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Erosion risk analysis by GIS in environmental impact assessments: A case

study - Seyhan Köprü Dam construction

Article  in  Journal of Environmental Management · December 2002

DOI: 10.1006/jema.2002.0574 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

Şükran Şahin
Ankara University


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Journal of Environmental Management (2002) 66, 239±247 1
doi:10.1006/jema.2002.0574, available online at on

Erosion risk analysis by GIS in

environmental impact assessments:
a case studyÐSeyhan KoÈpruÈ Dam
SË. SËahin* and E. Kurum
Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture,
06110 Ankara, Turkey
Received 11 July 2001; accepted 8 March 2002

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a systematically constructed procedure whereby environmental impacts
caused by proposed projects are examined. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are crucially ef®cient tools for
impact assessment and their use is likely to dramatically increase in the near future. GIS have been applied to a wide
range of different impact assessment projects and dams among them have been taken as the case work in this article. EIA
Regulation in force in Turkey requires the analysis of steering natural processes that can be adversely affected by the
proposed project, particularly in the section of the analysis of the areas with higher landscape value. At this point, the true
potential value of GIS lies in its ability to analyze spatial data with accuracy. This study is an attempt to analyze by GIS the
areas with higher landscape value in the impact assessment of dam constructions in the case of Seyhan-KoÈpruÈ
Hydroelectric Dam project proposal. A method needs to be de®ned before the overlapping step by GIS to analyze the
areas with higher landscape value. In the case of Seyhan-KoÈpruÈ Hydroelectric Dam project proposal of the present work,
considering the geological conditions and the steep slopes of the area and the type of the project, the most important
natural process is erosion. Therefore, the areas of higher erosion risk were considered as the Areas with Higher
Landscape Value from the conservation demands points of view.
# 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd

Keywords: GIS, EIA, erosion risk, dams.

Introduction Many of the GIS applications for impact assess-

ment use basic GIS functions such as measurement
of lengths and areas, map production, buffering,
The use of GIS for impact assessment and the classic overlay operation (Joa Äo, 1998).
Recognizing the spatial nature of many environ-
GIS have been applied to a wide range of different mental impacts, overlay mapping in the manner of
impact assessment projects. The most common GIS ecosystem analysis was pioneered by McHarg (1969)
applications for the impact evaluation are the roads, who is both a landscape architect and a city planner.
pipelines, housing developments, coast and ¯ood Compared with the cumbersome manual process of
protection works, dams, tourism related projects, overlaying transparencies, the overlay analysis is
ports and power lines. GIS is also widely used by made much more powerful through the use of GIS
environmental consultancies for all impact assess- (Smith, 1993). Arithmetic and logical overlay opera-
ment stages (Joa Äo, 1998). tions are part of all GIS software packages.
Arithmetic overlay includes such operations as
addition, subtractions, division, and multiplication
* Corresponding author. Email: of each value in a data layer by the value in the

0301±4797/02/$ ± see front matter # 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd

240 SË. SËahin and E. Kurum

corresponding location in a second data layer. Erosion risk mapping

A logical overlay involves ®nding those areas
where a speci®ed set of conditions do or do not Investigations on the evaluation of water erosion
occur (Aronoff, 1991). Those abilities of overlay and soil loss started in the beginning of 1900s, but
mapping by GIS technology make it an ef®cient more signi®cant studies were conducted after the
tool for the assessment of incremental changes in an 1940s. Initially soil loss was predicted in accordance
environment; the site selection for a project pro- with empirical equations. After the 1950s para-
posal; the comparison of the alternatives; the exam- metric models have been developed. This parametric
ining and visually displaying the spatial nature of models rely on statistical relationships between
the impacts in an EIA work. soil-loss and various parameters derived from larger
sets of data such as rainfall, soil erodibility, slope-
length, slope gradient, crop management, etc. The
The areas with higher landscape value:
most common and widely used parametric model
problem description and target for the prediction of soil losses is the well known
formulation `Universal Soil Loss EquationÐUSLE' (MAPA/
ICONA, 1983; MOPU, 1985), developed in the
The analysis of the areas with higher landscape USA as an aid for conservation considering agricul-
value is a requirement of the current EIA regulation tural activities. In general, the methods to measure
in Turkey within the content of General Format of soil loss can be divided into two: Quantitative (such
EIA Report (Section IV.2.14). This practice is among as USLE, MUSLE) and Qualitative Methods (such
the responsibilities of landscape architects, however as ICONA, CORINE).
there is still room for improvement for a widely Quantitative methods usually involve the meas-
accepted common approach. From the view point of urement and quanti®cation of various components.
the landscape architecture discipline, in determin- Qualitative methods, on the other hand, rely more
ing of `the areas with higher landscape value', the on the judgments and responses of the analyst.
ecological, cultural and visual characteristics of the However it is important that this professional
area in question are examined with an holistic judgment takes place in the context of a systematic
approach considering Conservation Demand and and structured approach (NRA, 1993). In practice,
Development Demands. Human welfare and the a more accurate prediction of erosion risks can be
quality of life in many ways depend directly and achieved by the integration of the qualitative and
indirectly on the availability of environmental goods quantitative methods considering long-run land
and services, thereby on the natural process and conservation strategies, management and monitor-
ecosystem that provide them (Vellinga et al., 1994). ing (Gardi et al., 1996).
This means that the conservation demand of the PAP/RAC (Priority Actions Program/Regional
area, and accordingly the interrelations among the Activity Center) of the MAP (Mediterranean Action
components of the bio-physical environment should Plan)ÐUNEP in corporation with FAO prepared
be analyzed, and the section of determining the the Guidelines for Erosion and Deserti®cation Con-
areas with higher landscape value of the EIA process trol Management. This Guidelines, dealing with
presents an opportunity for this purpose. In prac- management related issues of erosion/deserti®ca-
tice, however, the assessment of mentioned natural tion control are a logical and thematic follow up of
processes, what is also called ecological impact the guidelines on mapping and measurements by
assessment in literature, is not executed properly PAP/RAC in 1997 (UNEP/MAP/PAP 2000).
in formal EIA studies in Turkey. The more import-
ant purposes of this paper are to disclose this
de®ciency of EIA studies, to present the way in Determining the areas with
which this problem can be overcome, and to conduct
a case study to prove the crucial outputs of the
higher landscape value: a case
analysis of the areas with higher landscape value.
Another equally important purpose is to show Dams may have a series of environmental conse-
indispensability of GIS in such cases. quences that can or can not be anticipated. Some of
At the present article, erosion risk analysis is these are dealt with in greater detail elsewhere,
recommended to determine the value of natural such as subsidence, earthquake triggering, the
landscape taking into account the characteristics of transmission and expansion in the range of organ-
the environment and the nature of the dam con- isms, the build-up of soil salinity, changes in
struction as a development demand. ground-levels creating slope instability, logging
GIS Environmental Impact Assessments 241

Map 1. Study area: Dam lake catchment over Seyhan-GoÈksu Brook.

and sediment load reduction of the river down- the dam lake was determined (Map 1). Impact areas
stream (Goudie, 1995). Otherwise dams can be related to the proposed project were divided into two
effected by the physical environment where they regions within the entire catchment of the dam lake.
are built. The life span of a dam is very strongly First degree impact areas are the slopes, which feed
related with the soil erosion caused by rainfall directly the dam lake by rainfall run-off. Second
runoff. Hence one of the steering natural processes degree impact areas are the rest of the catchment in
that may have an impact on proposed project and which the tributaries of the GoÈksu Brook are loaded
which in turn may be affected by the project itself is by sediments at ®rst, than those tributaries carry
`erosion process'. Vegetation cover and accordingly whole sediment loads into dam lake.
fauna, river sedimentation, dam life span can be
affected by this process as well. Thus, the `erosion
process' is considered in the analysis of `the areas
with higher landscape value' at present work. In Method
this paper this process is analyzed in the case area.
In this study ICONA erosion risk method developed
by the Directorate General for the Conservation of
The project area Nature (DGCONA, previously ICONA) in Spain was
used and adopted to the study area. The method
In the present work proposed Seyhan-KoÈpru È integrated with the Guidelines for Mapping and
Hydroelectric Power Station to be constructed Measurements of Erosion prepared by UNEP/MAP/
over GoÈksu Brook is taken as the case study. In PAP (2000), particularly in order to use a standar-
the analysis of natural processes that form a land- dized mapping legend (Annex IV of the Guidelines)
scape, the natural boundaries should be taken as the and to recommend the follow up steps of erosion risk
study area limit, for this reason, the catchment of analysis.
242 SË. SËahin and E. Kurum





Figure 1. Method: MOPU (1985), MAPA/ICONA (1983), and MAPA/ICONA (1991).

The Directorate-General for the Conservation of environmental parameters. In this case study, for
Nature (DGCONA) executed a project called the de®nition of soil protection grades the follow-
LUCDEME (Lucha Contra la Deserti®cacioÂn en el ing table developed by IFIE-SeccioÂn de Hidraulica
Mediterr aneo/Combat with Deserti®cation in Torrencial del Antiguo Instituto Forestal de
Mediterranean) at the South-East of Spain between Investigaciones y Experiencias in 1968 (MAPA/
the years of 1981±1984, and developed a method in ICONA, 1983) was used (Table 1).
order to de®ne erosion risk (MOPU, 1985). Figure 1 The vegetation cover map to be used in this study
illustrates the steps of the method. For the elabor- was re-coded from the `Vegetation Cover Map of
ation of the present method, conventional maps (at Turkey' by OB-Directorate General of Forestry in
1/25 000 scale) of topography (for slope analysis), accordance with the following classes de®ned from
vegetation cover (for soil protection grades), geology Table 1:
(for erodibility analysis) were transferred to the
 Bare areas;
computer media by the AutoCAD R.14 software.
 Dense woodland;
The recti®cation of the transferred data was per-
 Loose woodland;
formed by ERDAS Imagine 8.3. Slope analysis was
 Degraded woodland;
made by LANDCADD R.12 software. Then all the
 Agricultural areas.
data were transferred into a GIS engine that is
ArcCAD R.14. This software provided the ability to In the next step, the geographical data (slope
create, manipulate, analyze and display topological- condition and vegetation cover) of the site were
ly correct geographic data in digital form. interpreted by the indices given Table 1 in order to
produce site speci®c composite indices. `The soil
protection grades' being qualitative values were
Slope then assigned to these composite indices in the
following fashion: 10: very high (VH), 09±08: high
In accordance with MAPA/ICONA (1983), following (H), 07±06: moderate (M), 04±03: low (L), 02±00:
slope gradients were used: 0±12, 12±18, 18±24, very low (VL). Accordingly, The map of `Soil
24±35, 35±60 and >60%. Protection Grades' was produced with the aid of
GIS by the superimposition of soil condition and
vegetation cover data in accordance with these
qualitative values shown in Table 2.
Vegetation cover and soil
protection grades
Vegetation cover is the variable controlling ero- Geology and erodibility
sional activity that is most affected by human mani-
pulation and is therefore an important component Physical and chemical characteristics of bedrocks
of any predictive model (Trimble, 1990). Each have signi®cant in¯uence over erosion process.
vegetation cover type has its own soil protection Geological structure map to be used in this study
grade, which depends upon land-use differences, was re-coded from the `Geological Resources Map of
current soil management practices, and other Turkey' by MTA, Directorate General of Mineral
GIS Environmental Impact Assessments 243

Table 1. Soil protection indices by vegetation cover by IFIE (MAPA/ICONA 1983).

Vegetation type Statement Slope Protection index

Forest Dense woodland cover (07 density) for any slope gradient 10
Woodland cover with less than 07 for any slope gradient 10
density and non-degraded bushes
and herbaceous plant cover
Woodland cover with less than 07 3 04
density and degraded bushes and
herbaceous plant cover
2 08
1 10
Non-degraded bush cover for any slope gradient 10
Degraded bush cover 3 02
2 02
1 08
Well-conserved pasture 530% 09
>30% 06
Degraded pasture for any slope gradient 03
Agriculture Agriculture without conservation practices 3 00
2 05
1 09
Agriculture with conservation practices 1 and 2 10
3 03
Bare-land 3 00
2 05
1 09

1. Slope inferior than the gradient of erosion initiation.

2. Slope between the gradient of erosion initiation and total dragging.
3. Slope superior than the gradient of total dragging.

Table 2. Soil protection grades and Erodibility (Adopted from MAPA/ICONA 1983, MAPA/ICONA/1991), Atucha et al.,
1993; Gardi et al., 1996.

0±12 12±18 18±24 24±35 35±60 >60

Type of vegetation cover

Soil protection grades
Bare-lands V V V V V V
Dense woodland VH VH VH VH VH VH
Loose woodland VH H M M V V
Degraded busy areas H M V V V V
Agricultural areas M V V V V V
Compacted siliceous rocks EN EL EL EM ES ES
Slightly consolidated rocks EL EM EM ES EV EV

Soil protection grades: VH, Very High; H, High; M, Moderate; L, Low; VL, Very Low.
Erodibility classes: EN, erodibility from none to low; EL, erodibility from low to moderate; EM, erodibility from moderate to severe;
ES, erodibility from severe to very severe; EV, erodibility from very severe to total dragging.

Research and Exploration in accordance with the  Slightly consolidated rocks;

classi®cation of erodibility by MAPA/ICONA 1983.  Soft formations;
 Alluvial deposits.
 Igneous rocks;
 Well cemented calcareous rocks; After this interpretation, it was observed that
 Compacted siliceous rocks; there exist only the following two geological classes
244 SË. SËahin and E. Kurum

in the study area: Table 3, and Map 2 was produced as a result. Table 3
enumerates the degrees of erosion risks in accord-
 well cemented calcareous rocks;
ance with Annex IV on Mapping Legend of the
 siliceous rocks.
Guidelines for Erosion and Deserti®cation Control
The inherent characteristics of these re-coded Management of UNEP/MAP/PAP (2000): These
geological structure were then interpreted with numbers denote the following: 1: very severe; 2:
slope gradients to come up erodibility classes severe; 3: moderate; 4: slight; 5: very slight.
shown in Table 2 and superimposed to produce the As it is seen on Map 2, the signi®cant coverage
map of `Erodibility'. of the study area including the surroundings of
the dam lake presents very severe risk of erosion.
When analyzed by conventional indices, such as

Result Table 3. Criteria for erosion risk (Adopted from MAPA/

ICONA 1983, MAPA/ICONA/1991), Atucha et al., 1993;
Gardi et al., 1996.
The `Erosion Risk Map' which is one the main goals
of this article was produced by the superimposition Erodibility Soil protection grades
of two critical attributes of the site `Soil Protection
Map' (produced by the superimposition of the map
of vegetation cover and slope) and `Erodibility Map' EN 1 1 1 2 2
(produced by the superimposition of the maps of EL 1 1 2 3 4
geology and slope). EM 1 2 3 4 4
EV 2 3 3 5 5
The superimposition of the two attributes was
EE 2 3 4 5 5
achieved according to the criteria presented in the

Map 2. Erosion risk.

GIS Environmental Impact Assessments 245

Slight to seas and lakes is about 500 million tons per year
0.11% Very slight (Dog Æan et al., 2000). In this end environmental
Severe management practices such as EIA have to take into
0.10% consideration properly this severe problem in their
contex. One of the main contributions of this paper
Erosion risk degree
is to propose a method how to carry out erosion risk
Very severe analysis in an EIA work under the section of the
analysis of the areas with higher landscape value
toward internationally appreciated standards.
Very severe There are some commonly known soil erosion risk
Very slight
82.26% estimation and mapping methods such as ICONA,
CORINE,1 USLE, etc. In this present work
Figure 2. The area portion of erosion risk degrees.
ICONA method was used and integrated with
the Guidelines for Erosion/Deserti®cation Control
percentages (Figure 2), the picture of the distribu- Management which were prepared by UNEP/MAP/
tion reveals a clear pattern of gravity as far as the PAP (2000) in corporation with FAO. All these
erosion risk is concerned. methods have their own merits and the paper does
The areas at severe and very severe level of not aim to make an argument in favor of the ICONA
erosion risk excluding rocky areas are those in method. In the countries where the problem of soil
high landscape value from conservation point of erosion is very severe and the dearth of detailed and
view. For the sustainability of natural landscape, upgraded data have been signi®cant and the avail-
such activities that can accelerate erosion should ability of data is very expensive and time consum-
not be permitted in those areas. Therefore, to ing, the design of data processing within the
improve the conditions of land in order to provide framework of a method carries a crucial importance.
resistance against the potential erosion problem re- In this sense the ICONA method presents an
vegetation practice needs to be improved in par- opportunity for rapid evaluation of potential erosion
ticular on the ®rst degree impact areas around the risk in large areas. Other methods can be easily
dam lake to be able to both extend the dam life-span incorporated with the results as the complimentary
as well as to decrease the potential risk of rainfall part of it taking into account mainly the areas where
erosion. As it is stated before in the section of project the erosion risk is severe.
area de®nition, ®rst degree impact areas are the
slopes that feed directly to the dam lake by rainfall
surface runoff. The conservation value of these
areas is very high. Technological and practical aspects
The more rational and effective impact mitigation
measures can be achieved by the combination of The de®nition of the areas with higher landscape
erosion risk map with existing land-use types value can be considered as an Ecological Impact
and socio-economic structure. The further steps Assessment (EcIA) work of the EIA in respect to
of ICONA method provide an opportunity for this ecological concerns. Brie¯y, EcIA is a formal process
purpose with its erosive landscape classi®cation. of identifying, quantifying and evaluating the
potential impacts of de®ned actions on ecosystem
(Treweek and Hankard, 1998). At the same time the
effects of ecological phenomena over the proposed
Discussion projects is the question of EcIA. Treweek (1999)
states that GIS can be used as a tool in scooping or
The results of this study might be discussed in two conceptualizing the EcIA, deriving suitable study
aspects. limits and generating appropriate impact scenarios
and mitigating strategies as well as simply handling

Methodological aspects
CORINE Method in erosion mapping analyses the following
Erosion in Turkey is one of the most important factors for the determination of potential and actual erosion risk;
ecological problems threatening natural resources. soil texture, soil depth, stoniness, Modi®ed Fournier Indices and
Bagnouls-Gaussen Draught Indices and slope for the potential
According to the sediment measurements made on erosion risk, and also vegetation cover for the actual erosion risk
26 large basins, the amount of sediment transported (DogÆan et al., 2000; GencËler et al., 2000).
246 SË. SËahin and E. Kurum

the relevant data and making them accessible. GIS Dog Æan, O., Ku È Ëcu 
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Located in West Mediterranean Region Using Corine
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supporting numerical modeling of spatially distrib- tion, Konya, Turkey.
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