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Come sing and learn Spanish with doña María after school this spring
semester right here at Georgia O’Keeffe! POCOLOCO Spanish, with doña
María at the helm, specializes in teaching español to kids and teens in
Albuquerque. Fun-filled, action-packed and lively classes are taught in a
warm, interactive and supportive learning environment. Doña María teaches
her passion - el español - through jam-packed lesson-plans that include
music, songs, games, story-telling, role-play, cultural presentations and
visitors, mini-geography- lessons, arts & crafts follow-up activities, y mucho
mucho más.

¿Quién? Students currently enrolled in K thr 5th

¿Dónde? Classes conveniently held here at Georgia O’Keeffe Elementary

¿Cuándo? Right after school ~ Weekly 1-hr class

Grades 3 thr 5 à Mondays 3:50 – 4:50 pm
K thr 2nd à Wednesdays 1:00 – 2:00 pm
(Classes begin second week of January. Limited enrollment – please reserve a
space for your child by registering early.)

¿Cuánto? Monthly tuition of $60

(January will be pro-rated due to mid-month class-start)

¿Contacto? María Nilsson-Whitaker (Owner/Instructor; POCOLOCO Spanish)

à teléfono: (505) 797-8980
à e-correo:
à sitio Web:

Come sing and learn Spanish with doña María after school this spring
semester right here at SY Jackson! POCOLOCO Spanish, with doña María
at the helm, specializes in teaching español to kids and teens in
Albuquerque. Fun-filled, action-packed and lively classes are taught in a
warm, interactive and supportive learning environment. Doña María teaches
her passion - el español - through jam-packed lesson-plans that include
music, songs, games, story-telling, role-play, cultural presentations and
visitors, mini-geography- lessons, arts & crafts follow-up activities, y mucho
mucho más.

¿Quién? Kindergarten through 5th

¿Dónde? Classes conveniently held here at SY Jackson

¿Cuándo? Right after school ~ Weekly 1-hr class

K-2nd: Tuesdays, 3:45-4:45
rd th
3 - 5 : Thursdays, 3:45-4:45
First class: Jan. 11th (Tuesday class) and Jan 13th (Thursday class)
(Limited enrollment – please reserve a space for your child by registering early)

¿Cuánto? Monthly tuition of $60

(January will be pro-rated due to mid-month class-start)

¿Contacto? María Nilsson-Whitaker (Owner/Instructor; POCOLOCO Spanish)

à teléfono: (505) 797-8980
à e-correo:
à sitio Web:
Maria Nilsson-Whitaker, dba POCOLOCO Spanish Programs
9600 Peralta Rd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109

Teléfono: (505) 797-8980

Correo Electrónico:
Pagina Web:

Documento de Matriculación/Registration Form

Favor de completar, firmar y mandar a Maria en la dirección de arriba/Please complete,

sign and send to Maria at the address listed above

Nombre de niño(a)/Child’s Name: ___________________________________________

Edad/Age: ______ Grado Escolar/Grade: ______ Escuela/School: ______________

Fecha de Nacimiento/Date of Birth: ______________________

Dirección de Hogar/Home Address: _________________________________________

Código Postal/Zip Code: _________________

Teléfono a Casa/Home Phone: ______________; Celular/Cell Phone: _______________

Correo Electrónico/E-mail: _______________________________________________

Contacto de Emergencia/Emergency Contact: _________________________________

Teléfono de Contacto de Emergencia/Emergency Contact Phone: __________________

Favor de marcar con sus iniciales/Please Initial:

____ I understand that neither POCOLOCO Spanish Programs nor the staff at the class-
hosting facility can be responsible for my child after the Spanish class is over.
____ I understand that the monthly tuition is due at the beginning of each month and
should be sent directly to POCOLOCO’s postal mailing address. I will not send payments
directly to the teacher via my child. (OVER à)
____ I understand that POCOLOCO does not reimburse tuition payments for missed
classes or early withdrawals.
____ I will inform the teacher about possible or pending withdrawal the month prior to
such so that my child’s Spanish class space can be offered to a student on POCOLOCO’s
waiting list.
____ I understand that POCOLOCO reserves the right to request the withdrawal of any
student whose conduct is disruptive to other members of the class after due warning and
the opportunity to rectify the problem have been given.
____ I will encourage my child to practice the language lessons as best I can.
____ I understand that foreign language acquisition takes time and I will do my best to
keep my child in the program for the whole academic year.

Firma de Padre o Madre/Parent’s Signature:


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