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Headloss build-up in coarse screens Determine the build-up of headloss through a bar screen when 50% of the flow area is blocked off due to the accumulation of coarse solids. Conditions: -Approach velocity = 0.6 m/s Velocity through clean bar screen = 0.9 m/s *Open area for flow through clean bar screen = 0.19 m2 *Headloss coefficient for a clean bar screen = 0.7 A yh gER Design Examples 5 Zen Design of Rack (Screen) Chamber Conditions: *Peak design wet weather flow = 1.321 m3/s *Depth of flow in the conduit at peak design flow = 1.18 m 1. Clear area through the rack openings peak design flow _1.321 m’/s p47 ~ Velocity through rack 0.9 mis 2. Clear width of the opening at the rack area _1321.m* = _= =1.25m depthof flow 1.18m Provide 50 clear spacing at 25 mm ed . Total clear openings in the rack chamber Stree 1 1000mm /m a . Total number of bars = 49 oO . Provide bars with 10 mm width ~/ . Width of the chamber =1.25m+10mm+49x——! __=1.74m 1000 mm/m jie 7 ean les i ° 2ewW Tan University IB) © Veemstny | sh ul Detail of Rack Chamber: (¢) cross section showing bar arrangement, channel section, and depth of flow Sin aaa Cam les 5 You have designed a batch diffused aeration system for transferring oxygen into a groundwater. The tank holds 5000 gal, and it has a gas transfer coefficient (Ka) o! 0.12 min*1. If the raw groundwater has a DO of 1.5 mg/L and the treated water must have a DO of 7.5 mg/L how may gallons per day can be treated by this system? Assume that the saturation value (Cg) is 10.2 mg/L. Ignore the time required to fill and drain the tank. Solution to #2 First calculate the time required to process one batch of 5000 gal. Now calculate the number of batches per day and the total volume treated: # batches = 24hrs(60min)/9.75min = 147.7 Volume treated = 147.7 batches/day * 5000 gal/batch = 738,000 gal/day = 0.74 MGD Design of Primary Sedimentation basin ‘The average flow rate at a small sewage treatment plant is 20000 m'/d. The observed peak flow rate is $0000 m'/d. Design rectangular primary clarifier with a channel width of 6 m. Use minimum two clarifiers. Calculate the scour velocity to determine if settled material will become resuspended. Estimate the BOD and TSS removal at average and peak flow. Adopt an overflow rate of 40 m’/m?.day at average flow and Solution: 1) Assume surface settling rate = 40 m'/m?.d Therefore, the surface area of the tank = Q/SOR = 20000 / 40 = 500 m* 2) length of tank (L) = A/W = 500/ (2*6) = 41.7 ( 42 m) (For two tanks) 3) Detention time and overflow rate at average flow ‘Tank Volume = 4* 2 (42*6) = 2016 m’ Overflow rate = Q/A = 20000/2(6*42) = 39.7 m'/m?.d Detention time = Vol/Q = (2016*24)/20000 = 2.42 h 4) Detention time and overflow rate at peak flow Overflow rate = Q/A = 50000/2(6*42) = 99.2 m'/m*d Detention time = Vol/Q = (2016*24)/50000 = 0.97 h The scour velocity is _ [aRB=Dga _ far005G25-1)9a1-10010-6 _ Va= SS Se a = 0.063 misec By considering d = 100 wm Horizontal velocity should be checked for peak flow Horizontal velocity for peak flow = Q/A = 50000/(2*6*4*24*3600) = 0.012 m/s Check for Weir loading rate = Flow/length of weir = 20000/(2*6) = 1666 m’/m.d Estimate BOD and TSS removal rate: BOD removal rate R = v(atb.t) = 2.42/(0.018+0.02*2.42) = 36% TSS removal rate R = U(a+b.t) = 2.42/(0.0075+0.01442.42) = 58% Industrial Water Pollution Control At peak flow BOD removal rate R = U(atb.t) = 2.42/(0.018+0.02*0.97) = 26% ‘TSS removal rate R = U(a+b.t) = 0.97(0.0075+0.014"0.97) = 46% How many mg/L of hypochlorous acid are required to oxidize 0.8 mg/L ferrous iron’ Solution to #4 First balance the equation: JHOCI+ Fe" +4" Fe 4 4er + 40H" Next calculate the mass requirements a ¢ eog@ec Fel ImMt - Fe ) 0526 ~ HOCH (525mg ~ HOCT chlorine requirement 08°" \558me= Fe) walt Fe \ all HOCT mg- HOC? L = 038: Since most forms of chlorine are expressed as Cp, the more accepted answer would be: 2 mg-Fe{ mM - Fe | Sma - HOC! chlorine requirement = Seal CL TE U5same= Fe) Imad mg Cly = 051 Asettling tank has a width of 20 ft, a depth of 10 ft and a length of 60 ft. It receives 0.60 ft°/s of flow. What fraction of all 0.10 mm diameter alum floc particles will be removed at 5°C (assume 1.04 g/mL floc density)? Solution to 6: ” Peonjfeor) = 00005,t/s = 001525m 48 - (.040-1000,45(1x10%»9'(22°3) _G ad gt ey “ 13a 4% = 0000143 /¢ = 00143em/ ¢ Fraction Removed = 013ml 6 001525emi 6 094 oF 94% 2. Intercontinental Paper and the Mill River (25 points) The Intercontinental Paper Co. is discharging its wastewater directly into the Mill River. The discharge flow is 3.8 3/5 (cfs) the discharge D.O. is 8.5 mg/L and the discharge ultimate BOD (BOD,) is 35 mg/L. They obtain half of this water from an intake 0.5 miles upstream of the wastewater outfall, and half from groundwater via a nearby well field. On average, the Mill River water upstream of the IPC outfall has an ultimate BOL (BODy) of 2.5 mg/L and a D.O. of 8.5 mg/L. If the Mill River has a flow of 12 cfs upstream of the IPC intake, and if the state permits a minimum DO of 7.5 mg/L in the Mill River, will the state have to further restrict the BOD in IPC's wastewater (i.e., is the stream out of compliance)? Calculate the minimum stream D.O. expected as a result o the IPC discharge. Additional assumptions: BOD deoxygenation rate: ky = 0.23 d! Additional assumptions: BOD deoxygenation rate: ky = 0.23 d" reaeration rate constant (ky) of 0.82 4-1 D.O saturation concentration = 9.5 mg/L River flow velocity = 0.5 ft/s > wa Fiver Va — wastewater Intercontinental Paper Co. Weil etd Solution to #7 First the downstream flow is: 2-242, =[12-(05)38]+38 = 139¢f The solve for the in-stream BOD, concentration at the point of discharge using a mass balance: 2S, * QC, & _ 386j6(35ng/ 2) +1012 5g! 2) 138i 1138, 113878 Now determine the critical travel time: ” Qe2a7- 02807 = 172174 a File pte ere) + Derhe me , o2aa-(ni33% ”qRaat = [faren _gtomernas) gs tomeirae =1138%8 138% Now determine the critical travel time: vancteafi- 2s 1 gaat “pea oaa oa (10%) oszd~* - 023d 0237-1138! = 172174 oct pte ere) «Dyer war-{ne eben _-fene'tran) ,yg_rt0rtnen osaa 02m = 215% ais Cog = Cy ~ Da = 95-215 = 735% Yes, the stream will be out of compliance.

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