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Question Asked 8th Aug, 2016 in the project

Microbially induced calcite precipitation

Yumeng Zhao
Georgia Institute of Technology

How to determine soil degree of saturation

if I don't use a triaxial pressure cell?
On ASTM, there is a method 'Suggested Test Method for
Determination of Degree of Saturation of Soil Samples by
B Value Measurement'. However, this method is not
suitable for firmly bio-cemented unsaturated sand in that
the sand is as strong as a brick, pressure test will destroy
the samples. Besides, the samples will be treated in a
PVC pipe and will not be pushed out when testing the
degree of saturation, this is another reason why I cannot
use the B value to measure the degree of saturation.

Soil Analysis Soil Chemistry



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All Answers (6)

Prem Baboo 8th Aug, 2016

Dangote Fertilizer Projects

Determine the degree of saturation of a sample of soil given

that its maximum dry unit weight is 18 kN/m^3 and its
optimum moisture content is 12.1%. Assume the Specific
Gravity of soil is 2.65. Also, compute the percentage of air
voids of the soil sample.

Soil is a mixture of minerals, organic matter, gases, liquids,

and countless organisms that together support life on Earth.
Soil is a natural body called the pedosphere which has four
important functions: it is a medium for plant growth; it is a
means of water storage, supply and purification; it is a
modifier of Earth'satmosphere; it is a habitat for organisms;
all of which, in turn, modify the soil.

The standard test method used to determine the hydraulic

conductivity of a clean granular soil (rigid-wall permeameter
–constant head difference) requires that the specimen be
saturated with an air-vacuum pump. However, no method is
provided to verify whether the sample is fully (100%)
saturated. such a method and establishes its accuracy. The
method allows for quality control of the rigid-wall
permeameter itself: it can detect if it is watertight but not
airtight, according to the achieved degree of saturation. A
detailed example is given on a proposed data sheet. The
reasons for partial saturation and the problems related to air
bubbles are examined. The result of this examination is a
simplified test to check a permeameter, based on the fact
that for unsaturated conditions the hydraulic conductivity
depends on which of two ways the water seeps in a given
direction. A few modifications in the preparation of the
specimen and the test procedure are suggested so as to
improve the quality of test results. Key words: permeability,
laboratory, granular soils, rigid-wall permeameter, saturation

Article An Improved Volume Measurement for Determining

Soil Water Re...

Article Measurement of degree of saturation on model

ground by digit...

On_the_relationship_between_s… on_and.pdf · 3.72 MB

64091_Test_Procedure_for_Degre… terial.pdf · 88.25 KB
AgriculturalResearchBulletin-v011-b139.pdf · 3.28 MB
6.2 Variation of Degree of Satura… y Soil.pdf · 291.63 KB

Moruffdeen A. Adabanija 8th Aug, 2016

Ladoke Akintola University of

Suction stress characteristics curve may suffice. For this

purpose, the following references may be useful.

Lu N and Likos WJ, 2004. Unsaturated soil mechanics.

Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Lu N, Godt JW and Wu DT, 2010. A closed-form equation

for effective stress in unsaturated soil. Water Resources
Research, 46: 1 - 14

Good luck.

1 Recommendation

Harald Weigand 8th Aug, 2016

THM University of Applied

You may calculate soil porosity (p) based on dry bulk

density (rho_b) and density of solid matter (rho_s); p = 1-
(rho_b/rho_s); the latter may be measured by pycnometry or
approximated as 2.65 (density of quartz). porosity equals
the maximum water content at saturation (Theta_sat). Then
oven-dry a representative sample to optain the actual water
content (Theta_act). Theta_act/Theta_sat is the degree of
saturation. Be careful not to mix volumetric and gravimetric
water content.

2 Recommendations

Donovan Mujah 9th Sep, 2016

Curtin University

Perhaps this article would help to answer some of your

doubts. All the best!

Article Cementation of sand soil by microbially induced

calcite prec...

Yumeng Zhao 9th Sep, 2016

Georgia Institute of Technology

Hi, Donovan, thank you for your answer. Actually I've

already read this paper and consulted Dr. Cheng via email.
But I'm thinking about a better way to solve the problem. In
this paper, "excess pore water" were extracted by vacuum
pump, however, what exact the "excess pore water " means
is not clear and I am worried about the vacuum pump may
redistribute the sand samples (even though Dr. Cheng said
the sands were in desist status and the pressure was
negative pressure ).

Muhammad Sohail Ashraf 10th Oct, 2018

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Hi Yumeng Zhao !

Did you come up with a solution to your problem (apart from

that suggested in Dr Cheng's article)?

Can you help by adding an answer?


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