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Our mission is to reach out in worship, education, fellowship and service to all.

Fountain Hills, AZ August/September 2010
From the Interim Pastor
As I See It
“Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was
given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the
hands of the presbytery.” 1 Timothy 4:14 King James

Old Pastor Paul was writing to young Pastor Timo-

thy about remembering how he was equipped by
God for ministry. His equipping included prophecy Paul’s Brief Summary of the
and the laying on of the hands of the presbytery. Another translation reads 219th General Assembly,
“council of elders.” Minneapolis, July 3-10, 2010

Since the days of the Bible, Christians have sent representatives to special Guiding Bible Verse – Jesus said,
assemblies from time to time for a variety of reasons. To worship. To pray. “Out of the believer’s heart shall flow
To ordain with the laying on of hands and prayer. To fund and commission rivers of living water” John 7:38
those sent out with the good news of Jesus Christ. To decide on matters of
faith and governance. Carrying on that tradition, we call these meetings Theme – Growing Christ’s Church
General Assemblies, and Synods, and Presbyteries. Deep and Wide

The most recent General Assembly met in Minneapolis July 3 through 10. Moderator – Elder Cynthia Bolbach
The presbytery of Grand Canyon, of which we are a part, sent two elders from National Capital Presbytery
and two ministers to serve with a total of 770 commissioners. They elected
a new moderator, Elder Cynthia Bolbach from National Capital Presbytery. • The Assembly commissioned for
Upon completion of their work, Question and Answer sheets with the 219th service 122 Young Adult Volun-
General Assembly letterhead were published. These have been posted on teers and 17 Mission Co-workers
the narthex bulletin board for your review. Additionally, look for my own
brief summaries of the General Assembly’s work. • The Assembly honored mission
workers completing 20 plus years
If General Assembly ever takes a position with which you differ, remember of service
that our constitution (G-1.0300) provides that God alone is Lord of the con-
science. We honor the right of individual opinions on all faith matters. • The Assembly celebrated the 30th
There are matters where people of good will and sincere faith will differ Anniversary of the Presbyterian
from time to time. In other words, the General Assembly does not bind Peacemaking Program
your conscience in its determinations if the Bible and the Holy Spirit have
taught you otherwise. • The Assembly approved a state-
ment coming out of Grand Can-
Continued on page 3... yon Presbytery, drafted by the


From June 1 until September 3, the Church office is open Monday through Thursday from
8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The office will be closed on Fridays until Labor Day.
In Touch page 2

OUR CHURCH STAFF Focus on Finance

Dr. Paul F. Soderquist
Interim Pastor
Rev. Stan Jones Income June 2010 $ 21,301 Year to Date Income $185,890
Parish Associate
Marta Ludwig Expenses June 2010 $ 25,373 Year to Date Expenses $163,937
Administrative Coordinator
Debbie Fisher
Director of Music Ministry Difference ($4,072) Difference $ 21,953
Dorothy Parris
Lynn Medley
Custodian We have now completed half of our financial year and have accumulated a re-
Anna Hill serve amount in our 2010 expense budget to help offset the anticipated income
Nursery shortfall that occurs every summer. Our expenses will continue to run in the
$20K to $25K each month while income traditionally drops below that amount.
CHURCH TREASURER Our projected budget figures on income are currently lower than planned, but
Bud Fuls with careful expense control, we should be able to
meet all commitments until the fall months.
CHURCH SESSION We encourage all members to maintain their pledges
Class of 2010 during the summer months to provide the financial
Maria Berry stability we need as we plan for a new era in our con-
Andrew Hasley gregational life.
Ben Dresser
Jim Stewart Many thanks,
Class of 2011 Bud Fuls, Treasurer
Norm Collins
Peggy Linkin
Helen Roesch The cause of Christ
Pat Tuttle “Wake up, sing up, preach up, pray up, stay up and never give up or let up or back up or shut up, until
Class of 2012 the cause of Christ in the church and the world is built up.”
John Brockelman
- Woodland Christian Church, Kansas City, Missouri
Susan Phillips
Terri Schmidt
John Wyman
On the Inside:
BOARD OF DEACONS From the Interim Pastor .. … … … . . …… …. ….. ….. 1
Moderator: Toni Patterson 219th General Assembly Summary report .. .. . . . . . . . . 1
Class of 2010 Focus on Finance .. .. .. ..… … … … .. . … .. . .. … . … . 2
Linda Lull Mission Ministry… … .. … …... …. .. … .. … … … .. 4
Susan Owens What is Per Capita? .. .. .. .. .. . . . .…. … … … … … … . 5
Tiny Patterson Presbyterian Women … … .. ..…. … … … … … … … 6
Toni Patterson Stewardship.. … .. .. .. … .. . . … ..… … …. … … … … 7
See if you can find the mistake!

Class of 2011 Did you Know?.. … … .. … . .. . . … .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8

Ralph Berry Music Ministry… … … … …. …. …. …. …. … … . .. .. 9
Bud Fuls Christian Education… … … … … .. . . …. .. . .. .. .. .. . ... 10
Michele Hasley Evangelism Ministry.. … .. .. .. …..… .. … .. … .. … .. . 12
Chandler Roesch Library Footnotes.. … .. …. .…. …. …. …. …. …. …. .. 13
Class of 2012 Need Accurate Addresses .. .. … … .. .. . .. . … . .. .. . .. .. 13
Ben Fast Walking Mourner’s Path… … … .. … . … . . .. …. . . . ... 14
Ruby Pearson August Birthdays… … … .. . . . . .. . . … .. . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Bev Watters Necrology for 2010…. … … … .. … … … .. … . . . … 15
Chris Young September Birthdays…… …. … … …. … … .. ……… 15
Javelina havoc on Campus … .. … .. … .. .. . .. … .. . . . . 16
page 3 Aug/Sept 2010

Continued from page 1...from the Interim Pastor GOD’S POWERFUL WORD
The Bible contains about 800,000 words, depending on
the translation. This is about four times as many words as
The heart of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has always been and con- are found in a book of average length.
tinues to be the local congregation, of which we have 10,751. You are
one of them. I thank God for your faith and faithfulness, for your love, Although the Bible is so long and deals with the greatest
for your service, and for your commitment to Jesus Christ. I need your themes that can engage the human mind, its vocabulary is
singularly limited. It uses only 6,000 different words, a
prayers as I continue my interim ministry with you. And I commend to very small number compared to the 20,000 words that
you your continued prayers for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) where Shakespeare employed while writing his plays.
ever gathered: in this and other local congregations, in Presbyteries, in
Synods, and in another General Assembly meeting June 30 through July Not only is the Bible’s vocabulary limited, but the aver-
age word in it contains only five letters. However, many
7, 2012 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. of these short words are full of the deepest meanings and
are worthy of earnest study. For example, consider these
Love, five-letter words: grace, peace, faith, saved, serve, glory
Interim Pastor Paul and Jesus.

-The Newsletter Newsletter

by Communication Resources, Inc.

Continued from page 1...Brief Summary of 219th General Assembly ordination standards. If approved by a majority of the
presbyteries, the change would remove G-6.0106b from
session of Desert Hills Church, Carefree, lamenting the the constitution and replace it with new language. The
excessive, vain use of God’s name in the entertainment new language leaves to the lower governing bodies
industry and calling attention to a higher standard that (sessions and presbyteries) all matters regarding suitabil-
honor’s God’s name. ity and readiness for ordained service as deacon, elder
and minister. Those advocating for maintaining the cur-
• The Assembly voted to send to the presbyteries for their rent language of G-6.0106b feel that the current lan-
vote a new Form of Government revision. If approved guage holds the gate shut against homosexuals serving
by a majority of the presbyteries, the new Form of Gov- in office; it is for them a ‘biblical standards’ issue.
ernment would replace the former Form of Government Those advocating for changing the current language feel
with a shorter, easier-to-understand set of general stan- the time has come to open the gate; it is for them a
dards. Lower governing bodies would then be newly ‘justice’ issue. There was something similar that went
empowered to respond to the specific ministry needs to the presbyteries two years ago. It was voted down.
they face.
• The Assembly voted to send to the presbyteries a pro-
• The Assembly created a Middle Governing Body Com- posal to add the Belhar Confession to the Book of Con-
mission to organize, realign, divide, unite or otherwise fessions. The Belhar Confession comes out of the South
combine synods or presbyteries as the need may arise. African Dutch Reformed Church’s struggle against
There has been church-wide discussion for years about apartheid and for racial justice.
the effectiveness of our 16 synods and 173 presbyteries
as they currently exist. • The Assembly approved a resolution calling for the
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to refrain from holding
• The Assembly approved a Middle East report that calls national meetings where travel by immigrant Presbyteri-
for a cessation of hostilities, reaffirms Israel’s right to ans and Presbyterians-of-color or Hispanic ancestry
exist within secure and internationally recognized bor- might subject them to harassment due to legislation
ders, and calls for the end of Israeli occupation of Pales- similar to Arizona Law SB1070. While many Presbyte-
tinian territories. The report is comprehensive and con-
rians find themselves fully support-
tains many other facets not covered here.
ing SB1070, church leaders have
• The Assembly considered issues of civil unions and also been hearing from many Pres-
marriage. The Assembly issued a report that maintains byterians who have concerns about
the definition of marriage as heterosexual, between a SB1070 generally running along
man and a woman. It commended to the whole church a the lines of racial profiling con-
study on the topic. cerns. Nearly everyone agrees that
some kind of immigration reform is
• The Assembly voted to send to the presbyteries for their Cynthia Bolbach
vote a proposed change to the constitution regarding needed.
In Touch page 4

Mission Ministry
For the past few years the Fountain Hills PW members have offered help in
Mission Committee has sup- cleaning dorm rooms when conferences have ended,
ported two ministries within doing laundry as well as preparing sandwiches for the
the Presbytery of Grand Can- Presbytery of Grand Canyon meeting there. We will
yon, namely, Goodyear Vil- continue to partner with these outreach ministries.
lage Presbyterian Church in Goodyear, AZ and Cook Na-
tive American Ministries. We have donated monies as
well as participated with projects on their campuses.
Goodyear Village Presbyterian Church was organized in SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR STUDENTS
2002 by Presbytery following 60 years prior as a Chapel At the McDowell Mountain Elementary
of the Vahi-Ki Parish. They have built a new sanctuary School
building, a place for worship and a gathering place for the
community. A few years ago some of us joined them for
worship and presented a check which enabled them to As you read this issue of the newsletter,
apply towards an AC unit. Their Sunday morning worship the school supplies will have been deliv-
is multigenerational with much singing, prayer and praise. ered to McDowell Elementary School.
The sermon is given by a different person each Sunday. These items make it possible for each
child along with their parents, to select
Cook Native American Ministries is perhaps better known the items they will need prior to the start
to most of us as Cook Christian Training School, located of school. THANK
in Tempe. It now offers a program to prepare Indian peo- YOU for your help in making this
ple to become lay pastors of congregations. For decades possible.
Cook has prepared professional leaders who serve congre-
gations part time as ministers, preaching, baptizing, con-
ducting marriages and counseling.

There is an acute shortage of Indian clergy in all denomi-

nations. Here, The Rev. Martha Sadongei is the new CLP Things to remember to bring to the
Program Director. Although dormant for one year because Mission Table on Sunday mornings.....
of staffing transitions at Cook, the CLP Program will re-
sume fall, 2010, expecting 6-9 ministry students. A winter
and summer term of continuing education courses includ- Box Tops for Education
ing stewardship, youth ministry, counseling, Bible study Betty Crocker Coupons
and other practical theological subjects with approxi- Campbell Soup Labels
mately 70 people attending. Small toiletries
Gently used clothing
Mission Ministry Committee

Nancy Saine Linda Maples Judy Irvin Pat Tuttle, Elder

Continued on page 5
page 5 Aug/Sept 2010


Three couples in Washington state had a mission to complete. Three of the six
adults had lost both parents within a year or so. They decided to scatter their “Per capita is an opportu-
parents’ ashes on the mountain behind the longtime family home. So their hike nity for all communicant
upward began.
members of the Presbyte-
In time, they found a rocky place that seemed ideal for scattering the remains. It rian church through the
was a lovely spot they could remember and return to whenever they wished. governing bodies to par-
ticipate equally, responsi-
The Rev. Ann Lewis of Snohomish, Washington, later meditated on that sad yet bly, and interdependently
important occasion. She wrote: “It occurs to me that most of life we live some-
where in between the valleys and mountaintops –in gray ordinariness that has
by sharing the cost of co-
subtle reminders of our mortality as well as promises of future joy. But it is the ordination and evaluation
reports of what glory is above that empower us to endure and persevere in faith.” of mission; and of performing ecclesi-
astical, legislative, and judicial func-
-The Newsletter Newsletter tions that identify a Reformed
by Communication Resources, Inc. Church, while at the same time
***************************** strengthening the sense of community
among all Presbyterians”. (GA Min-
Ted Baehr, a Christian who monitors moral content in media, discovered that
films containing a strong moral and ethical worldview make more money than What does this mean for the mem-
films that don’t. On average, films that reflect Christian faith and values average bers of Fountain Hills Presbyterian
$75.6 million, while those with lower standards recouped only $26.9 million. Church? We have 335 persons on our
Considering that 76 percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians, membership rolls. In 2010, the Per
movie-makers would do well to lift up such values as honesty, truthfulness, jus- Capita apportionment will remain
tice and love of God and neighbor. And we would do well to support these ef- $31.00 per member. $6.15 will be
forts. sent to the General Assembly PC
-The Newsletter Newsletter (USA), $6.00 to the Synod of the
by Communication Resources, Inc. Southwest, and $18.85 will remain in
****************************** our Presbytery. Per Capita income
represents 36% of the income within
Grand Canyon Presbytery. Over the
The Benefits of Laughter years, many of you have contributed
Research shows that laughter increases the number of natural infection
fighting T cells that attack viral infected cells and some types of cancer.
to your Per Capita apportionment. If
you wish to do so in 2010, please
Antibody IgA (immunoglobulin A), which fights upper respiratory tract write a check made payable
infections, also increases. to Fountain Hills Presbyte-
rian Church and indicate in
Disease fighting proteins, called the memo section it is for
Gamma interferon and B-cells, Per Capita. You may place
which produce disease-destroying your gift in the offering
antibodies are released during plate on Sunday mornings
or send it to the church
Laughter can also decrease stress hormones such as epinephrine and
office. Thank you!
dopamine (associated with high blood pressure).
35 %
Laughter increases oxygen levels in the body.

Laughter releases endorphins, natural painkillers in the body. Contributions to date: $ 3632.00

Laughter relaxes muscles and improves mood. Our Commitment: $ 10,385.00

This research was done by

Dr. Lee Berk and Dr. Stanley Tan
of Loma Linda University in California
In Touch page 6

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team for 2010-2011
Moderator: Laurie Porter Mission Coordinator:
Vice-Moderator (Program): Ilene Berg Search Committee: Donna Yordy
Secretary: Linda Warren Membership/Yearbook Coordinator: Linda Lull
Treasurer: Maria Berry Bible Study Coordinator: Claire Cartmell
Publicity: Evelyn Hrunek

Morning Circle will meet on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at

9 AM in the Adult Center.
Evening Circle will meet Tuesday, September 21 at 7 PM
Mid-Morning Circle will meet again on Monday, September 27at
10:00 AM in the Adult Center.

Evelyn Hrunek

For PW Gathering, November 8, 2010

The Middle East has long been a point of interest for Mary Alice Bivens. In September of 1953, Mary Alice left her home in An-
chorage, Alaska, for a year of college study in Beirut, Lebanon. This adventure changed her life and began a half century of
prayerful concern for peace in the “Holy Land.” In February of this year her husband, John, had a chance to
learn for himself some of the reasons for this continued interest and concern. Together they embarked on
an adventure joining others from 8 different countries in an effort to plant 1600 new olive trees in Palestine.
At the PW Gathering on November 8th, Mary Alice will tell stories from this latest Middle East adventure
and of their mission to participate in a Keep Hope Alive program jointly sponsored by the Presbyterian
Church, USA, and the YMCA and YMCA of Jerusalem and Palestine.

Out ’N About will be meeting at MPJ’s on September 15th at 12p.m. For reservations please call Ruby
Pearson at 480-816-1404 or Arlene Olsen at 480-837-4271.

Fall Gathering
October 8-10, 2010

Exploring the Be-Attitudes:

Change Your Heart, Change Your World

Location: Redemptorist Renewal Center,

A beautiful, quiet desert retreat at Picture Rocks
(just north of Tucson)
Keynote Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Margaret Aymer,
Author of the Horizons 2011- 12 Bible Study
Cost: $195 each for a double room (2 nights; 5 meals);
$120 for commuters (3 meals)
Watch for more details and the registration form!
page 7 Aug/Sept 2010

A Stewardship Message in 2010 that we are survivors! We had worked our way
though a couple really tough years, financially and emotion-
by Norm Collins ally, and now stand on the cusp of what could well be a
bright new era for our church. Current projections for this
I don’t know about you, but we seem to be moving across year show our income will exceed expenses by a modest
the calendar very quickly in 2010. It seems like I unwit- amount. This logically leads to a very positive assumption
tingly slipped into a lower gear during the winter months that we can now afford to hire a new pastor, even if 2011
while the rest of the world kept going in over-drive. Could income is the same as it will be in 2010. Therefore, it is
it be old age? Surely not. requested that you consider the following points as you plan
your 2011 giving to FHPC.
Anyway, as I write this article in mid-July, it is over 110o F
outside and I’m thinking “Geez, I ought to be taking a nap 1. A modest decrease in average giving will require
or lolling about in the pool”. But I can’t. I simply have to the tightening of our financial belt even more, but
force myself into a higher gear and get about the task of we still should be able to hire a new pastor.
completing a plan for our Stewardship 2011 Pledge Drive. 2. Average giving at the same level as 2010 means
Yes, I am talking about that wonderful event we all eagerly we could hire a new pastor, but we won’t be able
look forward to each year. You know the drill – letters, to restore the cuts made in staffing and programs.
speeches, pledge cards, etc. 3. Average giving at higher levels than 2010 will
allow us to hire a new pastor and, depending on
Now I want to get serious, really serious. This year’s the amount of additional giving, restore some of
pledge drive will culminate on Consecration Sunday, No- the cuts.
vember 14, 2010. At the close of our worship service on
that day we will file forward and drop our pledge cards in In conclusion, our Stewardship 2011 Pledge Drive will not
boxes at the front of our sanctuary. At that point in time we be bombarding you with historical financial data nor with
will collectively set the 2011 budget for Fountain Hills emotional appeals. Instead, we will simply let you know
Presbyterian Church. what can be done at various levels of income. Ultimately,
as stated above, the members and affiliates of this church
In the intervening weeks as you mull over the pledge you will determine our 2011 budget when they drop those cards
will make, you should consider a really important fact about in the boxes on Consecration Sunday.
our church. That fact is that we have clearly demonstrated


More and more churches are creating labyrinths for church In Wishful Thinking, Frederick Buechner
members to enhance their spiritual life. writes, “Of the Seven Deadly Sins, anger
is possibly the most fun. To lick your
A labyrinth is a circuitous path that people walk, stopping at wounds, to smack your lips over griev-
various sites to meditate, reflect on their life and find peace, ances long past, to roll over your tongue
renewal and direction for living. the prospect of bitter confrontations still to
come, to savor the last toothsome morsel
A labyrinth isn’t a maze for fun. It’s of the pain you are given and the pain you
a walkway to a center and back out are giving back –in many ways, it is a
again. Pictures of various labyrinths feast fit for a king. The chief drawback is
are available online. what you are wolfing down is yourself.
The skeleton at the feast is you.”
To find a labyrinth near you, visit -The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc.
In Touch page 8

Did You Know?

Quoted in
Presbyterians Today

Righteousness exalts
The word righteous, according to the dictionary, means “acting in accord with divine or moral law.”
Self-righteous means “being convinced of one’s own righteousness, especially in contrast with the beliefs of others.”

Self-righteous people often ignore principles such as the Ten Commandments and act according to their own self-created standards – or no standards at all. Self-
righteousness is an attitude, as well, causing people to feel morally superior to others.

For example, a certain man keeps two sets of business records. One “doctored” set is for the Internal Revenue Service. The man self-righteously justifies this practice to a
pastor, saying, “A man can’t make a decent living being honest. You have to cheat in order to have enough to live well.”

The Bible says, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34, NRSV).

-The Newsletter Newsletter

by Communication Resources, Inc.
page 9 Aug/Sept 2010

Music Ministry

I'd like to thank all those who've through the office, before or after any worship service,
been contributing their talent for or call me at home. I'd love to speak with you! I'll be
special music through-out our attending a reading session in August with the clinician
summer worship experience. Jean Anne Shafferman who has authored over 90 choral
It's wonderful to hear the voices of works, 30 children's musicals and collections and two
John Wyman, Howard Olsen, Bud Christmas Cantatas. I'll read music written by top com-
Fuls, Letha Neely and her brother posers for every level, in a variety of styles. I will read
Loren, Laurie Porter, An- music that maintains the beauty of tradition and impor-
drey Lull, the flute solo of Megan tance of progression. I look forward to this annual
Bracher, the saxophone solo of event.
Mike McWethy accompanied by Stephanie McWethy,
the band Committed, and hearing Dorothy Parris play I'll also return to South Dakota for a family reunion on
her truly meaningful and inspiring music during my Norwegian side. I so look forward to stepping into
the prelude, offertory and communion; along with all the Presbyterian church in Mansfield, a town of 100
the wonderful hymns, Barbara Wyman playing the people, and once again singing with the family still liv-
organ so many Sundays, and playing some of her ing, hymns of our Presbyterian tradition. If I close my
favorite organ selections. It's never an easy thing to eyes, I'm sure I will still be able to hear the deep rich
do, to be in front and be the only sound in the Sanctu- voices of my Grandpa and Uncle, while my other uncle
ary, hoping you can get through a piece without plays the organ. I'm sure I'll be able to smell the fresh
sneezing, forgetting a meaningful word, being able to cinnamon rolls fresh baked by my Grandmother who's
keep your fingers steady enough to play each note as house was right behind the small church. I hope they let
precisely as you rehearsed, not squeaking, breaking a me pull the rope that rings the bell before church, just
string, or having your pages stick together. To be able one more time. I hope to walk away from the worship
to present a piece of music in honor and praise to God service smelling the freshness that each day can bring,
is truly an honor in itself, a live presentation, no do- filled with the hope and promise of love, that uncondi-
overs! tional love that God brings my way.
It's an amazing experience!
How good it is to give thanks to You, O Lord,
Our music ministry rehearsals begin Sept. 9th, for to sing to Your honor, O Most High God,
those of you here! We'll warm the seats and get them to proclaim Your constant love every morning
ready for our other singing and ringing friends who and Your faithfulness every night, with the stringed
will return as they schedule. Celebration Singers will instruments and with melody on the harp.
sing in worship beginning September 19, and Cele- Your mighty deeds, O Lord, make me glad;
bration Ringers will begin the in worship October 3. because of what You have done, I sing for joy!
I am looking forward to another season with all of Psalm 92:1-4
you, developing our sound as we go through the
year. I so enjoy working with you, and hearing you
become stronger each time we meet. I am excited
to hear the music I've selected for you for this sea-
son. The Celebration Singers will continue our work Deborah Fisher
with vowel production, balances, blends, diction Director of Music Ministries
and dealing with diphthongs. Your weekly presenta-
tions are deeply appreciated by so many in the con-
gregation. The Celebration Ringers will continue to
tackle some very challenging pieces. They
are all such fine readers, it's fun to see how they ac-
complish what they do. If you're interested in joining
either Celebration Singers, Celebration Ringers, our
Pearwood Recorder Consort, the youth band
"Committed", or you have any skill instrumentally to
add to our worship experience, please contact me
In Touch page 10

Christian Education
Here we are half way through our summer A prayer for summer
months and we are having some fun. Our “Fav A rippling sea of green and gold
Five” nights have been met with what we are Is shimmering before us
As wind stirs the tall corn,
deeming as being successful. First of all let me Wave after green wave rises high,
explain our “Fav Five” concept to you. We got Reaching for the summer sun.
our “Fav Five” inspiration from the favorite five
things needed to have a good time. They are Lord God,
When you summon seeds
family, friends, fellowship, fun and food. We From these furrowed fields,
decided we wanted a way to join our youth with How readily they obey!
Terri Schmidt, Elder other age groups. We decided we would try a
family night once a month on Wednesday night. Like the myriad crops,
Help us grow steadily;
Our first one was June 23rd and we had 25 people show up. We had Help us stretch, ripen
pizza, salad and cookies, games Round out, unfold.
and music. Can you think of any
other way to have fun? It was a In the warm rays of your strength,
Help us yield goodness!
great start. We are continuing our
Wednesday “Fav Five” through
the summer months as a way of -The Newsletter Newsletter
getting to know each other. Then by Communication Resources, Inc.

this fall when our Youth Connec-

tion starts with their Wednesday
evening programming, we will Vacation Time
also offer some programming for Someone has said, “Vacation is what you
the rest of the families. The Chris- take when you can’t take what you’ve been
taking any longer.”
tian Education Committee has set up the dates with themes for the dates
every month, and we are looking forward to having lots of fun. Please There are good reasons to take a vacation
come and join in on our fun. All ages are welcome to attend and there every year: spending time with friends and
are prizes for those who attend and bring 5 people with them. loved ones, experiencing physical and
mental refreshment, enjoying changes in
scenery and routine, and preparing for
Our dates are: another year of productivity.
July 28th Please enjoy your vacation! Try to be
August 25th faithful to the Lord by attending church
while you’re away, if you have the opportu-
September 29th nity.
October 27th
Just remember that during vacations and
November 17th weekend get-aways, you’re especially
December 15th missed by your friends at church. The work
of the church suffers because no one can fill
your place of responsibility quite like you.
Come join us for some fun! God’s work goes on all summer long. Your
presence and gifts are needed to enable the
church to be strong and vigorous through-
out the entire year. When you’re away,
please bring or send your offering before
Thank you to Charlie and Jake Eberspacher you go.
and Ben Owens for doing a spectacular job on the
Have a wonderful summer!
“Fav Five” logo and posters. I want to also Thank
Michele Hasley for her help with the articles in the
FH Times Newspaper. -The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc.

Continued on page 11...

page 11 Aug/Sept 2010

We are looking for anyone wishing to teach or
help out with Sunday morning Godly Play or
Adult Programming. If there is anyone wishing to
help with his or her talents please contact Terri
Schmidt at 480/837-7083.

We will be asking you to register your grocery card for the Fountain Hills
Presbyterian Church later this summer and fall. We will have people set up
Koffee Klatch starts up again Tues-
on Sunday mornings to help you do this. This means for every dollar that
day, September 21st, at 9:00 A.M. in
you spend at the either Safeway or Basha’s, they will give the church a per-
the Adult Center, and you are invited!
centage of this. This money will go to the Christian Education budget to be
used for classes and fun activities related to the Youth or Family activities
Koffee Klatch is a weekly gathering of
that are planned. So please be sure and register your cards.
people on a journey with Christ and
with one another, to deepen our faith
Youth Wanted and share our life experiences. We
study the Bible and the personal and
We are looking to grow our younger member- social issues that come alive from dis-
ship. If you know of any children or families covering Jesus’ Way in this chaotic,
who are looking for a church home, please ask confusing world. No question is trivial
them to come to our “Fav Five” or to Church or out of order. We are all seekers
on Sundays. We will be trying to start some here, including the leader.
Youth programming on Sunday mornings this
fall if we have enough interest. When this gets We will start this Fall completing our
going we will need some people to help out with the teaching of our young study of Romans, beginning with chap-
people. If you are interested please call Terri Schmidt at 480/837-7083. ter 9. Then we will turn to the brief
letters of I, II, and III John, whose
greatest contribution to our understand-
I want to take this time to “Thank” our young people in ing of the Christian Way is this: “God
the youth band “Committed”. They have very gra- is love; and where love is, God is.”
ciously volunteered to play for our Wednesday evening And this corollary: “We know that we
“Fav Five” gatherings. Debbie Fisher has done a won- have passed from death to life because
derful job with these boys and we are grateful for their we love the brothers, and sisters.”
Come and see! Try it! You’ll like it.
Thank you all and may God continue to bless us with the help of all of you. And if not, no harm.

- Terri Schmidt In anticipation, Rev. Stan Jones


No one ever struggled more to find inner unity and, thus, real life than St. Paul. In “Happiness,” said Mahatma Gandhi, “is
chapter 8 of his letter to the Romans, Paul testified: “those who live according to the when what you think, what you say and
Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. To set the mind on the flesh is death, what you do are in harmony.”
but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace” (Romans 8:5-6, NRSV).
Did he achieve happiness? Only he would
Spirit-minded souls, Paul would say, will find the fruit of the Holy Spirit within: “love, know. However, Gandhi’s secretary re-
joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self- ported that “every day he held a silent court
control” (Galatians 5:22-23, NRSV). within himself and called himself to ac-
count for the littlest of his little acts.”
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc. -The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc.
In Touch page 12

Evangelism Ministry
Now that summer is in can answer any questions you may have in this
full swing and our regard, please feel free to talk to me, any of the
wonderful winter visi- Elders, or you can call the church office and I
tors are off to cooler know Pastor Paul would be happy to answer any
climates, those of us concerns you may have concerning membership.
who live here year- In the event you are interested in member-
round are still very ship at this time, you can contact me, Susan Phil-
active participants in lips, Elder, Evangelism Ministry Unit at 480-837-
our church life. 1225, or contact Marta in the church office at 480-
Most of us enjoy full membership, but 837-1763.
there are still some who have not made the de-
cision to become an active member of our
Susan Phillips, Elder
wonderful church family. There may be nu-
merous reasons for this reluctance, but if we Evangelism Ministry Unit

Not Yet A Member?

If you are interested in joining our church family, please see or call Susan Phil-
lips at 480-837-1225 or call the church office at 480-837-1763.

The role of faith

“Fear imprisons, faith
liberates; fear paralyzes,
faith empowers; fear dis-
heartens, faith encourages;
fear sickens, faith heals;
fear makes useless, faith
makes serviceable — and,
most of all, fear puts
hopelessness at the heart
of life, while faith rejoices
Artwork by in its God.”
Anna Hill

- Harry Emerson Fosdick

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures; -The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc.
he leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul.
He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley,

I fear no evil; for you are with me...
page 13 Aug/Sept 2010

Library Footnotes

Christmas. She convinces Landon to take part

A WALK TO REMEMBER in this performance. Thus begins the relation-
– another Nicholas Sparks love ship between Jamie and Landon. She teaches
story. him about her faith in God. To her, everything
is part of the Lord’s plan. A WALK TO RE-
MEMBER tells of a
17-year old Landon Carter, a typical smart- young girl’s love of God
alecky teen, has decided to enroll in a drama and a young man’s un-
class rather than chemistry. Jamie Sullivan, derstanding. It is a book
daughter of a Baptist Minister is also in the worthy of a place in our
drama class. Landon thinks Jamie is church library.
STRANGE. She always carries – and reads –
her Bible. Her father has written a drama, “A - Mary Wernecke
Christmas Angel”, which will be performed at

The tribute of criticism

Senator J. William Fulbright (1905-1995) was never upset with American citizens who criticized their government. He believed the fact that they could
criticize their leaders was an implied tribute. Plus, Fulbright reasoned, constructive criticism is often a sign of a desire to make needed changes in a com-
munity or nation.

Citizens in many other countries pay the price of torture, imprisonment or even death if they speak ill of their leaders’ oppressive policies. In America, our
freedom should obligate us to speak out against injustices and wrongs.

American writer and civil-rights activist James Baldwin said, “I love America more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I
insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.”

-The Newsletter Newsletter

by Communication Resources, Inc.

Important information about addresses!

We are now mailing out the monthly newsletter to all members, affiliate members, friends and pro-
spective members. It is very important that we have a correct address for you. It is especially impor-
tant for those of us who have two addresses. Our computer program can maintain two addresses and
if we know your months of residency here, the program knows which address to use for mailings.
We mail out the newsletter in bulk mail. But if we have the
wrong address, it gets returned to us and we are responsible
for full postage for it and you miss out on the newsletter. Can
you please help us and insure that we have the correct dates
for your alternate address? Please call or email the church
office with your information. 480-837-1763 or fhpresbyte- Thank you for your time and caring.
In Touch page 14

"Walking the Mourner’s Path”
Transforming Grief into Joyful Living
”Walking the Mourner's Path” ministry is a Christ-centered bereavement grief support program,
with the purpose of transforming one's grief, into joyful living, by offering the outstretched hand
of Christ. We have been blessed with the opportunity to serve our Church membership and
Community with a safe and convenient gathering place for this non-denominational ministry,
that is Christ-centered, Scripturally sound and Church based, enabling all to come into our
Lord's loving presence and experience the abundance of His tender healing love.

“Walking the Mourner's Path” is Spiritually directed and led by trained facilitators, who believe "grieving is not a
lack of faith, but a natural part of living". Through-out this eight week program, complete with workbook, Mourners
will be given the opportunity to learn new ways in which they may honor their loved ones, seek spiritual direction
and discover Jesus' promise of comfort and healing.

Preparation is beginning for another eight week session. For those that are interested in attending this wonderful
Grief Ministry, have a loved one they would like to encourage in this process, or would like additional information,
please contact Michele Hasley at (480) 816-8917, or the Church Office (480) 837-1763, since the number of par-
ticipants is limited.

“Thank You”
Again thanks to all those who keep me in your
prayers. The biopsy on my tongue was shown to
be non-malignant but I will have to have laser
treatments. I’m sure those prayers keep me go-

Joan Owens


08/03 Jim Brown 08/11 Viola Johnson 08/20 Pamela Wright
08/03 Carol Hencz 08/11 B.J. Shuck 08/22 Charles Eberspacher
08/04 Jerold Miles 08/13 Pat Ahrens 08/23 Lynn Medley
08/06 Marjorie Koepke 08/14 Ruth Tessmer 08/23 JJ Prokupek
08/08 Norm Collins 08/17 Andy Hasley 08/24 Ken Van Tine
08/08 Joan Kinkade 08/17 Suzie McCready 08/26 Maria Berry
08/09 Letha Neely 08/18 Gunnar Huckabay 08/26 Kent Martinson
08/10 Ruth Nelson 08/18 Mary Ann Nickel 08/27 Bill Monahan
08/10 Ben Owens 08/20 Wanda Collins 08/27 Richard Uphoff
08/28 Ryan Zenhausern
page 15 Aug/Sept 2010

Hospitalized? Call the church!

If you are sick, hospitalized or home recovering from ill-
ness, we want you to call the church and let us know! In a con-
gregation like ours where people leave in droves for extended
summer months, it is easy for the staff, elders and deacons to
With deepest sympathy we list assume, when we don’t see someone, that they are simply
“vacationing away”. The truth is that some of you are sick and
those members who have we are not aware of it.
passed away in 2010 You can help us by simply letting one of the staff know of
Gil Rapp your situation. We have an excellent support system in place
Carolyn Westphal due to the diligent efforts of our deacons. Help us serve you
Hazel Hoover by communicating your situation.
Nancy Graybiel
Judy Mortimer
Millie Devlin
Nancy Jann
Shirley Johnston
I would like to thank
the Congregation,
“Well done, Thou good and faithful servant….
Enter thou into the joy Of thy Lord.” the Board of Dea-
Matthew 25:21
cons, the Church
Elders, Marta, the
Office Angels and
especially Paul Soderquist for your over-
whelming support, prayers, love, concerns,
gifts, and council for Judy and I over these
past 2 years. I cannot express to you how
much this meant to both of us. Thank you
so much.
***August 9, 2010*** George Mortimer


09/02 Peggy Linkin 09/07 Toni Patterson 09/20 Vivian Virden
09/03 Robert G Brown 09/09 Ashlin Caltabiano 09/22 Madeline Brown
09/03 Marilyn Humes 09/14 Ernie Hill 09/24 George Mortimer
09/04 Eric Blake 09/16 Jerry S Maples 09/28 William Delahanty
09/04 William Quigley 09/17 Bruce Porter 09/29 Michele Hasley
09/05 Sylvester Taylor 09/19 Ann Stavely
Non Profit Organ.
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church
13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard
Permit NO. 299
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Scottsdale, AZ


If anyone is not getting our newsletter or Presb-E-News and

would like to, please let the church office know at 837-1763.

In Touch is published monthly; deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month before publication.
News and information should be submitted to the church office in hard copy, or email to fhpresbyte- Editor, Marta Ludwig; Assistant Editor, Carol Hencz; Proof Reader, Helen
Roesch, Production and Circulation: Mary Wernecke, Bobbie Dangremond, Ruby Pearson, Arlene Ol-
sen, Joan Owens, Marilyn Humes, Vivian Virden and Joyce Stott.

Javelina Havoc in the Lantana!

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church

13001 Fountain Hills Blvd. - Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Phone - (480) 837-1763 Fax - (480) 837-1729 E-Mail Address:
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. CLOSED ON FRIDAYS
Interim Pastor Dr. Paul Soderquist email: home phone: 480-785-9508

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