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Architecture and stratigraphy AUTHORS

Audun V. Kjemperud  Department of

of alluvial deposits, Morrison Geosciences, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047,
Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway; present
Formation (Upper Jurassic), Utah address: Bridge Energy AS, P.O. Box 229,
N-1377 Billingstad, Norway;
Audun V. Kjemperud, Edwin R. Schomacker, and
Timothy A. Cross Audun V. Kjemperud received his Ph.D. in
petroleum geology in 2008 from the University
of Oslo. His research interests include alluvial
sequence stratigraphy and geological reservoir
ABSTRACT characterization.

This article presents a unique cross section of a 13.5-km (8.3-mi)- Edwin R. Schomacker  Department of
long by 150-m (492-ft)-thick stratigraphic interval containing Geosciences, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047,
braided stream and associated flood-plain deposits. The cross Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway; present
address: StatoilHydro, NO-0246 Oslo;
section is oriented approximately parallel to depositional strike.
This cross section is a resource for geoscientists and engineers
Edwin R. Schomacker received his Ph.D. in
interested in the measurements of stratigraphic architectural
petroleum geology in 2008 from the University
elements, such as dimensions and continuity of facies tracts of Oslo. He recently joined StatoilHydro as a
and facies associations, stratigraphic and geographic changes in geologist in global exploration. His current re-
sandstone/mudstone proportions (net to gross), and frequency search interests include geological reservoir
and cause of vertical fluid communication between superposed characterization, forcing factor responses, and
reservoirs. application of depositional trends in sequence-
stratigraphic analysis.
In addition to presenting this rich data resource, observed
and documented stratigraphic relationships add to our con- Timothy A. Cross  Strategic Stratigraphy,
ceptual understanding of certain attributes of the stratigraph- Inc, P.O. Box 994, Evergreen, Colorado 80437;
ic process-response system. For example, we show that, like
meandering rivers, aggradational braided river systems also Timothy A. Cross is a professor emeritus at the
build levees and alluvial ridges, providing the supra-elevation Colorado School of Mines and president of
Strategic Stratigraphy, Inc. His current chief
above the adjacent floodplain to create extensive crevasse
interests are applying stratigraphic base-level
splay and channel complexes. We show that superposed chan- concepts to establish correlation strategies for
nel sandstone reservoirs may be brought into physical contact the strata of different environments and to
not only by the erosion of an upper sand into a lower sand but predict facies attributes and distribution and
also by the vertical aggradation of the lower sandstone, pro- dimensions of architectural elements. He is
ducing a pyramid on which a younger sandstone is deposited. also interested in extending these principles
and methods to stratigraphic inversion.
Four stratigraphic cycles of increasing and decreasing ac-
commodation/sediment supply (A/S) regimes are identified.
These cycles are recognized from systematic vertical changes ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
in stratigraphic and sedimentologic attributes. At the largest The cross section presented in this article in-
scale, there is a progressive downhill shift in facies tracts re- cludes a 5-km (3-mi)-wide section mapped by
cording a basinward stepping of the four stratigraphic cycles. Andres Fajardo and Jorge Rubiano under the
supervision of Tim Cross, as part of a Statoil and
Ecopetrol financed reservoir analog study in
2001. That study documented the vertical ag-
Copyright #2008. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
gradation of braided streams and concluded
Manuscript received October 15, 2007; provisional acceptance December 18, 2007; revised manuscript
that the vertical upbuilding of channels in-
received February 24, 2008; final acceptance March 25, 2008. creased the probability of fluid communication

AAPG Bulletin, v. 92, no. 8 (August 2008), pp. 1055 –1076 1055
in reservoirs. Stratigraphic cycles reflecting At the intermediate scale, there is a systematic change in chan-
changes in the A/S (accomodation/sediment nel types, from laterally amalgamated braided channels, to ver-
supply) regime were also recognized. We grate-
tically building braided channels, to steer-head distributary
fully acknowledge their contribution to this
study. This study is part of the PETROMAKS channels encased within lacustrine-dominated fines. At the
project (Program for the Optimal Management smallest scale, systematic and repeated vertical successions of
of Petroleum Resources) title, Geologic reser- facies occur within the three types of channel belts. These sys-
voir characterization: Alluvial deposits, control- tematic changes are related to progressive changes in the A/S
ling factors, processes, architectural style and regime that occur during superimposed stratigraphic base-level
heterogeneities, funded by the Research Coun-
cycles of three different scales.
cil of Norway (NFR). Statoil ASA provided ad-
ditional financial support. We have benefited
from discussions with Rune Mjøs, Jens Jahren,
and Johan Petter Nystuen. We thank reviewers INTRODUCTION
Brian Horn, Bret Fossum, and an anonymous
reviewer for their helpful suggestions and for Braided fluvial and floodplain strata of the Morrison For-
adding clarity to the presentation.
mation are exposed continuously along the Waterpocket fold
monocline in Capitol Reef National Park, south-central Utah
DATASHARE 28 (Figure 1). This article presents a cross section of a 150-m (492-ft)-
The Appendix is accessible in an electronic
thick stratigraphic interval over a 13.5-km (8.3-mi) distance
version on the AAPG Web site as Datashare 28 (Appendix; Datashare 28). The Waterpocket fold strikes north-
at west, paleoflow was to the northeast, so the generally good to
excellent exposures are oriented parallel to depositional strike,
providing optimal conditions for documenting facies tract di-
mensions and stratigraphic architecture.
The cross section shows the stratigraphic and geographic
distribution of channel sandstones, floodplain mudstones and
fine sandstones, crevasse splay and channel complexes, paleo-
sols, and lacustrine limestones and mudstones. Measured sec-
tions spaced about 300–400 m (984–1312 ft) apart and bed
descriptions lateral to the measured sections provide informa-
tion about facies content, proportion, and distribution within
the larger scale architectural elements. The combination of
measured sections and pseudo sections with a spacing of 200 m
(656 ft) prepared from the cross section supplies quantitative
data on facies proportions with respect to the geographic and
stratigraphic position and to the architectural elements.
One purpose of this study is to provide geoscientists and
engineers with a large and detailed data set of strata originating
from braided fluvial and associated environments. Using this data
set, measurements of various attributes important to reservoir
characterization and geocellular modeling may be taken.
Another aim of this study is to use the collected compre-
hensive data set to characterize alluvial architectural elements,
facies, facies associations, and facies tracts. We observe repeated,
systematic variations in numerous sedimentologic and strati-
graphic attributes at three scales of cyclicity. We argue that the
systematic and repeated stratigraphic distribution of archi-
tectural elements, facies, facies proportions and associations,

1056 Architecture and Stratigraphy of Alluvial Deposits

Figure 1. Location map of Capitol Reef
National Park in south-central Utah. The
thick black line indicates the geographic
position of the mapped cross section.

and dimension of sediment bodies reflects accom- deposited in a hypersaline playa setting (Peterson,
modation/sediment supply (A/S) fluctuations. 1988). The contact with the overlying Morrison
Formation, which apparently is conformable in the
study area, corresponds to an unconformity sur-
LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY face with an angular truncation west and north of
the study area (J-5 unconformity of Pipiringos and
The strata studied belong to the Entrada Sand- O’Sullivan, 1978).
stone and Summerville Formation of the Middle The Morrison Formation is 180–200 m (590–
Jurassic San Rafael Group (Gilluly and Reeside, 656 ft) thick and comprises the Tidwell (Peterson,
1928) and the overlying Upper Jurassic Morrison 1988), Salt Wash (Lupton, 1914), and Brushy Ba-
Formation (Imlay, 1980). The Summerville Forma- sin (Gregory, 1938) members. The Tidwell Mem-
tion unconformably overlies the Entrada Sandstone ber is dominated by varicolored (grayish-green,
(J-3 unconformity of Pipiringos and O’Sullivan, purple, and red) mudstones interbedded with sand-
1978) (Figure 2). The Summerville Formation, stone, limestone, and gypsum beds. Peterson (1988)
composed of reddish-brown mudstones and sand- attributed lacustrine, evaporative mudflat, minor
stones with beds of white to pale red gypsum, was eolian, and fluvial origins to the Tidwell strata.

Kjemperud et al. 1057

Figure 2. The left figure shows the
Jurassic lithostratigraphy of the Capi-
tal Reef National Park area (modified
from Hintze, 1988). The right figure
illustrates the stratigraphy in the study
area. Note the interfingering relation-
ship between the Tidwell and Salt
Wash and the Salt Wash and Brushy
Basin members. Units 1–4 are the
chronostratigraphic divisions presented
in this study. The dotted line repre-
sents a regional paleosol horizon (mid-
Morrison unconformity of Demko
et al., 2004). J-3 is the J-3 unconformity
surface of Pipiringos and O’Sullivan
(1978). J-5 is the correlative conformity
to the J-5 unconformity of Pipiringos
and O’Sullivan (1978) farther north.

The overlying Salt Wash Member is of alluvial ori- stones of lacustrine origin and local fluvial channel
gin composed of fluvial channel deposits inter- conglomerates (e.g., Turner and Fishman, 1991).
bedded with flood-plain and crevasse splay depos-
its (Craig et al., 1955; Mullens and Freeman, 1957;
Tyler and Ethridge, 1983; Peterson, 1984, 1986; METHODOLOGY
1988; Robinson and McCabe, 1997, 1998). The
top of the Salt Wash Member is a regional paleosol Mapping was conducted by measuring vertical sec-
horizon, also referred to as the mid-Morrison un- tions (1:200) and walking out facies boundaries be-
conformity (Demko et al., 2004). Whereas the re- tween the measured sections. Forty-five vertical
gional paleosol is a time marker, the lithological sections, spaced an average of 300–400 m (984–
boundary between Salt Wash and Brushy Basin 1312 ft) apart, were measured using a clinometer
facies is diachronous, as Salt Wash facies occasional- to adjust for the 35 to 43j northeast structural dip.
ly continue above the regional paleosol and interfin- Distances between the measured sections were de-
ger with Brushy Basin facies (Figure 2). The Brushy termined through global positioning system (GPS)
Basin Member is composed of varicolored mud- measurements. Thickness measurements were

1058 Architecture and Stratigraphy of Alluvial Deposits

reproducible within an uncertainty of 5%. The mea- Table 1. Facies Recorded from the Tidwell and Salt Wash
sured sections were digitized and extrapolated onto
a two-dimensional grid with grid cells of 5  50 m Facies Code Grain Size
(16  164 ft). When tracing beds between mea-
Pebbly Pbs Sand-granules-pebbles
sured sections, a tracking device on the GPS unit
was used to determine the distance between fixed
Plane-parallel-stratified Pps Fine – medium sand
GPS points along the route. sandstone
Stratigraphic intervals with low sandstone pro- Trough-cross-stratified Trx Fine sand –cobbles
portions are frequently covered by scree and vege- sandstone
tation; otherwise, the outcrop quality is generally Planar-tabular cross-stratified Ptx Fine – medium sand
good to excellent. Usually, sandstone beds thicker sandstone
than approximately 0.5 m (1.6 ft) are well ex- Ripple-laminated Rls Silt – fine sand
posed, and all beds thicker than about 0.5 m (1.6 ft) sandstone
are mapped. Proportions and dimensions of flood- Laminated mudstone Mlam
plain deposits reflect minimum values, whereas the Structureless mudstone Muns
true dimensions and proportions of thin sandstone Limestone Ls
beds most likely are higher. *See Figure 3 for illustrations of the facies.
Quantitative data for calculating the propor-
tions of facies and dimensions of sandstone and
mudstone units were collected by making evenly FACIES
spaced pseudo logs (pseudo measured sections) from
the cross section. Pseudo logs are commonly close The facies described include those occurring with-
to actual measured sections. Sixty-eight pseudo in channels and those occurring outside of chan-
logs with a spacing of 200 m (656 ft) were used to nels on the floodplain and within crevasse splay
make the calculations. complexes (Table 1). Of the channel sandstones,
Two datums were used in the mapped area. One only 1% are structureless, a consequence of elutria-
is the paleosol horizon at the contact between the tion and sediment reorganization after deposition;
Salt Wash and Brushy Basin members (blue on the these are not discussed further. The bulk of the
Appendix; Datashare 28). This datum forms a channel sandstones are divided into facies based on
unique, easily recognizable marker that is regionally the type of stratification (fabric) and texture. The
correlative. The second datum is an interval of lime- mudstones of the floodplain are also divided into
stone beds, individually ranging in thickness from facies based on fabric and texture with the excep-
a few centimeters to several meters in the Tidwell tion of one limestone facies. Facies are presented in
Member, near the base of the Morrison Forma- order of decreasing energy regime.
tion. In combination with the lithostratigraphic
unit boundaries, these datums are useful for con- Pebbly Sandstone
straining the stratigraphic boundaries of the Mor-
rison Formation. Facies Pbs, pebbly sandstone (Figure 3A, C), con-
The Tidwell-Salt Wash succession is divided stitutes 11% of the channel facies. This facies oc-
into four chronostratigraphic units based on changes curs throughout the Salt Wash Member and in
in stratigraphic architecture, as discussed subsequent- parts of the Brushy Basin and Tidwell members,
ly. Dashed lines on the cross section indicate the but the distribution and abundance vary with chan-
unit boundaries (Appendix; Datashare 28). Spatial nel type and stratigraphic position. Pebbly sand-
positions of the examples in the text are indicated stones overlie scour surfaces at the base of channels
by geographic position, shown in meters at the bot- and at the base of macroforms within channel sand-
tom of the cross section, and by unit (e.g., 4.5 km, stones. Pebbly sandstones range in thickness from
14.7 ft; unit 3). a few centimeters to 80 cm (31 in.). Widths range

Kjemperud et al. 1059

1060 Architecture and Stratigraphy of Alluvial Deposits
from a few meters to several hundred meters above bly sand. Lags of poorly sorted sandstones with
scours within channel sandstones and up to several mudstone rip-up clasts and exotic clasts are fre-
kilometers above basal channel scours. quently recorded at the base of Trx sets.
The bulk of this facies is very poorly sorted, Lateral facies transitions from Pps to Trx are
medium to coarse sand with scattered granules and frequently recorded. The lateral facies transition be-
pebbles consisting of both exotic and locally de- tween Pps and Trx is interpreted as the transition
rived clasts. The latter are dominantly mudstone from shallow-water, upper-flow-regime flow across
rip-up clasts derived from channel margins. The bar tops, to deeper-water, lower-flow-regime chan-
composition and provenance of the exotic clasts nel thalweg deposits.
are not documented. Beds of pebbly sandstone are
graded or ungraded and are commonly trough cross Planar-Tabular Cross-Stratified Sandstone
stratified. Facies Pbs represents bed load transported
in channel thalwegs. Facies Ptx, planar-tabular cross-stratified lower fine
to lower medium sandstone (Figure 3E), is a minor
Plane-Parallel-Stratified Sandstone component, constituting only 2% of the channel fa-
cies. Facies Ptx occurs as sets with oblique foreset
Facies Pps, plane-parallel-stratified sandstone laminae a few decimeters thick and as sets with tan-
(Figure 3B), constitutes 20% of the channel facies. gential foresets ranging from a few decimeters to 2 m
Facies Pps occurs in channel sandstones through- (6 ft) thick. Multiple vertically amalgamated sets
out the Tidwell-Salt Wash succession. Beds of are rare. Sets with oblique foreset laminae are gen-
Pps are predominantly in the range of 0.5– 2 m erally recognized as trains of cross-stratification on
(1.6– 6 ft) thick and composed of upper fine to large downstream-accreting bars. Sets with tangen-
lower medium, well-sorted sand. Laminations are tial foreset lamainae form on downstream-migrating
either horizontal or inclined at a low angle. Parting bars and on accretionary surfaces of bar forms and
lineations are observed where the outcrop quality fill local hollows on the channel floor.
is good and bedding surfaces are exposed. Obstacle
scours downcurrent of isolated pebbles on slightly Ripple-Laminated Sandstone
inclined parallel laminations are rare. The deposits
are interpreted as bar tops in braided streams. Facies Rls, ripple-laminated sandstone (Figure 3F),
is a minor component of channel sandstones, con-
Trough-Cross-Stratified Sandstone stituting only 2%. However, it is the most abundant
facies in floodplain and crevasse splay complexes.
Facies Trx, trough-cross-stratified sandstone The abundance and distribution of facies Rls in
(Figure 3D), is the most abundant facies of the channel sandstones are restricted to the tops of steer-
channel deposits, constituting 64% of channel sand- head and vertically aggradational channel sandstones.
stones. Beds of trough-cross-stratified sandstone Facies Rls on the floodplain is frequently biotur-
range from decimeter-scale sets to successions of bated and is composed of silt to lower fine sand.
amalgamated sets up to 9 m (29 ft) thick. The grain Beds of ripple-laminated sandstone range in thick-
size of facies Trx varies with channel type and strati- ness from 0.1 to 1.5 m (0.3 to 4.9 ft). Both current-
graphic position and ranges from fine sand to peb- and climbing-ripple lamination are recorded.

Figure 3. Illustrations of selected facies from the Tidwell and Salt Wash members. (A) Channel scour surface on laminated
mudstones (facies Mlam) overlain by pebbly sandstone (facies Pbs). The picture shows an approximately 1-m (3-ft)-thick interval. (B)
Plane-parallel-stratified sandstone (facies Pps) overlying a trough-cross-stratified sandstone (facies Trx). (C) Macroform scour surface
with overlying pebbly sandstone (facies Pbs) on a plane-parallel-stratified sandstone (facies Pps). (D) Amalgamated trough cross-
stratification sets (facies Trx). (E) Tangential, tabular cross-stratified sandstone (facies Ptx). (F) Ripple-laminated sandstone (facies Rls)
in crevasse splay deposit. (G) Limestone bed (facies Ls) 0.5 m (1.6 ft) thick.

Kjemperud et al. 1061

Laminated Mudstone whereas the chert concretions frequently occur in
lens-shaped beds interpreted as tufa deposits.
Facies Mlam, laminated mudstone (Figure 3A),
constitutes a small proportion of flood-plain depos-
its. This facies is composed of silty clay to very fine CHANNEL SANDSTONES
sand. Facies Mlam commonly occurs as greenish-
gray laminated mudstones in the Tidwell Member Channel sandstones constitute 54% of the expo-
and as reddish laminated mudstones in the Salt sures by area. Channel sandstones are placed into
Wash Member. Laminated mudstones decrease in four categories based on geometry, dimension, pro-
abundance vertically through the Salt Wash Mem- portions, and successions of constituent facies; as-
ber and are replaced by structureless mudstone sociation with floodplain and lacustrine facies tracts;
(facies Muns). The plane-parallel lamination is and stacking pattern. These categories are steer-
generated through suspension fallout in ephem- head distributary channels (SHC), crevasse chan-
eral floodplain lakes. Variations in abundance and nels (see coarse-grained flood-plain deposits), lat-
distribution of Mlam reflect stratigraphically re- erally amalgamated braided channels (LABC), and
lated changes in depositional environment. As pond vertically aggradational braided channels (VABC).
and ephemeral lake deposits decrease in abundance The SHC sandstones are restricted to units 1 and 2
upward through the studied succession, they are in the Tidwell and the lowest part of the Salt Wash
replaced by vertical accretion and crevasse splay members where they co-occur with lacustrine strata.
deposits. The other channel types occur throughout the
Tidwell-Salt Wash succession.
Structureless Mudstone
Steer-Head Channel Sandstones
Facies Muns, structureless mudstone, dominates
floodplain strata. This facies is composed of silty The SHC sandstones have a concave-up basal
clay to very fine sand and occurs in continuous suc- scour surface, a width/thickness ratio less than 40,
cessions of several meters. The structureless fabric and a horizontal upper bounding surface formed
is generated by soil-forming processes that reor- by thin wings extending laterally from the channel
ganize the depositional fabric. axis (Figure 4). The name was selected because
the geometry of these sandstones resembles the
Limestone head of a longhorn steer: a narrow nose widening to
the face from which horns extend a few times lon-
Facies Ls, limestone (Figure 3G), occurs only in the ger than the width of the face. In the terminology
lowermost part of the Tidwell Member. Limestone of Friend et al. (1979), SHC sandstones are a sim-
beds range in thickness from a few centimeters to ple, single-story channel fill. They are morpholog-
several meters. They are continuous over tens to ically similar to the large sandstone lenses described
hundreds of meters. Normally, limestones are en- by Nadon (1994) and to the major sandstone rib-
cased in greenish-gray laminated and structureless bons described by Eberth and Miall (1991), which
mudstones. Locally, they are vertically adjacent to these authors interpreted as anastomosed river
sandstones. Internal domal structures are common, channels because of their association with flood-
and red chert concretions occur at specific strati- plain and crevasse splay strata. However, the SHC
graphic levels. The limestones vary in composition sandstones, which are restricted almost entirely to
but frequently contain significant proportions of the Tidwell Member, are associated with lacustrine
silty siliciclastics. The limestone beds originate in strata. They are similar to, but considerably smaller
a variety of lacustrine environments, reflected by than, the distributary channels described by Gardner
their variable composition. Some have internal dom- et al. (2004) from the Ferron Sandstone of Utah.
al structures created by columnar stromatolites, They would be classified as medium-thickness,

1062 Architecture and Stratigraphy of Alluvial Deposits

Figure 4. Summary of facies proportions within and dimensions of the three types of channel sandstones. The left column, labeled
facies proportions, shows typical facies succession and substitution trends through the three channel types. The facies proportions
were calculated from measured sections. For facies abbreviations, see Table 1. Trough-cross-stratified pebbly sandstone is rep-
resented by Trx-c. Note the increase of ripple lamination and the decrease of high-energy facies from laterally amalgamated braided
channel (LABC) deposits through vertically aggradational braided channel (VABC) deposits to steer-head channel (SHC) deposits. The
center column, labeled typical log, shows generalized facies successions. The right column, labeled dimensions, shows dimensional
details in meters (W = width, T = thickness, W/T = width/thickness ratio, R = range, and A = average). The wings of the SHC
sandstones are not included in the dimensions. The lower figures illustrate typical geometries and architectures for the different
channel sandstone types. VF = very fine; F = fine; M = medium; C = coarse.

Kjemperud et al. 1063

the middle part of the channel fill and then de-
creases to about 8% toward the top. Facies Trx dom-
inates the upper part of the SHC deposits along
with minor facies Rls.
Of the channel deposits 66% (90 of 137) are
SHC sandstones, but they compose only 7% of all
channel sandstones by area. The difference be-
tween number and area reflects the limited dimen-
sions of the SHC deposits. They have an average
width of 115 m (377 ft) with a range of 30–445 m
(98–1460 ft), and an average thickness of 3.3 m
(10.8 ft) with a range of 1.5–11.8 m (4.9–38.7 ft)
(Figure 5A). This is in contrast to the braided
channel sandstones, which are 8–40 times larger.
Lack of laterally migrating bar forms (point
bars), abundance of downstream-accreting bar
forms, and low dispersion of paleoflow direction
indicate that river sinuosity was low. Channel de-
posits of steer-head morphology are interpreted to
Figure 5. Width/thickness data of channel deposits in the Salt represent distributary channels draining into flood-
Wash sorted by channel type. Plot A shows the dimensional plain lakes and large wetland systems situated north-
relationship between SHC and VABC deposits. The SHC depos- east of the study area. This interpretation is sup-
its form a cluster characterized by a lower width/thickness ratio ported by the restriction of the SHC deposits to
than the VABC deposits. The average width of the SHC deposits is the lower two units of the Tidwell-Salt Wash suc-
115 m (377 ft), and the average thickness is 3.3 m (10.8 ft),
cession, where they co-occur with lacustrine strata.
whereas VABC deposits have an average width of 437 m (1434 ft)
and an average thickness of 6.1 m (20 ft). The cluster of SHC In distributary channels, the total discharge is dis-
deposits overlaps slightly with the lower ranges of VABC deposits. tributed into multiple channels. This allows single
Plot B shows the dimensional relationship between the two channels to fill under a constant flow regime and
groups of braided stream deposits. The two groups slightly over- accounts for the observed lack of fining-upward
lap, but, in general, LABC deposits greatly exceed VABC deposits trends or the restriction of fining-upward trends to
in width with an average of 2006 m (6581 ft) and an average
the tops of channel sandstones.
thickness of 8.1 m (26.5 ft). SHC = steer-head channel; VABC =
vertically aggradational braided channel; LABC = laterally amal-
gamated braided channel.
Braided Channel Sandstones

medium-width, narrow sheets in the terminology Although representing only 34% of channel depos-
of Gibling (2006). its by number (47 of 137), braided channel sand-
The SHC sandstones have either a fining- stones constitute 93% of channel sandstones by
upward trend from lower medium or upper fine to area. Braided channel deposits have variable archi-
lower fine, or no change in grain size from base to tecture, dimension, width/thickness ratio, degree
top. The fining-upward trend is limited to the top of amalgamation, and association and proportion
of the sandstone. Usually, the basal scour surface with other facies tracts. The most notable criteria
is overlain by a pebbly sandstone lag (structureless for differentiation are the height of the alluvial
or trough cross stratified), followed by a mixture ridge and the concomitant thickness of adjacent
of facies Pbs, Pps, and Trx. Facies Trx dominates crevasse splays, attributes that reflect the degree
throughout, comprising 50–80% of the channel fill. of aggradation and accommodation. A continuum
Facies Pps generally increases from 0 to 15% toward from braided channel complexes without alluvial

1064 Architecture and Stratigraphy of Alluvial Deposits

ridges to those with alluvial ridges up to 5 m (16 ft) rise to a complex sandstone body with numerous
high (thick) is observed. Two end-member catego- internal scour surfaces. The bounding surfaces of
ries, LABC and VABC sandstones, are useful to the individual channel macroforms within the com-
describe this variability, as discussed in the follow- posite channel deposit are too complex to map in
ing two sections (Figure 4). field at the scale of the cross section.

Laterally Amalgamated Braided Channel Sandstones Vertically Aggradational Braided Channel Sandstones
The LABC sandstones occur predominantly in strati- The VABC sandstones occur in stratigraphic inter-
graphic intervals where sandstone/mudstone pro- vals with both high and low sandstone/mudstone
portions (net to gross) are high. In Gibling’s (2006) proportions (net to gross). In Gibling’s (2006)
classification, they would be termed multilateral, classification, they would be termed multistory,
wide, medium-thickness, broad sheets. They have a medium-width, medium-thickness, narrow sheets.
slightly undulating basal scour surface that is contin- In intervals with high sandstone proportions, VABC
uous over one to several kilometers (Figure 4). The sandstones frequently are overlain erosively by other
basal scour surface is overlain by multiple, erosion- channel deposits. The VABC deposits are bounded
ally truncated macroforms containing only facies Trx at the base by low-relief scour surfaces that are
and Pps. Frequently, the upper bounding surface is laterally continuous over distances up to 1200 m
sharp, erosive, and overlain by other channel deposits. (3937 ft). One distinctive characteristic of VABC
The upper boundary is flat where not incised by sandstones is the upper boundary, which is shaped
younger channels. The flat upper and lower bound- like a stepped pyramid in a two-dimensional view
aries give the sandstones a rectangular shape in a de- parallel to depositional strike (Figure 4). This shape
positional strike view. The LABC sandstones form reflects the vertical stacking of channel sandstones
sheets up to 20 km (12 mi) wide (e.g., 11.1–13.3 km through time as the channel system coalesced, built
[6.8–8.2 mi]; unit 2, Appendix; Datashare 28). alluvial ridges, and gradually transferred discharge
Facies Rls is absent in LABC sandstones, in con- to another channel system before abandonment.
trast to its common occurrence in the upper part To the knowledge of the authors, very few articles
of SHC and VABC sandstones. As a consequence have identified the creation of alluvial ridges by
of the mixture of only facies Trx and Pps, a slight braided streams (Bentham et al., 1993; Bristow
coarsening upward trend or no trend at all is ob- et al., 1999; Ethridge et al., 1999). The other dis-
served. The LABC sandstones are characterized tinctive characteristic of VABC sandstones is dimen-
by their high content of exotic gravel and pebble sion. Although an overlap in dimensions between
clasts, average grain size exceeding that of other LABC and VABC sandstones exists, the VABC
channel sandstones, and vertically increasing abun- sandstones generally are much narrower. The 34
dance of trough-cross-stratified pebbly sandstones, mapped VABC deposits have an average width of
which are rare in the other channel sandstones. The 437 m (1552 ft) ranging from 100 to 1200 m (328
LABC deposits are also distinguished from other to 3937 ft). The average thickness is 6.1 m (20 ft)
channel sandstones by architecture and geometry. with a range from 3.2 to 11.5 m (10.4 to 37.7 ft)
With the exception of one occurrence, the widths (Figures 4, 5).
of LABC deposits exceed 1 km (0.62 mi) with an The basal scour surface is overlain by a vertical
average of 2 km (1.2 mi), and the average thickness facies succession that reflects a decrease in flow en-
is 8.1 m (26.5 ft) with a range from 5 to 12.6 m (16 ergy near the top of the channel sandstones. The
to 41.3 ft) ( Figure 5B). succession is pebbly sandstone lags, trough-cross-
The LABC sandstones are the deposits of braided stratified pebbly sandstone, trough-cross-stratified
channel systems with multiple anabranches and and plane-parallel laminated sandstones, and ripple-
thalwegs that have migrated freely. Continuous laminated sandstone (Figure 4). This facies suc-
shifts and avulsions of anabranches within the braided cession is accompanied by an average decrease in
system combined with severe cannibalization give grain size from medium to fine sandstone, with the

Kjemperud et al. 1065

decrease commonly occurring near the top of the does not change until an avulsion occurs. An avul-
channel deposits. Facies Trx and Pps are the dom- sion requires exceeding an energy threshold in a
inant facies from base to top, constituting 70–85% nonlinear dynamical system that encompasses mul-
of the fill. tiple feedback mechanisms, buffers, and thresh-
Most VABC sandstones have the shape of a olds. Until a threshold is exceeded, it requires less
stepped pyramid. They begin with a broad, flat energy for a river’s course to be maintained than to
base, and successive channel sandstones contract establish a new course. Once a preferred drainage
from base to top in a step-wise fashion (e.g., 7.8 km axis is established, autoregulation may promote
[4.8 mi]; unit 2). Less commonly, the width of the continued vertical stacking and contraction of
the sandstone increases slightly in the lower part channel sandstones at the same position.
before contracting toward the top (e.g., 4.3 km Vertical aggradation of VABC channel-belt
[2.6 mi]; unit 3). In a few instances, channel sand- sandstones produces a previously unrecognized way
stone width is constant from base to top. In some of creating vertical fluid communication between
cases, the contraction and buildup are symmetrical two superposed sandstones. The common approach
and centered about the channel sandstone axis to evaluating whether two superposed sandstones
(e.g., 3.8–4.2 km [2.3–2.6 mi]; unit 3). In other might have fluid communication is to relate typi-
cases, the contraction and buildup are skewed to- cal depths of channel scour to typical floodplain
ward one side of the channel sandstone complex. mudstone thickness. If the potential channel scour
The stepped pyramidal cross section is pro- depth is equal to or greater than the thickness of
duced by aggradation, levee, and/or alluvial ridge the intervening floodplain mudstone interval, then
development; gradual loss and transfer of flow vertical fluid communication is probable. In the
to another braid belt or anabranch; and reduction Tidwell and Salt Wash members, the maximum
of channel migration. The broad, flat-based sand- relief on channel scour surfaces is about 5 m (16 ft),
stones at the base of VABC complexes reflect the and channel scours have a low probability of creating
free migration of the braid belt over the flood- vertical fluid communication with an underlying
plain. Through aggradation, the braid belt gradu- sandstone. The vertical aggradation of VABC chan-
ally builds a low-relief alluvial ridge sustained, at nels reaches 10 to 12 m (33–39 ft), resulting in a
first, by thin, marginal crevasse splays. Continued common alternative mechanism of creating vertical
aggradation increases the alluvial ridge relief above fluid communication between two or more super-
the adjacent floodplain, and marginal splays be- posed channel sandstones.
come thicker. With the increased potential energy The ultimate alluvial ridge height of a braid
created by the alluvial ridge height above the flood- belt and the adjacent splay thickness is deter-
plain, the flow volume decreases as flow is gradu- mined by the combination of duration and amount
ally transferred to other braid belts or anabranches. of aggradation, peak discharge during floods, and
During the aggradational phase, channel migration size of splay complexes with well-developed splay
is progressively more restricted to the top of the channels. An increased alluvial ridge height pre-
alluvial ridge until the flow transfer is complete disposes the river to transfer discharge elsewhere
and the braid belt is abandoned. because of an increased potential energy (e.g., Allen,
The common occurrence of pyramidal channel 1965; Jones and Schumm, 1999; Törnqvist and
sandstone complexes suggests an autoregulatory Bridge, 2002). Increased duration and volume of
control on channel stability. On a floodplain lacking peak flood discharge give the river kinetic energy
topography that would confine channel migration, to affect such transfer, temporarily or permanently
channels may migrate freely and deposit a wide- (e.g., Slingerland and Smith, 2004). The frequency
spread, blanket-like sandstone. However, through of floods also increases the chances for flow transfer
time and many flood events, rivers build levees and and/or avulsion (Jones and Schumm, 1999). Larger,
alluvial ridges and gradually become elevated above thicker splay complexes with well-developed, even
the floodplain. At that point, the river’s course perennial, crevasse channels give the river the means

1066 Architecture and Stratigraphy of Alluvial Deposits

by which flow is transferred elsewhere (e.g., Slinger- The lower boundary of crevasse splays is de-
land and Smith, 2004). Without well-developed positional and frequently gradational with under-
crevasse channels that can carry the flow far from lying fine-grained flood-plain deposits. Crevasse
the trunk stream, a flood is not likely to effect aban- splays are composed of interbedded sandstones, ap-
donment and avulsion. proximately 75%, and mudstones, approximately
All of these contributors are related to the A/S 25%. Splays normally have a coarsening-up profile.
regime and A/S trends and, therefore, to strati- The thickness and proportion of sandstone beds
graphic position. Higher alluvial ridges and larger, generally increase with decreasing splay thicknesses.
thicker splays are developed under a high A/S re- Sandstone beds are dominated by facies Rls (72%)
gime. During rising and high stratigraphic base lev- with smaller components of facies Trx (20%) and
el, the chances for flow transfer and eventual aban- structureless sandstone (8%). Bioturbation is abun-
donment are increased. During falling and low dant in coarse-grained flood-plain deposits with
stratigraphic base level, alluvial ridge heights de- vertical to oblique burrow traces extending down-
crease, splays flatten out, crevasse channels carry ward from the tops of sandstone beds. The upper
flow and sediment less far from the trunk stream, bounding surface of crevasse splay deposits is ero-
and the rivers have less tendency to aggrade and sive where overlain by channel sandstones and de-
instead move more freely across the floodplain. positional where overlain by fine-grained flood-
plain deposits.
Thirty-five crevasse channel sandstones are
FLOOD-PLAIN DEPOSITS mapped. Crevasse channel sandstones have a concave-
up scour surface filled with a mixture of facies Rls
Flood-plain strata occupy 46% of the mapped area. and Trx. In contrast to braided channel sandstones
These are presented in the following categories: in which facies Trx, Pps, and Pbs dominate, facies
coarse-grained flood-plain deposits comprising le- Rls dominates crevasse channel sandstones. Cre-
vees and crevasse splay and channel complexes and vasse channel sandstones average 53 m (174 ft)
fine-grained flood-plain deposits comprising distal wide with a range from 11 to 137 m (36 to 449 ft).
splays, vertical accretion deposits, soils, and lacus- The average thickness is 1.8 m, ranging from 0.6 to
trine deposits. 3.5 m (1.9 to 11.4 ft). No correlation between
width and thickness of the crevasse channel sand-
Coarse-Grained Flood-Plain Deposits stones was observed. Crevasse channels differ from
braided channels in dimension, facies composi-
Coarse-grained flood-plain deposits occupy 10% of tion, and distribution. Braided channel deposits
the mapped area. Crevasse splay deposits consti- are generally thicker and wider and have signifi-
tute significant proportions of the mapped area, cantly lower proportions of low-energy facies.
whereas crevasse channel deposits are a minor com-
ponent. The thickness of crevasse splays range from Fine-Grained Flood-Plain Deposits
0.1 to 5 m (0.3 to 16 ft) with an average of 0.9 m
(2.9 ft). The levee or alluvial ridge height above Fine-grained flood-plain deposits, which include
the adjacent floodplain determines the maximum mudstones, fine sandstones, and lacustrine lime-
thickness of the crevasse splays. The average width stones, comprise 36% of the mapped section. The
of the sandstone-dominated (proximal) part of the lower boundary of the deposits is always deposi-
crevasse splays is 290 m (951 ft), ranging from 30 tional. The upper boundary is erosive when over-
to 1200 m (98 to 3937 ft) measured perpendicular to lain by channel sandstones and depositional when
the general flow direction. Levee and crevasse splay overlain by crevasse splay deposits. These mudstones
deposits grade into finer grained deposits toward and fine sandstones are predominantly red to ma-
their distal margins, and the distinction between roon and are dominated by facies Muns, with facies
distal splays and vertical accretion deposits is blurry. Mlam representing a small component. Stratigraphic

Kjemperud et al. 1067

intervals of fine-grained flood-plain deposits are up succeed each other during a stratigraphic base-level
to 18 m (59 ft) thick and have widths up to several cycle. We present this systematic change as a strati-
kilometers. Such intervals contain occasional thin graphic motif during a large-scale increase in the
beds of coarser grained crevasse splay deposits that A/S regime or a stratigraphic base-level-rise half
were not mapped. No correlation was observed cycle (Figure 6). The full stratigraphic base-level
between the width and thickness of the floodplain cycle contains the motif and its mirror image.
mudstones. Paleosols are recorded throughout the Stratigraphic base level (Wheeler, 1964; Cross
Tidwell-Salt Wash succession within the flood- et al., 1993; Cross and Homewood, 1997; Gardner
plain mudstones. They are variegated reds, purples, et al., 2004) describes the balance between the
and greens and contain root traces, calcrete nod- energy required to change the sediment storage
ules, and clay peds. capacity (accommodation space) and the energy
Lacustrine deposits are only recorded in the used by surficial processes to erode, transport, and
lower part of the Tidwell Member. The assem- deposit sediment. Stratigraphic base-level changes
blage includes green-gray mudstones, thin sand- are manifest by changes in the A/S ratio. Changes
stones, and limestone beds. Lacustrine mudstones, in A/S conditions and mass conservation determine
which are the dominant component of the lacus- the volumes and types of geomorphic elements
trine assemblage, are dominated by facies Mlam. that are preserved in different environments. A
Thin sandstone beds contain a mixture of wave- stratigraphic base-level cycle is explicitly a time-
and current-ripple lamination and frequently have bounded rock unit because it comprises all hiatal
nondescript burrows oblique to bedding. Locally, surfaces and all strata accumulated and preserved
lacustrine mudstones are erosively overlain by SHC in linked depositional environments during a cycle
deposits. The limestone beds of facies Ls occur in a of base-level rise and fall.
package of two to five beds within the lowermost We recognize four stratigraphic cycles of strati-
10–15 m (33–49 ft) of the Morrison Formation. graphic base-level rise and fall (increasing and de-
Individual limestone beds are discontinuous and creasing A/S) in the Tidwell-Salt Wash succes-
lenticular, but, as an interval, the package of lime- sion. They contain systematic vertical changes in
stone beds forms a robust stratigraphic datum. The the architecture of channel, flood-plain, and lacus-
limestones are interbedded with mudstones and trine deposits, as well as changes in the composi-
sandstones. The limestones have depositional lower tion and distribution of their constituent facies and
and upper boundaries. The upper boundary is fre- degree of preservation of original geomorphic ele-
quently dome shaped and draped by mudstones. ments. The stratigraphic motif for the stratigraphic
Concretions a few centimeters to a few meters in cycles is composed of (1) an interval with braided
diameter of amorphous silica are common in the stream and related flood-plain deposits, (2) an in-
limestone beds. terval with SHC sandstones and related flood-
plain and lacustrine deposits, and (3) an interval
with lacustrine deposits (Figure 6). The transitions
STRATIGRAPHIC MOTIF between these intervals are interfingering and grad-
ual, reflecting a gradual change of depositional en-
We have discussed the regular organization of fa- vironments and degree of preservation of geomor-
cies successions within different channel types and phic elements through the stratigraphic half cycle.
the systematic succession of particular channel In any particular geographic or stratigraphic po-
types through a stratigraphic interval. We attribute sition, it is unlikely that a particular cycle will con-
these to changes in the A/S regime. We observe tain a full suite of facies, environments, and pre-
similar regularity at the next larger scale of strati- served geomorphic elements. A particular cycle may
graphic architecture wherein there are systematic have a thicker braided interval, a thin SHC sand-
changes not only in facies or channel types but also stone interval, and may lack lacustrine facies. An-
in the environments and geomorphic elements that other may have a condensed braided interval, a

1068 Architecture and Stratigraphy of Alluvial Deposits

Figure 6. Illustration of the stratigraphic motif for the Tidwell and Salt Wash members through a stratigraphic base-level cycle
(column S) with relative time increments (column T). A stratigraphic base-level triangle pointing up represents the base-level rise; the
one pointing down represents the base-level fall. Facies tract successions within the Tidwell-Salt Wash succession may be described
by three building blocks (column BB), although gradual transitions and gradations are the reality: (1) a lower interval of braided
stream deposits, (2) a central interval of steer-head channel sandstones, and (3) an upper interval of lacustrine deposits. The illustration
reflects relative dimensions and proportions of the channel and flood-plain deposits. In the left column, facies succession and
substitution diagrams from Figure 4 show the average components and distribution of facies in channel deposits in their respective
stratigraphic positions (see Figure 4 for an explanation of the gray shades).

thick SHC sandstone interval, and a well-developed braided channels aggrade and build levees and al-
lacustrine interval. luvial ridges. This creates a supra-elevation of the
The braided stream interval is characterized by channel belt above the adjacent floodplain. Cre-
a vertical transition from wide, laterally amalgam- vasse splay thickness increases, reflecting the increas-
ated LABC sandstones at the base toward more lat- ing alluvial ridge heights (Table 2). Crevasse splay
erally restricted and vertically aggradational VABC and channel complexes become a significant part
sandstones. Flood-plain facies are rare at the base of the floodplain.
because of the dominance of the amalgamated chan- As alluvial ridge height increases, the potential
nel sandstones. The channel architecture increases energy for avulsion increases, so channel belts are
in complexity with an increasing proportion of cre- less connected and separated by a mix of crevasse
vasse splay deposits through the middle part of the splays and other flood-plain facies tracts. Lateral
stratigraphic base-level-rise half cycle. The deposits amalgamation is controlled by the avulsion fre-
become muddy with lacustrine influence at the top. quency and the sediment accumulation rate on the
In the context of a long-term stratigraphic base- adjacent floodplain. In the Tidwell and Salt Wash
level rise and increasing A/S regime, the laterally members, the decrease in lateral amalgamation and
amalgamated LABC sandstones at the base record sandstone interconnectedness and the increase of
low-accommodation conditions when channel belts channel-belt aggradation are attributed to the in-
crisscross the floodplain, cannibalizing flood-plain creasing A/S regime.
muds and channel sands. With the gradual increase Above the braided channel interval contain-
in sediment storage capacity through the half cycle, ing LABC and VABC sandstones is a succession of

Kjemperud et al. 1069

Table 2. Summary of Vertical Trends Through the Stratigraphic Motif

A. Decreasing Upward B. Increasing Upward

Channel/floodplain proportion Floodplain/channel proportion

Stacking density and sandstone interconnectedness Thickness and width of floodplain mudstones
Channel sandstone dimensions (W/T) Preservation proportion of Trx and barforms
Cannibalization, internal erosion, and reworking Facies diversity in channel sandstones
Bulk grain size of channel sandstones Channel aggradation height
Proportion of conglomeratic facies Thickness of crevasse splay and levee deposits
Abundance and thickness of paleosols Lacustrine deposit proportion

SHC sandstones and associated lacustrine and flood- ratio but of variations in the absolute quantity of
plain mudstones. The change in architectural style the A/S ratio. Two examples are presented, overall
reflects a shift in geomorphic environments from low and high A/S regimes, to show these variations
braided rivers to low-sinuosity single-channel rivers. (Figure 7). There is also a systematic decrease in
The shift marks an uphill migration of environments the proportion of base-level-fall to base-level-rise
from a higher gradient alluvial plain to a lower gra- half cycles (Figure 8).
dient distal alluvial plain, such that the latter over- The stratigraphic motif for low A/S regimes
lies the former. Channel deposits in this interval are (Figure 7A) is characterized by high values of the
laterally restricted and frequently encased in over- parameters listed in column A and low values of
bank deposits. The proportion of channel sandstones the parameters listed in column B of Table 2. This
to floodplain mudstones is low, and channel sand- interval consists of highly interconnected braided
stones are poorly interconnected. Because the steer- channel and related flood-plain deposits. That is,
head channels only build limited levees or alluvial the lower part of the stratigraphic motif is empha-
ridges, crevasse splay and channel complexes are sized. The bulk of the interval consists of LABC
thin, and fine-grained vertical accretion deposits deposits. With an increasing A/S ratio upward, ag-
dominate. The SHC sandstones show very limited gradation rates increase and the architectural style
cannibalization, and the preservation of a complete shifts gradually to VABC deposits. In the overall
channel fill is the norm. Grain-size trends of either low A/S regime, both the LABC and VABC de-
fining upward or no change in size, and increased posits show a high degree of cannibalization and
preservation and diversity of low-energy facies are amalgamation.
typical. The high A/S regime stratigraphic motif
The top interval of the stratigraphic motif con- (Figure 7B) is characterized by low values of the
sists of lacustrine sandstones, mudstones, and car- parameters listed in column A and high values of
bonates (Figure 6). Facies tracts continue to migrate the parameters listed in column B of Table 2. The
uphill during the A/S regime increase. Lacustrine LABC sandstones are restricted to a thin basal
deposits are a minor component of the studied suc- interval. They are replaced vertically by a thick suc-
cession and occur only in the Tidwell Member. cession of VABC sandstones. Sandstone intercon-
nectedness decreases upward. The height of alluvial
Variations in the Stratigraphic Motif ridges and the thickness of crevasse splay complexes
increase upward. Toward the top, SHC sandstones
Although the trends are regular through each strati- replace VABC sandstones, and lacustrine sand-
graphic cycle, the proportions and numbers of con- stones and mudstones replace flood-plain mud-
stituent facies change from cycle to cycle. This re- stones. In even higher A/S regimes, the cycle would
flects the constancy in a half cycle of increasing A/S lack the basal LABC sandstones.

1070 Architecture and Stratigraphy of Alluvial Deposits

Figure 7. Illustration of the low and high accommodation/supply (A/S) regime stratigraphic motifs. Thickness differences illustrate the
differences in accumulation rate. (A) A succession deposited during a low A/S regime where highly amalgamated LABC deposits
dominate. With slightly increasing A/S conditions, the architectural style changes gradually to a dominance of VABC deposits. (B) A
succession deposited in a high A/S regime. In this succession, channel sandstone proportions are significantly lower and VABC and SHC
sandstones are the dominant architectural elements. A gradual transition between the low and high A/S regime motifs (A and B) is observed.

STRATIGRAPHIC CYCLES stones. The characteristics of these cycles are dis-

cussed in stratigraphic order.
One of the most conspicuous attributes of the
cross section along the Waterpocket fold is the
clustering of channel belts 2.2–4.2 km (1.3–2.6 mi) Unit 1
wide separated by kilometer-wide intervals of flood-
plain mudstones nearly lacking channel sandstones. The lower boundary of the approximately 28-m
Despite dramatic changes in sandstone/mudstone (92-ft)-thick unit 1 is overlain by a 4- to 7-m (13-
(net-to-gross) ratios along this exposure, we ob- to 23-ft)-thick succession of whitish sandstone
serve systematic vertical successions of facies and sheets containing exotic black pebbles. The sand-
preserved geomorphic elements as described by stone sheets are vertically succeeded by a lacustrine-
the stratigraphic motif. These systematic succes- dominated succession comprising varicolored, lami-
sions and their turnarounds occur at the same nated mudstones, thinly bedded sandstone sheets,
stratigraphic positions along the 13.5-km (8.3-mi) and limestone beds. Through the central part of
exposure and reflect stratigraphic base-level cycles the unit, the lacustrine deposits are gradually re-
of increasing and decreasing A/S ratios. Stratigraph- placed vertically by red or maroon fine- and coarse-
ic units are composed of an A/S rise succession grained floodplain mudstones and sandstones and
overlain by a fall succession. Both stratigraphic base- channel sandstones (Figure 8). This gradual facies
level fall-to-rise and rise-to-fall turnarounds are transition represents the lithostratigraphic bound-
correlated based on changes described by the strati- ary between the Tidwell and Salt Wash members
graphic motif. As these changes are gradual, turn- (Peterson, 1988). The boundary is diachronous
around intervals instead of surfaces are identified. in the study area. The channel sandstones, which
For correlation purposes, the fall-to-rise bound- constitute the main facies association in the upper
aries are placed at the base of laterally persistent part of the unit, are predominantly of steer-head
complexes of amalgamated LABC channel sand- morphology. With an increasing channel sandstone/

Kjemperud et al. 1071

Figure 8. Illustration of the large-scale stratigraphic development through the Tidwell and Salt Wash members, including trends in
the fluvial architecture and interpretations of related accommodation/supply (A/S) regime trends. Note the successive decrease in the
thickness of the stratigraphic motif upward. The large-scale trend in the A/S regime is indicated on the right.

floodplain mudstone proportion (increasing net (including lacustrine limestones, lacustrine mud-
to gross), the width/thickness ratio and intercon- stones, and floodplain mudstones).
nectedness of the channel sandstones increase Paleogeographic reconstructions by Turner and
slightly. Unit 1 comprises 14% channel sandstone, Peterson (2004) suggest that unit 1 in the study
25% coarse-grained flood-plain deposits, and 61% area was situated on a distal alluvial plain near the
undifferentiated fine-grained flood-plain deposits Jurassic seaway that extended from Canada to Utah.

1072 Architecture and Stratigraphy of Alluvial Deposits

Classic tidal bundles and intertidal sand flats are complex is assigned as the unit-bounding surface
exposed along highway I-70, 60 km (37 mi) to the because it is located near the large-scale A/S turn-
north. The vertical interfingering of lacustrine and around that actually occurs within the LABC-
fluvial deposits in the base of unit 1 indicates that sandstone-dominated interval (i.e., the A/S fall-to-
rivers fed lakes on the alluvial plain and must have rise turnaround occurs somewhere within the LABC
extended north to the seaway. No evidence for a sandstone facies instead at the boundary between
large lake exists. The base of unit 1 (Figure 8) is a fall- two distinctly different facies). This unit boundary,
to-rise turnaround, the limestone interval is a rise- which is correlative throughout the study area, is not
to-fall turnaround (maximum A/S), and the top is a regional unconformity surface. Instead, the fluvial
a fall-to-rise turnaround (minimum A/S). system adjusted to the decreasing accommodation
space by migrating over wider areas. The vertical
Unit 2 transition to VABC sandstones upward through
unit 2 shows that the drainage on the alluvial plain
Unit 2 is about 32 m (105 ft) thick. The lower was gradually concentrated and geographically re-
boundary is the base of the lowermost stratigraph- stricted. With increasing A/S conditions, channels
ic interval dominated by LABC sandstones. Lat- aggraded vertically more than they migrated later-
erally and vertically stacked LABC deposits form ally. Increasing abundance of SHC sandstones near
a 5- to 10-m (16- to 33-ft)-thick sandstone sheet the upper part of unit 2 reflects the increased A/S
extending across most of the study area (Appendix; regime, and the rise-to-fall turnaround is placed at
Datashare 28; Figure 8). The LABC deposits are or near the top of the SHC sandstones. The increased
succeeded by VABC sandstones and then a mix- width/thickness ratio of channel sandstones and
ture of VABC and SHC sandstones as the propor- the increased abundance of paleosols toward the
tion of channel sandstone to floodplain mudstone top of the unit indicate the period of stratigraphic
decreases. Width/thickness ratios of the channel base-level fall, completing the stratigraphic cycle.
sandstones decrease upward, whereas the aggrada-
tion height of channel sandstones and the thickness Unit 3
of crevasse splay complexes increase. In the central
and upper part of unit 2, channel deposits are pre- Unit 3 is about 30 m (98 ft) thick. The lower
dominantly encased in fine-grained floodplain sand- boundary is defined as the base of the second strati-
stones and mudstones and therefore have limited graphic interval dominated by LABC sandstones
interconnectedness. By contrast, floodplain sand- (Figure 8). Unit 3 comprises 74% channel sand-
stones and mudstones are laterally persistent. Com- stones, 3% coarse-grained flood-plain deposits,
plete vertical sandstone interconnectedness through and 23% fine-grained flood-plain deposits. The
the unit occurs only in one area at 7.9–8.6 km (4.9– marked increase in channel sandstone proportion
5.3 mi) (Appendix; Datashare 28). Toward the top is predominantly the consequence of the increased
of the unit, the width/thickness ratio of channel proportion of LABC sandstones in the lower part
sandstones and the proportion of paleosols increase. of unit 3. The architecture of the channel sand-
The unit comprises 49% channel sandstones, 11% stones changes simultaneously with decreasing chan-
coarse-grained floodplain sandstones, and 40% fine- nel sandstone to floodplain mudstone proportion
grained floodplain sandstones and mudstones. through unit 3 (Figure 8). The VABC sandstones
There is a continued period of fluvial prograda- gradually replace the basal LABC sandstones ver-
tion from unit 1 into the lower part of unit 2 and a tically through unit 3. The high proportion of the
gradual decrease in A/S ratio across the unit bound- channel sandstone (high net to gross) in unit 3 pro-
ary. The decreasing A/S ratio across the unit bound- duces the vertical and lateral stacking of channel
ary is expressed as a shift from the laterally re- deposits and high sandstone interconnectedness.
stricted SHC and VABC sandstones to the laterally The LABC sandstones in unit 3 have the same
extensive LABC deposits. The base of the LABC architecture as those in unit 2, but the interval is

Kjemperud et al. 1073

significantly thicker and has less distinct vertical upper part (decreasing A/S regime) of unit 3. The
changes in architectural style. The LABC sand- coarser grain size, higher proportion of trough-
stones in unit 3 are more cannibalized and amal- cross-stratified pebbly sandstones, and extensive
gamated. Accommodation space increased less lateral continuity reflect a lower A/S regime than
through unit 3 than through unit 2, and a lower A/S in units 1–3. The upper interval of fine-grained
regime was maintained through most of the strati- flood-plain deposits contains the turnaround from
graphic cycle. The SHC sandstones that dominate increasing-to-decreasing A/S, whereas the paleosol
the low net-to-gross intervals of units 1 and 2 are at the upper boundary reflects the minimum A/S
replaced by VABC sandstones in unit 3. The lower conditions in unit 4 and probably throughout the
A/S regime of unit 3 is indicated by a downill mi- Tidwell-Salt Wash succession (Figure 8).
gration of facies tracts, as also shown in paleogeo-
graphic reconstructions by Turner and Peterson

Unit 4 A cross section is provided of the Tidwell and Salt

Wash (Upper Jurassic) braided stream and flood-
Unit 4 is about 22 m (72 ft) thick. The lower plain strata along the Waterpocket fold in south-
boundary is defined as the base of the third strati- central Utah. The cross section covers a 150-m
graphic interval of LABC sandstones (Figure 8). (492-ft)-thick stratigraphic interval over a distance
This sandstone complex, composed of multistory, of 13.5 km (8.3 mi) along depositional strike. This
multilateral LABC deposits, is continuous along is probably the most detailed and largest cross sec-
the entire mapped area. The channel complex dif- tion of braided stream and related flood-plain de-
fers from LABC deposits of older Salt Wash units posits in existence. As such, it provides a basic data
by its coarser grain size, higher proportion of trough- set from which others may obtain the information
cross-stratified pebbly sandstones, greatly increased they seek, such as width/thickness relations, sand-
lateral continuity, and increased number of inter- stone or mudstone connectivity, and dimensions
nal scour surfaces and extensive cannibalization. of facies components.
Along the entire length of the mapped section, the Morrison strata are organized at three spatial
architectural change across the unit boundary is scales, and vertical successions at smaller scales are
distinct. Relief along the base is locally up to 12 m superposed on larger scale successions. At the larg-
(39 ft). The LABC channel sandstone complex is est scale, there is a progressive downhill shift in
overlain by a laterally persistent interval of flood- facies tracts recording a basinward-stepping of the
plain fines capped by a paleosol horizon. The paleo- four stratigraphic cycles. At the intermediate scale,
sol horizon is overlain by the mostly playa and la- there is a systematic change in channel types, from
custrine Brushy Basin Member, but in places Salt LABCs to vertically building braided channels, to
Wash sandstone facies occur in the Brushy Basin and steer-head distributary channels encased within
are bounded laterally by Brushy Basin mudstones lacustrine-dominated fines. At the smallest scale,
(e.g., 5100–5800 and 9200–11000 m [16,732– systematic and repeated vertical successions of fa-
19,023 and 30,184–36,089 ft], Appendix; Data- cies occur within the three types of channel belts.
share 28). The LABC sandstone complex consti- Vertical facies successions within channel-belt
tutes approximately 85%, and the overlying interval sandstones are regular and predictable within an
dominated by fine-grained flood-plain deposits con- A/S context. These facies successions are products
stitutes the remaining 15%. not only of the geomorphic elements that existed
The relief on the basal surface of unit 4 and the within the channels but also of the degree of pres-
marked architectural change across the boundary ervation of those geomorphic elements. As can-
indicate that unit 4 was initiated by a period of nibalism increases and preservation decreases, the
degradation. This erosion most likely removed the channel sandstones become more amalgamated

1074 Architecture and Stratigraphy of Alluvial Deposits

and less complicated, and the number of facies is ervation of geomorphic elements is greater, and the
reduced. The preservation potential of geomorphic sandstones tend to have an upward-fining grain-size
elements in rivers is the inverse of the height above profile.
the river thalweg. At the largest scale of stratigraphic architec-
Three channel types are recognized: laterally ture, the expression of decreasing A/S conditions
amalgamated braided channels (LABC), vertically is the downhill migration of laterally linked fa-
aggradational braided channels (VABC), and steer- cies tracts, producing a basinward-stepping stack-
head distributary channels (SHC). The LABC sand- ing pattern of successive stratigraphic cycles. Four
stones formed under low A/S regimes, the VABC intermediate-scale stratigraphic cycles are recog-
sandstones formed under intermediate A/S con- nized, which range from 22 to 32 m (72 to 105 ft)
ditions, and the SHC sandstones formed in the thick. A systematic upward decrease in stratigraph-
highest A/S regimes. These succeed each other in ic base-level-fall half-cycle thickness is seen. The
the order listed during a stratigraphic base-level- stratigraphic base-level-rise half cycles also show
rise half cycle. In a stratigraphic base-level-fall half a slight decrease in thickness, excluding the very
cycle, the order is reversed. Changes in the types thin half cycle at the base of unit 1. This trend be-
of fluvial channels are accompanied by numerous gins with the lower lacustrine-dominated A/S-fall
sedimentological and stratigraphical attributes of half cycle, followed by two cycles where the first
the sandstones within them, including changes in contains an LABC-VABC-SHC-VABC succession
the constituent facies, proportions, degree of pres- and the second contains an LABC-VABC-LABC
ervation, and grain size. Architectural attributes succession. The top cycle is dominated by LABC
include changing width/thickness ratio, intercon- sandstones at the base followed by an interval of
nectedness, and stacking density. floodplain mudstones that is capped by a thick pa-
An important finding of this study is that leosol horizon at the boundary to the Brushy Basin
braided channels build levees and alluvial ridges and Member. The successive decrease in thickness of
become supra-elevated above the adjacent flood- both the A/S rise and fall successions indicates a
plain. Very few articles known to the authors have long-term decrease of sediment accumulation rates.
identified the creation of alluvial ridges by braided
streams. The measured heights (thickness) of the
alluvial ridges range from 0 to 5 m (0 to 16 ft). The APPENDIX: CROSS SECTION OF TIDWELL AND
height of the alluvial ridges increases with increasing SALT WASH STRATA, WATERPOCKET FOLD,
A/S ratio. Vertical aggradation and contraction of SOUTH-CENTRAL UTAH
channel belts create a multistory sandstone body
shaped like a stepped pyramid. Because the heights See foldout.
of the pyramids are as much as 12 m (39 ft), much
higher than typical erosional scour depths at channel
bases, they may form a local high on which a youn- REFERENCES CITED
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