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Dwi Putri Purnama Jamal

361 17 055

3C/D3 Akuntansi


Many lessons can be obtained both at school and elsewhere. One of those is the

accounting. Accounting is one of the many subjects in the world that we can learn. By

accounting, we can find out about how to make financial reports, how to make ledgers and those

subsidiaries, how to make journals, and so forth. Talking about accounting, I will discuss more

obviously about one of the accounting sections, which is Journal.

Journal is a detailed account that records all the financial transactions of a business to be

used for future reconciling and transfer to other official accounting records, such as the general

ledger. A journal states the date of a transaction, which accounts were affected, and the amounts,

usually in a double-entry bookkeeping method.

To record the transaction in a journal, the accountant must prepare the evidence of

transactions such as invoices, receipts, notes, etc. as the basis for recording them. Journal records

or journaling activities are important because journals are the connector between transactions

with ledgers and subsequent accounting cycles.

Talking about the journal, we do have to know about the functions. There are five

functions of the Journal, which are Recording Function, Historical Function, Analysis Function,

Instructive Function, and Informative Function. The recording function means that all the

transactions must be recorded according to the evidence of the transactions. The historical

function means that the transactions must be recorded systematically following the order of time.
The analysis function means that the transactions recorded must be based on evidence

that has been analyzed in advance and grouped in the debit or credit side. The instructive

function means that the journaling is a command to do a record into the ledger. And last but not

least, the informative function means that by checking the journal, we can easily know the

information about a transaction.

Besides the function, the journal also has a few types of it. The first is General Journal.

The general journal is a form to record all the financial transactions of a company in a period by

systematically. The second is the Special Journal. The special journal is a journal that has been

classified based on the transaction’s type. There are four types of the special journal, there is a

purchase journal which used to record all the purchasing of the inventory or the service by credit.

A sales journal is used when there is a sales transaction by credit. The cash payment journal is

used to record all the payment transactions with cash. And the cash receipt journal is used to

record all the receipt transaction with cash. The third is the Adjusting Journal. Adjusting journal

is made at the end of the period to adjust the accounts that need to be adjusted. The forth is

Closing Journal. The closing journal is made to normalize or to move the temporary balance of

the company so that the company could know their profit and loss for one period. And the fifth is

the Reversing Journal. Reversing a journal is made to make the record for the next period of

accounting easier.

As an accountant, we should know about the base principles or the steps before making a

journal. The first step is to identify the financial evidence of the company such as invoice,

memo, note, etc. Second is choosing the account that has been affected in a transaction, then

classified those into a capital, asset, or liability. The third is to make an addition or subtraction to
the account associated with the transaction concerned. And the fourth is to record the transaction

into the ledger following the evidence.

As the conclusion of this topic, Journal is important and very necessary because this is

the second step after collecting the evidence of preparing a financial statement. It records all the

transactions, which account is affected, and the amount itself. There are five types of journals.

Besides, it also has a lot of functions. Before doing journaling, better to know the base principle

or the steps first so we can easily be doing it later.

15 Questions:

1. Why does the company journalize?

2. What is the advantages of Journal?
3. Why journals are called First Book Entry?
4. What benefits can be taken from organizing a journal book?
5. What information can be obtained from each transaction recorded in a journal book?
6. Mention the steps in journalizing the transaction!
7. How many types of journals?
8. Can you explain those journals?
9. Is there any account code in Journal?
10. What is the difference between General Journal and Special Journal?
11. Do all companies use general journals and special journals?
12. Which one is better between general journals and special journals?
13. What does it do after journalizing?
14. Can journaling be skipped?
15. Can we make up journalizing?


1. What is the definiton of Journal?

2. Why Journal is important?
3. When do we have to make Journal or doing Journaling?
4. Who is the most able to do Journaling?
5. How can we do this Journal?
6. If an accountant forget to record one of the transaction, what should they do first?
7. What will happen if I do not do the journaling base on the transactions?
8. What will you do if your company or a company that you made the financial
statements does not have enough evidences of their transaction and you’ve been
asked to making up the transaction?
9. What would you do if at the end of the preparation of the financial statements, the
balance sheet you were working on was out of balance because of a journal error
when you first started?
10. As a boss, what will you do to the accountant who is careless in doing their jobs?

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