Lesson Plan Kelas 9 Semester 2

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Lesson Plan

Grade : Middle School.

Subject : English.
Class / semester : IX /One.
Topic : When I was a child.
Time Allocation : 1 meetings.

A. Core competencies

1. Appreciate and live the teaching of the religion they hold.

2. Respect and appreciate honest behavior, discipline, responsibility,

care/tolerance, polite, confident in interaction effectively with the social and

natural environment within the reach of relationships and existence.

3. Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual and procedural) based on the

curiosity about science, technology, art, culture related to phenomena and

events seen in the eye.

B. Learning Objective

At the end of class students are able:

1. To understand communicate states and events in the past (When I was a


2. To use communicate states and events in the past (When I was a child).

C. Learning Resource/Media

1. Power Point Presentation, Laptop, Projector and Television.

2. Gunawan, Asep., Khatimah, Yuli R., Wachidah, Siti. English Language: When

English Rings the Bell. 2013: State Polytechnic Creative Media, Jakarta.

D. Learning Activities
Learning Activity Time Allocation

Pre-activity  Greeting and checking the 5 Minutes

student’s attendance.
 Brainstorming on students’
knowledge about invitation text.
Main activity  Teacher explains the material 10 Minutes
specifically about When I was a
 Teacher gives student an ice
breaker (games) to refresh the
 Teacher ask student to make a
sentence using clue about the
 Teacher ask student to present
their work in front of the class.
Post-activity  Teacher and students 5 Minutes
summarizing what has been

E. Materials
a. Explanation about the topic

When I was a child is a topic in ninth grade of junior high school student, that

topic have objective to make students understand communicate states and

events in the past and compare it with their present.

b. The purpose

1. Students can understand and use communicate states and events in the past.

2. Students can understand and use communicate states and events in the present.

c. Assessment

1. Spiritual Attitude

A. Assessment Techniques : Observation

B. Instrument Form : Observation sheet

C. score

No. Attitude / value Score

1. Shows the joy of English lessons as a form of 1-5

gratitude for the opportunity given by God to learn


2. Social Attitudes
A. Assessment Techniques : Self-Assessment

B. Instrument Form : Observation sheet

No. Rated aspect Criteria Score

1. Polite Very often shows polite attitude 5

Often showing polite attitude 4

Several times showed polite attitude 3

Never showed polite attitude 2

Never showed polite attitude 1

2 Care Very often shows caring attitude 5

Often shows caring attitude 4

Several times showed a caring attitude 3

Never show caring attitude 2

Never show caring attitude 1

3. Knowledge
A. Assessment Techniques : Written and Oral Tests

B. Instrument Form : Description

No Rated aspect Criteria Score

1. Communicative Very understanding 5


understand 4

Understand enough 3

Lack of understanding 2

Do not understand 1

2. Text clutter The structure of the text 5

used is very coherent

The structure of the text 4

used coherently

The structure of the text 3

used is quite coherent

The structure of the text 2

used is not coherent

The structure of the text 1

used is not coherent

3. Word choice Very varied and precise 5

Variative and precise 4

Quite varied and 3


less varied and 2


Not varied and 1


4. Grammar Options The choice of grammar 5

is very appropriate

Rated aspect The choice of grammar 4

is very appropriate

Communicative The choice of grammar 3

Objectives is very appropriate

The choice of grammar 2

is very appropriate

The choice of grammar 1

is very appropriate

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