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EcoWorriers – Action Plan




Energy Students to read meters Raise awareness – monitor Ongoing SP Site Manager &
and display graphs to energy bills (reduction 5% over Eco Team student
display meter readings one year) members

Use low energy bulbs Reduce energy Ongoing Site Manager

and heating thermostats

Encourage staff and Raise staff and student awareness Autumn 2010 LC/Sue P/LK/DD
students to switch off in assemblies and Summer Eco students
lights and electrical Term 2011
Assign monitors in classrooms Teaching Staff
(computers/monitors) Update noticeboard, produce
posters, letters and create web Eco Team & Web
‘Switch off Fortnight’
page for info on intranet Ongoing Developer
Campaign Nov/Dec 2010

Monitor campaign and publish Autumn Term Eco Team
results in terms of ‘best’ areas 2010

Provide information stall at Health LC/LK/Sue P/Eco

Week market place Team
Litter Promote anti-litter policy Raise awareness Ongoing LC to speak to NP
update web page
Investigate styles of Improve re-cycling Spring/
recycle litter bins for Summer Term Eco students/LC/
new school building & 2011 Carillion (builders)
Continue involvement in Reduce litter in school and
Autumn Term Sue P/LK/LS/Eco
‘Big Tidy Up’ – a “Keep community environment
2010 (and students
Britain Tidy” campaign (Photographic evidence) other

Waste Paper recycling Whole school paper recycling Ongoing Site Manager
Minimisation / /Waste Contractors
Compost bin Recycle food waste – re- Spring Term Liz Howe/WR
investigate 2011

Mobile phone recycling Recycle phones Ongoing LC/WR

Recycle wood from Bird Boxes, stepping stones etc Autumn 2010 LC/LS/Eco Team
felled trees & Spring 2011
Green Christmas Tips to
Raise awareness – Christmas LC (Head’s letter)
all homes and on web
cards to come to school where we Christmas

will arrange recycling 2010

Trip to Recycling Plant WR/LK

Raise awareness (Photo evidence) Spring 2011
Green Britain Day Raise student/staff awareness at Every Eco Team
Health Market Day Summer Term

Water Monitor usage Reduce consumption Ongoing Whole School

Repairs to leaks Reduce wasted water Ongoing –SP SP

Participate in ‘Water Monitor usage – use POD June 2011 Eco Team
Saving Week’ resources
Transport Revisit school travel Update as necessary Spring 2011 DD/WR/LC

Cycle instruction Increase in students cycling to Summer 2011 LC/WR –

Scheme school (Year 7/8?) costs/funding

Research typed of Cycle Increase in students cycling to Summer 2011 Contractor/LC/WR/

sheds for new school school Eco Students

Healthy Living Environmentally Reduce harmful toxins Ongoing SP
cleaning products
Healthy Schools’
Redesignated July 2010 Ongoing LC/DD/Liz Howe
School Grounds Heritage of Grounds Raise student awareness Started Whole school –
Summer 2009 Humanities, Mrs
& ongoing Kendrick
Started LK/PY/Eco
Bird Breakfast Club Raise student awareness, Spring 2009 & students
involvement & responsibility ongoing

Student involvement in new Start Spring members/Carillion
BSF – Work with
school grounds development will Term 2009 &
Landscape Architect
encourage ownership etc ongoing

Global What is being taught in Raise student awareness Next HOD’s Mrs Mitchell
Perspective Science, Humanities, ICT meeting
re global problems
Fund-raising for Zambia Sue P/LC
Create links with Ongoing
schools overseas Fund raising for other Whole School
charities/needy causes (concerts,
shoe box appeal, non-uniform,
sponsored events etc)

Pupil Carry out meter readings Create graphs/posters and web Ongoing All Eco Group
Participation and create graphs/charts page to raise awareness and

for comparison purpose promote Eco code

Biodversity Cultivate troughs on top Encourage student participation Ongoing WR/SP – Eco
yard and plant bulbs in growing plants and students
appreciation of wildlife
Habitat Area for birds, Raise student awareness and LK/PY/Eco
insects and other encourage responsibility. This is students
creatures an extremely successful project
which is very close to our hearts
and of which we are extremely
proud – it has led to us having a
designated area in our new school


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