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SUNsun MONmon TUE tue WEDwed THU thu FRI fri SAT sat
craft night! 1 neighborhood 2 sugar city presents:3 bluebike party 4
pot luck soul night@
elmwood nothing is over,
lounge gash, avulsion
@fun. home

5 6 7 craft night! 8 neighborhood 9 10 11

spanish club 7pm pot luck Patrons of sweet CHRISTINA’S
location varies london v NY BIRTHDAY
@Mohawk PARTY!
work party @ @the vault.

spanish club 7pm
13 14 craft night! 15 neighborhood
pot luck
16 xxx-mas rager17 whiteguilt, shop-
location varies w/ avulsion etc. pers, white whale
Lemuria, Death- @broadway joes @99custer
rats @ sug city

spanish club 7pm
20 21 craft night! 22 neighborhood 23 24 25
location varies snowman & sled- pot luck
ding!!! delaware diy plumbing
park/ all day! workshop@

spanish club 7pm
27 28 craft night! 29 neighborhood 30 31
location varies pot luck

*this is only a small reflection of the many

activities and experiences occurring nightly in Buffalo...
blank days on a calendar leave all the room for your
friends’ collective creativity.. make your own shit happen!

Students across Europe hit the streets

last month, and they dont seem to have much
interest in filing back into class... worldwide
occupations and demonstrations kicked off as
50,000 students and workers stormed the con-
servative party headquarters in central london.
By the end of the month, there had been
accounts of violent street battles across the
continent, occupations going off at what
seemed like a hundred colleges, and enough
written statements about it all to make your
head spin. Heres a written account from the
toryHQ occupation in the UK:
“Some protesters were able to force their way
November love from the bay area. Oakland locals retaliate right inside the Millbank building, eyewitnesses
after the controversial minimum sentencing of Oscar Grant’s report absolute havoc. Attempting to rip up
murderer. everything whether it was nailed down or not.
Windows were smashed at the higher reaches
of the building, and graffiti sprayed around.
Thousands of students built a bonfire out of

placards outside the building whilst protesters
So here’s what we have going on this month, full of obscenities emerged on the roof, some unfurled a Revolu-
and youth rage. We do these things because we love our friends and tion banner, one waved an Antifa flag whilst
cant live without the community that gets us through the coldest win- another waved the traditional red and black
ters... We put the culture and practices that we as a community value flag. They were received with an enormous
first, without compromising to seem like were anything but a mob of cheer, and responded by showering us with
pissed off young people with no regard for normality. We’ll let the Elastoplasts, a fire extinguisher and copies of
“masses” organize their damn selves. Profane everywhere! Socialist Worker.

The police were finally able to gather enough
numbers to stop people entering the building en
masse although students completely took over
the reception area. A sound system started
playing dubstep leading to a Reclaim The
//freeradiobuffalo Streets carnival atmosphere.
“Interrupt the language of machines. Of the work-ethic, A second contingent of police was brought in to
of productivity. try and disperse the crowd but they were actu-
An invitation not to get up this morning, to stay in bed with ally driven away by the sheer weight of num-
someone, to make musical instruments and war devices for your bers and the amount of placards thrown at
selves." them.”
Monday: Soundscape with Needles Numark Check out for more.
Tuesday: The Eclectric with DJ Roman
Wednesday: The Mid-week Mixup with de Macoris read more:
Thursday: DJ Mushmouth

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