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Professional Dispositions Statement Reflection 1

Professional Dispositions Statement Reflection

John A. Robinson II

Grand Canyon University: SEC-490

February 21, 2020

Professional Dispositions Statement Reflection 2

Professional Dispositions Statement Reflection

To be an effective teacher you should have a positive outlook when interacting with

children, their families, and other educational professional. A positive outlook is something that

is demonstrated by being encouraging, friendly, approachable, warm, humorous for comfort,

appreciative of personal, cultural, and educational differences. A teacher with a positive outlook

will always look for the good in a bad situation and believing that everyone has worth, the

potential to learn, grow, and succeed.

Showing respect is a professional disposition that is essential. Respect can be displayed

by conducting oneself in a non-judgmental manner, displaying patience for individuals,

respecting that students learn differently through a variety of methods, being a good listener, and

displaying a respectful perspective towards the questions, ideas and contributions of students,

their parents and colleagues.

To maintain a high level of intellectual integrity you must practice the ability to grow and

maintain trust with the students, their parents, and your professional colleagues. This can be

achieved by being reliable, demonstrating sound moral character, truthfulness, honesty, sincerity,

fairness, and professionalism to your chosen area of profession. Professionalism is displayed in

your physical appearance, your speech, your fair and just interaction with students, their families,

and colleagues, and in your pursuit of self-improvement to ensure the highest quality of informed

and prepared instruction.

To be an effective professional, you must be dedicated to their craft for success. As a

future educator, you must never quit when frustrated with a situation that presents an obstacle but

rather display commitment and the importance of each student’s ability, and process to learn,

when communicating with the family of a student who may be absent from the conversation, the
Professional Dispositions Statement Reflection 3

child’s life or may become defensive. Exhibiting a high level of dedication is not only important

for a professional wanting to be effective and successful but also to demonstrate to your students

why they should remain dedicated to their education and not give up. To find and use the

resources available to you through your administration, district, colleagues, and within each

student is a demonstration of not giving up when faced with an obstacle but rather through

enthusiastic devotion, viewing the obstacle as an opportunity to learn and grow by getting over

and past the issue. Dedication does not leave room for excuses. It leaves room for earned success

and reliability. You can build a reputation of being reliable by honoring your commitments and

letting your “yes” be “yes” and your “no” be “no.”

To be an effective teacher you must practice self-awareness or self-assessment. This is

done by consistently looking inward at yourself as a professional and building and improving

your professional skills while evaluating and correcting weaknesses or failures. You must ask for

and take the advice of colleagues relying on collaboration as the basis for effective teaching. You

do this by exercising clarity when defining and communicating your expectation of students,

being punctual in your attendance, and allowing yourself to make the appropriate method of

differentiation in your instruction so to meet the personal needs of students.

Professional Dispositions Statement Reflection 4

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