Science Unit Plan

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Photosynthesis Unit Plan


Meghan Stover
Photosynthesis Unit Plan


For this unit on the Photosynthesis, my 2nd grade students will have 5 lesson plans
over about a 2-week span. They will be learning a range of vocabulary terms, what plants
need to survive, and even how to plant flowers. By the end of this unit, students will have a
clear understanding of photosynthesis, how some animals and insects impact plan growth
and have flowers to take home to someone special. This unit is going to take place in the
month of May when flowers will the weather is starting to warm and the flowers will have a
better chance of growing. Below, I have attached a curriculum map for this unit.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Lesson Lesson Lesson
1 2 3

Lesson Lesson
4 5
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

Lesson Plan 1

Objectives- Students will be given a pre-assessment vocabulary matching game to have

better knowledge on their understanding.

SWBAT recognize important vocabulary on photosynthesis ecosystems

SWBAT apply vocabulary to new terms
SWBAT predict meaning of terms
SWBAT develop little understanding

Process Skills- The students will be using their science skills by digging deep into their
knowledge and understanding about photosynthesis. The vocabulary pre-assessment is for
the students to get an idea of what this unit is going to be on. Essentially, the process skills
are going to be the students observing and making educated guesses about the words and
their meanings.

Activities- During this time, students will be given a pre-assessment (appendix A) on these
vocabulary terms. Before this, they will be given a brief overview of the terms. This will provide
the students a sense of the new unit and what to expect, while it will give the teacher an idea
of how much knowledge they already have on the topic, if any.

 Pre-Assessment
 Pencil

Procedures- I will give the students an introduction on this unit. I will let them know about
some of the fun activities we will be doing, in hopes to get them excited to learn about this
topic. I will then explain that in order to teach them to the best of my knowledge, I need to
know what they already learned from previous teachers. This is when they will become aware
of the pre-assessment vocabulary. They can ask questions if they have any. This is going to
be a quiet, by yourself task for about 15 minutes. Once they have completed the pre-
assessment, we are going to go over the terms and define them together. Questions will be
asked during this time, and they will be aware that we are going to go over more of this at a
different time during the unit. They will then have an exit ticket. This exit ticket is going to be
one question that they have, or something they want to learn more about throughout this unit.

Assessment- The assessment for this lesson is the pre-assessment. Although we will be
going over them together, I will get a better look when I review them myself. I am also going
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

to have the make an exit ticket for this lesson. This will show me that they are involved in the
lesson and starting to have an understanding of the unit.

Exit Ticket:
What is something you have a question about or are
looking forward to learning?
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

Lesson Plan 2

Objectives- Students will have a short lesson on photosynthesis. There will be a short video
will be shown about the process of photosynthesis. Students will then create a small 3D
model of a leaf or plant and the appropriate terms explaining the process.

SWBAT recall vocabulary terms from previous lesson

SWBAT apply knowledge to 3D structure
SWBAT illustrate appropriate model
SWBAT justify terms on illustration

Process Skills- Based on the observations the students will have while watching the video,
they will be creating their models. They will also be able to use predictions for their models,
as they do have some previous knowledge as to what the leaves or plants look like.

Activities- During this lesson, students are going to be watching a video on Photosynthesis
(Link: With provided and pre-thought
out materials, students will be creating a model of a plant or leaf. Students, in pairs, will be
responsible for getting their own supplies to start crafting the model. This may need to lap
over into the next period of the day or be the first thing they finish during our next science
lesson. Although, they will be using clay. Therefore, the clay pieces of the project need to be
finished that day, in case it dries.

 Video
 Clay
 Pipe Cleaners
 Paint
 Other art supplies as needed
 Rubric (appendix B)

Procedures- To start this class period off, we are going to have a short lesson on
photosynthesis. I will describe the vocabulary we went over in the previous class in more
depth and detail. They will grasp a better understand and be able to relate them our lesson.
They are going to watch a short video; the link is attached above. I will then explain to them
the models we are going to be creating. I will have material in the classroom that I will
provide for them. Some of these include clay, paint, pipe cleaners, and other coloring
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

medias. Throughout this period, students are going to be creating their leaf models. I will
allow them to use their resources, such as books, the video, and their prior knowledge to
create these models. When finished, students will be painting their model. Adding any
details will be up to them. They will then have to create a small drawn diagram of the model
they created. With this diagram, they are going to label each part and explain why it is there
and what purpose it has in the photosynthesis process.

Assessment- The assessment is going to be the student’s final model. I want to see details
in the model and an extra sheet to go along with it explaining why they made their model the
way they did. Rubric attached (Appendix B)
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

Lesson Plan 3

Objectives- Students will plant seeds in the school garden to track the growth throughout
the unit. Before this, I will give them a list of plants they can choose from to grow, based on
the time period and what will grow best. For the month of May, they will have the options of;
Sunflower, Marigold, or Morning glory.

SWBAT select and plant a flower time of choice

SWBAT distinguish growth patterns throughout growing period
SWBAT track growth and speed of growth
SWBAT evaluate final growth time/ needs of flower

Process Skills – For this lesson, there are many process skills that the students are going to
be going through in order to plant the seeds, track growth, and keep an eye on them. First,
they will be observing their flowers throughout this unit, in order to track. They should be
communicating with their group members to make these observations and when tracking
growth. In appendix D, there is a growth tracking chart. They will also be making predictions
about the growth.

Activities- We will be going over the process of planting a seed. I will show them and example
of how to plant the seed in the soil with a small bowl and the seeds during class time. I will
have the three types of seeds and they will get the chance to pick which one we will be using
for the growth. If they want to use multiple, I will split the class into groups based on interest
of flower type and those groups will be responsible for tracking that flowers growth. We will
go outside to find the school garden or soil bed that I pre-made. Students in their groups will
now plant their seeds in the bed. They will be directed to water their plants, and we will
occasionally be taking trips outside to track growth and continuing to water them.

 Paper bowl
 Soil
 Sunflower, Marigold, Morning Glory seeds
 Growth tracking chart (appendix D).

Procedures- Today, I am going to show the students a few different pictures and details about
the three types of flower that I listed above. After voting on the flowers to plant, they are going
to be split up into groups, based on those results. From here, I am going to demonstrate
planting a seed. This is going to be done in a bowl with soil. I want them to be in the classroom
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

paying attention before we head outside. Once they understand, we are going to head outside
to the school garden, or newly created bed. Once outside, the groups are going to be
responsible for planting their seeds in their specific section of the garden, which is going to
be marked off and labeled. We will be talking about the process a little bit before heading in
to complete some more work.

Assessment- For this assessment, they are going to be responsible for filling out their tracking
chart (appendix D). They can make their observation, make predications, and then draw a
picture of their seed now in the soil. This will be their end of the lesson assessment for the
day, along with monitoring their planting process.
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

Lesson Plan 4

Objectives- Students will learn about the surrounding animals/ insects that could potentially
harm the flowers growth. They will learn about two kids of damage which insects cause to
plant growth. One includes the impact a feeding insect has on the leaves or stems. The
second impact is when insects cause indirect damage from bacteria, viral or fungi. During
this time, we are going to go on a nature walk in hopes to find some damages done to
plants, that look like they could be from an insect or animal.

SWBAT identify local living animals/ insects

SWBAT summarize how they impact plant growth
SWBAT categorize harmful and beneficial impacts
SWBAT predict an outcome of plant growth due to impacts by animals

Process Skills- Observation, classification, and prediction are all part of this particular
lesson plan. During the nature walk, they are going to be observing the plants and leaves in
the surround areas. They can classify what they find in terms of damage of leaves. Students
can determine which of the two categories the damage of the leaves fall into.

Activities- Students will draw and illustrate a diagram of a leaf and the insect in the
surrounding areas. They will also label the parts that could be impacted by the insects or
animals and why. Along with this, students are going to have the chance to reenact or
discuss with their groups, in front of the class, how this process works in front of the class.
Students can stay in their groups that they are using for their flower groups to act out of the
process of one of the two damages insects can cause to the plants. During the nature walk
students will use the chart in appendix E to graph their observations.

 Diagram
 Script (Appendix C) to fill in out flower making process
 Nature walk chart (Appendix E)

Procedures- At the beginning of this lesson, students will be taught about two different kinds
of damages that can be caused by the insects which live around the plants. They will be
shown pictures, and examples of real leaves with damage done to them. From here, we will
head outside to do a nature walk in the local woods. The students are going to focus closely
to the leaves they find, in hope to see any kind of damage they can record. In the chart they
will be recording what they observe, illustrate and predict what could have caused that
damage. I will find another teacher or two who are able to attend this nature walk, so I am
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

not by myself with the class. Extra eyes will be safer for everyone. We will stay outside for
about 30 minutes. Once we head inside, the students are going to have the chance finish
the charts and reflect on anything they want to share or have questions about.

Assessment- Whatever the students end up reenacting or discussing in the front of the
class is going to be their assessment for this lesson. I will include this as well as the chart
we fill out for the nature walk. The chart which they are going to be filling out during our
nature walk is attached to appendix E below.
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

Lesson Plan 5

Objectives- The final project will be a written story of the flowers journey. In this story the
students will write as if the flower is the narrator. They will start as a seed being planted,
and end with the final stage’s photosynthesis. Students will be expected to have the stages
in the middle as well- they can include interactions with insects, weather changes, etc.…
Students will end this unit by picking the flowers are going to be able to bring them home to
someone special.

SWBAT arrange a story based on what they have learned in throughout the unit
SWBAT illustrate the short story
SWBAT apply knowledge for labeling flower story
SWBAT conclude unit with final illustration and fiction/ nonfiction story

Process Skills- This lesson plan basically has most of the process skills that can be used.
They will be taking all of their observations, classifications information, inferences that they
have made, their predictions. All of these are going to play a big role in their final project.
They will be using these skills to make their final project to the best of their abilities.

Activities- During this period, students are going to start to draft out their final writing piece
for the photosynthesis story. They will have requirements that will be discussed prior to the
start. Along with the writing, they will be illustrating and adding any details they think is
going to make their storied stand out.

 Blank book
 Writing pages
 Coloring supplies
 Other materials of their choice
 Rubric (appendix F)

Procedures- I will direct students to the blank writing pages that they will be using for this
book. They will fill out the pages in sequence, like a book, then paste them into the blank
book that will be provided for them at the end. I will let them know about all of this. Once
they have created the pages, they will get the ok from me to start putting the pages into the
book. Students will be writing these pages as if they are flower. They are going to explain
the process in first person. All the way from the start, when the seed is planted, until the
flower is fully grown and how it is surviving. The students will be saying things such as,
“When I am first planted in the soil, I need to be watered in order to grow big and strong.” I
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

will assume that this is going to take more than the one science period, so I have dedicated
time for students to work on this during writing as well. They are responsible for finishing the
writing portions before they move on to the illustrations.

Assessment- This book is the final assessment for the unit. Below, the rubric is attached. I
have expectation that this book is going to be well done, finished to the best of the student’s
ability, have appropriate illustrations, and demonstrate knowledge of photosynthesis. After
these books are completed, and the unit is finished with, the class is going to have the
opportunity to pick our flowers on the garden. The groups are going pick the flowers they
want, I will safety cut and remove the flowers for the students. Students will wrap them up
and take them home to someone special.
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

Unit Standards

2-LS2-1 Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
Plan and conduct an investigation to determine if plants need sunlight and water to grow.

2-LS2-2 Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
Develop a simple model that mimics the function of an animal in dispersing seeds or
pollinating plants.

The Living Environment:
E1 Biodiversity
Describe some features of plants and animals that help them live in different

E3 Cells
Identify structures that help organisms do things to stay alive.

E4 Heredity and Reproduction

Describe the life cycle of a plant or animal

Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to
develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.

Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to
answer a question.

B. Creation, Performance and Expression
B1. Students use basic media, tools and techniques to create original art works.
Appendix A

Photosynthesis Unit Plan

Name: Date:

w h a t is P h o t o s y n t h e s is
Lookat the picture and fill inthe blanks using the words at the bottomof the page.

light Sugar, whichis food for the plant, is
formed during this process.


Photosynthesis is a process where plants use
fromthe suntoconvert
fromthe air and
fromthe soil into
tofeed the plant and is
givenout inthe air.
water, sugar, carbondioxide, light, oxygen
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

Appendix B

Name: Date:

3D Model Rubric

Concerns Advanced
 Design draw out prior to

 Students use multiple materials

for to complete the model

 Creative model created to the

best of their ability

 Constructed using colors that

pertain to the model

 Used multiple forms of media

(paint, colored pencils, pipe
cleaners, etc…)

 Final written up explanation of

how the model was built the
way it was
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

Appendix C
Appendix D
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

Name: Date:

How are your Plants Growing?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Predictions: Predictions: Observations: Observations: Observations:

Predictions: Predictions: Predictions:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Observations: Observations: Observations: Observations: Observations:

Predictions: Predictions: Predictions: Predictions: Predictions:

Flip 
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

Illustrate your Observations

Appendix E
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

Name: Date:

Nature Walk
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

Appendix F

A Flowers Journey

Score Description

The book is fully completed and beyond expectations. Pages

4 are fully written, grammar and punctuation are correct,
illustrations are full completed and colored. Student may have
added more than needed and go above and beyond the
expectations for this book. They are more than proficient.

The book is completed to the best of the student’s ability.

3 Pages are written completely, grammar and punctuation are
average, there are colored illustrations. Student has met the
standards and is proficient.

The book is somewhat completed to the best of the student’s

2 ability. Pages may or may not be written completely, grammar
and punctuation are lacking, the illustrations are not
completed. Student has not fully met the standards and is not
yet proficient.

Student has made little or no progress on the book. There is a

1 lack of completeness in writing pages, illustrations, and
grammar/ punctuation. The student has not met the standards
and is not proficient.
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

Resource List
Lesson Plan 1

Lesson Plan 2
Pipe Cleaners
Other art supplies as needed
Rubric (appendix B)

Lesson Plan 3
Paper bowl
Sunflower, Marigold, Morning Glory seeds
Growth tracking chart (appendix D).

Lesson Plan 4
Script (Appendix C) to fill in out flower making process
Nature walk chart (Appendix E)

Lesson Plan 5
Blank book
Writing pages
Coloring supplies
Other materials of their choice
Rubric (appendix F)
Photosynthesis Unit Plan

L. (n.d.). Teaching The Science Process Skills. Retrieved November 7, 18, from

M. (n.d.). Standards & Instruction - Visual & Performing Arts. Retrieved November 7, 18, from

English Language Arts Standards » Writing » Grade 2. (n.d.). Retrieved November 7, 18, from

Next Generation Science Standards. (2018, October 10). Retrieved November 7, 18, from

Champion their potential. (n.d.). Retrieved November 7, 2018, from

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