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I went through two times of practicum throughout these two years. For both of
the practicums, my biggest problem was to create a good rapport or relationship with
teachers in school. In Chinese schools, some of the teachers often “enjoy” gossips
behind the student-teachers. Even the principal in our second practicum school talk
bad about us while having meeting with the school teachers. In fact, the school teacher
told us about it and advised us. Thus, I have this little “phobia” to chat with teachers.

Besides, I sometimes feel the intangible pressure from my practicum mates and
lecturer. I felt more stress in my first practicum compared to the second practicum.
This is partly because of the practicum mate environment. My practicum mates
somehow more likely to compare rather than to help each other out. Regarding the
lecturer, the lecturer’s walking speed and dress up more or less affected my emotions.
I feel stressed up and scared of the lecturer whenever I see the movements.

On the other hand, my teacher mentor in schools were responsible in guiding

me throughout the 3 months. For the first mentor, he was not specialise in English
course but he was assigned to teach English in school. Then, I realised that the ‘BUG’
in our education system. In my opinion, teachers should be allotted with the subjects
they are learnt in their tertiary studies.

The best thing in practicum is teaching an having fun with the students.
Although I met troubles and problems from my students, still I feel more comfortable
with them instead of the paperwork and gossips among teachers. I hope that I would
become a responsible teacher that could raise globally competent students in the

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