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Running Head: PROJECT PLAN 4 1

Meghan Stover
Thomas College

Table of Contents
Unit Rational ................................................................................................................................... 3
Lesson Plans.................................................................................................................................... 8
Unit Reflection .............................................................................................................................. 38
Course Reflection.......................................................................................................................... 40

Unit Rational


For this unit plan, I have come up with a driving question which will change and push the

students to think outside of the box for this unit. This driving question is; “How can we, as health

educators, plan and construct a healthy habit guide book to benefit our community members?”

For the student’s authentic challenges, there is a couple different pieces they will be

involved in. To start out with, they will be creating a “healthy habit guide book.” In this book,

the students will be creating their own recipes for healthy eating. Also, in this book the students

will create a page in which they will talk about an important habit and why it is important for us

(i.e. wash hands/ exercise/ covering your mouth). Once this book is fully created, each student

will have two pages in contribute to the book. To get these books out in the community, we will

be having a healthy habit showcase. Here, the students are going to be making their healthy

recipes and selling them, along with our books, to community members. This showcase will

include each student having their own stations which will include the ingredients needs for their

recipes, premade recipes to sell, and their two pages which are in the healthy habit book. The

money which is raised from the purchases of books and food, will go to promoting healthy eating

and exercise within the school.

The final product for these students is going to be the healthy habit guide book. This

book will include each student creating two pages. One page is going to be their healthy recipe

and the second page will be explaining a habit is which is important for everyone in order to stay

healthy. At our final showcase, each student will have their own station with the ingrediencies

for their recipes, their recipes that are already made and for sale to buy, and lastly there will be

the two pages which is provided in the habits cook book.


Standards/ Learning Targets

I have a total of 6 standards that I thought would match well with this unit plan. They are

focused around reading, writing, math and one standards which involves the visual arts. These

standards will hopefully engage the students learning in more ways than one. They will have a

large portion of ELA, while discovering fractions and measurements. On top of this students are

going to get an understanding about healthy habits to keep their bodies and minds growing.

Health education is important in the classroom, and students are going to be sharing that with the

community by writing and illustrating their own versions of healthy habits. This is where the

healthy standards come into play for this unit. Fractions and measurements go hand in hand

when it comes to recipe making. Math is used constantly when cooking or baking, with the math

portion of this unit, they will be able to use them without any issues. Since students are going to

be illustrating what they believe the is a good representation of the importance of healthy eating

and that ties it all together to make this project have an elegant fit like no other.

Understand addition and subtraction of fractions as joining and separating parts referring to the
same whole

Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole
and having like denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent
the problem

Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the
subject knowledgeably.

With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by
planning, revising, and editing

A1. Artist’s Purpose

Students explain purposes for making art in different times and places, and the relationship to
cultural traditions, personal expression, and communication of beliefs.

Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate
to task, purpose, and audience.

National Health Education Standards

8.5.1 Express opinions and give accurate information about health issues.
8.5.2 Encourage others to make positive health choices

By the end of this unit, students will be able to:

 identify the process of adding and subtracting fractions
 recognize the importance of fractions in real-life situations
 define newly learned knowledge on nutrition
 recall why nutrition is important for the health
 relate knowledge to real life situations
 explain how fractions are used for measurements
 convert measurements to fractions if/when needed
 express knowledge through illustrations
 rewrite writings once edited/ revised/edited
 distinguish healthy and unhealthy habits
 apply healthy eating habits to create personal recipe
 demonstrate healthy habits in classroom and to bring home
 modify pieces based on new findings
 solve world problems using the addition and subtraction of fractions
 construct and develop a recipe for student’s final product
 illustrate a final picture that represents healthy habits
 discover new healthy habits
 modify measurements
 practice the addition and subtraction of fractions for their recipes
 use measurements to make recipes
 categorize difference between healthy and poor habits
 revise final products before sale
 prepare and sell goods
 formulate prices and quantities for sale
 develop plan for advertising showcase
 recommend healthy habit tips and recipes
 summarize benefits of staying healthy
 justify importance of healthy habits in the schools

The students are going to have 5 formative assessments through the course of this project.

First, they will have a fractions worksheet that will serve as exit tickets. They will not get these

after every class- but will here and there to make sure they are keeping up with the skills

(Appendix A). Next, they will be making a PSA to put around the school and community to

advertise the showcase and fundraiser (Appendix B). Students will also be required to use or

create a healthy recipe for this unit. The creations of their recipes are also going to be used as a

formative assessment (Appendix C). I am also going to use a Work Habits Exit ticket for the

students which will be done have one of our workshop days. This can be found in Appendix H.

Lastly, students will be turning the healthy habit section of their summative assessment into a

poster that can be put around the school (Appendix D).

The summative assessment is going to be a final 2 pages. Each student must include their

own recipe, a healthy habit tip and illustration (rubric Appendix E). The two pages are what is

going to be in the final guidebook which will be sold to community members.

Curriculum Map
**Read book “Oh, **Bring in healthy -Intro to PSA -Fractions lesson -PSA should be
the Things You foods flyers -Work on PSA finished by
Can Do That are -Math lessons on -Start creations -Exit ticket today
Good for You” fractions with -Introduce
-Questions and foods recipes and
(Appendix F)
-Intro to project
-Choose recipe -Students will be **Practice **Workshop day -Workshop
-Start making working on book recipes with help for book pages -Book pages
book page one pages and from Health and illustrations should be
-Intro to book illustrations Teacher -Chance to fix completed end
page two problems with of class
-Exit Ticket
-Introduce -Workshop day -Workshop -Making recipes **Healthy Habits
posters for for creation of -Poster should to be sold next showcase & food
school posters be completed by day; if items sale
-Start creation of end of class allow to be made
poster ahead
**Indicates lesson plan fully developed.

Lesson Plans
Lesson Plan 1

Oh, The Things You Can Do

Meghan Stover
1 Class Period- 55 Minutes
Thomas College
4th Grade ELA
IEP for Reading, social/ emotional needs

Project Overview

For this unit plan, I have come up with a driving question which will change and push the

students to think outside of the box for this unit. This driving question is; “How can we, as health

educators, plan and construct a healthy habit guide book to benefit our community members?”

For the student’s authentic challenges, there is a couple different pieces they will be

involved in. To start out with, they will be creating a “healthy habit guide book.” In this book,

the students will be creating their own recipes for healthy eating. Also, in this book the students

will create a page in which they will talk about an important habit and why it is important for us

(i.e. wash hands/ exercise/ covering your mouth). Once this book is fully created, each student

will have two pages in contribute to the book. To get these books out in the community, we will

be having a healthy habit showcase. Here, the students are going to be making their healthy

recipes and selling them, along with our books, to community members. This showcase will

include each student having their own stations which will include the ingredients needs for their

recipes, premade recipes to sell, and their two pages which are in the healthy habit book. The

money which is raised from the purchases of books and food, will go to promoting healthy eating

and exercise within the school.

The final product for these students is going to be the healthy habit guide book. This

book will include each student creating two pages. One page is going to be their healthy recipe

and the second page will be explaining a habit is which is important for everyone in order to stay

healthy. At our final showcase, each student will have their own station with the ingrediencies

for their recipes, their recipes that are already made and for sale to buy, and lastly there will be

the two pages which is provided in the habits cook book.


I am doing this lesson as a hook to get the students excited about what they will be doing

for the next three weeks. It fits into my project because while this unit is primarily ELA, there is

also a factor of health and mathematics. This book, Oh, the Things You Can Do That are Good

for You, allows students to get the idea of what kids if health topics we will be covering

throughout this unit. They will be involved with the book by stopping to think about what they

have heard and answer some question that I will be asking. On Reading Rockets, Texas

Education Agency says it is important for teachers to do these things during reading in the

classroom that will help students better comprehend the readings; “remind students to use

comprehension strategies as they read and to monitor their understanding. Ask questions that

keep students on track and focus their attention on main ideas and important points in the text.

Focus attention on parts in a text that require students to make inferences and call on students to

summarize key sections or events” (Texas Education Agency, n.d).

Lesson Context
The majority of this lesson is going to be reading the book, while the students work on

comprehension. As I read, I will stop to ask the questions which have been prepared ahead of

time (Appendix F). They will be asked to stop and write down their answers on a response paper

and to be read to discuss them when the reading is over with. After the reading is over with and

we have stopped throughout the readings to reflect, we will discuss what everyone wrote down.

Starting from the first question, students will share what they recognized as a response for each

question. The standard that is going to be addressed in this lesson is; CCSS.ELA-

LITERACY.RI.4.9- Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or

speak about the subject knowledgeably.


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to…

• Recognize and relate questions to readings

• Describe the reasoning for their answers
• Demonstrate comprehension of reading
• Apply new knowledge to real life
• Formulate questions that weren’t answered
• Summarize important pieces of the reading

• Oh, the Things You Can Do That Are Good for You
• Question Sheet (Appendix F)
• Student Response Sheets (Appendix G)

Teaching Strategy/Procedure/Activity
Anticipatory Set
For the start of this class, students will be gathered around and ready to begin the lesson,

but first they will all take a small piece of paper. They will be asked to write down what they

believe to be the most important part of staying healthy. From there, we will share answers and

dive right into reading the book.


Time Student… Teacher…

5 Min Students will transition from their last Have students transition to the ELA
subject over to the ELA portion of the portion of the day. Make sure to have their
day. They will be given and piece of pieces of paper ready for them to write on.
paper and asked to take out a piece of When situated, ask them to take out a
paper. On that, they will write down pencil what they believe to be the most
what they believe to be the most important aspect of health to be. When
important way to stay healthy. When they are done, have them sit and wait for
they have done that, they will sit and further instructions.
wait for further instructions.
5 Min Students will then share their answers. Ask students to share what they have
Directed to raise hands when they want written down for answers. Restate
to speak. Each student is expected to at question and tell them to raise hand when
least give a brief statement of that they they would like to speak. Have all of them
believe is the most important piece of share at least a brief statement of what
health. They will be led into what they wrote down on their paper. Tell them
happens next. to come join in the circle and to bring a
pencil and clipboard.
20 Min Students will be given the question Hand out the response sheets to the
response sheet that can be found in students and let them know they will be

Appendix G. They are going to be asked questions through the book and they
expected to sit and listen to the book should answer the question next to the
while it is being read. Throughout this correct number. Then, start to read the
book, they will be stopped and asked book. Stop every so often to ask a
the questions that can be found in question and continue this until the book
appendix f. This will continue until the is over.
book is finished and they are directed
to share.
10 Min Once the book is done with, they Let them know that they will know
should have all four questions filled out discuss the questions asked. Ask questions
and ready to discuss. Each of them are one by one and have students raise their
expected to share their questions and hands to answer them. Continue this and
raise their hands as they would like to have them continue this conversation
speak about the book. They will do this about the book and what they have written
until we have gotten through each down.
10 Min The last 10 minutes they will go back Have the students go back to their seats
to their seats and listen to why reading after handing in their response papers.
that book was important and what it is Then, tell them why this book was
going to lead to for this unit. They will significant for this project plan that we are
have a brief understanding of this unit going to be doing. They will have a brief
and what their final goals is going to understanding of the next couple of weeks
be; a heath guidebook and showcase to and the goals that we have; a heath
share with the community. guidebook and showcase to share with the

Summary/ Closure
Take Home Tasks
They have the task to go home and ask their family member what they think is important

in order to stay healthy. They will write down the answers and bring them in to share the next


Informal Assessment:
• Short written responses at beginning of class

Formal Assessment:
• Response sheets that have been completed at end of reading

For the students who need adjustments, the read aloud of the books and the question

should help them, but I will check in with them to make sure they are able to follow along just

fine with the verbal instructions. Students will also be able to have the question sheets beside

them to answer directed from those if need be. Those with social/ emotion needs are not going to

be required to share any of their responses if they do not feel comfortable. They are also going to

be able to separate and give themselves space by sitting at a desk if needed.

• Appendix F
• Appendix G

Plan B:
I will add more questions for them to respond to on the back of the paper that they are

responding to. If it is too hard, I will minimize the questions and/ or take the papers away and

have a verbal conversation with the students.


Texas Education Agency, (n.d) Strategies that Promote Comprehension

Retrieved 20 April 2018

Lesson Plan 2

Fractions with Food

Meghan Stover
1 Class- 55 Minutes
Thomas College
4th Grade ELA
IEP for Reading, social/ emotional needs

Project Overview
For this unit plan, I have come up with a driving question which will change and push the

students to think outside of the box for this unit. This driving question is; “How can we, as health

educators, plan and construct a healthy habit guide book to benefit our community members?”

For the student’s authentic challenges, there is a couple different pieces they will be

involved in. To start out with, they will be creating a “healthy habit guide book.” In this book,

the students will be creating their own recipes for healthy eating. Also, in this book the students

will create a page in which they will talk about an important habit and why it is important for us

(i.e. wash hands/ exercise/ covering your mouth). Once this book is fully created, each student

will have two pages in contribute to the book. To get these books out in the community, we will

be having a healthy habit showcase. Here, the students are going to be making their healthy

recipes and selling them, along with our books, to community members. This showcase will

include each student having their own stations which will include the ingredients needs for their

recipes, premade recipes to sell, and their two pages which are in the healthy habit book. The

money which is raised from the purchases of books and food, will go to promoting healthy eating

and exercise within the school.

The final product for these students is going to be the healthy habit guide book. This

book will include each student creating two pages. One page is going to be their healthy recipe

and the second page will be explaining a habit is which is important for everyone in order to stay

healthy. At our final showcase, each student will have their own station with the ingrediencies

for their recipes, their recipes that are already made and for sale to buy, and lastly there will be

the two pages which is provided in the habits cook book.


This lesson fits into the project plan because the students are going to be working with

fractions for measuring their recipes when they get the chance to make them. The students will

have this lesson to understand the basics of the fractions that they may need to use when creating

their recipes. Blythe Grossberg from Thought Co says, “studies show that a student’s ability to

understand fractions in fifth grade is also a predictor of long-term math achievement in high

school, even after controlling for IQ, reading ability, and other variables” (Grossberg, 2018).

Although this is for 5th graders, this 4th grade lesson is another preparation for any 5th grade


Lesson Context
I will be bringing in healthy food that each student will be able to play with while

working fractions- then eat. I will bring in foods such as grades, raisins, carrots and nuts if

allergies allow. They will be given plates and directed to wash their hands before touching the

food that they are going to be eating eventually. They will be asked questions and directed to

solve problems with their food. The standard that is going to be addresses is;

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.NF.B.3.D - Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction

of fractions referring to the same whole and having like denominators, e.g., by using visual

fraction models and equations to represent the problem.

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to…

• Identify what fraction is being asked of them to solve
• Express understanding through hands on learning
• Demonstrate addition and subtraction of fractions
• Solve problems of fractions
• Apply fraction knowledge to real-life situations
• Predict outcomes of fraction problems

• Plates
• Grapes/carrots/ raisins/ nuts (if can)

Teaching Strategy/Procedure/Activity

Anticipatory Set
The start of class is going to be the students cleaning up their areas with disinfectant, they

will be grabbing a paper plate and I will be handing out the certain amount of food items of their

choice to each student. All of this will occur after the students have transitioned into this portion

of the day.


Time Student Teacher

5 Min In the first 5 minutes, student will Have the students transition into the next
transition into this next portion of the portion of the day- make sure they know
day. They are responsible of getting they should be respectfully and
situated and cleaning up from the last reasonability picking up from the previous
subject. They will be cleaning the subject and also disinfect the tables with
tables with disinfectant wipes and wipes. They should then be directed to
throwing them in the trash when done. wash their hands and should sit at their
They should go wash their hands desks when done until directed otherwise.
when they are done and be instructed
to sit until further instructed.
5 Min Students will line up in the front of the
Direct the students to the to line up in the
room to collect the food item of their front of the room. Here, they will grab a
choice. They should have a plate and plate and I will give them a handful of a
head to their seats. They should know food item for them to take back to their
that they cannot eat the food yet. seats. Let them know to not touch or eat
the food until instructed to do so.
30 Min For the next 30 minutes, students will Have the students get ready to work with
be adding and subtracting with their fractions for the next 30 minutes. What is
food to create fractions. They should going to be asked is already going to be
be paying attention to the what is prepared and can are similar to the ones
being taught and they will know to ask you can find in Appendix A.
questions if they have any.
10 Min Students are going to be allowed to eat When the 30 minutes have passed, and the
the food once they have completed the students completed the fraction unit- give
fraction lesson for the day. They can them 10 minutes to eat the food if they
eat and then will clean up their tables would like and then to clean up their
and transition into the next part of tables. Make sure they know all food
their day. They will know that all should be in either the trash or eaten;
found should be eaten or in the trash.

Summary/ Closure
Take Home Tasks
They are going to write down a few things that fractions can be used for in real life
sceneries. They will bring this back for the next lesson.

Informal Assessment:
I will be monitoring their understanding by keeping tabs on their fraction work. After

each problem I will walk around to check if the students are understanding.

Formal Assessment:
The student’s homework assignment is going to be the formal assessment. I want them to

get an idea of what fractions can be used for in real-world problems- rather than just in this

mathematical setting.

There isn’t much that is going to involve reading, therefore the student with an IEP for

reading shouldn’t have any issues while working on this lesson. If there happens to be an issue,

there is going to be enough hands-on work for the students that I should be able to help with the

issue while students are working on the fractions. Same thing if there happens to be a student

with and IEP for math- there is going to be enough hands- on and walking around for myself that

the students should get help when they need; before moving on to the test task. A student will

social or emotion needs will be able to take a break or do the work separate from the other

students if needed.

• Examples from Appendix A.

Plan B:
If this lesson is too easy, I will have more difficult fractions and word problems for them

to work through in this lesson. If this is it too complicated for them at this grade level, they will

get less complicated word problems to work on in this class time and/or less problems with more

supervision and help when needed.


Grossberg, B (2018) Why Learning Fractions is Important

Retrieved 20 April 2018,

Lesson Plan 3

Healthy Recipe Creation

Meghan Stover
1 Class- 55 Minutes
Thomas College
4th Grade ELA
IEP for Reading, social/ emotional needs

Project Overview
For this unit plan, I have come up with a driving question which will change and push the

students to think outside of the box for this unit. This driving question is; “How can we, as health

educators, plan and construct a healthy habit guide book to benefit our community members?”

For the student’s authentic challenges, there is a couple different pieces they will be

involved in. To start out with, they will be creating a “healthy habit guide book.” In this book,

the students will be creating their own recipes for healthy eating. Also, in this book the students

will create a page in which they will talk about an important habit and why it is important for us

(i.e. wash hands/ exercise/ covering your mouth). Once this book is fully created, each student

will have two pages in contribute to the book. To get these books out in the community, we will

be having a healthy habit showcase. Here, the students are going to be making their healthy

recipes and selling them, along with our books, to community members. This showcase will

include each student having their own stations which will include the ingredients needs for their

recipes, premade recipes to sell, and their two pages which are in the healthy habit book. The

money which is raised from the purchases of books and food, will go to promoting healthy eating

and exercise within the school.

The final product for these students is going to be the healthy habit guide book. This

book will include each student creating two pages. One page is going to be their healthy recipe

and the second page will be explaining a habit is which is important for everyone in order to stay

healthy. At our final showcase, each student will have their own station with the ingrediencies

for their recipes, their recipes that are already made and for sale to buy, and lastly there will be

the two pages which is provided in the habits cook book.


I am doing this lesson, so the students will get the chance to make their recipes to make

sure they work and include the healthy items that it should. This will also serve as another

fraction lesson. They will be responsible for measuring out and adding the ingredients together to

create this recipe. It fit fits in because students will be getting a taste of what it is like to cook/

bake/ create with healthy foods, as well as getting more practice with the fractions and

measurements. Another reason for this is because students are going to be getting that hands-on

experiences. They get the chance to do it themselves and know what it is that they are

encouraging the community to do. The Resource Area for Teaching says, “Hands-on activities

encourage a lifelong love of learning and motivate students to explore and discover new things

(Resource Area for Teaching, 2013).

Lesson Context
Basically, the students are going to partner up with the health teacher for the day to make

the recipes that they have been working so hard on for the past couple of days. They are going to

get the chance to actually practice making what they are going to sell to the community for their

showcase at the end of the unit. They will be getting help from the health teacher with the

ingredients, then fraction help from myself. Throughout the lesson they will be working either

separately to create their recipe. The standard that they will be addressing is; 8.5.2 Encourage

others to make positive health choices. By making their items, they are encouraging themselves

and one another to make positive choice as well as the community!

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to…

• Identify healthy ingredients
• Explain the usage of ingredients and fractions used
• Change measurements as needed
• Prepare appropriate fractions of own use
• Invent unique creation of healthy food ingredients
• Assess successfulness of final outcomes

• Food items of students needs
• Measuring tools

Teaching Strategy/Procedure/Activity
Anticipatory Set
Students will transition into this portion of the day- they will then be directed to the

health room, or where they can have a space to make their items. The health teacher will be

joining and giving the students a brief explanation of the class period and how this health teach

can assist if need be.


Time Student Teacher

5 Min During this time, the students should be Have the students transition into the
transitioning into their next portion of the next portion of the day. Let them
day. They will be seated as they are know what they will be doing during
being told what is happening during the this time. Tell them they will be
next 55 minutes. After they are told, will walking to the health room to work
need to have their recipes that they have with the health teacher for the period.
been working on over the past couple of Have them collect their recipes that
days. They should then quietly and they have been planning on making.
respectfully line up by the door in Once they have these, have them line
alphabetical order. They should now be up in alphabetical order. Once lined
lined up with their recipes and should be up, let them know they are expected to
ready to go down to the health room. As be quite and respectful as they are
they travel down they are expected to be traveling through the hall way- they
quite and respectful as they don’t want to do not want to disrupt the other
disrupt other classrooms. classes going on.
5 Min Once they have arrived, they should take Let them know the plan- they will be
a seat and listen for further instructions. making their recipes today, as well as
After instructions are given, they will working with the fractions. The health
find a station, wait for the ingredients and teacher is here to help with ingredients
get started. and appliances if need be. I will be
here to help with fractions. Have them
find a station, wait for ingredients and
get to work.
40 Min For this 40 minutes, they will be working Help the students with the ingredients
on their recipes. They should work on and measurements throughout this
measurements and making sure that they time frame. Make sure to check in
are asking for help as they need it. As with them about their fraction work at
they go, they are going to be expected to least twice per student to make sure
show the measurements and addition of they are getting the hang of them and

the fractions at least twice as they understanding. Allow them to eat their
combine the ingredients. The last couple recipe during the last couple of
minutes they will get the change to eat minutes so they are able to test how
their recipe to see how it turned out. their product came out.
5 Min Students will be cleaning up their stations Direct the students to clean up all their
and returning to their seats as soon as stations. Once they have done this,
they are done. They will line back up in they will line back up in the same
the same order and head back to the order and head back to the classroom
classroom when directed. for the next part of the day.

Summary/ Closure

Take Home Tasks

They will write down what they thought about their products for the day. They are going

to get the chance to write down what they would like to do instead if anything.

Informal Assessment:
• Addition and measurements of fractions throughout the lesson.
Formal Assessment:
Formative Assessment:
• Final creation of the recipe
Summative Assessment:
• Take home task response

Students who have an IEP for reading may need help with the ingredients for their

recipes. This won’t be an issue because there will be more than just one teaching in the room for

the class period. If they need help reading ingredients, they will be able to have it. Those who

have the social or emotional needs are going to be able to have their own station to work at and

can take their time with their creations without feeling pressured with the work of their

classmates to rush to finish. I want them to be able to have a fun and exciting lesson just like the

other students will and hopefully if they will be able to without that pressure of the other


Plan B:
A plan B will be that the students will start working on other pieces of their guide books

at this time- I can see this happening if they finish their recipes too quickly. If they have the

opposite situation, then I can see this being pushed back into another class, such as one of the

workshop days.

Resource Area for Teaching (2013) Bridging the Engagement Gap with Hands-on Teaching
Retrieved 21 April 2018

Lesson Plan 4

Meghan Stover
1 Class- 55 Minutes
Thomas College
4th Grade ELA
IEP for Reading, social/ emotional needs

Project Overview
For this unit plan, I have come up with a driving question which will change and push the

students to think outside of the box for this unit. This driving question is; “How can we, as health

educators, plan and construct a healthy habit guide book to benefit our community members?”

For the student’s authentic challenges, there is a couple different pieces they will be

involved in. To start out with, they will be creating a “healthy habit guide book.” In this book,

the students will be creating their own recipes for healthy eating. Also, in this book the students

will create a page in which they will talk about an important habit and why it is important for us

(i.e. wash hands/ exercise/ covering your mouth). Once this book is fully created, each student

will have two pages in contribute to the book. To get these books out in the community, we will

be having a healthy habit showcase. Here, the students are going to be making their healthy

recipes and selling them, along with our books, to community members. This showcase will

include each student having their own stations which will include the ingredients needs for their

recipes, premade recipes to sell, and their two pages which are in the healthy habit book. The

money which is raised from the purchases of books and food, will go to promoting healthy eating

and exercise within the school.

The final product for these students is going to be the healthy habit guide book. This

book will include each student creating two pages. One page is going to be their healthy recipe

and the second page will be explaining a habit is which is important for everyone in order to stay

healthy. At our final showcase, each student will have their own station with the ingrediencies

for their recipes, their recipes that are already made and for sale to buy, and lastly there will be

the two pages which is provided in the habits cook book.


I am doing this lesson plan because it is important for the students to have at least a

couple days for them to focus on completing their work while myself is around for questions or

help they may need. Students are going to have so much going on other that just trying to finish

their final guide books that I want them to have some time where they can focus on their pages in

particular. Learn says, Independent Work Time also supports children’s abilities to self-direct

their learning.” As well as, “Children should be engaged in meaningful work that gives them the

opportunity to apply and transfer skills, strategies, and content that has already been taught

during whole group and small group instruction” (Learn, 2016).

Lesson Context
For this lesson, students are going to get the chance to work on their two pages for the

guidebook. At this point, they will have already been introduced to the recipes, the illustrations,

and the healthy tip section of the pages they are going to be making for the final product. At this

point, they are also going to be able to make any changes to the recipes that they may want to.

The would have figured this out from the lesson the day before when they had the opportunity to

make the recipe. At the beginning of this class period, they are going to be given a piece of

paper and they will be directed to write down a few notes on what they would like to focus of

working with for the workshop. I would have to say that all standards will be addressed in this

lesson since this they are working on their final project- that includes all of these standards. They

will also be having one-on-one conferences with me throughout the class period to touch base on

where they are with their progress and clarify any questions that they may have.

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to…

• Identify individual work habits
• Apply work habits to self-learning
• Illustrate appropriate materials for final products
• Show development on final products
• Assemble pages when ready
• Evaluate daily work habits

• Page making materials
o Paper/coloring materials/ glue
o Technology if needed (computer/iPad)
o Exit tickets (Appendix H)

Teaching Strategy/Procedure/Activity
Anticipatory Set
Students will transition into this next portion of the day. They are will be directed to get

out materials they may want or need for creating their pages of the guide book. They will then

make a few notes of what they will be working on exactly for this workshop period. From there,

they will dive into workshop.


Time Student Teacher

5 Min During this time, students will be Let them know they are having a
having transition into this part of the workshop period to work on our
day. They should be getting out the guidebook pages. Allow them to gather
materials that they will need to work the materials to work then to head back
on the guidebook pages. That would to their seats for instruction. They need
be the final recipe, the healthy habit to be working on the recipe, healthy habit
page, and the illustration. Once they page and the illustration. Tell them that
have done this, they should find their they will be having on-on-one
way to their seats and remain there conferences and they should be ready to
until further directed. talk about their projects.
5 Min For these 5 minutes they should get Direct the students to get a piece of paper
out a piece of paper, and answer the and to answer the question I have written
questions “What do you plan on on the board- “What do you plan on
getting done today during our getting done today during our
workshop?” They will keep this on workshop?” Let them know this should
their desk throughout the period in stay on their desks until the end of the
hopes to keep them on task. class.

35 Min The students will be individually Have the students start working towards
working on their goals for the day. their goal for the day. Call them over one
They will be called up one at a time to by one to discuss their work, their plan,
conference about progress and anything they may need help with and to
understanding. They will let me know make sure that they are on track with the
where they are in the creation process, work. Write down their progress and
if there is anything thing they really ideas as they talk about them. Once they
need help on, what else they need to have conferenced, send them back to
be working on and if they are on track their seats to continue working for the
with finishing by the time it needs to class time.
be finished.
10 Min Students are going to use these 10 The students will pack up their materials
minutes to pack up their materials and and put away the pages in these 10
pages. They will then be handed an minutes. Also give them the exit ticket
exit ticket to complete before they will answer at the end of class.
transitioning into the next portion of Collect the exit tickets and instruct them
the day. This exit ticket can be found to transition into the next portion of the
in Appendix H. day.

Summary/ Closure
• Exit ticket

Take Home Tasks

• They will come back the next day with a short list of couple things that they
would like to improve during their work shop days.

Informal Assessment:
• One-on-one conferences with students throughout class period
Formal Assessment:
Formative Assessment:
• Progress on work for the day
Summative Assessment:
• Exit ticket at the end of the class (Appendix H)

I will be able to give those students with an IEP for reading during our one-on-one

conferences. They will also be able to spend extra time after class with some more individual

time if need be. I don’t want them to feel like they have to spend more time than anyone else is.

That being said, they will be able to use the one-on-one time for extra help if needed. The student

with social/ emotional needs are going to be allowed to have space and movement breaks

throughout this period.

• Appendix H

Plan B:
If this lesson isn’t working as I would like it to- I will jump ahead to introduce the

students to the posters that they will be making for the school. This can be found in the

curriculum map. If the conferences are taking longer than I have planned, I am going to do half

then push the other have into the second workshop day and that is also when I will give out the

exit tickets for all students. If there happens to be students who finish within the class period,

they will be allowed to help out with other students. If the conferences happen to be quick and

end before the period is over, I will be available to work more with those who have need the



Learn (2016) Independent Work Time

Retrieved 23 April 2018

Lesson Plan 5

Showcase & Food Sale!

Meghan Stover
Afternoon activities; 4 hours
Thomas College
4th Grade ELA
IEP for Reading, social/ emotional needs

Project Overview
For this unit plan, I have come up with a driving question which will change and push the

students to think outside of the box for this unit. This driving question is; “How can we, as health

educators, plan and construct a healthy habit guide book to benefit our community members?”

For the student’s authentic challenges, there is a couple different pieces they will be

involved in. To start out with, they will be creating a “healthy habit guide book.” In this book,

the students will be creating their own recipes for healthy eating. Also, in this book the students

will create a page in which they will talk about an important habit and why it is important for us

(i.e. wash hands/ exercise/ covering your mouth). Once this book is fully created, each student

will have two pages in contribute to the book. To get these books out in the community, we will

be having a healthy habit showcase. Here, the students are going to be making their healthy

recipes and selling them, along with our books, to community members. This showcase will

include each student having their own stations which will include the ingredients needs for their

recipes, premade recipes to sell, and their two pages which are in the healthy habit book. The

money which is raised from the purchases of books and food, will go to promoting healthy eating

and exercise within the school.

The final product for these students is going to be the healthy habit guide book. This

book will include each student creating two pages. One page is going to be their healthy recipe

and the second page will be explaining a habit is which is important for everyone in order to stay

healthy. At our final showcase, each student will have their own station with the ingrediencies

for their recipes, their recipes that are already made and for sale to buy, and lastly there will be

the two pages which is provided in the habits cook book.



I am doing this lesson plan because this is the chance that students get to show off all

their hard work from this unit. This is for the showcase, which demonstrates the final project that

the students created as a whole. Before this lesson, students have gone through the whole unit,

learned about health, eating right, fractions, and working hard to put all of this together. This is

the students authentic challenge where they get the chance to show the community why it is

important to eat and stay healthy. An article from Catharine Donges states, “One of the first

researchers to use the term authentic assessment, Dr. Grant Wiggins, says that authentic

assessments directly examine student performance on worthy intellectual tasks, present the

student with tasks found in the best instructional activities and real life and determine whether

the student can craft polished, thorough and justifiable answers, performances or products”

(Donges, n.d). This just proves even more why it is important to have an authentic challenge for

the students.

Lesson Context
During the class period for the day, we are going to spend it setting up for the showcase

we will be putting on later that night. Each student is going to have their own station that has

their recipes that have made, and two loose pages from the books to show the community what

they have made. For the showcase, the students are going to be at the each of their stations and

will be responsible for showing the community what they have created and why. They will also

be trying to sell their goodies they have made. The standard which this showcase will address are

the two standards from National Health Education Standards, which are; 8.5.1 Express opinions

and give accurate information about health issues, and 8.5.2 Encourage others to make positive

health choices.

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to…

• Identify positive health choices
• Express solutions to healthy living
• Demonstrate knowledge through conversation
• Relate learning to the real world
• Recommend healthy eating techniques
• Justify reasoning for healthy living

• Finished guidebooks
• Students with own two pages
• Made recipes to sell
• Tables for stations

Teaching Strategy/Procedure/Activity
Anticipatory Set
Students will be setting up for the showcase- they will get the chance to set up their

stations in a way which they would like. Each student is going have their two pages to

demonstrate healthy living as well as their recipes to cell to the community.


Time Student Teacher

5 Min For these first 5 minutes, students are Have the students transition into this
going to be transitioning into this part of the day where they will help set
portion of the day. They will gather up for the showcase that will be
their supplies and what they would happening shortly. Have them gather all
like to decorate their stations with. their supplies which they will need to
They should then line up at the door in set up with. Such as the 2 pages, and the
alphabetical order to head down to the recipes which should be done or in the
cafeteria for the showcase. making. Have them line up in
alphabetical order to head down to the
35 Min This is the time which students will be Basically, overseeing the process of the
setting up their own stations for the students setting up their stations, as well
showcase. They should be spending as setting up the classes books on a table
this time putting together their stations in the middle of the room. Will also
in whatever way they please- as long have a table and area to be in charge of
as it includes all that it needs to. For taking the money for any of the recipes
about the last 5-10 minutes, they are and books the community member want
going to make the final touches and be to purchase.
ready to welcome the community into
the showcase for this display.

180 Min These 3 hours are all about the Welcome any community and school
students displaying their work. They members to the showcase and oversee
will show off their recipes, and their all that is going on. Stop around each
guidebooks to the community when stations many times throughout the time
they stop by their station to talk about. to make sure everything is still going
They will get the chance to explain well. Collect any money from the
their recipe, why their health tip is guidebooks being sold, along with the
important and try to sell their food. food items that are being sold by the
20 Min Once everyone is gone from the Direct the students to clean up the
showcase, students are going to clean stations and cafeteria once the showcase
up their stations and head back up to is over. When this is complete, allow
the classroom once everyone is done. them to head back to the classroom for a
We will have a short reflection time brief reflection time. We will talk about
from this day and they will be given what went well, and the overall thoughts
their take home assignments. of what we liked and didn’t seem to like
that much. Give them the take home

Summary/ Closure
We will have a brief reflection. I want students to talk about what they have enjoyed or

have not enjoyed. As well as what they thought went well or didn’t go well.

Take Home Tasks

They are going to come back the next day with a list of glows and grows for the day of

the showcase. This can be found in Appendix I.

Informal Assessment:
Take home task for the night.

Formal Assessment:
The students work throughout the day is going to be used for the proficiency. As

long as they are doing what they have been told, and participating in the show case, this will be

their formal assessment.


Those with IEP’s shouldn’t have any problems for this lesson plan- considering they will

just be showing the products, as well as talking with the community members. Students with

social and/ or emotional needs will be able to have walking breaks and time to themselves if

need be. During these times, another student or myself can take over their station. I still want to

see them participating and joining in on this authentic piece of the unit, but I want them to be

comfortable and confident.

• Appendix I

Plan B:
If this isn’t working like it should be, this might have to come to an end early and clean

up, then head back to the room. I am hoping that we will be able to sell our products to our

community member and students will be happy with the outcome. If this happens to happen and

we have to end early for some reason we are going to go back to do our reflection like was

planned, and also, I will give them their take home assignment to for the rest of the period.


Donges, C. (n.d) What Are the Advantages of Authentic Assessment Over Standardized Testing?
Retrieved 24 April 2018

Unit Reflection

I have absolutely worked harder on this project plan than I have for any other project

plans I did this semester. I can tell by the motivation I have had to finish it and make it the best

yet. When I came up with each plan, I tried to create them in hopes that one day I would actually

be able to use them in the classroom as well. The majority of them are ELA based, since that is

what I have been most passionate about. For this project plan, I tried to make the topic something

that I am also passionate about. This is how I came up with and ELA unit based on Heath

Education for my final project plan.

I find that writing something I am passionate about and excited to teach to be a strength.

It was a lot easier for me to write and create since this is something I can see myself doing in the

classroom. I really enjoy the authentic challenge for this project plan- I like that I was able to

figure out how to incorporate the community into this unit for the students to show off their work

to. The guidebook I believe is a fun thing for the students to create and to sell to help raise

money to promote healthy eating and exercise in the school. I also thing some strengths are the

appendix that I created for this.

Something I already have noticed is going to need work in the math and fractions part of

this project. I am not a math person and I know that it is going to improve in some sort of way. If

I were to use this plan in the future, I would like to find time to make the math more in depth and

beneficial for the students learning. I found an issue with the timing piece for the showcase as

well- I wasn’t sure if this is something that would typically be held during the or after school

hours, but I decided to do it during the day instead of making students come back later that night.

Also, this is a totally for 4 hours for the day. Is that too much for a group of 4th graders? These

are all things that I wish to improve or change when I get the chance to use this in the future.

I would like to do this towards the beginning of the year, so students will be able to apply

what they have learned in the unit throughout the rest of the year, they will get sometimes to stay

healthy through the winter, and maybe we would be able to find time to exercise ourselves

outside. By the time we do this, I am sure they will have already had at least a math lesson and

will be exposed to tips they should use to remain healthy. But, having this lesson be towards the

beginning of the school year for the students will give the students the opportunity to apply and

use their own tips and demonstrate usages throughout the school year.

Course Reflection

After taking this course, I can honestly say that I have grown as both a student, and a

future educator. As a student I have been able to use my time management skills to complete the

assignments in the course with plenty of time to revise if needed. I tried to take the course load

with a grain of salt and kept pushing myself knowing how much this type of work ethic will help

me in my future classroom. I was able to acknowledge how much effort was needed in this

course realizing I would be able to push myself further than I have in the past. This STEAM

course has been a lot different than the first course in the fall- but I feel this one has been tougher

but more beneficial for me as a learner.

The most significant areas of learning for me have been without a doubt the project plans.

I had considered revising my first project plan for this unit, but when I went to look back I

couldn’t even tell what I was doing or where I was going with it. As the project plans got

tougher, I found myself putting more and more effort into them realizing how beneficial they are

going to be for me to use in the future. I wanted them to be something that I would actually see

myself doing in my classroom, rather than just something easy to get done for this class. I never

knew how difficult they were to write and create but doing all of these in this class has surely

prepared me to do them throughout my career. I have nowhere near mastered how to write a

project plan, or even a lesson plan. Who knows if I ever will, but I do know that with each plan I

have written I have become more and more confident with writing the next.

I have learned a lot from this class that I am going to be able to use through my career.

From presenting at a conference as a preservice teacher, to brainstorming techniques such as

“yes, and...” as well as project planning matrix, I am grateful for what I have learned. Even the

Project Based Learning book has taught me more than any other book that’s been require for a

class has. I found myself actually wanting to read it, knowing how much of it will be useful in

the future and the current project plans. Models of Excellence has opened up my eyes to a new

world of teaching STEAM in schools and working collaboratively with other teachers to give

students to best learning experiences possible. All of the presentations we heard about got me

wanting to go right back to write about it. Although I did find some to be more interesting and

beneficial than others, it was incredible to hear from all those professionals who are equally

interested in making students education as rewarding as possible. I believe these Models of

Excellence were the most influential and helpful learning experiences for a preservice teacher to

get a good taste of STEAM and how it can be used in the classroom.

The amount of STEAM essentials, project essentials and units plan information I have

learned is just a start to all that I am going to learn in the next two years of my college career. In

this class, not only did I get the chance to present in front of a group of retired teachers, attend

one of my first conferences and meet quite a few influential professionals, I also learned more

about STEAM that I thought possible. I would like to learn more ways to incorporate STEAM

into a classroom, recognize more unit plans, and how to get more teachers and schools on board

with STEAM based project plans. I know that I still have much to learn, but I am looking

forward to doing that throughout the rest of my days here at Thomas. I already know that I am

going to learn and discover even more than I could imagine.


Appendix A
Math Exit Tickets

Adding Fractions

7 2 1 3
1. + 11 = 3. 4 + 4 =

3 2 2 5
2. +2= 4. +6=
2 6

Subtracting Fractions

18 12 5 2
1. − = 3. 6 − 6 =
6 6

6 4 7 5
2. − = 4. − =
7 7 8 8

Appendix A Answers



3. 1


1. 1



Appendix B
Student PSA

Appendix C
Example of Student Made Recipe

Appendix D
Poster Rubric

Poster Rubric

Glows Criteria Grows


The poster demonstrates

knowledge of healthy habits.
It displays information that
can help those in the school
stay healthy.


There is appropriate
language and illustrations on
the poster. Correct spelling
and punctuation. Sentence
structure is conventional.


Poster is creative, unique,

organized. It is pleasant to
look at and catches the eye
of the viewers.

Summative Guide Book Pages Rubric


Summative Guide Book Pages


1 2 3 4
-Did not complete -Student has half of -Student has mostly -Students has created
pages- little to none required 2 pages completed two unique two unique pages
finished completed pages

-Did not create -Mostly incomplete -Recipe created by - Student has come up
appropriate recipe recipe for the first page students is mostly with own healthy eating
completed as one page recipes for one page

-Not very creative, -Minimal to no -Recipe has creative -Has shared recipe in
unique or original creativity or uniqueness eye-catching potential creative and eye-
in sharing of recipe catching way

-No title present for -Simple or no title -Student has title -Student has a creative
pages present present present for pages and unique title for

-No importance of -Habits page is nearly -Healthy habits page is -Student has a healthy
healthy habits present in incomplete. Maybe nearly completed with habit tip for second
students work include some, but not important details and page; habits include
all information required what can be done details of importance
and what can be done
- Does not include -Illustration does not -Illustration is mostly -Creative student-made
illustration in either of 2 relate to either pages; complete and is related illustration somewhere
pages may not be complete to pages of the between 2 pages

-Has not demonstrated -Hardly any -Demonstrated -Demonstrated strong

knowledge of fractions demonstration of knowledge of fractions knowledge of fraction
and usage while creating fraction knowledge and and usage of them use while making
recipes usage recipe

Appendix F
Oh, the Things You Can Do That are Good for You! Questions


1. What are some things that we can do to keep our bodies

healthy and working properly?

2. Why is hand washing so important to help us stay


3. How can you prevent germs from spreading?

4. What does brushing your teeth do?


Appendix G
Student Response Sheets






Appendix H
Work Habits Exit Ticket


Work Habits Exit Ticket

Write down the answers to these questions;

1. What did you use todays workshop for?

2. What do you still need to work on?

3. How will you use tomorrows work shop?


Appendix I
Grows and Glows Take Home Assignment


What are some Grows and Glows you would like to

share from our Showcase?



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