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End-term Exam Schedule for Term – V of PRM 39

Sr. Date & Starting Open Book or Laptop Calculator
No. Session Time Closed Book Required Required

1. 18/01/20 09:30 am ENFPO Closed No Yes

2. 18/01/20 02:30 pm MEDI Closed No No
3. 18/01/20 05:30 pm SDM Closed No Yes
4. 19/1/20 09:30 am EIDC Closed No Yes
19/1/20 Part A Closed
5. 02:30 pm ELM No No
[Sunday] Part B Open

6. 19/1/20 05:30 pm DA Open No No

7. 20/1/20 09:30 am PREMV Open Yes No
8. 20/1/20 02:30 pm DD Open Yes No
9. 21/1/20 09:30 am CSR Open Yes No
10. 21/1/20 02:30 pm MCS Closed No Yes
11. 1 21/1/20 Yes
06:00 pm RF Open Yes
1 [Tuesday] (Partially)

12. 22/1/20 09:30 am SUSM Open Yes No

13. 22/1/20 02:30 pm DPOSE Closed No No
14. 23/1/20 09:30 am ERE Open Yes No
15. 23/1/20 02:30 pm PPA Closed No No
16. 23/1/20 06:30 pm ESD Closed No No
Instructions for students:
1. Students can be admitted in the examination hall 5 minutes before the time scheduled for the start of the
exam. Under any circumstance a student will not be allowed to take the exams if he/she reaches to the seat
allocated to him/her in the examination hall 5 minutes after the start of the exam.

2. Please enter into the examination hall only with the writing instruments. No cell phones or bags or pouches
of any description are permitted in the examination hall.

3. Only for ELM (Part B), DA, PREMV, DD, CSR, SUSM & ERE examinations, you may carry your TAU
material, prescribed books, class notes, and copies of slides (if any) with you. Besides these you must not
carry any book or notes in the examination hall.

4. Only for RF examinations, you may carry your TAU material only with you. Besides these you must not
carry any book or notes in the examination hall.

5. Calculator is permitted only for ENFPO, SDM, EIDC, MCS, RF examinations. But, only non-
programmable battery operated calculator is allowed.

6. Laptop is permitted in PREMV, DD, CSR, RF, SUSM, ERE examination. In rest examinations, you will not
be allowed to carry laptop in the examination hall.
10.0 Feedback
All students are required to give online feedback at the end of each course. The online platform to provide
feedback shall be made available for all the courses soon after the completion of 19th session of 2-credit course
and 9th session of 1-credit course. The online feedback portal shall be available for 1 day after the 20th /10th
session is over. In case, the 20th / 10th session is scheduled on the previous day of the exam, then the online
feedback portal for the concerned courses shall remain open till the morning of the first day of the exam. The
online feedback facility shall be opened at different period of time depending on the scheduling of 19 th / 9th
session of the courses.

Providing feedback is mandatory. There shall be a penalty of 0.2 for 2 credit course and 0.1 for one credit course
for defaulters who do not submit the feedback within the prescribed timeline. The collection, analysis and sharing
of feedback for all courses and internship segments are overseen by the Director Office.
11. Disciplinary Norms and Academic Honesty
High standards of integrity and self-conduct is expected from the students enrolled in the programme.

11.1 Disciplinary Norms and Guidelines Regarding Examinations

Cheating in the examinations (including quizzes, assignments and projects), un-authorized collaboration,
reporting late to the examination hall/regular classes, taking away examination answer scripts from the
examination hall, etc. are considered as serious academic offences and are to treated with similar degree to
severity as determined in this section.
i. Examinations are conducted as per the pre-announced schedule by the PRM office with the help of
ii. Students are advised not to bring any books or papers to examination hall unless it is an open book
examination. Any book or papers found in the examination hall or in the vicinity and traced to belong to
a particular student would be construed as intention to use them to secure unfair advantage over others
during the examination time.
iii. Even to the open book examination students can bring only that books/material that are specified by the
Instructor and cannot leave them anywhere they like or part with them during the examination. In an
open book examination, students can refer only to books and notes that they have brought into the
examination hall. Consultation with another student orally or with her/his books/notes is strictly

iv. Students are expected to ensure that the answer sheets are stamped, initialed and are of current date. No
additional sheets will be supplied unless the booklet is completely used. Students can use any page of the
booklet to do rough work suitably indicating that it is rough work. All the additional sheets are pre-
numbered. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that additional sheet number is entered against
her/his name in the attendance sheet. Students are required to write roll number on the additional sheet
immediately after taking and in the presence of the Invigilator.

v. Admission of student in the examination hall: Students can be admitted in the examination hall 5 minutes
before the time scheduled for the start of the exam. Under any circumstance a student will not be allowed
to take the exams if he/she reaches to the seat allocated to him/her in the examination hall 5 minutes after
the start of the exam.
vi. Under normal conditions, nobody is expected to go out more than once during a three-hour examination.
PRM Chair must be informed in advance if the condition of any student requires more frequent
movement out of the examination hall. Help of a writer may be provided for injured or severely sick on
vii. Only one student is permitted at a time for washroom break from each examination hall. If any student is
found to have taken a washroom break with unauthorized material(s) in his/her possession he/she will be
reported and an ‘F’ grade will be awarded in the course.
viii. Early submission of answer script and leaving the examination hall: A student can submit his/her answer
script only after completion of first 90 minutes of the duration of the exam. Students will be asked to
leave the examination hall immediately after submitting the answer script. In last 15 minutes doors of the
examination halls will be closed from inside. No student will be allowed to leave the exam hall in last 15
minutes. After collection of the answer scripts and counting and crosschecking of the answer scripts the
halls will be opened and the students can leave the halls.
ix. It is the responsibility of the student to submit his/her answers script to the invigilator. Any instance of
carrying answer script outside the hall is a serious academic offense and will be treated with severity.
Student will be awarded an ‘F’ grade in the course. Any repetition of the offense will lead to expulsion
from the programme.
x. Unless indicated otherwise, students are required to use only blue ink for writing answers on the answer
script. Answers can be highlighted and/or underlined using any ink. Answers written using pencils will
not be evaluated.
xi. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the examination hall. Mobile phones or any other electronic gadgets are
strictly prohibited in the examination hall. Calculator and laptops are allowed only if permitted by the
instructor as per the needs of a course.

xii. All students have to sign the following declaration provided along with instructions to students on
each examination answer booklet:
Academic integrity is expected of all students of IRMA at all times, whether in the presence or absence of
members of the faculty or Invigilators. Understanding this, I declare that I shall not give, use or receive
unauthorized aid in the examination. I am not carrying either mobile phone or any other unauthorized
electronic gadget in the examination hall. I also understand that contrary behavior attracts disciplinary
action that may lead to expulsion from the examination and the programme.
xiii. Penalty for breach of examination norms and guidelines may amount to expulsion from the
examination and the programme.
11.2Anti-Cheating Norms: The different categories of cheating and penalties for cheating in the
examination are described in table 9.

Table 9: Penalty for Cheating on Examinations

Category Characteristics Action

Carrying This is described as In case a student is found with the unauthorized material before
unauthorized attempted the beginning of the exam in the examination hall:
material into an Deception - The material will be confiscated and a formal warning
exam – I will be issued to the student by the PRM office with a
course grade penalty of 0.5
Carrying Mobile Offense - Device to be confiscated by the invigilator.
Phone or any other - Penalty will be imposed as described in the section
Personal Digital 11.2.1
Assistance (PDA)
Carrying Offense In case a student is found with the unauthorized material after the
unauthorized examination has started:
material into an - Material will be confiscated and the student will not be
exam – II allowed to write the examination
- Penalty will be imposed as described in the section
In possession of Offense - Answer script of both the students will be taken by
answer script of invigilator
another student - Penalty will be imposed as described in the section
during the exam 11.2.1
11.2.1 Penalty for Cheating: Following penalty will be imposed on the students for the act of cheating:

i. 0.300 of the term GPA will be deducted from the term grade during which the incidence took

place. ii. The student/s shall receive an F grade on the concerned course component.
iii. The penalty will be applicable for all courses and exams

iv. If the same student is caught cheating or using any unfair means twice during any point of time in
the programme, then s/he will be expelled from the programme.
11.2.2 Roles, Responsibilities and Status of Invigilators:

i. Instances of cheating will be reported to the PRM office by the exam invigilator. Concerned
course faculty will not be responsible to deal with such instances.
ii. Invigilator will present a note to the PRM Chair within 24 hours of the incidence explaining the
cheating incidence and any other event of importance pertaining to the case.
iii. The concerned student(s) will get a hearing from the PRM committee. However the burden of proof of
innocence will lie on the student.

11.2.3 Standard Procedures to be followed by the Invigilators and the PRM Office during and post Cheating

i. The invigilator will ask the participant to stop writing the exam. This action will be taken only when
the proof available to the invigilator is conclusive in nature. This includes but not limited to use of
cheating chits, passing of answer sheet to others, use of mobile or other communication devices for
cheating purposes, etc. In other instances, the examination will not be stopped for the student and the
case will be appropriately reported to the PRM office.
ii. The invigilator will hand over the physical evidence (if any) to PRM office.
iii. Invigilator will present a note to the PRM Chair within 24 hours of the incidence explaining the
cheating incidence and any other event of importance pertaining to the case.
iv. The PRM office will send a notice to the student.
v. The student will be given 24 hours; within this stipulated time he/she has to provide written
explanation about the incident happened.
vi. The case will be than investigated by PRM Office
vii. A student who interferes in this process with this search operation will be additionally charged and
penalized for interference in the examination process irrespective of outcome of the cheating case.
viii. If a student is caught in cheating case, he/she shall be penalized if he/she chooses to influence the
outcome by soliciting with the Course Instructor(s) or invigilators. If found guilty the concerned
student will be expelled from the programme.
ix. The PRM Committee will give the final decision based on available evidence. The student reserves the
right to appeal with the Director, IRMA.

11.3 Disciplinary Norms for Village Fieldwork Segment (VFS)

i. The VFS Chair shall circulate the operational guidelines for VFS as approved by the PRM Committee.

ii. Attendance on all days during the Village Fieldwork Segment is compulsory. However, Sundays are
treated as holidays. The students can move out of their village on Sunday (7:00 am onwards), but must
return to the village by the evening by 5:30 pm.

iii. A student can seek leave during VFS only under extra-ordinary conditions (such as hospitalization of the
student, demise in the family, etc.). For seeking a leave during VFS, a student shall seek permission from
the Village Fieldwork Chair specifying the date(s) and the reasons for leave. The students shall not
approach the host organization or the Reporting Officer for leave. A student can proceed on leave only
after such permission is granted. Without such permission, an absence from the field would be taken as
unauthorized absence. However, Reporting Officer has to be kept informed about the status of leave or
leave request.

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