen; 3. Key Switch;

4. Emergency Stop Switch; 5. Start Button; 6. Run Button;

7. Inspection Tunnel and Electric Sliding Door; 8. Sound Alarm;

9. Alarm Light and X-ray On Indicator

Figure 3-2 Operating Platform and Display Panel

1. 3.1.1 Operating Platform

1. Operating Platform Indicator Light

Chapter 4 System Procedures

Figure 3-3 Operating Platform Indicator Light

The three indicator lights from top to bottom refer to X-RAY ON, SRAND-BY and
POWER ON respectively.

 The “X-RAY ON” indicator light is red. When the system has X-rays produced,
the indicator lights up;
 The “SRAND-BY” indicator light is blue. When the system is ready to detect the
liquids, the indicator lights up;
 The “POWER ON” indicator light is blue. When the system powers on, the
indicator lights up. When the system powers off, the indicator light goes out.

2. LCD Touch Screen

The LCD touch screen shown in Figure 3-2 is the interface between the user and the
equipment. The user operates the equipment through the touch screen.

3. Key Switch

Figure 3-4 Key Switch

The Key Switch can prevent non-operators from starting the equipment. Before
starting the system, insert the matching key and rotate it clockwise to “ON” to unlock
the system. Rotate the key counterclockwise to shut down the system.

4. Emergency Stop Switch

Figure 3-5 Emergency Stop Switch

In case of an emergency, press the emergency stop switch to immediately cut off
the power supply of the X-ray generator and moving parts. As the Emergency Stop

Chapter 3 Operating Platform and Display Panel

Switch has the locking function, you have to rotate the Emergency Stop Switch
clockwise to the original position to restart the equipment.

5. Start Button

1. Figure 3-6 Start Button

When the key switch is “ON”, press the “Start” button. The system is powered on
and the indicator lamp lights up.

6. Run Button

1. Figure 3-7 Run Button

Press the “Run” button in the liquid inspection interface, the system will
automatically perform the inspection process.

2. 3.1.2 Panel

1. Electric Sliding Door

1. Figure 3-8 Electric Sliding Door

The electric sliding door can shield X-rays. When the system is up and completes self-
test, the electric sliding doors will open automatically. Press the “Run” button, the

Chapter 4 System Procedures

inspection process will be initiated and the electric sliding door will automatically close.
When the system is shut down, the electric sliding door will automatically close.

The electric sliding door is equipped with security optical fiber on both sides of the
rack. In the door closing process, if any obstacles blocking the optical fiber were
found, the electric sliding door will stop closing and automatically open to avoid
squeezing the obstacles.

2. Sound Alarm

1. Figure 3-9 Sound Alarm

When the system identifies that the inspected item is hazardous, the alarm will

3. Alarm Light and X-ray On Indicator

1. Figure 3-10 Alarm Light and X-ray On Indicator

The X-ray on indicators on the left side of the operating platform appear in red.
When the system produces X-rays, the red indicator lights up.

The group of indicators on the right side are yellow alarm lights. When the system
identifies that the inspected item is hazardous, the indicator lights up.

Chapter 3 Operating Platform and Display Panel

2. 3.2 Others

1. 3.2.1 Castor and Foot Gear

Foot Gear

1. Figure 3-11 Castor with Foot Gear Raised and Lowered

As shown in the figure, the red rotatable part is foot gear, which will rise if rotated
clockwise and decline if rotated counterclockwise.

Castor can be used in relatively smooth roads of short distance. Before pushing the
equipment, retract the foot gear of the Castor completely to avoid collision.

Chapter 4 System Procedures

2. 3.2.2 Emergency Operation Panel

It is located on the lower part of the panel on the side of the touch screen. When it is
impossible to operate the equipment via the touch screen for any malfunction or
other reasons, resulting in objects to be stranded in the inspection tube, you may
operate via the Emergency Operation Panel to run the moving parts of the
equipment and take out the inspected items.

1. Figure 3-12 Emergency Operation Panel

 USB Interface: Externally connect to USB devices to expand man-machine

 “Open" Button: Press the “Open" button in the jog mode to open the electric
sliding door;
 “Close” Button: Press the “Close" button in the jog mode to close the electric
sliding door;
 "Up” Button: Press the “Up" button in the jog mode to raise the rotating plate;
 "Down” Button: Press the “Down" button in the jog mode to lower down the
rotating plate;
 Power Switch: Flick the switch upward to turn the equipment on and flick the
switch downward to shut down the power supply of all components;
 Mode Selection Switch: Insert the key to select an equipment control mode:
Manual, Auto and Jog mode. The system default setting is “Auto.”

Chapter 3 Operating Platform and Display Panel

In emergencies, you can turn the Key Switch to “Jog” mode;
During normal inspection, be sure to turn the key switch to “Auto” mode, and shut
down the emergency operation panel.

2. Emergency Operating Procedures

1. Use the black key delivered along with the equipment to open the Emergency

Operation Panel.

2. Turn the Key Switch on the Operating Platform to “Open.”

3. Use the other key delivered along the equipment to turn the Mode Selection

Switch to “Jog” mode.

4. Check and ensure that the Power Air Switch and Key Switch are both in the “ON”


5. Keep pressing the “Open” button on the Emergency Operation Panel until the

electric siding door automatically opens.

6. Keep pressing the “Up” button until the inspected item can be easily removed.

7. Remove the inspected item.

8. Turn the Mode Selection Switch to “Auto” to close the Emergency Operation


Chapter 4 System Procedures

4. System Procedures

1. 4.1 Switching On

Procedures for switching on:

1. Insert the key into the Key Switch and rotate it clockwise to the “ON” position.

2. Press the startup button, and the system is powered on.

3. When the power indicator on the operating panel lights up, the system begins


If the emergency stop switch is in the locked state, or any of the security interlock is
losened, the system can not go through normal initialization.

4. When the initialization is completed and ready indicator lights up, the electric
sliding door will open, the turntable will rise, prompting the user to login to the system.

1. Figure 4-1 System Login Interface

Chapter 4 System Procedures

5. Enter a correct username and password to login to the system and enter the
operating inspection interface.

6. The system prompts self-test of equipment indicators, please refer to “4.1.1

Equipment Indicator Self-test.”

7. When the self-test completes, the system is ready to detect liquid substances.

2. 4.1.1 Equipment Indicator Self-test

When you first login to the system, you will be prompted to start equipment indicator
self-test.As shown in Figure 4-2.

1. Figure 4-2 “Equipment Indicator Self-Test” Prompt

Equipment indicator self-test is recommended. After placing the standard sample

steadily on the turntable, press the “OK button. The system will start indicator self-test
and generate self-test report, as shown in Figure 4-3. After completion of self-test, the
system enters the operating inspection interface, and waits for liquid items to be
inspected. If self-test fails, the system will prompt you of the failure. You can choose to
Continue and ignore the self-test or rotate the key switch to shut down the system, as
shown in Figure 4-4.

Chapter 4 System Procedures

2. Figure 4-3 “Equipment Indicator Self-test Succeeded” Prompt

3. Figure 4-4 “Equipment Indicator Self-test Failed” Prompt

2. 4.2 Switching Off

Confirm that the inspection channel is cleared, and the system software is in the
operating inspection interface or login screen. Rotate the key switch
counterclockwise to “OFF” position, the equipment will be automatically reset, and
the monitor cut off. Then remove the key to complete the shutdown operation.

Chapter 4 System Procedures

The shutdown process will continue for one minute, until the Power indicator goes

3. 4.3 System Standby

In the operating inspection interface or login interface, the system will automatically
enter standby mode after a period of inactivity. The operator can also select "System
Standby" through system menu to enter Standby mode. Under standby mode, the
system stops responding to liquid inspection requests.

Standby procedures:

1. Start the screen saver, as shown in Figure 4-5;

1. Figure 4-5 Screen Saver

2. The turntable declines, and the electric sliding door closes.

Chapter 4 System Procedures

3. The system enters standby mode, and the screen prompts the operator of how to
resume from standby mode.

4. 4.4 Resume From Standby

The system can quickly resume from standby to normal state. In system standby
mode, click the LCD Touch Screen and the system will prompt for a password for
authentication. Upon authentication, the system turns off the screen saver, the electric
sliding door opens, and the turntable rises, indicating that the system restores to its
normal state. As shown in Figure 4-6.

1. Figure 4-6 Authentication Interface

If the system enters standby mode from the login screen, then no authentication is
needed when the system recovers from Standby Mode to the Login Interface.

Chapter 5 Liquids Inspection

5. Liquids Inspection

1. 5.1 Liquids Inspection

1. In the Operating Inspection Interface, place the items that need to be inspected on the
turntable and press the “Run” button to start inspection.

The inspected items should be placed in the middle of the turntable steadily.

8. After the turntable declines, and the inspected items are all in the inspection
channel, the electric sliding door closes, and the X-ray generator emits X-rays.

9. The system starts standard inspection procedures by performing DR scan and CT

scan against items under inspection.

10. The system displays the DR and CT slice images of the inspected items,
intelligently identifies the security attributes of the inspected items and then
generates the inspection results.

11. The operator performs custom CT scan and specifies the slice that needs to be
inspected on the DR image by hand, the system will display the corresponding CT
image and intelligently identify the security attributes of the inspected items and
then generate the corresponding inspection results

Chapter 5 Liquids Inspection

Standard Procedure Inspection: After pressing the “Run” button, the system will
automatically perform the standard procedure inspection if no slice of the DR
image needs to be inspected. During the standard procedure inspection, the
system will conduct DR scans for the inspected liquids, automatically identify the
slice that needs to be scanned and then conduct CT scans. CT scan against one
or more slices may be performed depending on the complexity of inspected
items. After standard procedure inspection is complete, the system provides the
inspection results.
Custom CT scan: After completion of standard procedure inspection, the operator
specifies one or more slices in the DR image, and presses the Start button, then
the system will perform CT scan directly against the specified slices, and give
real-time inspection results for each slice. Custom CT scan does not involve DR
scan against inspected items. The operator can perform several custom CT
The inspection results include two parts: One is the overall inspection results,

indicates that the inspected item is safe, while indicates that

the item is dangerous and the alarm will sound. The other part is the partition
inspection results. When using the 4-partition assisted inspection tube for
inspection, the security attributes of items in each partition will be displayed.

12. After the inspection, the electric sliding door opens and the turntable rises; the
operator can remove the inspected items and repeat Steps 5 to 6 for the next
13. When the equipment does not work for a long period of time, the operator should
power it off.
Chapter 5 Liquids Inspection

Never place open containers containing liquids on the operating panel, in order to
avoid spilling on the equipment;
If 4-partition assisted inspection tube is used for inspection of multiple items at the
same time, it is needed to put the supporting legs of the inspection tube into the
locating hole on the lifting platform before inspection. After the inspection,
determine the safety attributes of inspected items in various partitions based on
the CT image on the left of the main interface and partition inspection results on
the right. Red means dangerous, green means safe.

1. 5.1.1 Inspection of Liquids in Ultra-High Bottles

For liquids in containers below 320mm in height, the system performs whole bottle DR
scan and provides a complete DR image, as shown in Figure 5-1; for those in
containers between 320mm ~ 370mm in height, the system performs DR scan to
50mm to 320mm (starting at the bottom) of the bottle, providing DR image of this area,
as shown in Figure 5-2. The system can perform CT scan to any slice of DR image.
For liquids in containers greater than 370mm in height, the system will refuse to

Chapter 5 Liquids Inspection

1. Figure 5-1 DR Image of Normal HeightContainer

2. Figure 5-2 DR Image of Ultra-high Container

After startup, if the first container to be inspected is in an ultra-high bottle between
320mm~370mm in height, the system will prompt the operator to first inspect a
normal height container (less than 320 mm), or let the equipment run once before
inspecting the ultra high bottle. As shown in Figure 5-3.

For inspection of ultra-high bottle between 320mm ~ 370mm in height, the system
will prompt that ultra-high bottle inspection is in progress.
Chapter 5 Liquids Inspection

3. Figure 5-3 Ultra-Height Check Settings

Chapter 6 OIS Interface

6. OIS Interface

1. 6.1 Operating Inspection Interface

1: CT image; 2: DR image; 3: CT scan section marking; 4: CT image view scroll

button; 5: Partition inspection result display; 6: Overall inspection result display; 7:
Date & Time; 8: Operator account; 9:Security count; 10: Alarm count; 11: Voice alarm
control switch; 12: System menu; 13: Mode switch

1. Figure 6-1 Operating Inspection Interface

The information items on the operating inspection interface and system status panel
(according to sequence in Figure 6-1) are as follows:

Chapter 6 OIS Interface

2. CT Image

Display all CT images of liquid substances inspected, where:

 The liquids in the area with green border are safe;

 The liquids in the area with red border are dangerous.

The number at the right corner of each CT image corresponds to the slice prompt on
DR image.

When no effective liquid is detected while scanning the slice, the system displays

as a CT image of this slice, so as to notify the operator of such failure.

3. DR Image

Display DR image of liquids under inspection.

4. CT Scan Section Marking

 Green line means that liquid is clean at scanned CT slice;

 Red line means that liquid is dangerous at scanned CT section;
 White line indicates the CT section to be scanned;
 Yellow line indicates the section being scanned.

The number on the left corresponds to the number marked in CT image.

5. CT Image View Scroll Button

Click up or down button to scroll through all scanned CT slice images.

6. Partition Inspection Result Display

When using the 4-partition assisted inspection tube for inspection, the partition
inspection result display area shows the inspection results of containers in each

Chapter 6 OIS Interface

partition of the inspection tube:

 Liquid substances in the red partition are dangerous;

 Liquid substances in the green partition are safe;
 The gray area indicates that no containers are placed or effective liquid detected
in the partition.

7. Overall Inspection Result Display

Display the overall inspection result, in which indicates that the liquid is

safe, while indicates that it is dangerous. In case of multi-item inspection,

as long as one item turns to be dangerous, the entire CT slice result will be marked
as suspicious; In case of multi-scan, as long as one CT scan turns out to be
dangerous, the whole bottle of liquid will be marked as dangerous.

8. Date & Time

Display the date and time of host system.

9. Operator Account

Name of the operator currently logged on to the system.

10. Security Count

Display the total number of security inspections performed by the current operator
since login.

One security inspection includes a standard procedure inspection and a/multiple
custom CT scan(s).

Chapter 6 OIS Interface

11. Alarm Count

Display the number of alarms sent by the current operator since login.

12. Voice Alarm Control Switch

Click on the icon to enable or disable the voice alarm.

 shows the voice alarm is enabled;

 shows the voice alarm is disabled.

2. 6.1.1 Quick Check

Select Quick Check in the Mode Selection to enter the quick check mode, as shown

1. Figure 6-2 Quick Check Mode Interface

2. Quick Check Simulated Image

Quick Check Simulated Image is used to simulate the position of the liquid level

Chapter 6 OIS Interface

scanned on quick check. The blue horizontal line represents the position of the main
beam surface.

3. Scanning Position Under Quick Check Mode

The scanning position can be adjusted by dragging the blue horizontal line. The red
short line on the left is the adjustment threshold.

1. Figure 6-3 Scanning Position Under Quick Check Mode

4. Platform Height Under Quick Check Mode

The platform height may be adjusted by dragging the platform. In which the red
horizontal line indicates the position of the platform. The red short line on the left is
the adjustment threshold.

a. After clicking OK, you may continue to adjust the settings that are already in

b. Click OK and Back button, the system will go back to the simulated image and the
platform height setting takes effect.

Chapter 6 OIS Interface

1. Figure 6-4 Platform Height Under Quick Check Mode

2. 6.2 Main Menu

Click on the Menu button in lower right corner of the screen to bring up the System
Menu, as shown in Figure 6-5.

1. Figure 6-5 Main Menu

The system menu mainly includes System Management, System Settings, System
Standby, Equipment Indicator Self-test, About and Logoff.

Chapter 7 Operator Privileges Description

7. Descripcion de Privilegios del Operador

LS1516BA operating inspection system cuenta con dos tipos de privilegios de

usuarios, un como operador comun u ordinario y otro del tipo Administrador. Este
capitulo esta solamente orientado a los privilegios del operador comun. Para los
privilegios del adminitrador, por favor referirse al “Capitulo 8. Descripcion de los
privilegios del Administrador”

7.1 Gestion de Sistema.

Log on (Loguearse) en la interface de operador. Clikear el item del menu “System

Management” para abrir la interface del operador System Management tal cual lo
muestra la figura 7-1.

1. Figura 7-1 “Operator System Management” menu.

Clickeando sobre el boton del tema correspondiente aparecera las funciones de la

interface correspondientes.

Chapter 7 Operator Privileges Description

2. 7.1.1 Gestion de usuario.

Clickear sobre el boton “User Management” para ingresar a la interface, ver figura 7-2. El
estado de usuario puede ser visto por medio de esta interface.

1. Figura 7-2 User Management

Luego seleccionado el boton “Edit”, se le pedira que ingrese la clave para el logueo
del usuario, tal y como lo muestra la Figura 7-3.

Chapter 7 Operator Privileges Description

2. Figura 7-3 Ingreso de clave.

Ingrese la clave por medio del teclado virtual. El Sistema ingresara a la interface de
edicion luego de ingresar dicha clave.

Los operadores del equipo que tengan provilegios de operador podran solamente
modificar sus propias claves o descripciones, ver figura 7-4. Presionando sobre el
icono “Reset Password”, el operador podra modificar su clave y su descripcion.

3. Figura 7-4 Operador modificando clave y descripcion.

3. 7.1.2 Consulta de Imagenes

Los privilegios de consulta que posee el operador son los mismos que los que tiene
el Administrador. Ver capitulo “8.1.4 Consulta de Imagenes”

Chapter 7 Operator Privileges Description

2. 7.2 System Settings

Log onto the operator interface, click on System Settings menu item to open the
System Settings interface, as shown in Figure 7-5.

1. Figure 7-5 Operator System Settings Menu Item

Clicking on the buttons will bring up corresponding functional interfaces for relevant

2. 7.2.1 Alarm Settings

Operator privileges on Alarm Settings are the same as that of administrators, please
refer to “8.2.2 Alarm Settings.”

3. 7.2.2 Standby Settings

Operator privileges on Standby Settings are the same as that of administrators,

please refer to “8.2.6 Standby Settings.”

Chapter 9 Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and Description

8. Administrator Privileges Description

1. 8.1 System Management

Click on System Management menu item to enter the System Management

interface, as shown in Figure 8-1.

1. Figure 8-1 Administrator System Management Menu Item

It consists of menu items such as User Management, Permission Management,

Image Query, Log Query, and Equipment Information Management. Clicking on the
buttons will bring up corresponding functional interfaces for relevant operations.

2. 8.1.1 User Management

Click on the User Management button to enter the User Management interface, as
shown in Figure 8-2. Through the user account interface, you can add, delete and

Chapter 8 Administrator Privileges Description

edit user accounts, and set the default login user.

1. Figure 8-2 User Management

2. Adding Users

Only users in the admin group have the permission of adding users. Users in other
groups are not authorized to add users. When adding a new user, fill in the edit
dialog box (as shown in Figure 8-3) user information, then click Apply.

Chapter 9 Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and Description

1. Figure 8-3 Add User/Edit User

The default user password is 123456.

3. Deleting Users

Only users in the admin group have the permission of deleting users. Users in other
groups are not authorized to delete users.

Select the user you want to delete from the user account list, then click Delete. A
confirmation dialog box will pop up, as shown in Figure 8-4.

Chapter 8 Administrator Privileges Description

1. Figure 8-4 Delete Confirmation Dialog Box

 Select OK, and the user will be deleted;

 Select Cancel to cancel the deleting operation.

4. Editing Users

Admin group members can edit information of all accounts, while members of other
groups can only change their own passwords and descriptions.

After clicking on the Edit button, you are prompted to enter the password for the
current login user, as shown in Figure 8-5.

1. Figure 8-5 Password Entry

Chapter 9 Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and Description

Enter user password through soft keyboard. The system will enter the Edit interface
after confirming the user password.

Admin group members can change the other members’ user name, group,
description, activation marker, reset password, etc. If you want to prevent an
operator from using the equipment, you can modify the user's activation marker to
freeze the user, so that he/she cannot log in the system.

5. User List

 Select the filtering criteria “activated users”, and the user list only shows accounts
that have been activated;
 Select the filtering criteria “frozen users”, and the user list only shows accounts
that have been frozen;
 Select the filtering criteria “all users”, and the user list shows all accounts.

6. Set Default Login User

Only admin group members are privileged to set default login user. Other group
members are not authorized to do so.

 Check the check box in front of the logged-on user to set the user as default login
 If no user is set as the default login user, when the system starts up, it is needed
to enter a valid username and password to log in;
 Any “activated” user set as the default login user will log in automatically when
the system starts up.

3. 8.1.2 Permission Management

Click on the Permission Management button to enter the Permission Management

interface, as shown in Figure 8-6.

Chapter 8 Administrator Privileges Description

1. Figure 8-6 Permission Management

User permissions are divided into three groups: admin group, maintenance group,
and operation group.

Each group has their own group permissions and individual additive permissions.

 Group permissions refer to the list of permissions given by default when a

privileged group is added;
 Individual additive permissions refer to the list of permissions that can be added
or deleted for the user through the permission settings interface.
Below is a brief introduction to user group permissions and individual additive

2. Admin Group

 User Group Permissions:

Account management, permission management, adding users, editing users,
deleting users, image query, log query, equipment information management, alarm
settings, date and time settings, network settings, language settings, report printing,
and standby settings.
 Individual Additive Permissions:
Account management, adding users, editing users, deleting users, image query, log
query, equipment information management, alarm settings, date and time settings,

Chapter 9 Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and Description

network settings, language settings, diagnoses, report printing, and standby settings.

3. Maintenance Group

 User Group Permissions:

Account management, editing users, image query, log query, equipment information
management, alarm settings, date and time settings, network settings, language
settings, diagnoses, standby settings.
 Individual Additive Permissions:
Account management, editing users, image query, log query, equipment information
management, alarm settings, date and time settings, network settings, language
settings, diagnoses, report printing, and standby settings.

4. Operation Group

 User Group Permissions:

Account management, editing users, image query, shortcut buttons management,
alarm settings, and standby settings.
 Individual Additive Permissions:
Account management, editing users, image query, alarm settings, log query,
equipment information management, date and time settings, network settings,
language settings, diagnoses, report printing, and standby settings.

5. Interface Description

 User group list: displays all user group names;

 Group user list: displays all user accounts under the currently selected user
 User group permission list: displays the default permissions of currently selected
user group.
 List of individual permissions: displays the assigned permissions of currently
selected user;
 List of individual additive permissions: displays assignable permissions of
currently selected user;
 “<” button: add a permission for currently selected user from the list of individual
additive permissions;
 “<<<” button: add all permissions for currently selected user from the list of

Chapter 8 Administrator Privileges Description

individual additive permissions;

 “>” button: delete a permission for currently selected user from the list of
individual permissions;
 “>>>” button: delete all permissions for currently selected user from the list of
individual permissions;
 Restore Default Permission button: restore the default permission of the group to
which currently selected user belongs.

4. 8.1.3 Querying Images

Click on the Image Query button to bring up the historical image query interface, as
shown in Figure 8-7.

1. Figure 8-7 Querying Images

2. Query Term Description

 Start Time /End Time: start and end time of historical image scan;
 User: search for historical images scanned by a particular user;
 Status: search for all images in certain state, including: all images, locked and
unlocked ones.

3. Function Description

 Query button: after clicking on this button, the system will search for historical

Chapter 9 Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and Description

images meeting query conditions, and display file names in search result list;
 Select All button: by clicking on this button, all search results are selected;
 Clear All button: by clicking on this button, all search results are deselected;
 Lock button: by clicking on this button, all selected records in search results are
locked; if there is no selected record, this button is disabled; if the number of
locked files exceeds the maximum number (which is 500), a warning as shown in
Figure 8-8 will pop up.

1. Figure 8-8 Lock Prompt

 Unlock button: click on this button to unlock all selected records in search result
 Export button: Insert a removable USB storage device, and click on this button,
the system will begin to export images as shown in Figure 8-9.

2. Figure 8-9 Export System Images

Before exporting, if no USB storage device is connected, a message will pop up, as
shown in Figure 8-10. Reconnect a USB storage device after closing the dialogue
box to continue exporting.

Chapter 8 Administrator Privileges Description

3. Figure 8-10 “External USB Storage Device Unfound” Prompt

If the target USB device does not have enough space, a message will pop up, as
shown in Figure 8-11. Reconnect a new USB storage device after closing the
dialogue box, and click Retry to continue exporting.

4. Figure 8-11 “USB Storage Device Out of Space” Prompt

 Print button: under admin privileges, press this button when there is a printer
connected, and selected inspection records can be printed. As shown in Figure 8-

5. Figure 8-12 Printing

If the system is not installed with a default printer, a message will pop up, as shown in
Figure 8-13. Printing fails.

6. Figure 8-13 “No Default Printer” Prompt

 DR image: display DR images selected in scan history;

Chapter 9 Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and Description

 CT image: display CT images selected in scan history. The three groups of

information under the images represent section height, inspection result and
variance. P stands for pass, and A stands for alarm.

5. 8.1.4 Log Query

Click on the Log Query button to enter the Log Query interface, as shown in Figure 8-14.

1. Figure 8-14 Log Query

If the search results contain username which has been deleted, then the user record
will be displayed as deleted, as shown in Figure 8-14.

2. Query Term Description

 User: search for log of a certain user;

 Start Time/End Time: search for logs during this period;
 Query Type: there are three types, i.e., logon query, operation statistics, and
usage statistics. The query interface with Usage Statistics selected is as shown in
Figure 8-15, and the statistics can be further divided to daily, weekly, monthly,

Chapter 8 Administrator Privileges Description

quarterly, and annual statistics.

1. Figure 8-15 Query Interface with Usage Statistics Selected

3. Function Description

Query button: by clicking on this button, the system will search for logs meeting
query conditions, and display query results in a list below.

6. 8.1.5 Equipment Information Management

Click on the Equipment Information Management button to enter the interface as

shown in Figure 8-16. Through the interface, the user can manage equipment

Chapter 9 Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and Description

1. Figure 8-16 Equipment Information Management

2. Equipment ID

By selecting the Modify ID check box, the ID edit box and soft keyboard will be
activated. Enter equipment ID, then click Apply to finish ID setting.

3. Indication

By selecting Modify Description check box, the description edit box and soft
keyboard will be activated. Enter equipment description, then click Apply to finish
description setting.

4. Location

By selecting Modify Location check box, the location edit box and soft keyboard will
be activated. Enter equipment location, then click Apply to finish location setting.

2. 8.2 System Settings

Click on System Settings menu item to open the interface as shown in Figure 8-17.

Chapter 8 Administrator Privileges Description

1. Figure 8-17 Administrator System Settings Menu Item

It contains alarm settings, date and time settings, network settings, language
settings, and standby settings. Clicking on each button will bring up the
corresponding functional interface for relevant operations.

2. 8.2.1 Alarm Settings

Click the Alarm Settings button to enter the interface as shown in Figure 8-18.
Through this interface, the user can configure sound alarm and light alarm settings.

1. Figure 8-18 Alarm Settings

2. Sound Alarm

Select Sound Alarm check box to enable this function. If the check box is deselected,
alarm volume and time length settings will be disabled.

3. Light Alarm

Select Light Alarm check box to enable this function.

Chapter 9 Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and Description

4. Set Alarm Volume

Alarm volume has four grades. By scrolling from left to right, the volume turns from
low to high.

5. Alarm Time Length

Alarm time length can be set by the left or right button. The time length is adjustable
from 1 to 30 seconds.

6. Apply Button

By clicking on this button, all changes on the interface will take effective immediately.

7. Exit Button

Click on this button to exit the alarm setting interface.

3. 8.2.2 Date and Time Settings

Click on the Date and Time Settings button to enter the interface as shown in Figure
8-19. Through this interface, the user can set time zone, date, and time.

1. Figure 8-19 Date and Time Settings

Chapter 8 Administrator Privileges Description

2. Time Zone

Time Zone drop-down list displays all time zones in the system host. Select the time
zone, then click Apply.

3. Date

Modify host time by date spin box, then click Apply.

4. Time

Modify host time by time spin box, then click Apply.

5. Apply Button

By clicking on this button, all changes on the interface will take effect immediately.

6. Exit Button

Click on this button to exit date and time setting interface.

4. 8.2.3 Network Settings

Click on the Network Settings button to enter the Network Settings interface, as
shown in Figure 8-20. Through this interface, the user can select host network
adapter and set host IP address.

Chapter 9 Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and Description

1. Figure 8-20 Network Settings

2. Adapter

Adapter drop-down list displays all network adapters installed in the system host.
From this list, the user can select the adapter name which needs to change IP

3. Automatically Obtain IP Address

By selecting the “Automatically obtain IP address” check box, the system host will
automatically obtain an IP address. Otherwise, it will set a fixed IP address in the
edit box below, as shown in Figure 8-20.

4. IP Address

When choosing to not automatically obtain an IP address, the user can set a fixed IP
address for the selected adapter on the system host by the left and right arrows.

5. Subnet Mask

When choosing to not automatically obtain an IP address, the user can set the
subnet mask for the selected adapter on the system host by the left and right arrows.

6. Apply Button

By clicking on this button, all changes on the interface will take effect immediately.

7. Exit Button

Click on this button to exit the network settings interface.

5. 8.2.4 Language Settings

Click on the Language Settings button to enter the Language Settings interface, as
shown in Figure 8-21. Through this interface, system language can be set.

Chapter 8 Administrator Privileges Description

1. Figure 8-21 Language Settings

2. Language

Language drop-down list displays all languages supported by the system. Select the
desired language, then click Apply.

3. Apply Button

By clicking on this button, all changes on the interface will take effect immediately.

4. Exit Button

Click on this button to exit the language settings interface.

6. 8.2.5 Security Level Settings

Click on the Security Level Settings to enter the interface as shown below. Through
this interface, the system security can be set.

Chapter 9 Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and Description

1. Figure 8-22 Security Level Settings


2. Security Level Settings

Click the High, Medium and Low level to set the inspection level of inspected items.

3. Check for Liquor, Alert for Liquor

Once the pre-set security level is reached, if you select Check for Liquor, the system
will mark the liquor under inspection; if you select Alert for Liquor, the system will
alert for the liquor under inspection.

4. OK Button

y clicking on this button, all changes on the interface will take effect immediately.

5. Cancel Button

Click on this button to exit the Language Settings interface.

7. 8.2.6 Standby Settings

Click on the Standby Settings button to bring up the interface as shown in Figure 8-
23. Standby settings can be made through this interface.

Chapter 8 Administrator Privileges Description

1. Figure 8-23 Standby Settings

2. Automatic Standby

Select the Automatic Standby check box to enable this function. With the function
enabled, when the system is idle (no liquid inspection and no operation on screen)
for a period of time, it will automatically enter standby mode.

3. Idle Time Setting

Idle time can be set in minutes through left or right button.

4. Password Protection

With “Use password protection on resuming” checked, the system will authenticate
the user when it resumes from standby.

5. Apply Button

By clicking on this button, all changes on the interface will take effect immediately.

6. Exit Button

Click on this button to exit the standby settings interface.

Chapter 9 Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and Description

8. 8.2.7 Ultra-height Check Settings

Click on the Ultra-height Check Settings button to bring up the interface as shown
below. Through this interface, the user can set ultra-height check parameters.

1. Figure 8-24 Ultra-height Check Settings

2. Allow Ultra-height Check

Select “Allow ultra-height check” check box, and the system will start ultra height

3. Maximum Height for Ultra-height Check

Maximum height for ultra-height check can be set through the left or right
button. If the “Allow ultra-height check” is not selected, it cannot be adjusted.

4. OK Button

By clicking on this button, all changes on ultra-height check settings will take effect

5. Cancel Button

Click on this button to exit the interface for ultra-height check setting.

Chapter 8 Administrator Privileges Description

9. 8.2.8 Extension of Hazardous Substances

3 4



3. Figure 8-25 Extension of Hazardous Substances


In this interface, the user extends the dangerous object and adds its data to the
database. The operator puts the standard sample of the dangerous object into the
inspection barrel before conducting a standard DR + CT check. After defining main
and sub class, the user can save sample scan information to the database. If there is
another scan, this data will be overwritten. Below is a brief explanation to the
functions in this interface according to sequence in the figure.

2. Extended Class List

The list displays extended classes created in the database. The main nodes show
main classes, while sub nodes show sub classes.

For example, cola is a main class, and its sub-classes include Coca Cola and Pepsi,
etc. The maximum number of sub-classes allowed is 50.

Chapter 9 Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and Description

3. Scroll Bar

When the height of the extended class list exceeds the display area, you can drag
the scroll bar to find the class to operate on.

4. DR Image

Display DR image of currently scanned container.

5. CT Image

Display the CT image of scanned section.

6. Image Switch Button

This button enables switch between currently scanned image and existing extended

class image. indicates the image shown is the currently scanned image.

indicates the image shown is the existing extended class image.

7. Scan Button

Click on this button to start carrier liquid scan.

8. Carrier Liquid Class Definition

Main edit box is for main class, and sub edit box is for sub class.

Soft Keyboard

By selecting the check box, a soft keyboard will pop up, in which you can enter
numbers and alphabets (including upper and lower case letters).

9. Function Buttons

Add button: by clicking on this button, the scan information of current carrier liquid
will be written to database. If no scan information is available, Add button is disabled.

Update button: by clicking on this button, the scan information of current carrier liquid
will be updated to selected extended class. If no scan information is available,
Update button is disabled.

Chapter 8 Administrator Privileges Description

Delete button: by clicking on this button, currently selected extended class will be

Cancel button: by clicking on this button, the Extended Database Settings dialogue
box will be closed.

10. Import and Export Operations

Click Import to enter the Import page, choose the input to import from the external
storage device.

Click Export to enter the Export page, choose the right path for export in the external
storage device.

1. Figure 8-26 Import and Export Operations

Chapter 9 Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and Description

9. Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and


In order to ensure that the system works properly, it is recommended to regularly

maintain and test various functions of the system on a regular basis.

This chapter will guide users through equipment maintenance for the equipment to
receive better maintenance.

1. 9.1 Essential Points of Routine Maintenance

1. 9.1.1 Cleaning the Monitor

When the equipment works for long, dust or fingerprint will collect on the surface of
the monitor, impairing its utilization. In this case, clean the monitor using dedicated
cleaning agent.

2. 9.1.2 Cleaning the Dust Screen of Side Covering Panel

During extended operation, the dust screen of side covering panel will be covered
with dust, affecting equipment ventilation. It is recommended that it be cleaned every
half year.

If the equipment is not used for a long time, it is recommended to power it up for
three hours every three months.

During operation, if abnormal situation occurs, immediately press the emergency
stop switch and contact us. Do not disassemble or repair the equipment.

Chapter 9 Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and Description

2. 9.2 Common Troubleshooting

1. Table 9-1 Common Troubleshooting

Symptom Diagnosis Solution

When the key switch is 1. The emergency stop switch 1. Release the emergency stop
switched on, the post is pressed down and not yet switch;
indicator is not lit and the released; 2. Check if the power supply works
system not powered on. 2. Power anomalies; properly;
3. The 5A fuse at the external 3. Check that the fuse works fine;
power supply of the 4. Close the safety interlock
equipment is blown; switch;
4. A safety interlock switch is 5. Tighten the power plug.
not closed;
5. The power plug is loose.
The system fails to start Abnormal system operation. Power off and restart the
up. equipment.

The system abruptly shuts 1. The key switch is switched 1. Check and release the
down during operation. off by mistake; emergency stop switches and
2. An excessive fluctuation of restart the system;
the power supply voltage of 2. Restart the system when the
the system has occurred; power supply voltage comes back
3. An event (the back covering to the normal condition;
panel was opened, for 3. Put the safety interlock switch
example) caused a safety back to the closed position and
interlock switch action. restart the system.

When the Startup button is The equipment is restarted in Power off the equipment, and wait
pressed, the equipment is less than 10 seconds after it is for at least 10 seconds after the
powered on and the power off. power indicator goes off before
monitor energized, but the reboot.
host does not start.

During system inspection, The data acquisition system Shutdown and restart the
abnormal data acquisition fails. equipment. If the problem remains,
is reported. It does not please contact our after-sales

Chapter 9 Maintenance and Common Fault Diagnosis and Description

Symptom Diagnosis Solution

work properly. personnel.

Appendix A Glossary

Appendix A Glossary

安全液体 safe liquid Liquid considered to be safe based on the security


操作台 operating Operational area on top of the equipment.


CT 图像 CT image An image obtained by X-ray computed tomography which

reflects the physical properties of the slice of inspected item.
It can be density distribution image of the slice, atomic
number distribution image, or a image digitized based on
these images.

DR 图像 DR image A DR scanned X-ray radiofluoroscopic image which reflects

the absorption properties of the inspected item.

面板显示装置 display panel Flat area on top of equipment which is non-operational.

危险液体 dangerous Liquid considered to be dangerous based on the security

liquid attributes which vary with country, region and industry; as a
general rule, dangerous liquid refers to flammable, explosive,
corrosive liquid.

Appendix B Abbreviations

Appendix B Abbreviations

CT Computerized X-ray computed tomography imaging technology.


DR Digital- Digital X-ray photography imaging system.


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