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2nd Year: Tech Time: 01 hour


Full name: ………………………………..
Class: ………………..

PART ONE: reading

A. Comprehension 20
Read the text carefully then do the following activities

An object that attracts certain kinds of metals, especially iron, is called amagnet. The area near the magnet
where the magnet can act to attract thingsis called its magnetic field. The farther away from the magnet an item is,
theweaker the magnetic field is, and the less likely an object is to become attractedto the

Magnets can be either permanent or temporary. A permanent magnetstays magnetized

for a long time. A temporary magnet loses its magnetism afteronly a short time. You can even
turn something made out of iron into atemporary magnet by rubbing it against a permanent
magnet. The more you rub,the stronger the magnet is that you create. However, the effects will
wear offover time.

The two ends of the magnets are called magnetic poles. The poles, whichare found at the ends of bar magnets
and the tips of the horseshoe magnets, arethe strongest parts of the magnet. Each magnet has a north pole and a
southpole. Opposite poles attract each other (pull toward each other), and same polesrepel (push away from each
other). So a north pole and a south pole will pulltoward each other, and two North’s or two South’s will push away
from eachother. If you are holding the magnets, you can actually feel the push and pulleffects of magnetism.

1. Are these statements true or false?

a. A magnet can be made of wood or paper. …….
b. The magnetic field created will last forever
c. Each magnet has only one pole. …….
2. Answer the following questions according to the text
a. What is the magnetic field?
b. What is the difference between permanent andtemporary magnet?


c. Why two North’s or two doSouth’spoles push away from each other?

3. To which / who do the underlined words refer to in the text?

Its(§2) : ……………………. It (§2) : ……………………. Which(§3) : …………………………

4. The text is about:

- a scientific experiment b- properties of the magnet c- Characteristics of metals

1. Find in the text words that are opposites to the following:

a. weak≠ …………………….. (§2) a. attract ≠ ………………….…(§3)

2. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a):

1. a. An electromagnet can be controlled by a switch.
b. A switch …………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. a.We used this technology to operate large cranes that liftheavy metal object
b.This technology …………………………………………………………………………………….

3. Put the verbs between brackets in their correct form.

a. I (write) ………….. a letter to you if you ( to need ) …………… an advice.

b. If you (to rub) ………….. a metal against a magnet, it ( to become ) ………………a temporary

4. Reorder the following sentences to write a coherent paragraph

a. A special kind of temporary magnet that uses electricity to

b. create a magneticfield is an electromagnet.
c. An electromagnet can be an extremely strongmagnet,
d. but it only acts like a magnet when it is receiving electrical current.
e. Astronger electrical current will produce a stronger magnet.

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