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Installing AutoVue Production

1) Install Packages wine-av-20040914-21.i386.rpm and xorg-x11-server-Xorg.x86_64

On the server
2) Move to the stage directory
[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 stage]$ cd stage/
[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 stage]$ ls
10GIAS 10gias.tar jdk-6u24-linux-x64.bin jVue Linux survey_web
[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 stage]$ pwd
[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 stage]$

3) Unzip the weblogic server

4) Open a VNC session

5) Start the weblogic Installation

6) On Next click you will get the below screen. Please select Create a new Middleware
home and Enter the details
7) In the next screen please unselect the security updates check box and confirm it
8) In the next screen please go ahead with Typical Installation

9) In the next screen please accept the defaults and click on next
10) Click on Next in the next screen
11) You will see the below screen

12) At the 100% you will get the below screen . Please make sure quick launch is
selected and click on exit
13) You will see the Quick Launch Screen as below

14) Click on Getting started with Weblogic Server 10.3.4. You will get the below screen
15) Keep the create new domain selected and click on next
16) Leave the next screen as default and click on Next

17) Leave the next screen as default and click on Next

18) In the next screen enter the password and click on next . AuVu1Hsc
19) In the next screen please select Production Mode and click on next

20) In the next screen Select Administrative server and click on next
21) In the next screen leave as default and click on next
22) In the next screen Click on create

23) In the next screen monitor for 100% completion

24) You will get the below end of installation screen

25) Please take note of the URL and click on Done.

26) Start the weblogic server
Running on
AutoVue Server Installation
1) Open a VNC Server
2) Move to the below Directory
3) Execute ./ InstallClientServer_lin.bin. You will get the below screen

4) When you click on ok you will be moved to below screen . Click on Next
5) Click on Next in the next screen

6) In the next screen Please enter the location where you want to install the AutoVue Server
7) In the next screen select Standard

8) In the next screen enter the hostname to Install the software

9) Enter the hostname and port number where the Weblogic server is Installed

10) Specify the base domain location in the next screen

11) Accept default in the next screen and click on Next

12) In the Final screen click on Install

13) Please Monitor this for 100% completion

14) You will get the below screen when installation compeltes
Creating and Deploying VueServlet

[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 AUTOVUE]$ cd csiwar

[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 csiwar]$ mkdir WEB-INF

[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 csiwar]$ cd WEB-INF/

[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 WEB-INF]$ cd lib

-bash: cd: lib: No such file or directory

[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 WEB-INF]$ mkdir lib

[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 WEB-INF]$ pwd


[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 WEB-INF]$ cp

[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 WEB-INF]$ cd lib/

[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 lib]$ ls


[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 lib]$ cd ..

[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 WEB-INF]$ vi web.xml

[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 WEB-INF]$ cd ..

[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 csiwar]$ jar cvf VueServlet.war WEB-INF

added manifest

adding: WEB-INF/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)

adding: WEB-INF/lib/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)

adding: WEB-INF/lib/vueservlet.jar(in = 27450) (out= 25142)(deflated 8%)

adding: WEB-INF/web.xml(in = 696) (out= 314)(deflated 54%)

[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 csiwar]$

1) Login to Weblogic Server

2) Click on Deployments

3) Click on Lock and Edit

4) Under Deployments click on Install

5) Navigate to the directory and click on VueServlet.war and click on next

6) Select Defaults options in next screens and click on Install

7) Click on Activeate changes

8) Start the deployment

9) Verify the Installation as follows

Starting the Jetty Service
2) Execute ./ startJetty

Deploying the Jvue Application

1) Perform the below steps

2) Copy the jVue folder created above to any location on the file system
3) Create 2 directories META-INF WEB-INF
[applautovuedev@hscuschlux00128 jVue]$ cd META-INF
[applautovuedev@hscuschlux00128 META-INF]$ ls
[applautovuedev@hscuschlux00128 META-INF]$ cat MANIFEST.MF
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Ant 1.4
[applautovuedev@hscuschlux00128 META-INF]$
4) [applautovuedev@hscuschlux00128 jVue]$ cd WEB-INF/
[applautovuedev@hscuschlux00128 WEB-INF]$ ls
[applautovuedev@hscuschlux00128 WEB-INF]$ cat web.xml
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
<display-name>Survey Web Application</display-name>
5) Deploy the web application using same process followed to deploy the VueServelet
6) Please user to start AutoVue Server and Jetty

Installation of AutoVue WebServices

1) Open a vncsession
2) Please move to the directory
3) Run the ./ setupLinux.bin . You will get the below screen

4) In the next screen enter the location where you want to install the application
5) Confirm that and click on next

6) You will see the below screen . Please monitor this for 100% completion
7) Click on Finish once done

8) Navigate to the directory

9) Please perform the below changes in the web.xml file
[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 WEB-INF]$ diff web.xml web.xml_bkp24Sep2011
< <!-- If the VueServlet is being deployed in the same context as AutoVue Web Services, use
this section to enable the VueServlet. Note it is recommended to deploy it on a separate
server. -->
> <!-- If the VueServlet is being deployed in the same context as AutoVue Web Services, use
this section to enable the VueServlet. Note it is recommended to deploy it on a separate
< <param-value></param-value>
> <param-value>localhost:5099</param-value>
> -->
< <env-entry-
> <env-entry-
< <env-entry-
> <env-entry-value>C:/Oracle/AutoVueWS/autovue_webservices/sample_config/</env-
< <env-entry-value>/NFS/OHOPR/NONEBIZ/AUTOVUEPROD/AutoVueWS/tmp</env-entry-
> <env-entry-value>full path to output directory</env-entry-value>
< <env-entry-value></env-entry-value>
> <env-entry-value>http://hostname:port/context/servlet/VueServlet</env-entry-
< </web-app>
> </web-app>
\ No newline at end of file
[applautovueprod@hscuschlux00059 WEB-INF]$

10) Navigate to the directory

B-INF and perform update web.xml with below

11) Cory the vueservlet.jar file to the

EB-INF/lib location

12) Move to the directory

/NFS/OHOPR/NONEBIZ/AUTOVUEPROD/AutoVueWS/autovue_webservices and run

13) Deploy the same in Weblogic Server

14) - Weblogic server for HSCP

1) Documents Printing with blanpages

Copy the fonts from the c:/Windows/Fonts to <AUTOVUE>/jvue_c/windows/fonts firectory
Bounce the Autovue server

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