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In Defense of the Internet: The Relationship Between Internet

Communication and Depression, Loneliness, Self-Esteem, and Perceived
Social Support

Article  in  CyberPsychology & Behavior · May 2002

DOI: 10.1089/109493102753770552 · Source: PubMed


449 10,791

2 authors, including:

Larry M. Gant
University of Michigan


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Volume 5, Number 2, 2002
© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

In Defense of the Internet: The Relationship

between Internet Communication and Depression,
Loneliness, Self-Esteem, and Perceived
Social Support


As more people connect to the Internet, researchers are beginning to examine the effects of
Internet use on users’ psychological health. Due in part to a study released by Kraut and col-
leagues in 1998, which concluded that Internet use is positively correlated with depression,
loneliness, and stress, public opinion about the Internet has been decidedly negative. In con-
trast, the present study was designed to test the hypothesis that Internet usage can affect
users beneficially. Participants engaged in five chat sessions with an anonymous partner. At
three different intervals they were administered scales measuring depression, loneliness,
self-esteem, and social support. Changes in their scores were tracked over time. Internet use
was found to decrease loneliness and depression significantly, while perceived social sup-
port and self-esteem increased significantly.

INTRODUCTION 4 million senior citizens were reportedly on-

line.5 Equitability among user groups ends


Nielsen/NetRatings, at the end of Sep-
tember 2001, 474 million people worldwide
with age and gender, however. Overwhelm-
ingly, Internet users are better educated that
nonusers.3,6 In one study of 4,254 U.S. Internet
were connected to the Internet, 1 up from users, only 8% had not had any post–high
429 million only 3 months earlier.2 The rapid school education. Internet users also tend to
expansion and popularity of the Internet in have higher household incomes than
today’s culture has prompted researchers to nonusers. Finally, there is a significant racial
examine who, exactly, is logging on. discrepancy between those who are and are
Research shows that there is no such thing not online, with the vast majority of Internet
as the “typical” Internet user. Today, women users being white.3
make up nearly half of the Internet-user popu- Studies such as these illustrate who is using
lation, as opposed to even a few years ago, the Internet, but that is only one small piece of
when it was still male-dominated.3,4 Although the puzzle for scientists who wish to under-
Internet use is associated generally with stand the role of the Internet in contemporary
younger generations, a 1998 study found that society. Accordingly, researchers are also ex-
only 6% of users were under 21,3 while in 2000, amining the different purposes for which

1 Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley, California.

2 School of Social Work, University of Michigan—Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, Michigan.


people use the Internet. Kraut and colleagues the most influential study in Internet research.
found that individuals with Internet connec- In the study, Kraut and colleagues recruited
tions in their homes use the Internet for inter- 93 families who did not have Internet access in
personal communication more than any other their homes at the beginning of the study. Re-
reason.7 Through chat rooms, listservs, mes- searchers supplied each family with a personal
sage boards, multiuser domains (MUDs), and computer, Internet access, and email accounts
so on, people meet and foster relationships for individual family members. Participants’
with people with similar interests. In many online activity was then tracked over a 2-year
cases, these online relationships develop into period. Participants were asked at the begin-
“real world” relationships.8 The Internet can ning of the study and again 1–2 years later to
also be used to maintain existing relationships. self-evaluate their social involvement and psy-
According to D’Amico, 94% of 1,001 respon- chological wellness. Researchers operational-
dents to a survey of U.S. Internet users said ized social involvement to include four factors:
that the Internet facilitated keeping in touch family communication, size of local social net-
with friends and family; 87% of respondents work (people with whom participants had
reported that they use the Internet frequently face-to-face interactions), size of distant social
for that purpose. 6 Another recent study cited network (including face-to-face or other offline
by Garrett found that 58% of those surveyed communications), and social support. Psycho-
said the Internet has made them feel more con- logical wellness was determined by measures
nected to family members. 5 of stress, depression, and loneliness.7
While this seems to indicate that Internet use The results indicated that the Internet could
has positive effects on interpersonal relation- indeed have a negative impact on users. In-
ships, researchers have mixed opinions about ternet use was positively correlated with di-
just how beneficial Internet use really is. On the minishing communication between family
one hand, the Internet allows people to over- members in the participant households. Con-
come geographical limitations and connect trolling for extroversion and larger initial local
with a broader and more diverse group of peo- networks, researchers also found that partici-
ple than would otherwise be available. People pants who used the Internet more were likely
with interests or identities that are uncommon to experience a diminution of their local and
or not easily expressed can meet similar others distant social networks. Loneliness, depres-
online.7,8 On the other hand, some argue that sion, and daily stress were positively linked to
Internet usage, being a solitary activity, neces- greater Internet usage when researchers con-
sarily detracts from the time a person spends trolled for possible mediating variables.7 The
interacting with others, at least on a face-to- researchers used path analyses to analyze each
face (ftf) basis, and can therefore damage inter- of these findings and determined that the In-
personal relationships.7,9 Furthermore, social ternet caused the observed effects.
scientists have yet to determine whether online Although none of the results were so strong
relationships can be as fulfilling as ftf relation- as to suggest that the Internet has a categori-
ships, or whether they simply serve as less cally negative effect on users, the Internet
meaningful substitutes.10 In general, the pre- paradox study touched a nerve in the media.8
vailing attitude among researchers seems As a result, the study received a lot of coverage
guarded, if not wary, with respect to the quality and launched a wave of anti-Internet senti-
of online interactions and relationships. ment in the popular media. In addition, it
Although there is some evidence to support caught the attention of social scientists; in the
the assertion that Internet use is detrimental, 3 years since the study’s publication, re-
the existing studies that have established a searchers have taken a renewed interest in the
negative correlation between users’ well-being Internet.
and Internet usage have not demonstrated A predominant emerging topic of interest is
causality.7–9 The one exception is the 1998 Inter- the relationship between social and personal-
net Paradox Study, which is, to date, probably ity variables and Internet use. Scientists who

attempt to link specific personality and social through complex path models that took into
variables to Internet use assume that individu- account possible mediating and moderating
als are differentially motivated to pursue In- variables. However, after analyzing their data,
ternet applications; and they hypothesize that they concluded that the evidence did not
individuals’ trait and social measures can be corroborate earlier findings.12 LaRose and col-
predictive of the types of Internet use in which leagues subsequently argued that the depres-
they engage. Generally, researchers categorize sion associated with Internet use was probably
the services available to users into three types due to Internet stress (stress induced by being
or motives: information gathering, interper- online—for example, stress caused by diffi-
sonal communication, and entertainment. In culty establishing a network connection; for a
one such study, Wolfradt and Doll examined discussion, see Eastin and Larose13), but that
the relationship between the five global per- stress-induced depression was counteracted
sonality traits (extroversion, neuroticism, by self-efficacy. Furthermore, they found that
openness, agreeableness, and conscientious- among certain populations, depression was al-
ness), personal factors related to Internet use layed through interpersonal communication
(attitude, self-efficacy, and innovativeness), so- facilitated by the Internet.12
cial factors (schoolmates’ and teachers’ expec- Contrary to the idea that the Internet is a so-
tations), and the three broad types of Internet cially isolating technology, recent studies have
use among adolescents. They found that, in shown that the Internet can be related posi-
general, the five global traits did not predict tively to measures of social involvement.
motives for Internet use, although neuroticism Hamburger and Ben-Artzi demonstrated that
was shown to predict entertainment usage sig- Internet use, as a function of trait variables,
nificantly, and neuroticism and extroversion can decrease loneliness among users.11 Simi-
were predictive of interpersonal communica- larly, LaRose et al. found that Internet commu-
tion seeking. The three personal factors were nication, particularly communication with
more strongly related to all three types of In- known others via email, increased measures of
ternet use, while the social factors were only social support. 12 As a whole, the recent re-
significantly predictive of the information mo- search suggests that it is necessary to reexam-
tive. There was a significant main effect for ine the underlying assumption that has
gender.10 shaped Internet research, namely that Internet
In a related study, Hamburger and Ben- use is detrimental to users’ social and psycho-
Artzi affirmed that neuroticism and extrover- logical well-being.
sion were associated with different types of The present study was designed to test
Internet use, and again, gender was shown to whether the Internet does, in fact, negatively
be a significant mediating variable. Overall, it impact users. Participants in this study en-
appears that personality and social variables gaged in five chat sessions with an anonymous
are at least moderately predictive of different partner in a controlled environment over a pe-
types of Internet use, although further studies riod of approximately 4–8 weeks. There were
will be needed to confirm and expand on these two partner conditions: male–female and
findings.11 female–female. Measures of depression, loneli-
Research conducted since the Internet Para- ness, self-esteem, and perceived social support
dox Study has not supported the notion that were taken at three intervals to assess changes
the Internet is altogether harmful to users. over time. The researcher hypothesized that
Sanders and colleagues measured depression the Internet would have positive effects on
among high-school students, anticipating that participants. That is, depression and loneliness
higher levels of Internet use would be associ- were expected to decrease over the course of
ated with increased levels of depression; they the study, while self-esteem and social support
found no relationship.9 Similarly, LaRose et al. were predicted to increase. No main effects or
undertook to explain Kraut and colleagues’ as- interactions were expected for partner condi-
sertion that Internet use causes depressions tion or time spent in the study.

MATERIALS AND METHODS they felt and behaved during the week prior to
filling out the scale.
Participants were undergraduate students at Loneliness. Loneliness was measured using
the University of North Carolina at Chapel the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (UCLA).15
Hill who were enrolled in an introductory psy- This 20-item scale asks participants how fre-
chology course at the time of participation. In quently they agree with statements such as “I
exchange for participating in this study, stu- feel left out,” “I am no longer close to anyone,”
dents received partial credit needed to fulfill a and “My social relationships are superficial.”
course requirement. Forty-six students en- Agreement is measured on a four-point scale
rolled in the study. Six participants failed to ranging from never (1 = never) to often (4 =
complete the study, so data were collected often).
from 40 participants (N = 40). The participants
were assigned to dyads for the purpose of
chatting. There were 12 male–female dyads Self-esteem. Self-esteem was measured using
and eight female–female dyads. the Texas Social Behavior Inventory (TSBI).16
The TSBI consists of 32 items relating to vari-
ous aspects of one’s self-concept (e.g., “I am a
Design good mixer,” “I would describe myself as in-
decisive,” “I feel I can confidently approach
This study, which consisted of five struc-
and deal with anyone I meet”). Participants
tured Internet chat sessions between anony-
mous participant dyads, examined the effects rated how strongly they agree or disagree with
of Internet usage—specifically chatting with each statement on a five-point scale (1 = Not at
all characteristic of me; 5 = Very much charac-
another person—on four within-participants
teristic of me).
variables: loneliness, depression, self-esteem,
and perceived social support. Social support
was measured using four factors: appraisal, Social support. Social support was measured
self-esteem, tangible (in other words, per- using the Cohen-Hoberman Interpersonal
ceived material support), and belonging. Par- Support Evaluation List (CHISEL).17 The scale
ticipants were each given a pre-test before the is designed to measure how one evaluates the
first chat session, a midtest after the second accessibility of social resources. CHISEL is
chat session, and a post-test after the fifth chat comprised of 48 true/false items. It is broken
session to assess changes in these variables down into four subscales, each relating to a
over the course of the study. Partner condition different aspect of social support: self-esteem,
and amount of time from initial session appraisal, belonging, and tangible. The ap-
to completion of the study were between- praisal scale assesses whether a subject has
participants variables. someone in whom s/he can confide if s/he has
a problem (e.g., “I don’t know anyone at
school or in town who makes my problems
clearer and easier to understand”). The be-
Depression. Depression was measured using longing scale measures a subject’s social net-
the Center for Epidemiological Studies De- work (e.g., “I belong to a group at school or in
pression Scale (CES-D).14 The scale consists of town that meets regularly or does things to-
20 items relating to mood and behavior (e.g., gether regularly”). The tangible scale gauges
“I was bothered by things that usually don’t whether a subject believes that s/he can turn
bother me,” “I felt hopeful about the future,” to someone for material aid (e.g., “I don’t
“I talked less than usual”). Subjects rate each know anyone who would loan me several
statement on a four-point scale (0 = Rarely or hundred dollars to pay a doctor bill or dental
none of the time [less than 1 day]; 3 = Most or bill”). Each CHISEL subscale consists of
all of the time [5–7 days]) according to how 12 true/false items.

Technology given was the name of the experiment (“Inter-

net Communication”), and they were in-
For the purpose of this study, the experi-
formed that the experiment required multiple
menter, with the help of the Center for Institu-
tional Technology at the University of North
During the initial sessions, each participant
Carolina at Chapel Hill, set up a web page
met with the experimenter individually. They
with chat rooms. A valid log-in name and
were first asked to read and sign an informed
password were required to enter the web page.
consent form; they were told that the purpose
Access was restricted to the experimenter and
of the experiment was to “study issues of so-
the participants. One of two logins and a pass-
cial interaction as they relate to Internet com-
word were assigned to participants prior to
munication.” Participants were advised that
their first Internet sessions. Participants were
the experiment would consist of eight sessions
not able to access the site using their ONYENS
(five on the Internet and three face-to-face
(logins used by students at the University of
with the experimenter) and that the study
North Carolina at Chapel Hill to access univer-
would not be explained in full until all eight
sity servers and domains), email addresses, or
sessions were completed.
other screen names.
Once the participants understood the gen-
The chat rooms were administered using
eral design, each completed a questionnaire.
WebChat CT software. All interactions that oc-
The questionnaire consisted of the CES-D,
curred in the chat rooms were automatically
UCLA, the TSBI, and the CHISEL. Participants
recorded and saved. Participants gave written
were not told what scales they were complet-
consent at the beginning of the study to allow
ing. They were given as much time as neces-
their chat sessions to be recorded. As a re-
sary to complete the questionnaire. The results
minder, on the home page that all participants
of scales completed at this initial testing were
encountered prior to each chat session, there
used to record baseline measures of depres-
was a message stating that the conversations
sion, loneliness, self-esteem, and perceived so-
would be recorded.
cial support.
Participants were allowed to chat from any
Upon completion of the scales, participants
computer with Internet access, including per-
were asked to provide the experimenter with a
sonal computers in their homes or dorm
schedule of their classes and extracurricular
rooms, and computers at the campus libraries.
activities. The purpose of this was to make it
Originally, participants were not instructed to
easier to schedule the remaining seven ses-
use a specific Internet server (e.g., Netscape,
sions. Each participant was then given an in-
Microsoft Internet Explorer). However, it was
struction sheet detailing the procedure for
discovered early in the study that the chat
completing the Internet sessions. Included on
rooms could not be accessed using Microsoft
the instruction sheet were the URL for the
Internet Explorer. Thereafter, all participants
study’s web page, the participant’s login and
were asked to use Netscape for the duration of
password, and directions for accessing the
the experiment. Some participants also re-
chat rooms. Males were assigned the login
ported that they were successful in accessing
“subject1login;” females were assigned the
the chat rooms using America Online (AOL).
login “subject2login.” When the female–-
female dyads were chatting, the second partic-
ipant to enter the chat room was automatically
called “subject1login_#2” to differentiate be-
Experimental sessions were posted on a web tween the chatters. Participants were also
page designed to recruit students in an intro- assigned a code number with which the exper-
ductory level psychology course at the Univer- imenter could later identify their conversa-
sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. There tions, and they were given specific instructions
were no exclusion criteria. At the time of sign- as to the procedure to follow once in the chat
up, students did not know the purpose of the room, in order to standardize the format be-
experiment. The only information they were tween chat sessions.

After they completed their first face-to-face questions and also reminding them of the
session with the experimenter, participants times and chat rooms for their sessions.
were partnered anonymously with another Participants were instructed to begin each
participant. None of the participants knew the session by typing their identification numbers
identity of their partners, and they were spe- and the date and time of the session. This
cifically asked not to volunteer or request helped the experimenter track each session.
identifying information during the chat ses- Once both participants in a pair were present
sions that might jeopardize their own or their in the chat room, the participant with the dis-
partners’ anonymity. At no time were partners cussion questions was supposed to ask the
allowed to communicate with one another ex- first question and to enter the time at which
cept in the chat room, where their identities they began talking about the questions. It was
were disguised by the logins. All other com- therefore possible to determine how long par-
munication was conducted through the exper- ticipants talked about each question, although
imenter. Participants had the same partner for these data were not calculated for this study.
the duration of the study. The participants then discussed the question
The next step was to schedule participants for as long as they wanted. The same proce-
for two Internet sessions. They were sched- dure was followed for the other two questions.
uled tentatively at first; once both members of Each Internet session followed this format.
a participant couple had confirmed their avail- On some occasions, one or both of the par-
ability for a particular session, the sessions ticipants did not show up for a scheduled In-
were confirmed. All scheduling was accom- ternet session. In this case, the session was
plished using email between the experimenter simply rescheduled at the participants’ earliest
and participants (every participant had a per- convenience. While it was at least somewhat
sonal email account prior to entering the inconvenient for the participants who were
study), with telephone calls being used only “stood up,” this was not considered to affect
when participants failed to respond to their the design or outcome of the experiment.
emails. After participants engaged in two Internet
On the night before or the morning of the In- sessions, they were asked to meet with the ex-
ternet sessions, one participant in each dyad perimenter again. At this second face-to-face
was sent three discussion questions via email. interaction, the experimenter administered the
In the emails, the experimenter also reminded same questionnaires that were completed dur-
participants of the time the sessions were to ing the initial session. Once both members of a
occur and in which chat room they were meet- dyad had met with the experimenter and com-
ing their partners. The discussion questions pleted the mid-test, the dyad was scheduled
were the same for each pair in order to give the for three more Internet interactions in the
participants direction during the chat sessions same manner as before. The third, fourth, and
as well as to standardize the interactions. The fifth sessions were conducted in the same way
questions were intended to stimulate conver- as were the first two. After they completed the
sation; but, in order to avoid embarrassment final three Internet sessions, for a total of five
or discomfort, they were not personal or objec- for the study, participants met with the experi-
tionable in nature. Rather, participants were menter one last time and again completed the
asked about their opinions and preferences same questionnaires. At the end of the final
(e.g., “If you could go out today and get any face-to-face session, participants were de-
car, what kind of car would you buy? What briefed fully.
color? What features?” and “Do you read your
horoscope? How do you feel about astrology?
Has a prediction ever come true for you?”). RESULTS
Those participants in each dyad who were not
sent the discussion questions for a given ses- The data were analyzed in three ways. First,
sion were sent emails informing them that the mean scores for each of the scales and sub-
their partners had been sent the discussion scales were calculated. The mean scores indi-

cated that the results supported the hypo- ferences between pre-test, mid-test, and post-
thesis. Scores on scales measuring negative test scores for the participant group as a whole
effects (i.e., CES-D—depression—and the Re- (Figs. 1–7). In cases in which participants
vised UCLA Loneliness Scale) appeared to de- skipped items on a scale, mean scores were ad-
crease from the pre-test to the post-test, while justed before graphing to include only scores
scores on scales indicating positive effects for participants who had completed every
(i.e., CHISEL—social support—and TSBI— item during all three tests.
self-esteem) increased over time. As hypothesized, the data indicate that chat-
Next, a repeated measures analysis was per- ting on the Internet had beneficial effects on
formed to determine whether scores changed participants. Table 1 shows the means scores
significantly over time. The repeated measures for each scale and subscale for the pre-test,
analysis showed that changes in scores on all mid-test, and post-test. The mean depression
measures except the CHISEL self-esteem sub- scores (measured by the CES-D) changed
scale were statistically significant between greatly between the pre-test (X = 13.20), mid-
participants. In some cases, participants had test (X = 12.80), and post-test (X = 9.88). Like-
not answered every item on the question- wise, scores on the UCLA Loneliness Scale
naires. The repeated measures analysis elimi- declined noticeably between pre-, mid-, and
nated incomplete data sets using listwise post-test (X = 34.38, X = 32.13, X = 30.75, re-
deletion. spectively). The repeated measures analysis
Finally, the mean scores and estimated mar- showed that the changes on both scales were
ginal means (calculated from the repeated statistically significant. For depression, F(1,39)
measures analysis) were graphed to show dif- = 9.19, p < 0.01; for loneliness, F(1,38) = 17.79,

FIG. 1. Means and estimated marginal means of the center for Epi-
demiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). Note that the values
of the means and the estimated marginal means were equal.

FIG. 2. Means and estimated marginal means of the revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (UCLA).

FIG. 3. Means and estimated marginal means of the appraisal subscale.


FIG. 4. Means and estimated marginal means of the belonging subscale.

FIG. 5. Means and estimated marginal means of the tangible subscale.


FIG. 6. Means and estimated marginal means of the Texas Social Behavior Inventory (TSBI).

FIG. 7. Means and estimated marginal means of the self-esteem subscale.



Pre-Test Mid-Test Post-Test

Scale N M SD N M SD N M SD

CES-D 40 13.20 7.14 40 12.80 8.70 40 9.88 7.13

TSBI 39 88.05 16.71 40 88.55 17.74 40 92.35 17.53
UCLA 39 34.38 9.15 39 32.13 8.49 40 30.75 8.37
Self-Esteem 37 10.59 1.79 40 10.65 1.78 37 10.78 1.65
Appraisal 39 11.36 0.96 40 11.48 0.82 39 11.72 0.56
Belonging 39 11.05 1.23 40 11.53 0.82 40 11.63 0.81
Tangible 40 10.53 1.06 40 11.60 0.81 40 11.63 1.00

p < 0.001. Figure 1 shows the changes in the and the CHISEL self-esteem subscales indi-
mean depression scores and the estimated cated that was the case. Scores on the TSBI
marginal means for the CES-D over the three showed that self-esteem did increase over
times. Figure 2 shows the decline in mean time (X = 88.05, X = 88.55, and X = 92.35 for
loneliness scores and the estimated marginal the pre-, mid- and post-test, in that order).
means for the UCLA scale. The mean self-esteem subscale scores also in-
As predicted, mean scores on three of the creased. The pre-test mean was 10.59, the
CHISEL subscales—belonging, tangible (per- mid-test mean was 10.65, and the post-test
ceived availability of material aid), and ap- mean was 10.78.
praisal—increased over time, indicating that Changes between the TSBI scores were sta-
participants’ perceptions of social support tistically significant when tested with repeated
were elevated over the course of the study. measures analysis, F(1,38) = 10.09, p < 0.01.
Scores on the tangible scale changed most dra- The shift in scores on the self-esteem subscales
matically; the mean pre-test score (X = 10.53) was not significant, F(1,36) = 1.09, p < 0.5. The
was notably lower than the scores on the mid- difference between pre-test, mid-test, and post-
test (X = 11.60) or post-test (X = 11.63). The test scores on the self-esteem subscale do indi-
mean belonging scores changed from 11.05 on cate a strong trend, however, which supports
the pre-test to 11.53 on the mid-test and 11.63 the finding from the TSBI that self-esteem
on the post-test. The changes on the appraisal scores moved in the predicted direction. The
scale were slightly less drastic; the mean scores changes in the mean scores and the estimated
showed small but noteworthy changes be- marginal means of the TSBI are graphed in Fig-
tween the pre-test (X = 11.36), mid-test (X = ure 6. The changes in the mean scores and the
11.48), and post-test (X = 11.72). estimated marginal means of the self-esteem
Repeated measures analyses of each subscale are graphed in Figure 7.
CHISEL subscale resulted in statistical signifi- In accordance with the hypothesis, there
cance. Changes in the appraisal scale over time were no significant interactions for amount of
were more significant than the mean scores in- time spent in the study or partner condition.
dicated, F(1,38) = 6.62, p < 0.05. The belonging Table 2 shows the F statistics for the interaction
scores also increased significantly, F(1,38) = between scores on each of the measures and
10.82, p < 0.01. The results of the analysis of the time in the study and partner condition.
tangible subscale were the most extreme,
F(1,39) = 138.79, p < 0.001. The mean scores
and the estimated marginal means of the ap- DISCUSSION
praisal, belonging, and tangible subscales are
graphed in Figures 3, 4, and 5, respectively. Since the publication of the Internet Paradox
Self-esteem measures were also predicted Study in 1998, which charged that Internet use
to increase, and the mean scores on the TSBI causes stress, loneliness, and depression, in-

Time spent in study Partner condition

Scale N df F Significance df F Significance

CES-D 40 14 1.84 0.12 1 0.39 0.14

TSBI 39 14 0.61 0.82 1 0.08 0.21
UCLA 39 14 1.00 0.49 1 0.00 0.98
Self-Esteem 37 14 0.29 0.99 1 0.01 0.92
Appraisal 39 14 0.98 0.51 1 0.41 0.53
Belonging 39 14 2.19 0.07 1 2.48 0.14
Tangible 40 14 1.15 0.39 1 0.01 0.94

vestigators have focused research efforts on mine to what extent the observed effects were
examining the negative effects of Internet the result of chatting on the Internet. Because
usage. However, the results of many recent this was a longitudinal study, albeit a short
studies have suggested that although re- one, the possibility that there were outside
searchers assumed initially that the Internet variables affecting the observed trends must
would affect users detrimentally, their hy- be considered. Depression among the partici-
potheses were not supported. Accordingly, the pants could have decreased for reasons unre-
present study was designed to rebut earlier lated to the study, although it seems remote
presumptions. Indeed, the results showed that effects as strong as those produced by this
that, over the course of a 4–8-week study dur- study could have been the result of random
ing which participants chatted anonymously occurrences. Furthermore, the study took
on the Internet, loneliness and depression de- place during a period in the middle of a col-
creased markedly. Furthermore, participants’ lege semester for the participants, who were
perceptions of social support increased, as did all students. It seems unlikely that college stu-
self-esteem. dents’ depression would decrease as they be-
The observed effects appear to be statisti- came more embroiled in the semester. Rather,
cally reliable. The only result that seems some- it is more plausible that the decrease in depres-
what suspect is the extremely strong change sion was related to the study.
over time found on the tangible subscale The same logic can be applied to the ob-
(F(1,39) = 138.79, p < 0.001). An examination of served trends in the self-esteem measures. The
individual participants’ data may explain this two scales used to measure self-esteem—the
result. Because the CHISEL scale is composed TSBI and the CHISEL self-esteem subscale—
of true-false items, it is less flexible than the both evidenced an increase in self-esteem that is
other scales; in this case, a dramatic change on too steep to be attributed to random chance. It
one question apparently accounts for the large should be noted that participants’ scores on the
effect. On Question 19, “I know someone who TSBI remained relatively stable between pre-
would loan me $100 to help pay my tuition,” test and mid-test, and scores on the self-esteem
only 5% of the participants (N = 2) answered subscale actually decreased slightly between
true on the pre-test. However, on the mid- and the pre-test and mid-test, as shown in Figures 6
post-test, 100% of the participants (N = 40) an- and 7. This suggests that Internet usage does
swered true to the same question. Because not affect self-esteem as quickly as it affects
there was less room for variability between tri- loneliness, depression, or social support. Possi-
als on this measure, it is possible that substan- bly, the significant overall increase was precipi-
tial change on a single question could produce tated by decreases in loneliness and depression,
this statistic. which would explain why the self-esteem
This study suggests that the negative effects scores did not increase initially but only during
of the Internet have been exaggerated. In order the second half of the study. One explanation
to validate this claim, it is important to deter- might be that Internet use does not directly af-

fect self-esteem, but rather that it influences the role that physical appearance plays in rela-
self-esteem through mediating variables. tionship formation, which often deters people
Because loneliness and social support both from relationships for superficial reasons.8
moved in the predicted directions initially, it Each of these factors might have contributed to
is likely that the changes were due to chatting the effects observed in the present study, since
on the Internet. However, it is possible that the participants were assigned generic login
loneliness and social support effects were re- handles and were discouraged from exchang-
lated to time. That is, over the course of the ing any personal identifying information.
study, participants had opportunities to meet Moreover, online anonymity allows people
and form friendships with people unrelated to express and experiment with aspects of
to the study, which could lead them to feel less their identities that they might feel compelled
lonely and more socially supported. There are to suppress or keep hidden in their every-
two flaws in this argument, though. First, if day lives (e.g., radical political views, non-
loneliness and social support increased be- heterosexual orientation).18 Even individuals
cause participants were meeting people out- who are not constrained by stigma or social
side the study, it would be reasonable to norms might find it difficult to meet similar
assume that those participants who were in others or to pursue interests offline due to
the study longer should exhibit greater geographical barriers, family and career oblig-
changes because they would have had more ations, financial burdens, and small social net-
time in which to become acquainted with oth- works. The Internet allows users to overcome
ers. However, there was no significant correla- these obstacles and to manifest aspects of their
tion between length of time participants spent personalities and identities that might other-
in the study and loneliness or perceived social wise remain dormant. Numerous studies have
support (as measured by tangible, appraisal, shown that people benefit both mentally and
and belonging subscales). physically from expressing and defining them-
Second, if the effects were due simply to selves in complex, multi-faceted ways.18–20
having time to meet people, one would expect In order to confirm these findings, it would
the increase from pre-test to mid-test to match be useful to replicate the study with a few
the increase from mid-test to post-test approxi- modifications to make it even more reliable.
mately, since those intervals represent roughly Most importantly, future studies should in-
equal periods of time. However, Figures 4 clude a control group. Neither this study nor
and 5 show that for the belonging and tangible the Internet Paradox Study included a sample
subscales, that was not the case. Rather, the of people with whom the participant sample
differences between pre- and mid-test scores could be compared, so there is no way of
were greater than the differences between knowing whether the same trends found in
mid- and post-test scores. the experimental group were present in the
All of this suggests that the observed effects general population. Also, it would be helpful
can be attributed to the study. McKenna and to control for Internet usage outside the
Bargh have conducted a review of Internet- study, as well as for other potential mediating
related studies and literature that might help variables such as Internet self-efficacy and
explain the effects.8 They point out that online familiarity.
relationships differ fundamentally from face- In addition, it would be useful to conduct
to-face relationships, especially because of similar studies using different populations.
the anonymity accorded by the Internet. Because those in the present study were col-
Anonymity can lead people to disclose more lege students, it would have been impossible
personal information more quickly than they to ask participants not to use the Internet other
do in face-to-face interactions, which probably than for the purposes of the study. It would be
leads to intimate relationships being a more extremely interesting, however, to study a
frequent consequence of online interactions. sample of participants who do not otherwise
This is likely to be compounded by the fact that use the Internet (although such a sample will
computer-mediated communication eliminates be increasingly difficult to find as personal

computers become even more common). Re- WWW user surveys (1998) [On-line]. Available:
searchers might also replicate this study with www.gvu.gatech.edu/user_surveys/.
4. O’Connor E. (2000). Gauging the gender gap online
participants who are known to be depressed,
[On-line]. Available: www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/
lonely, socially anxious, and so on, although views/effect/oconnor.genders.jul11/.
such research should be undertaken with cau- 5. Garrett, J.K. (2000). E-mail helps father and daughter
tion until the effects of Internet usage are bet- connect across distance. [On-line]. Available:
ter understood. www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/views/effect/2000/11/k
Also, these results will need to be replicated
6. D’Amico, M.L. (1998). Internet has become a neces-
in field studies. In order to standardize this sity, U.S. poll shows. [On-line]. Available: www.cnn.
study, participants were given discussion ques- com/TECH /computing/9812/07/needne t.idg/
tions for each chat session, and this no doubt index.html.
constrained their conversations. For ethical rea- 7. Kraut, R., Patterson, M., Lundmark, V., et al. (1998).
sons, the discussion questions were relatively Internet paradox: a social technology that reduces
social involvement and psychological well-being.
innocuous; however, conversations that take
American Psychologist 53:1017–1031.
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limited ability to approximate a real Internet en- sonality and social psychology. Personality and Social
vironment. Although factors such as anonymity Psychology Review 4:57–75.
and self-disclosure, which are critical variables 9. Sanders, C.E., Field, T.M., Diego, M., et al. (2000).
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in Internet communication, can be manipulated social isolation among adolescents. Adolescence 35:
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studying actual online interactions. 10. Wolfradt, U, & Doll, J. (2000). Motives of adolescents
Whether it is determined that the Internet to use the Internet as a function of personality traits,
helps or harms users, research findings could personal and social factors. Journal of Educational
Computing Research 24:13–27.
have significant legal and social ramifications.
11. Hamburger, Y.A., & Ben-Artzi, E. (2000). The rela-
The Kraut and colleagues study demonstrated tionship between extraversion and neuroticism and
that psychosocial research can substantially in- the different uses of the Internet. Computers in
fluence public opinion.7,8 Already, legislation Human Behavior 16:441–449.
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