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Geoservices -Mudlogging Services

End of Well Reports – FINAL


Table of Contents
1. GENERAL INFORMATIONS.................................................................................................................. 2
1.1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. WELL OBJECTIVES....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. WELL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 2
1.4. SERVICES PROVIDERS ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.5. GEOSERVICES SCOPE OF WORK AND EQUIPMENT OVERVIEW ................................................................. 5
1.5.1. Acquisition system layout/overview ......................................................................................................... 5
1.5.2. Gas system overview ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.5.3. Realtime data transmission - InterAct ...................................................................................................... 8
1.5.4. Geoservices Personnel and Contacts ........................................................................................................ 9
2. OPERATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 10
2.1. DAILY OPERATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 10
2.2. TIMING ANALYSIS.................................................................................................................................... 34
2.3. PROGRESS CHART ..................................................................................................................................... 1
2.4. WELL PROFILE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
3. DRILLING DATA ............................................................................................................................................ 1
3.1. BIT RECORD ............................................................................................................................................... 1
3.1. BHA RECORD ............................................................................................................................................. 1
3.2. MUD DATA ................................................................................................................................................ 4
3.3. CASING AND CEMENT DATA ..................................................................................................................... 5
3.4. DEVIATION DATA ...................................................................................................................................... 6
4. GEOLOGY .................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1. FORMATION TOPS .................................................................................................................................. 10
4.2. STRATIGRAPHY ........................................................................................................................................ 11
4.3. GAS DATA ................................................................................................................................................ 14
4.4. CUTTINGS SAMPLING.............................................................................................................................. 16
4.5. ELECTRICAL LOGGING SUMMARY........................................................................................................... 16
5. Appendices ..................................................................................................................................... 18
5.1. GEOSERVICES SENSORS SETUP ............................................................................................................... 18
5.2. WELL LOGS .............................................................................................................................................. 21
5.2.1. MASTER LOG 1/500................................................................................................................................. 21
5.2.2. DRILLING LOG 1/500 ............................................................................................................................... 21
5.2.3. GAS RATIO LOG 1/500............................................................................................................................. 21



MAN-F6 is a directional development well. It’s located in Mangara filed, EXA area, in Doba Basin, southern
Chad, witch comprises a sequeane for fluvio-lacustrine and shale deposited in continental rift environment.

MAN-F6 will be located in Mangara West, in an area half way between MAN-E1 and MAN-3ST and will be
the fourth farcced producer of Phase 2 (seventh in C sand). It will be targeting all main C sand reservoirs.


Prioritized Primary Well Objectives

- Successfully drill and complete a Phase 2 producer with a minimum of 20 years well integrity.
- The well should be producing an average oil rate defined as per field development plan, for
3 years.
- Deliver a completion architecture capable of producing from the C1A, C1B, C2 and C3
Mangara reservoirs with and without hydraulic fracturing.
- Evaluate the reservoir to assess well performance and field reservoir management.
The primary focus will be formation evaluation requirements for fluid identification and
Reservoir quality
- Evaluate the overburden to ensure access to the reservoir and deliver future well.

Secondary Well Objective

- Assess presence of hydrocarbon in D2 and D3 sands through open hole logging without Compromising any
primary objectives.
- Deliver completion architecture capable of producing from the D2 and/or D3 MReservoirs with hydraulic
fracturing without compromising any primary objectives.

This well in the Mangara Field in Chad (Africa), located as bellow:

Surface Coordinate:

UTM : X : 599712.2 (m) E

Y : 993190.5 (m) N
Latitude : 8°59'1.8781"N
Longitude : 15°54'25.5867"E


Location Maps :

Chad Location Map Doba Basin Location Map

Mangara& Badila Fields Location Map


Well Details :

OPERATOR: Petrochad (Mangara) Limited A Glencore Company
LOCATION: Mangara F Pad – Slot 6
UTM X: 599712.2 (m) E
UTM Y: 993190.5 (m) N
LATITUDE: 8°59'1.8781"N
LONGITUDE: 15°54'25.5867"E
GROUND LEVEL (ZS): + 397.76 m (MSL)
ELEVATION RT + 404.1 m
OBJECTIVE: All main C sand reservoirs and evaluate the deeper D sands
CONTRACTOR: Great wall Drilling company
SPUD DATE: 28 September 2018
DRILLING END DATE: 09 September 2018
RIG RELEASE DATE 18 September 2018
FINAL TD: 2499.8m/MD / 2409.1 m/TVD


DRILLING Great Wall Drilling Company-GWDC61



Full mud logging services is deployed on the Chad West Phase 2 development. GSS Scope of Work includes:

- Provision, storage, rigging-up, rigging-down, operation, maintenance, inspection, calibration and repair of
all CONTRACTOR items including ancillary and associated items;
- Continuous kick detection including the provision, operation and maintenance of alarm systems;
- Continuous monitoring of gas content in mud, including chromatographic analysis;
- Fully independent monitoring and logging of all surface rig parameters related to work-overs and drilling
with continuous contact provided to the drilling and wellsite team;
- Recording of gas, lithology and pressure data during all periods of drilling and completion;
- Collection, packaging, dispatch and expediting of formation cuttings samples, Isotubes, mud samples and
any other geological samples acquired by the mud logging service;
- Cuttings analysis including lithology and hydrocarbon show descriptions;
- Transmission of real-time mud logging and related data.
- Provision of competent, experienced and qualified site personnel;


The "On-line" data acquisition system uses the

new Geoservices acquisition system called GN4.
The GN4 hardware is based on new technologies. It
is a plug and play system, hot swapping, and
communicating via a bus protocol avoiding
external interferences with the sensors’ signals.
This allows sampling rate up to 50 hertz for the
surface sensors involved in the Vibrations
The sensors attached to the rig equipment
enable accurate monitoring of drilling parameters
as: rate of penetration, pump pressure, pit
volumes, torque variations and RPM, etc ….
These sensors aid the early detection of drilling
problems such as washouts, losses into formation,
or any fluid or gas invasions into the annulus.
All the drilling and geological data are recorded
and stored in a depth and a time database. They
can be recorded from 0.2m to 5m increment. The
acquisition frequency on the GN4 system vary from
1 to 50 Hz
The GN4 system involves various offline
programs that help in the well engineering such as
bit hydraulics, surge and swab, etc... And allows
the generation of various logs as Formation
Evaluation Log, Hydrocarbon Evaluation Log,
Drilling Log…



‘’RESERVAL’’ FID Chromatograph& Constant Volume Gas Trap (Main Gas Detection System)
This gas monitoring system gives Total Gas OUT, C1-C5 OUT, extracted at constant volume conditions.The
Reserval combines analysis accuracy with fast analysis speed (C1 - nC5 in 42 seconds).
Manufacturer Geoservices
Sensor Type Independent filament flame ionization (Total Gas + Chromatograph)
Sensitivity 1 ppm CHR and Total Gas
Chromatograph Separation Bi-silicate separation column
Cycle TimeTotal Gas 0.4 sec (Continuous)
Cycle Time Chromatograph 42 sec (C1-C5)
Analysis Method Digital integrated area under peak type
Calibration Using known concentration mixtures
Pump Type Diaphragm x 2 (Either Backup / Dual gas In + Out analysis)
Electronic Control Micro processor w/Geoservices operations software
Data Recording 40 days on Reserval system hard disk - Linked direct / recorded to ML Unit acquisition system
Output Independent printer or via ML Unit acquisition system
Technical Specifications of the RESERVAL

The Geoservices Reserval (Real-time reservoir evaluation) is a well site FID gas detection and analysis system
controlled and piloted by an integrated computer and utilizing a color tactile touch screen.

Data are automatically stored in an integrated solid state hard disk (flash memory) and the system can be
interconnected with the ALS or GEONEXT Systems, a Printer and a direct Ethernet Network interface. USB port is
also available for data transfers.

A dual gas line-conditioning system (pump and gas treatment) is built in. The gases extracted from the mud by
the Geoservices constant volume Gas Trap (GZG) are automatically and continuously analyzed.

The Reserval Chromatographic Analyzer can perform a complete cycle from C1 to C5 in 42 seconds with an
accuracy of 1 ppm. The equipment incorporates two Flame Ionization Detectors, which are isolated and
temperature stabilized. One, for the continuous total gas real time measurement and one for a fast-
chromatographic analysis.

Once the system is set-up, the Reserval essentially operates automatically. The hydrogen required for the two
FID is supplied by a new generation of maintenance free Hydrogen Generator delivering a high purity hydrogen.
Simplified maintenance is assured by a modular conception and a new generation of fixed flow restrictors.

Chromatographic peak detection and integration is automatically performed by the built in, microprocessor
controlled integrator and interface. The real time Total gas output is sent in ppm to the ALS or GEONEXT systems
for direct incorporation into the database.


The ALS or GEONEXT provides a large choice of presentations for the data, since all the advantages of the ALS
or GEONEXT processing power, to compute gas ratio and other comparative calculations, can be fully used.

The GZG Degasser is a whole new concept both about installation and efficiency. It is first part of new high-
performance system developed by Geoservices. The degasser is standing on four supports and protected in a light
steel frame, with caring handles for easy transport.

The combination of the mud suction probe and new design of the degasser tank allow high efficiency of
degassing and constant performance quite independent of mud parameters (density, viscosity, solids content,

Since the mud is pumped at a constant rate in the degasser tank the system also independent of drilling
conditions especially rig pumps rates and mud level variation in the mud return circuit. Now mud flow rate
variation will not affect any more gas readings.

The greater mechanical action combined with a new design of degasser tank lead to a good extraction of all
gases from the mud (up to 85%) with equal performances on heavies (C4, C5) than on light gas (C1,C2,C3).


Geoservices' GZG degasser is a constant volume gas trap. Only the sampling probe needs to be in the drilling
fluid, and it can be placed right to the bell nipple for the earliest detection and sampling of the most
representative gas composition.

Below is the flow chart for the gas analysis process:


InterACT provides a globally accessible, fully integrated drilling-parameter visualization, incorporating an integrated
Geoservices viewer, which displays cuttings descriptions, interpreted lithology, gas data, the driller's console, MWD
and LWD measurements, and recorded events through specific screens. Information is displayed as a function of
time or depth or in numerical format, together with real-time comments.


The InterACT Visualization* connectivity

The service requires Internet connection with 512 kbps dedicated bandwidth. Internet connectivity was provided by
Perochad (Mangara) Limited.

10+ client users accounts were provided.


Data Analysts Boussaad CHELOUCHE

Thameur ARIBI
Mohamed Rafik TEBBAL
Mudlogging Analysts Allayambaye DJIMYANAN
Abiathar MONODJI
Pafroumi KALIBE
Sample Catchers Moustapha ABAKAR
Garandi DANWE

Schlumberger Chad Contact: Schlumberger Algeria Contact: Schlumberger France Contact

Schlumberger Seaco, Inc. Compagnie d’Operations Pétrolières Compagnie d’Opérations Pétrolières
Chad Branch Schlumberger Schlumberger
Rue du Havre BP 1221 Route d’Ouled Fayet, zone d’activité 1, Cour du Triangle 92936 La Défense
N’Djamena d’Amara.Lot N 8, Cheraga, Alger Cedex, France
Phone: +235 52 07 37 Phone: +213-(0) 21 37 09 50 / 53




MAN-F6 well was spud on September 28th, 2018 and operations continued to September 18th, 2018 with
operations running from 06:00 to 06:00.

Date: 28-09-2018 Made up and racked back 1 stand of 8" Dc with 8"jars and 1 stand of 8"DC.
Report # 1 Held pre spud operational safety meeting with all personnel, discussed operations,
Depth: 172m following safety procedures and
work instruction. Also discussed pinch points, the use of push / pull sticks while racking
or running tubulars from the derrick. Held muster drill, good results and participation
form all personnel, discussed the importance of accounting for all
personnel on location in an emergency.
Spudded MAN-F6 at 08:00 hrs, Sept 28th, 2018
With BHA # 1 - 17 1/2" Smith XR+VEC Mill Tooth Bit S/N PY5693 dressed with 4 x 14
Nozzles, Bit Sub, 1 -8"DC and
Cross Over Sub, tagged bottom with 1 stand of 5"HWDP at 24m.
Drilled 17 1/2"hole from 24 - 95m, averaging 18.93 m/hr, with a flow rate of 300 - 800
gpm, pump pressure 200 -
1200 psi, rpm 75 - 100, WOB 5 - 10 Klb, rotary torque 1 - 2 Pumped a 50 bbl high
visc sweep, a substantial increase in cuttings was noticed at the shakers when sweep
came around. Continued to circulate with a flow rate of 800 gpm - 1200 psi until
shakers came clean. POOH with BHA #1 from 95m to surface, laid down 17 1/2"bit, bit
sub, 8"DC and cross over sub in one assembly.
No tight hole encountered on trip. Bit Grading : 1 -1-WT-A-E-I-NO-BHA
Made up & RIH Directional BHA #2:
- Weight below jars - 25 K lbs
- Tested MWD at 25 m (1st stand of 5"HWDP made up) - Good test. GPM = 700, SPP =
720 psi. Drilled 17 1/2'' hole vertically with Baker directional BHA from 95 m to 172 m.
- WOB = 3 - 10 K lbs
- RPM on surface =70 ,RPM at bit = 205 ( mud motor = 0.15 rev/gal)
- Torque = 1-2 K ft/lbs
- GPM = 800 - 900
- SPP = 1200 - 1525 psi
- MW = 8.8 - 8.9 ppg
- ECD at bit = 9.92 ppg
- ROP (on btm/avg) = 25.0 m/hr/ 17.11 m/hr
- Last survey @ 153.28 m MD/TVD = 0.28 ° inc / 70.10 ° az
Notes: - Pumped 25 bbl hi-vis sweep at each connection
- Worked 1 single prior to connections, no rotation up, rotation down.
- Took survey every other stand prior to connection , 5 m off bottom - per instructions
from DD
- Started adding detergent at 130 m
- While drlg at 163 m - cellar pumps lost power, driller not alerted in time and had 7
bbls of mud over
flow from cellar, lost approx 5 min / spill cleaned up

10 | P a g e

Date: 29/08/2018 Drilled 17 1/2'' hole vertically with Baker directional BHA from 172 m to 236 m
Report # 2 - WOB = 4 - 10 K lbs
Depth: 312 m - RPM on surface =70 RPM at bit = 205 ( mud motor = 0.15 rev/gal)
- Torque = 1-2 K ft/lbs
- GPM = 900
- SPP = 1380 - 1520 psi
- MW = 8.8 - 8.9 ppg
- ROP (on btm/avg) =25.09 m/hr/ 17.07 m/hr
- Pumped 25 bbl hi-vis sweep at each connection .
- Worked 1 single prior to connections, no rotation up, rotation down.
- Took survey every other stand prior to connection , 5 m off bottom - per instructions
from DD.
At 03:15 hrs GW noted fluid bypassing on #2 plunger/swab on MP#1 - prepared to
change out plungers once stand down and hi vis sweep pumped. After drilling to 236
m and pumping hi-vis sweep cleaning cuttings from annulus as best possible, shut down
to replace plunger.Reciprocated and worked drill string while working on MP#1
- GPM = 500 , SPP = 1425 psi
Drilled 17 1/2'' hole vertically with Baker directional BHA from 236 m to 312m.
- WOB = 4 - 10 K lbs
- RPM on surface =70 RPM at bit = 205/225 ( mud motor = 0.15 rev/gal)
- Torque = 1-3 K ft/lbs , GPM = 900 , SPP = 1500 - 1580 psi, MW = 8.8 - 9.0 ppg, ROP (on
btm/avg) = 26 m/hr/ 17.71 m/hr
Circulated bottoms up pumping at 900 gpm, SPP 1600 psi
- Confirmed casing point OK
- Took final directional survey.
- Final Survey for section: 286.75 MD/ TVD, 0.31° inc, 14.16° Az Had infestation of
bees at the monkey board -not able to Trip out of hole.
Continued to circulate well while waiting for exterminator / bee catcher to arrive.
Once bees removed prepared to pull out with 17 1/2" BHA. POOH with 17 1/2"
directional BHA # 2 from 312 m to 28 m, no tight hole encountered on trip. Flushed
Baker directional tools with 30 bbls of freshwater.
Pulled out / Laid down Baker PDM/Directional BHA. Cleaned / cleared off rig floor in
preparation to rig up & run 13 3/8" casing. Rigged up to run 13 3/8" casing. Held Pre-
job safety meeting with Baker TRS and rig crew. Prior to picking up 13 3/8" shoe joint
note TDS link tilt twisting, issue with newly installed link tilt cylinder. GWDC TDS
engineer repaired and checked same. P/U and RIH w/13 3/8" 68 ppf, BTC, K55 casing to
49 m. Continued to MU and RIH w/13 3/8" 68 ppf, BTC, K55 casing from 49 m to 84 m.
Date: 30/08/2018 Continued to MU and RIH with 13 3/8" 68 ppf, BTC, K55 casing from 84 m to 308.6m.
Report # 3 Circulated hole clean prior to cement job (2 x BU) - GPM = 210 - SPP = 140 - 175 psi
Depth 312 m NOTE: No losses observed during circulation. Rigged out CRT.
Rigged up cement head and cementing lines/ Rigged up lines to able to circulate with
rig pump. Held pre job safety meeting for cement job. Cemented 13 3/8" casing,
bumped plug at 07:42 with 300 psi over displacement pressure. Confirmed that casing
was centralised and waited on cement. Rough-cut casing 6.64 m below RTE -details
- Measured stick up again at rotary table = 0.96 m. Marked pipe at rotary table. -

11 | P a g e

Confirm/ make marks on pipe in cellar at 6.94 m from rotary for final-cut, and 6.64 m
for rough-cut.
- Took 5 K lbs bind on casing in preparation for rough cut.
- Rig welder cut drain-hole in casing and allowed to drain, concurrently sucked out cellar
with vac-truck.
- Rough-cut the casing with rig welder at 6.64 m (took 40 mins)
- Laid out 13 3/8" casing cut off
- P/U to get slips out - casing raised 1/2'' (stretch) with 255 K on wt. indicator.
- Slacked off, came back to same mark - casing not subsiding. Rigged in Baker TRS Clyde
cutter and cold cut the 13 3/8" casing at 6.94 m from rotary (0.6 m below ground level.
Removed cut off piece of 13 3/8" casing.
Beveled casing stub and smooth off any burs / sharp edges with GW grinder.
Picked up pre-made landing joint assembly to rig floor. Installed LRC starter head / "A"
section per GE technician. Nippled up BOPs and related equipment.
Date: 01/10/2018 Continued Nippled up BOPs and related equipment. Ran in test plug per GE engineer's
Report # 4 instructions.Filled BOPs with water.
Depth 312 m Rigged in Schlumberger lines to testing assembly. Held pre job safety meeting for
pressure testing lines and BOPs with all personnel from SLB and GW. Pressure tested
Treating lines and lo Torque valve to 300 psi for 5 minutes and 4000 psi for 10
minutes- OK
Proceeded to pressure test BOP's as follows:
- Closed 5" pipe rams and pressure tested BOP - testing wellhead connection & choke /
kill lines to 300psi/3000 psi for 5/10 mins, Good test.
- Bled off pressure and opened pipe rams
NOTE: During pressure test, side valve on A section below test plug was open to
atmosphere. Performed accumulator draw down test. Pulled test plug with test plug
assembly. Turned over test plug, installed wear bushing and set same in well head with
stand of 5'' drill pipe. Laid down running tool.
Note: Ensured valve on A section was closed. Connected bell nipple and flow line.
Held pre job operational safety meeting on procedures for racking stands of 5"DP in the
Derrick. Racked back in derrick 80 stands (1531.20m) of 5", G-105, 19.5 ppf, 4 1/2"IF DP
at an average rate of 16 joints per
hour. Total 93 stands of 5"DP racked in the derrick (1782.32m) DP was drifted to
3.1"while picking up. Held pre job operational safety meeting for making up MWD BHA.
MU 12 1/4'' Directional BHA per DD & work instructions as follows/ tripped in hole from
surface to 43 m
- Weight below jars= 38 K lbs
- Total BHA weight = 67 K lbs
Stopped at 43 m bit depth and conducted Shallow test and down links as follows:
- Conducted Shallow test successfully w/ 750 gpm , SPP = 825 psi
- Attempted to down link two times at 750 gpm - down link not successful
- Performed down link at 700 gpm – OK. Continued running in with the 12 1/4" Auto
Trak Directional BHA from 43 m to 52 m and picking up one 8" DC, operations shut
down; Can Rig hydraulic cat walk/PU/LD system not operating properly - also lost 0.25
hours due to not being able to back out lifting sub from 8" DC Operations shut down
due to Can Righydraulic PU/LD unit over heated. Worked on system and turned fan on
unit - temperature level dropped sufficiently to continue operations. Continued
running in with the 12 1/4" Auto Trak Directional BHA from 52 m to 61m.

12 | P a g e

Date: 02-10-2018 Continued running in with the 12 1/4" Auto TrackDirectional BHA #3 from 61m to 248m
Report # 5 - Weight below jars= 38 K lbs
Depth: 673m - Total BHA weight = 67 K lbs
- PUW: 97 K lbs, SOW: 97 K lbs at 248m.
Broke circulation and washed down from 266m to 291.5m. Taking + 8 k lbs weight.
- GPM = 200 - SPP = 130 psi
PUW: 103 K lbs , SOW: 104 K lbs at 291m with 200 gpm pump rate, no rotation.
Picked up and increased pump rate and rotated slowly - washed down from 289.5m,
tagged TOC at 294.8m with
+10 k lbs. - GPM = 400 - SPP = 400 psi - RPM = 30 - Torque = 2 K ft-lbs.
Drilled out cement, 13 3/8" top wiper plug, float collar, cement and shoe with Baker's
Rotary Steering Assembly c/w
12 1/4" PDC from 294.8 m to 309 m.
Varied drilling parameters to maximize ROP.
- WOB = 1 - 30 K lbs (Note: WOB to drill shoe track 4 K lbs cement in shoe track soft /
firmed upover last 4 meters
but not hard)
- RPM = 50 - 75 - Torque = 2 - 9 K ft-lbs - GPM =400 - 750 - SPP = 400 - 1400 psi - MW:
9.50 ppg -ECD: 9.9 - 10.11 ppg - Avg ROP while drilling cement in shoe track = 65 m/ hr
- Took 1.75 hrs to drill cement/ plug and float collar bottom of float shoe at 308.7 m
- Made connection at 305 m. Cleaned out rat hole from 312 m to 315 m. Prior to
drilling ahead, workedthrough 13 3/8" casing shoe at 308.7 m
three times with out and with rotation - no drag/ over pull noted.
Drilled cement in rat hole with following parameters:
- GPM = 750 - SPP = 1150- 1200 psi - WOB 1 - 10 K lbs - RPM = 80 - Torque : 1 - 4 K ft-lbs.
Circulated and conditioned mud w/ 750 gpm w/ 1175 psi SPP.
Continue to circulate until shakers clean and MW in/out = 9.5 ppg. Performed LOT to
18.6 ppg EMW, details below;
- Broke off TDS, installed circulating swage and chiksans (to pump down DP and annulus
- Flushed cementer's lines and pressure tested to 300 psi low for 5 minutes and 1000 psi
high for 10 minutes.
- With pipe rams closed started pumping at a rate of 0.2 bpm down the string and
- Pressured up to 480 psi and stopped pumps, after pumps were off a break over was
- Stopped pump and observed pressure drop to 275 psi over ten minutes.
- Mud weight in use = 9.5 ppg. - TVD of 13 3/8'' shoe = 308.66 m. - EMW with 480 psi
surface applied pressure = 18.6 ppg.
- Bled off pressure and got 0.60 bbls back of the 0.90 bbls pumped.
- Rigged down chiksan lines. Made up TDS and directionally drilled 12 1/4'' hole with
Auto Trak Assembly BHA #3 from 315 - 494 m.
Commenced Kick-Off at 440 m.
Taking surveys every second stand, 5 m off bottom. Surveys every stand after KOP at
440 m.
Working string up 2 m prior to connections to make sure string is free.
WOB = 20 - 30 K lb

13 | P a g e

RPM = 130
Torque off/on = 2/4 K ft-lb
GPM = 900
SPP = 1675 - 1875 psi
MW in/out = 9.5 ppg / 9.5 ppg
Viscosity in/out =46/45
ECD = 9.73 - 10.98 ppg
Average ROP 27.54 m/hr, On Bottom ROP 55.42 m/hr
String Weight =125 K lbs
PUW = 125 K lbs
SOW = 125 K lbs
Last survey = 478.29 m MD, 478.27 m TVD / 1.90° inc / 180.11° azm. Due to the
close proximity of the lighting storm the operations were shut down. The close strike of
lighting resulted in compromising Baker Directional data acquisition system, repaired
equipment. Directionally drilled 12 1/4'' hole with Auto Trak Assembly BHA #3 from
494 m to 673m
- GPM = 850 - 900
- SPP = 1650 - 1875 psi
- WOB = 10 - 30 K lbs
- RPM = 120 to 130
- Torque off/on btm = 2 – 4 / 4 – 6 K
- Commenced Kick-Off at 440 m.
- Surveys every stand after KOP at 440 m, during build section.
- Working string up 2 m prior to connections to make sure string is free.
- No down hole losses reported / no gas readings
- SCR @ 592 m 30 spm = 100 psi., 40 SPM = 170 psi - both pumps
- On conn at 611 m noted +30 K lbs over pull. Worked full stand – OK
- On conn at 611 m had severe over flow at shakers - changed screens from API 50 2D
to combo D 35
- Mud lost over shakers = 53 bbls / 44 bbls recovered.
Date: 03/10/2018 Directionally drilled 12 1/4'' hole with MWDAssembly BHA #3 from 673 -1255m.
Report # 6 - GPM = 850 - 900 - SPP = 1650 - 2500 psi - WOB = 10 - 25 K lbs - RPM = 120 - 130 -
Depth 1255m Torque off/on btm = 2- 6/4- 16 K - MW in/out = 9.5 – 10 ppg / 9.5 – 10 ppg -
Average ROP 24.83 m/hr, On Bottom ROP 40 - 48 m/hr
- On conns wash up/ rotate down single.
- Started weight-up using Durcal 10 at 1148m MD to 20 ppb, then continued with
- Continued taking surveys every conn and down linked as needed.
- No down hole losses reported and no gas readings.
- Torque spiked up to 16 K ft-lbs in clay stones from 750m to 765m in A Sand interval.
- Hold Rotary speed to max of 120 as per request from GWDC.
Date: 29/08/2018 Drilled 12 ¼” section from 845m to 1283m as follow:GPM=800-900, SPP=1750-
Report # 7 2150PSI,WOB=2-25klbs, RPM=70-100, TRQ=5-13KLB*ft. Work on Pump. Drilled 12 ¼”
Depth 1341 m section from 1283m to 1341m as follow:GPM=800-900, SPP=1750-2200PSI,WOB=2-
25klbs, RPM=70-100, TRQ=5-13KLB*ft.

14 | P a g e

Date: 30/08/2018 Drilled 12 ¼” section from 1341m to 1715m as follow:GPM=900, SPP=2000-

Report # 8 2640PSI,WOB=5-30klbs, RPM=60-80, TRQ=10-17KLB*ft. Work on pump & rig services.
Depth 1744 m Continue Drilled 12 ¼” section from 1715m to 1744m as follow:GPM=900, SPP=2000-
2640PSI,WOB=5-30klbs, RPM=60-80, TRQ=10-17KLB*ft.
Date: 31/08/2018 Drilled 12 ¼” section from 1744m to 2051m as follow:GPM=850-900, SPP=2400-
Report # 9 2940PSI,WOB=5-31klbs, RPM=60-110, TRQ=10-16KLB*ft. Work on pump. Continue
Depth 2059m Drilled 12 ¼” section from 2051m to 2059m as follow:GPM=850-900, SPP=2400-
2940PSI,WOB=5-31klbs, RPM=60-110, TRQ=10-16KLB*ft.
Date: 01/09/2018 Drilled 12 ¼” section from 2059m to 2149m as follow:GPM=880, SPP=2590-
Report # 10 2915PSI,WOB=12-30klbs, RPM=100-110, TRQ=11-17.5KLB*ft. Work on pump. Continue
Depth 2198 m Drilled 12 ¼” section from 2149m to 2198m-SECTION TD as follow:GPM=880,
SPP=2590-2915PSI,WOB=12-30klbs, RPM=100-110, TRQ=11-17.5KLB*ft. Circulate hole
clean gpm=870, SPP=2600-2900psi. Pumping out from 2198m to 1782m as follow:
GPM=450-850, SPP=900-2800PSI.
Date: 02/09/2018 Move up & down string @ 1782m, circulate hole clean: GPM=850, SPP=2400-
Report # 11 2600psi. Continue POOH with back reaming from 1782m to 996m as follow: GPM=850,
Depth 2198m SPP=2000-2600PSI. Circulate B/U @ 1647m & reaming & back reaming string.@996m
circulate hole clean due to high ECD, getting big cutting @ sh/sh & volume increase
(5bbl), @ 983m SPP increase-volume decrease (11bbl) with rate 220bbl/hr, stop
pumping, perform flow check on TTK ( incr: 1bbl), attempt to POOH, high overpull
getted and observe decrease in TTK (14bbl).Increase flow gradually & monitor returns
on TTK : volume stable. In Total we POOH to 953m. Back returns to sh/sh and increase
flow rate gradually to 10bbl/min and continue back reaming to 900m, Volume stable.
Date: 03/09/2018 Continue POOH 12 ¼” bit from 900m to 700m w/back reaming as follows: gpm=400-
Report # 12 450,RPM=80-100, SPP=600-700psi. Stop POOH due to the lightning weather, keeped
Depth 2198m string moved up/down. Continue POOH from 700m to 60m, Perform flow check in
between @ 495m. Waiting for spare parts( tongs lines). Resume POOH to surface & L/D
baker tools. Prepare rig floor for RIH casing & rig up baker equipments. RIH 9 5/8” to
61m, filling string each joint.
Date: 04/09/2018 RIH 9 5/8” CSG to 439m, filling string each joint. Circulate B/Up @ 13 3/8” CSG shoe.
Report # 13 Resume RIH 9 5/8” CSG to 2194m.Wash down last two joints. Circulate B/ups with
Depth 2198m FR=210gpm, SPP=300psi-500psi.MaxTripGas=0.85%.

Date: 05/09/2018 Continue Circulate B/ups with FR=210gpm, SPP=300psi-500psi.MaxTripGas=0.85%. P/U

Report # 14 cement head & rig up SLB equipments,PJSM,flush and PT cement line. Perform cement
Depth 2198 m job as follow:30bbl of mud push, 398bbl of cement 12.5ppg lead, 41bbl of cement
15.8ppg tail, & perform displacement with cement unit as follow: 10bbl of mud push,
519bbl of 9.5ppg silicate mud. Perform PT casing to 3500psi. Began nipple down of

15 | P a g e

BOPs as folows:
- Held pre job safety meeting on nippling down BOPs.
- Removed flow line.
- Split and removed bell nipple.
- Bled down accumulator and removed BOP control lines.
- Removed kill and choke line.
- Removed bolts from between "A" section well head and DSA below spacer spool.
Off Line:
- Rigged out cement head from 9 5/8'' casing.
- Broke out CRT from TDS.
- Drained BOPs.
- Sucked out cellar with vac truck.
Lifted BOPs (spacer spool and DSA attached to bottom) with rig handling system.
Placed I beams with keepers beneath spacer spool flange across BOP trolly beams as
secondary retention Slacked off on BOPs so slight weight taken on I beams.
Inspected everything and deemed safe to work in cellar under BOPs.
Observed 9 5/8'' casing close to touching "A" section well head on choke manifold side.
- Clean slip area in "A" section well head.
- Installed casing slip support plate around 9 5/8'' casing.
- Prepared 9 5/8'' casing slips around casing & pulled out support plate.
- Attempted to center casing by lifting BOPs on one side. Slight movement seen but not
enough to center casing.
- Attempted to center casing on rig floor with rig winches. Unsuccessful.
- Used forklift & canvas slings to pull casing to center. Managed to pull casing enough to
get casing slips started.
- Slips would not fall in place. Tried hammering down in place, no success.
- Tried to push slips down using casing string by slacking off, no success.
- Made some push bars out of 1'' steel plate & placed between bottom of DSA attached
to BOPs & topof casing slip housing.
- Used BOP weight to push down casing slips in place. Repeated process to push slip
dies in palce.
- Slips set in place with string weight of 255K lbs.
Rough cut 9 5/8'' casing (rig welder) 12'' above top of "A" section well head and laid
down casing cut off.
Off Line:
- Prepared mud tanks and 9.5 ppg silicate mud for 8 1/2'' section.
- Placed BOPs down on "A" section.
- Removed bolts from between BOPs and spacer spool.
- Lifted BOPs with rig handling system.
- Placed on BOPs trolley.
- Removed rig handling system.
- Removed BOPs from substructure with BOP trolley. Lifted off trolley with crane and
laid down for internal inspection and cleaning of cement residue. (no bonnets opened)
- Lifted spacer spool and DSA off "A" section with rig winch and placed on BOP trolley.
- Removed from substructure.
Off Line:
- Began changing dies in TDS grabber box and changing out saver sub.
Performed final bevelled cut on 9 5/8'' casing with Baker Clyde cutting tool.

16 | P a g e

NOTE: Cut per GE engineer 5'' above top of "A" section.

Off Line:
- Removed casing elevators and long bails and laid down.
- Laid down hand slips and table bushings.
Nippled up "B" section well head per GE engineer's instructions as follows:
- Cleaned ring gasket groove on " A " section well head.
- Rolled BOP trolley over well center with "B" section and DSA on it.
- Lifted "B" section and DSA with rig winch, removed BOP trolley.
- Lowered "B" section and DSA onto "A" section.
- Nipped up "B" section to "A" section.
- Performed pressure test on primary well head seal and connection between "A"
section and "B"
section to 300 psi low, 5 minutes and 3000 psi high for 15 minutes. Good test.
"B" section well head serial # = 21001335 0900 027 , PN= 341642
Casing valves X 2 Serial No's = XXXX & XXXX , PN's = 312301
Off Line:
- Made preparations to NU BOP stack placing Stack on BOP trolley and clean up around
Rolled in 13 5/8" BOP c/w annular, 5" pipe rams, drilling spool, blind rams w/ HCR
valves in place on BOP trolley. Nippled up choke, kill lines and nippled up BOP to 3 K psi
x 5 K psi double studded adapter above B section.
Performed function test on Blind rams - OK.
Picked up 5" jetting sub on and ran in hole - connected to TDS
Function tested pipe rams and annular - OK
Flushed BOP stack with fresh water (sucked out cellar while flushing BOP stack)
Pumped through both choke and kill lines w/ fresh water using mud pumps to ensure
no cement residue remained from the 9 5/8" cement job (which had cement returns to
After completing flushing of Choke/kill lines, pulled/LD 5" jetting sub
GE Tech MU & RIH with 11" test plug on 5" Drill pipe. Set in "B" section and landed OK
- measured in and setting depth was 6.095 m
Date: 06/09/2018 Installed 5" DP pump in sub. Hooked up low torque valve & treating lines in preparation
Report # to do BOP tests. PJSM. Pressure tested treating line and low torque valve to 300 psi for
Depth 15
5 min and 5000 psi for 10 min -good test.Closed 5" pipe rams and attempted to test 5"
2198m pipe rams BOP stack / bottom connection at 13 5/8" 5K x
11" 5K DSA & top B section flange plus choke & kill lines as follows:
- Pressured to 300 psi for 5 minutes - OK
- Pressured to 4000 psi and pressure steadily decreasing - noted leak on conn between
the two 5" DP
pups. Stopped test.
- Bled off pressure to 0 psi
Note: Confirmed that valve in B section was open (leak path in case of leak) prior to
starting the BOP test. Opened 5" pipe rams , disconnected lo-torque valve & treating
line and pulled out to 5" DP connection between pup joints which was leaking.
Broke out connection and cleaned /inspected threads / connection OK. Re-applied pipe
dope and made up using Iron roughneck.
Ran back in and set Test plug at same depth as before (6.095 m)
Filled drill pipe w/ water prior and made up low-torque valve / treating line .

17 | P a g e

Closed 5" pipe rams and tested 5" pipe rams, BOP stack / bottom connection at 13
5/8" 5K x 11" 5K DSA & top B section flange plus choke & kill lines as follows:
- Pressured to 300 psi for 5 minutes - OK
- Pressured to 4000 psi for 10 minutes - OK / Good test
- Bled off pressure to 0 psi
Note: Confirmed that valve in B section was open (leak path in case of leak) prior to
starting the BOP test.
Bled off pressure, opened pipe rams and pulled out the GE 11" combo test plug/running
Laid out 2 - 5" DP pup joints. Inverted test plug and installed GE 11" x 8 7/8" ID x 13.5 "
long wear bushing - Type SL, T. Ran in on a full stand of 5" DP. Bottom of wear bushing
was set at measured depth of 6.19 m. Engaged 2 tie down bolts in B section . Pulled out
and laid out comb test plug / running tool.
- Greased seals on WB prior to running in the well.
- Closed valve on B section after WB set
- All work supervised by GE Technician.
Installed bell nipple / BOP Turn buckles - connected flow line. Started laying out 8" DC's
from derrick and also set of 8'' drilling jars from derrick to catwalk with Can Rig skate.
Total laid down = 11 X 8'' DCs and 1 X jars.
Held pre job safety meeting for picking up 8 1/2'' directional BHA.
Made up 8 1/2'' Baker ATK Auto Trak directional BHA per DDs instructions and tripped
in hole from surface to 30m as follows.
- New 8 1/2'' PDC bit, type MSi616LBPX, Ser# JJ0711, dresses with 6 X 12/32 nozzles.
- ATK steerable stab, flex sub with stab. Picked up as one piece from catwalk.
- OnTrak MWD, BCPM, NM MWD stop sub. Picked up as one piece from catwalk.
- Tested connectivity between directional tools. OK.
- NM filter sub. Picked up as one piece from catwalk.
- Float sub with non ported float.Picked up as one piece from catwalk.
- Roller reamer.Picked up as one piece from catwalk.
- Circulation sub. Picked up as one piece from catwalk.
Tripped in hole with 8 1/2'' Baker ATK Auto Trak directional BHA from 30m to 367m as
- Picked up 2 X 6 1/2'' DCS from catwalk using Can Rig skate.
- Tripped in 1 stand 6 1/2'' DCs from derrick.
- Surface tested MWD tools . GPM = 500, SPP = 1090psi. Good test.
- Picked up 6 1/2'' drilling jars from from catwalk using Can Rig skate.
- Picked up 18 X 5''HWDP from catwalk using Can Rig skate.
- Tripped in 6 stands 5''HWDP from derrick.
- Filled pipe.
Tripped in hole with 8 1/2'' Baker ATK Auto Trak directional BHA from 367m to 635m
with 5'' drill pipe picked up from pipe racks.
- Filled pipe.
Held BOP drill. Well secure 1 minute 52 seconds.
Tripped in hole with 8 1/2'' Baker ATK Auto Trak directional BHA from 635 m to 788 m
with 5'' drill pipe in derrick.
Held evacuation drill... Good drill
Tripped in hole with 8 1/2'' Baker ATK Auto Trak directional BHA from 788 m to 1785 m

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with 5'' drill pipe in derrick.

- Filled pipe every 15 stands.
Held BOP/ Trip drill. Well secure 1 minute 15 seconds.
Tripped in hole with 8 1/2'' Baker ATK Auto Trak directional BHA from 1900 m to 2130
m with 5'' drill pipe in derrick.
- Filled pipe every 15 stands.
Made up TDS and washed down from 2130 m to 2166.6 m
- GPM = 400 gpm
- SPP = 1440 psi
- RPM = 40 - 50
- Torque off bottom/ on bottom 13 - 15 K ft lbs / 15 - 17 K ft lbs
- Tagged top of cement/plugs at 2166.6 m w/ 10 K lbs - tagged up 2 times to confirm
- PU weight at 2165 m - 270 K lbs, SO weight - 140 K lbs, rotating weight - 185 K lbs
- On initial bottoms up - 9.5 ppg MW - no gas
- ECD 9.8 ppg
Drilled out cement & Float Eqts from 2166.6 to 2167.14 m .
- GPM = 450
- SPP = 1700 psi
- RPM = 50
- WOB = 5- 15 K lbs
- Torque off/on btm =
- PUW = 2xx Klbs, SOW = 1xx Klbs, RTW = 1xx Klbs at 21xx m w/ pumps on.
Date: 07/09/2018 Continued Drilled out cement/ wiper plugs from 2167.14 m to float collar at 2168 m,
Report # Drilled cement in shoe track down to 2168.5 m - prepared to make connection.
Depth 16
- GPM = 450
2418m - SPP = 1600 - 1700 psi
- RPM = 50
- WOB = 5- 15 K lbs
- Prior to making conn at 2168.5 m - worked several times through Float collar - drag
was initially 10 K lbs, dropped to nil after 2nd pass.
At 2168.5 m , prior to making connection, GWDC TDS engineer worked on / made
adjustments to gripper head - while doing this work, continued to circulate the well w/
450 gpm , SPP 1600 psi.
Continued drilling shoe track from 2168.5 m to 2194 m.
- GPM =450
- SPP = 1600 - 1650 psi
- WOB = 5 -18 K lbs
- RPM =60
- Torque – 8-12 k ft-lbs
- MW – 9.5 ppg
- ECD – 9.8 ppg
- Firm/ med firm cement in the whole shoe track - Avg ROP 32 m/hr
- Drilled through the shoe in +30 minutes
- Bottom of 9-5/8 in casing shoe found at 2194 m (casing pipe tally 2194 m)
- After drilling shoe pulled back thru shoe w/o rotation - noted +20 K lbs over pull;
worked through shoe 2

19 | P a g e

passes - pulling w/o rotation and rotating down. 2nd pass pulled thru shoe w/ normal
drag of 5K lbs
- Recovered rubber pieces from top/btm plugs - largest 6" in length; small pieces of
metal recovered as
Cleaned 12-1/4" in rat hole from 2194 m to 2198 m and drilled 3 m of 8 1/2" hole from
2198 m to 2201 m
- GPM - 500 - 550 gpm
- SPP = 1600 - 1650 psi
- WOB = 5 -15 k lbs
- RPM = 60
- Torque off / on: 8-14 /10 - 17.5 K ft-lbs
- MW = 9.5 ppg
- ECD =9.95 - 10 .03 ppg
- No gas to surface noted
- Rat hole had no hard cement - drilled with little or no WOB
- Drilled 3 m of new form w/ Avg ROP of 16 m/hr.
Circulated BU prior to FIT/LOT - reciprocating stand from 2201 m to 2188 m
- GPM = 450 gpm
- SPP = 1600 - 1650 psi
- RPM = 60
- Torque : 10 - 16.5 K ft-lbs
- MW in and out – 9.5 ppg
- ECD – 9.95 - 10.05 ppg
- BU gas – nil
- PUW: 290 K lbs, SOW: 135 K lbs, ROT: 150 K lbs (w/ pumps on) at 2199 m
- First 2 times reciprocating string, pumped out/ rotated down - there after no
rotation - no over pull noted through shoe on final pass.
Prepared for FIT/LOT test as followed:
- Pulled out of the well with one stand placing bit at 2188 m, inside 9 5/8" shoe
- Broke off TDS and connected cement line to DP
- Broke circulation down DP
- Closed pipe rams and opened wing valve on wellhead section B
- Lined up to pump down DP and annulus
- Pressure tested cementing lines to 300psi low 5 minutes and 3500 high for 10
minutes. OK.
Performed FIT
- MW =9.5 ppg
- Maximum surface pressure - 3094 psi (EMW = 18.7ppg) . Held for 10 minutes. (no leak
off observed)
- Pumped – 5.5 bbls
- Bled back – 5.5 bbls
- Opened HCR to poor boy degasser to check for trapped pressure. OK.
- Opened pipe rams and closed wellhead section B wing valve
- Rigged down cement lines (in progress at report time).
-Continued rigging out cement lines after FIT.

20 | P a g e

- Washed from 2188m back to bottom @ 2201m.

- GPM = 450
- SPP = 1600psi
- RPM = 60
- Torque = 8-10 K ft/lbs.
Directionally drill 8 1/2'' hole from 2201 m to 2418 m
- WOB = 07 - 25 K lbs (control feature on auto-driller set at 25 m/hr ROP)
- RPM = 100 - 110 (after roller reamer below casing shoe)
- TQ off/on btm = 12 - 16 K-ft-lbs/14 - 19 K ft-lbs
- GPM = 500
- SPP = 1800 - 2060 psi
- MW = 9.5 ppg
- Taking surveys every other stand.
- Working single prior to connections, RPM of 60 up and down.
- No losses/gains noted.
Date: 08/09/2018 Directionally drill 8 1/2'' hole from 2418 m to 2450 m
Report # NOTE: SPP dropped 190 psi while drilling at 2448 m at 02:00 hrs from 1990 psi to 1800
Depth 17
psi. After 2 mins press cont'd to drop to 1300 psi in next 5 mins still pumping at 500
2450 m gpm - lost MWD signal at 02:05 hrs once SPP dropped below 1800 psi. Stopped drlg @
2450 m. PU off btm to check pumps/ surf equip
- WOB = 10 - 25 K lbs
- RPM = 100
- TQ off/on btm = 12 - 16 K-ft-lbs/14 - 19 K ft-lbs
- GPM = 500
- SPP = 1960 -2080 psi
- MW = 9.5 ppg
- ECD = 10.15 - 10.27 ppg
- ROP (on btm / avg )= 19.27 m/hr / 14.9 m/hr (includes conns, surveys & dn links)
- PUW: 325 K lbs, SOW: 150 K lbs, RTW: 210 K lbs at 2438 m.
- Taking surveys every other stand.
- Working single prior to connections, RPM of 60 up and down.
- No losses/gains noted.
Picked up off bottom, still pumping w/ 500 gpm and SPP 1300 psi. Attempted change
over to only MP #1 w/ no success - not able to use pump. Continued pumping with
only MP #2 w/ GPM 500/ SPP = 1300 psi / reciprocated string while working on MP#1.
Replaced 2 suction valves on MP #1 - rest OK. Switched to MP# 1 / cont'd reciprocating
/ rotating w/ reduced pump rate of 450 gpm / SPP - 1050 psi
No issues found on MP #2. Checked suction screens, pop off valves / all surface
lines/conns - no leaks.
Increased GPM to 650 / SPP 1910 psi - still no signal from MWD.
Discussed options with D&C team (on site) and planned to POOH to look for Wash out /
leak in drill string.
GPM = 450 - 650
SPP = 1050 - 1910 psi.
Held PJSM and started pulling out of the hole w/ 8 1/2" Directional BHA to locate wash

21 | P a g e

Back reamed out of hole from 2438 m to to casing shoe at 2194m MD

GPM = 500
SPP = 1170 - 1300 psi
RPM = 60
Torque: 14 - 19 K ft-lbs
- Full returns during entire operation
- Getting fines and small amount of cuttings at shakers while back reaming
- Last stand before coming through casing shoe just washed. No rotation to avoid
rotating roller reamer
up in shoe / casing.
- 20K lbs above normal drag observed when pulling into casing shoe.
- No losses observed.
Flow checked at casing shoe with trip tank.
Well static. OK
Tripped out of hole on elevators from 2194m to 367m MD looking for wash in drill
Cleaned pipe while tripping to make it easier to spot possible wash. Paid special
attention to connectionand slip setting area of drill pipe.
- POW = 275K lbs on elevators at 2194m MD
- At 1765m MD pipe pulled dry. Increased trip speed to keep pipe full. Pulled wet after
- No slug was pumped. Pulling out wet to check for wash.
- Tight connections at 1287, 1268, 1211, 1172, 1152, 1134, 1105 and 1086 m required
rig tongs to break. Some very tight needing to be hammered on to help loosen.
- Monitored well with trip tank and trip sheets.
- No losses or gains observed. Flow checked at BHA with trip tank.
Well static. OK.
Tripped out of hole on elevators from 367m to 20m MD looking for wash in drill string.
Cleaned pipe while tripping to make it easier to spot possible wash. Paid special
attention to connections and slip setting area of drill pipe.
- POW = 95K lbs on elevators at 367m MD
- Pulling out wet to check for wash.
- Monitored well with trip tank and trip sheets.
- No losses or gains observed.
- At 75m MD performed surface test on directional tools to compare pressure from
same test when tripping in hole.
- Test when tripping in: GPM = 500, SPP = 1090psi.

- Test when tripping out: GPM = 500, SPP = 450psi.

- At 20m at top of MOCS (circ sub) connected TDS and circulated at 500 GPM . Observed
both ports open. (should be closed).
Broke out / Laid down NOV Circulating sub (MOCS). Pulled up and check 8 1/2" PDC bit
- graded 1-1.
Checked / cleaned off mud cake from Baker Auto Trak BHA. Made up replacement

22 | P a g e

Tripped in hole with 8 1/2" PDC bit and Baker Auto Trak BHA & 3 stands of 6 1/2" DC's
to 73m.
Stopped to perform Shallow test.
Performed shallow test, pumped at 500 gpm , SPP = 1050 psi. Performed down link.
Good test.
Tripped in hole with 8 1/2 bit , Baker Auto Trak BHA w/ 6 1/2 NOV jars and 15 stds of
5 HWDP + 1 single jt of 5" DP from 73 m to 377 m
Filled pipe after running in HWDP from derrick - no losses/ proper hole fill.
Tripped in hole with 8 1/2" bit and directional BHA from 377 m to 971 m by 5” DP
Racked ON Derrick.
Filled pipe every 15 stands - displacement volumes on trip sheet OK - no losses/gains
Date: 09/09/2018 Continued trip in hole with 8 1/2" PDC bit and Baker Auto Trak BHA on 5" DP from
Report # 971m to bottom @ 2450m.
Depth 18
- Reamed down from 2419 m to bottom @ 2450 m with 500 GPM, SPP=1975-2000psi,
2610.70m RPM = 60 & TRQ = 15-19K ft/lbs.
- Filled pipe every 15 stands - displacement volumes on trip sheet OK - no losses/gains
- At 2192 m, prior to entering open hole, broke circulation for 10 minutes W/ GPM =
500 & SPP = 1975 psi.
Directionally drill 8 1/2'' hole from 2450 m to TD @ 2610.7 m
After reached TD took final directional survey one meter off btm and performed down
- WOB = 10 - 20 K lbs (control feature on auto-driller set at 25 m/hr ROP)
- RPM = 80 - 110
- TQ off/on btm = 12 - 14 K-ft-lbs/16 – 19.6 K ft-lbs
- GPM = 500
- SPP = 1975 - 2175 psi
- MW = 9.5 ppg
- ECD = 10.23 ppg @ 2533 m
- Taking surveys every other stand.
- Working single prior to connections, RPM of 60 up and down.
- No losses/gains noted.
Circulated hole clean prior to tripping out of hole to 9 5/8'' casing shoe
- GPM = 500

- SPP = 2075 - 2110 psi

- RPM = 60
- Torque off bottom = 14 - 18 K ft-lbs
- BGG: 0.12 %
- BU Gas: nil
- Could not pull off bottom (+375 K lbs ) w/o rotating. Rotated while reciprocating
/circulating hole clean ;
PUW rotating = 225 K lbs
- After working stand for 1.5 hours while C&C mud checked PUW: 350 K lbs
- Shakers still not clean after 2nd bottoms up; after circulating 3rd BU cuttings at

23 | P a g e

shaker were minimal

- no losses or gas noted.
Attempted to Pull off btm w/out rotation and after pulling less than 5 m had + 30 K lbs
over pull. Back reamed out of hole w/ 8 1/2" directional BHA from 2610.7 m to 2436 m
w/following parameters:
GPM = 500
SPP = 1975 to 2110 psi
RPM = 60
Torque = 14 to 19.6 K ft lbs
MW = 9.5 ppg
ECD = 10.17 - 10.3 ppg
- Getting small amount of cuttings/fines at shaker
- No losses or gains noted
- Had several minor press spikes (max 100 psi) / Torque up to 19.6 K ft lbs - but did not
stall out
- Had very tight conn at 2466 m , but able to break out w/ IR after 3 attempts
- At 2446 m - attempted to pull out w/ no rotation or pump. Pulled up to +60 K lbs over
pull; attempted to pull w/pump & no rotation - had +40 K lbs over pull - returned to
Back Reaming.
Date: 10/09/2018 Continued Back reamed out of hole w/ 8 1/2" directional BHA from 2436 m to 2331 m
Report # 19 w/following parameters:
Depth 2610.70m GPM = 500
SPP = 1975 to 2110 psi
RPM = 60
Torque = 14 to 19.6 K ft lbs
MW = 9.5 ppg
ECD = 10.17 - 10.3 ppg
- Getting small amount of cuttings/fines at shaker
- No losses or gains noted.
POOH @ elevators from 2331m to CSG Shoe @ 2194m
Monitoring Well @ TTK - - No losses or gains noted.
Performed Flow Check Meanwhile waiting for weather condition to resume operations.
RIH Back to Bottom from CSG Shoe @ 2194m to 2600m.
Wash Down last STD from 2600m to Tag Bottom @ 2610.7m
Monitoring Well @ TTK - - No losses or gains noted.
Circulated hole clean prior to tripping out of hole to run wire line logs.
Reciprocated drill string during circulation.
- GPM = 500
- SPP = 2075-2150 psi
- RPM = 60
- Torque = 16-19 K ft/lbs
- POW = 345 K lbs, SOW = 150 K lbs, RTWT = 220 K lbs. (pumps on )
-Gas at first bottoms up = 0.61%. No gas on second bottoms up.
-Shakers at first bottoms up had fine sandy cuttings, occasional chunks of sticky clay and
filter cake with cuttings embedded in it. Shakers at second bottoms up fine sandy cuttings
but not much.
Flow checked with TTK - Well static - OK.
Attempted to trip out of hole on elevators. Unable to due to too much over pull. POW=355
Back reamed from 2610 m MD to 2425 m MD

24 | P a g e

- GPM = 500
- SPP = 2000-2100 psi
- RPM = 60
- Torque = 15-19 K ft/lbs
- POW = 215 K lbs, Drag 10-20 K lbs (at 2610 m)
- Monitored well with active and trip sheet. No losses / gains noted.
- No TDS stalls to note.
- No pressure spikes to note.
- Shakers had only fine sandy cuttings.
Attempted to trip out of hole on elevators with success.
Tripped out of hole on elevators with 8 1/2'' BHA on 5'' drill pipe from 2425 m MD to 9 5/8''
casing shoe@ 2194 m MD.
- POW = 325 K lbs, Drag =10-15 K lbs. (at 2425 m)
- SOW = 150 K lbs, Drag = 5-10 K lbs. (at 2425 m)
- Monitored well with trip tank and trips sheet. No losses, no gains observed.
Flow checked with trip tank - Well static - OK.
Continued tripping out of hole with 8 1/2'' BHA on 5'' drill pipe from 2194 m MD to 353 m
- POW = 280 K lbs, Drag = 5-10 K lbs. (at 2194 m)
- SOW = 150 K lbs, Drag = 5-10 K lbs.(at 2194 m)
- Monitored well with trip tank and trips sheet. No losses, no gains observed.
Conducted flow check prior at top of BHA - well static- OK.
POOH and racked back 15 stands of 5" HWDP w/ 6 1/2" NOV jars / 3 stands of 6 1/2"
DC's from 353 m to 21 m
- Monitored well with trip tank and trips sheet. No losses, no gains observed.
Date: 11/09/2018 Continued Rig up of SLB WL equipment & hung wire line sheaves. MU Schlumberger
Report # 20 open
Depth 2610.70m hole logging Run 1A: CMR-ADT-TLD-HGNS-GR-LEH...
Monitoring well on TTK – No Gain / Losses Noted.
Continued w/ Logging Run 1A: CMR-ADT-TLD-HGNS-GR-LEH as follows:
- Loaded sources & Started RIH.
- POOH tools run 1A
- Held safety meeting for handling radio active sources.
- Removed radio active sources and moved to storage bunker.
- Rigged down tools (Temp. 84 deg C)
- Wire line cable cutter complete with hose and hydraulic pump and T bar on rig floor
.- Monitored well with trip tank for gains or losses.
Made up Schlumberger open hole logging Run 1B: PPC-MSIP-PPC- GPIT- HRLA
- Wire line cable cutter complete with hose and hydraulic pump and T bar on rig floor
.- Monitored well with trip tank for gains or losses.

Continued with Logging Run 1B: PPC-MSIP-PPC- GPIT- HRLA as follows:

- Performed surface checks. Zero tool string & RIH
- POOH & rigged down tools
- End of Run 1B
- Wire line cable cutter complete with hose and hydraulic pump and T bar on rig floor
.- Monitored well with trip tank for gains or losses.
Commenced with Logging Run 1C - MDT- GR w/ extra large packer (Pressure points)
wire line logging program
- Made up wire line tools for run 1C per Schlumberger instructions. Wire line truck was
used for
all lifting of tools from catwalk to rig floor & make up of tool.
- Surface-checked tools

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- Ran into 100 m to check tools - OK

- RIH w/ tools and did pull test every 500 m
- Run 1C... in progress

Date: 12/09/2018 Continued Logging Run 1C - MDT- GR.

Report # 21 Made up clean out BHA and tripped in hole from surface to 347m MD as follows:
Depth 2610.70m - Re-run 8 1/2'' PDC bit, type MSi616LBPX ,dressed with 6 x 12/32 nozzles( Grade when
Monitored well with trip tank and trip sheets. No gains, no losses.
- Weight below jars = 15 K lbs( not including blocks and TDS)
- Total BHA weight = 50 K lbs
- Monitored well with trip tank and trip sheets.

Tripped in hole with clean out BHA on 5'' drill pipe from 347 m MD to 1996 m MD.
- Filled pipe every 15 stands.
Monitored well with trip tank and trip sheets. No gains, no losses.

Tripped in hole with clean out BHA on 5'' drill pipe from 1996 m MD to 2193 m MD.
At 2190 m - PUW: 285 Klbs, SOW: 140 Klbs
- Filled pipe every 15 stands.
Monitored well with trip tank and trip sheets. No gains, no losses.

Conducted 10 minute flow check at 2193 m -well static

Continued Trip n hole with BHA on 5" drill pipe from 2193 m to 2598 m
- Filled pipe every 15 stands.
Monitored well with trip tank and trip sheets. No gains, no losses.
Connected TDS at 2598 m. Washed / rotated from 2598 m to 2610.7 m with following
- GPM = 500
- SPP = 1750 - 1780 psi
- RPM = 60
- TQ: 15 to 19.7 K ft lbs
Full returns through out and no fill noted on bottom

Circulated hole clean prior to tripping out of hole to run 7" liner
Reciprocated / rotated drill string during entire circulation
- GPM = 500
- SPP = 1740 - 1780 psi
- RPM = 60
- Torque = 15-19.7 K ft-lbs
-Gas at first bottoms up = 1.7 %; no gas on second bottoms up
-Shakers at first bottoms up had fine sandy cuttings; shakers at second bottoms up had
small amount of fine sandy
cuttings - clean

Pulled out of hole to 2585 m -conducted 10 minute flow check monitoring well on trip tank
- well static
At 2608 m PUW: 345 K lbs, SOW 140 K lbs w/o pump or rotation

Tripped out of hole from 2585 m to 2178 m on elevators

- Pulled 1st stand w/ TDS connected - PUW: 335 K lbs w/ 5 - 10 K lbs drag
- Minimal over pull noted, all less than 5 K lbs/ hole in good shape
- At 2192 m checked weights as follows: PUW: 280 K lbs , SOW: 143 K lbs
- Filled well with trip tank - no losses/gains noted

26 | P a g e

Date: 13/09/2018 Tripped out of hole to 2178 m on elevators

Report # 22 Notes:
Depth 2610.70m - Pulled 1st stand w/ TDS connected - PUW: 335 K lbs w/ 5 - 10 K lbs drag
- Minimal over pull noted, all less than 5 K lbs/ hole in good shape
- At 2192 m checked weights as follows: PUW: 280 K lbs , SOW: 143 K lbs
- Filled well with trip tank - no losses/gains noted
Flow checked with bit depth at 2178 m , monitored well on trip tank -static
- Dropped 2.60" (66 mm) drift with 21 m tail / line ( in preparation for upcoming 7'' liner
POOH with 8 1/2'' clean-out BHA on 5'' DP from 2178 m to 2044 m
- Kept hole full using trip tank/ Trip sheet OK - no losses/gains note
Took string weights and torque values as follows (data for upcoming 7" liner job):
Pumped 25 bbls 11 ppg slug down DP - displaced w/ 9.5 ppg mud and disconnected TDS
Prepared to continue POOH
POOH with 8 1/2'' clean-out BHA on 5'' DP from 2044 m to 1000 m
- Hole taking proper fill / no losses or gains noted
Continued tripping out of hole with clean out BHA on 5'' drill pipe from 800 m to BHA at
347 m.
Monitor well with trip tank and trip sheets. No losses or gains observed.
Flow checked on trip tank.
Well static. OK.
Tripped out of hole with clean out BHA from 347 m to 150 m.
When stand of HWDP came through the rotary table only 1 joint was there.
Left in the hole the following:
- 8 1/2'' PDC bit Ser# JJ0711. Length = .23 m
- Bit sub with ported float. Length = .92 m
- 6 X 6 1/2'' DC's. Length = 54.38 m
- Drilling Jars. Length = 9.67 m
- 9 X 5''HWDP. Length = 84.81 m
- Total length left in hole = 150.01 m
Top of fish if fish is on bottom = 2460.69 m
Monitored well on trip tank. No losses, no gains observed.

Laid down single of 5''HWDP. Pin end inspected visually, no visible damage observed.
Picked up joint of 5''DP with cut lip pin end.
Located fishing tools in Baker yard and transported to the rig. 1 X 6 3/4'' bumper sub, 1 X
6 3/4'' fishing jars and 1 X 6
3/4'' accelerator. Unable to locate safety joint.
Prepared fishing tools for picking up when fishing engineer arrived on location. Fishing
engineer arrived with safety
Verified all measurements, IDs and ODs of fishing tools with fishing engineer.
Discussed make up of fishing BHA with fishing engineer and NDJ team.
Monitored well on trip tank. No losses, no gains observed.

Made up fishing BHA per fishing engineer's instructions as follows and tripped in hole
from surface to 208 m MD
- Joint of 5'' drill pipe with cut lip pin end.
- Safety joint.
- Bumper sub.
- Fishing jars.
- 4 stands 5''HWDP. (from derrick)
- Accelerator.
- 6 stands 5''HWDP. (from derrick)

27 | P a g e

- Checked make up torque on all connections as tripping in hole.
- Monitored well with trip tank and trip sheets. No losses, no gains observed.

Tripped in hole with fishing BHA on 5'' drill pipe from 208 m MD to 876 m MD.
- Checked make up torque on all connections as tripping in hole.
- Monitored well with trip tank and trip sheets. No losses, no gains observed.

Tripped in hole with fishing BHA on 5'' drill pipe from 876 m MD to 2193 m MD
PUW: 230 K lbs, SOW: 125 K lbs at 2020 m
PUW: 255 K lbs, SOW: 135 K lbs at 2192 m
- Checked make up torque on all connections as tripping in hole.
- Filled drill string at 1857 m - took 5 bbls to fill DP and at 2182 m - took 6.5 bbls
- Slowed running speed once depth of 2044 m was reached - continued to shoe
- Conducted 5 min flow check at 2193 m prior to entering OH - well static
- Monitored well with trip tank and trip sheets. - No losses / gains observed.
Date: 14/09/2018 Continued Logging Run 1C - MDT- GR as follows:
Report # 23 - Concluded test #11 @ 2267.5 m - 1st draw down -5cc @ 20cc/min. Tight, aborted.
Depth 2610.70m - Correlation pass 0.15 m shallow.
- Test # 12 @ 2241 m - 1st draw down - 5cc @ 20cc/min. No seal.
- Test # 13 @ 2241.5 m - 1st draw down - 5cc @ 20cc/min, 2nd draw down - 5cc @
20cc/min. Tight.
- Pulled run 1C tools out of hole to surface.
- Laid down tools.
- Rigged out all wireline equipment.
Monitored well with trip tank. No gains, no losses. Made up clean out BHA and tripped in
hole from surface to 347m MD as follows:
Re-run 8 1/2'' PDC bit, type MSi616LBPX ,dressed with 6 x 12/32 nozzles( Grade when
Bit sub with ported float.
3 stands 6 1/2'' DCs from derrick.
Jars from derrick.
15 stands 5'' HWDP from derrick.
Filled pipe.
Monitored well with trip tank and trip sheets. No gains, no losses. Tripped in hole with
clean out BHA on 5'' drill pipe from 1996 m MD to 2193 m MD.
At 2190 m - PUW: 285 Klbs, SOW: 140 Klbs
- Filled pipe every 15 stands.
Monitored well with trip tank and trip sheets. No gains, no losses. Conducted 10 minute
flow check at 2193 m - well static Continued Trip in hole with BHA on 5" drill pipe from
2193 m to 2598 m
- Filled pipe every 15 stands.
Monitored well with trip tank and trip sheets. No gains, no losses.Connected TDS at 2598
m. Washed / rotated from 2598 m to 2610.7 m with following parameters:
- GPM = 500
- SPP = 1750 - 1780 psi
- RPM = 60
- TQ: 15 to 19.7 K ft-lbs
Full returns through out and no fill noted on bottom Circulated hole clean prior to tripping
out of hole to run 7" liner
Reciprocated / rotated drill string during entire circulation
- GPM = 500
- SPP = 1740 - 1780 psi
- RPM = 60

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- Torque = 15-19.7 K ft-lbs Pulled out of hole to 2585 m - conducted 10 minute flow
check monitoring well on trip tank - well static
At 2608 m PUW: 345 K lbs, SOW 140 K lbs w/o pump or rotation Tripped out of hole
from 2585 m to 2178 m on elevators
- Pulled 1st stand w/ TDS connected - PUW: 335 K lbs w/ 5 - 10 K lbs drag
- Minimal over pull noted, all less than 5 K lbs/ hole in good shape
- At 2192 m checked weights as follows: PUW: 280 K lbs , SOW: 143 K lbs
- Filled well with trip tank - no losses/gains noted.
Date: 15/07/2018 Continue jarring up to get string free. Attempt to unplug the bit nozzles with pumping and
Report # 24 moving up down. Continued tripping out of hole with fishing BHA and fish (string weight
Depth 2610.7 m indicates full length of fish is there.) from 2488m MD to 2179 m MD.
- POW at 2488m = 310K lbs, drag 10-20K lbs.
- POW at 2179m MD (inside 9 5/8'' casing shoe = 275K lbs, drag 10-15K lbs.
- Pipe pulling wet due to possible plugged bit nozzles.
Monitored well with trip tank. No gains or losses observed.
- Due to TDS not operating manual elevators being used. Two men on monkey board to
pull in stands. No hydraulic link tilt. Flow checked with trip tank.
Well static. OK.
Continued tripping out of hole with fishing BHA and fish (string weight indicates full length
of fish is there) from 2179m MD to 979 m MD.
- Pipe pulling wet due to possible plugged / BHA/ bit nozzles.
Monitored well with trip tank. No gains or losses observed.
Continued tripping out of hole with fishing BHA and fish (string weight indicates full length
of fish is there.) from 979m MD to 800 m MD.
- Pipe pulling wet due to possible plugged bit nozzles.
Monitored well with trip tank. No gains or losses observed.
- Due to TDS still not operating manual elevators being used. Two men on monkey board
to pull in stands. No hydraulic link tilt. Suspended tripping operations due to storm with
high winds, heavy rain and lightning.
Monitored well with trip tank. No gains or losses observed.
- Installed TDS output module in TDS panel in driller's cabin. Module received from
GWDC base in Ronier.
- Function tested TDS. All OK.
- Changed manual elevators to hydraulic elevators and hooked up hydraulics to bails.
Continued tripping out of hole with fishing BHA and fish (string weight indicates full length
of fish is there.) from 800m MD to surface m MD.
- Pipe pulling wet due to possible plugged bit nozzles.
Monitored well with trip tank. No gains or losses observed.

Broke out & Laid down fish as follows:

- 9 joints of 5" HWDP
- 1 x 6 1/2" NOV Drillign jars
- 6 x 6 1/2" Spiral Drill collars
- bit sub
- 8 1/2" Smith PDC bit
100% recovery of fish

Date: 16/09/2018 Removed bit, but sub off rig floor. Movedi tems fished out - 6 1/2" DC's and 5" HWDP
Report # 25 off pipe rack and moved 7" liner shoe track and casing to pipe racks in preparation to run
Depth 2610.7 m in the well.
Cleaned rig floor of mud and cuttings debri from fishing operations. Lifted 7'' liner handling
equipment to rig floor with crane and rigged up same in preparation for running 7'', 29#,
P110, BTC liner

29 | P a g e

- 7 5/8'' IBU power tong with integral back up

- 150 ton side door elevators
- hand slips
- safety clamp
- stabbing guide
- water bushing/ circulating swedge
- Hoses for tongs Held pre-job safety meeting with all personnel involved with running 7"
- Discussed pinch points
- Handling of casing on rig floor - use of rope
- Limit the number of personnel on the floor
- Stressed stop the job if not being donesafely or not following correct procedures M/U
RIH with 7'', 29#, P110, BTC casing to 50.3 m
- P/U shoe joint c/w Baker locked Sledgehammer float shoe. Tested float - good test
- Picked up intermediate joint, Baker locked to shoe joint (MUT = 10 K ft-lbs)
- M/U float collar joint c/w Baker locked Sledgehammer float collar (debris-free) - tested
float - good test
- First 4 joints average 11.5 klbs make up torque
- 1 x spiraglider centralizer installed on shoe joint 3 m up from shoe . No centralizer on
intermediate joint. 1 x spiraglider on float collar joint 3m up from float collar - as per
program Picked up and ran in hole from 50.3 m to 551 m with 7'', 29#, P110, BTC, liner.
Average MU Torque : 8.5 K ft-lbs
- No CRT used on this job, so filling pipe every 5 joints with fill-up hose
- Spiral/solid centralizers pre-installed as per program.
- Total joints run = 44
- No rejected joints
- Performed count on remaining joints and pup joints to confirm number in hole is correct.
All good.
- Monitored well with trip sheets. OK. Changed out 7'' handling equipment to 5'' to pick up
liner hanger.
Monitored well on trip tank. No losses or gains observed. Picked up liner hanger per liner
engineer's instructions and made up to liner string with power tongs.
Monitored well with trip tank. Circulated liner and annulus volume of 118 bbls Ran in hole
from 551 m to 750 m with 7'', 29#, P110, BTC liner on 10 stands of 5'' HWDP and 5" DP
- Total of 20 5'' HWDP. (10 stands)
- Filled drill string.
- PUW = 110 K lbs., SOW = 103 K lbs. No pump. (at 750 m)
- Monitored well with trip sheets. OK.
- NOTE: No mud logger screen in driller's cabin. Depth being checked agains tally every
stand. Ran in hole from 750 m to 1900 m with 7'', 29#, P110, BTC liner on 5'' drill pipe.
- Filled drill string every 5 stands.
- PUW = 220 K lbs., SOW = 125 K lbs. No pump. (at 1900 m)
- Monitored well with trip sheets. OK.
- NOTE: No mud logger screen in driller's cabin. Depth being checked agains tally every
stand. - NOTE: Pre moved total of 7 loads to F pad. Ran in hole from 1900 m to 2193 m
with 7'', 29#, P110, BTC liner on 10 stands of 5'' HWDP and 5" DP - stopped just inside
9 5/8" casing shoe.
- Filled drill string every 5 stands
- RIH 1.5 min / std
- PUW = 265 K lbs., SOW = 135 K lbs. w/ no pump. (at 2193 m)
- Monitored well with trip sheets- no losses noted , all OK
- NOTE: No mud logger screen in driller's cabin. Depth being checked against tally every

Installed TDS and slowly broke circulating

Continued to circulate bottoms up at 225 gpm (5.35 BPM), SPP 400 to 425 psi
- BU gas = 0.1 %

30 | P a g e

- Shakers only had fines - clean

- no losses or gains noted
- PUW: 260 K lbs, SOW: 135 K lbs w/ pumps
- PUW: 265 K lbs, SOW 135 K lbs w/o pumps (no change after CBU)
Disconnected TDS and prepared to run into open hole Continued to run in hole w/ 7'',
29#, P110, BTC liner on 10 stands of 5'' HWDP and 5" DP from 2193 m to 2437 m
PUW :295 K lbs and SOW:144 K lbs at 2400 m - w/o pump
- Checking PU/SO weights on each stand/ as deemed necessary
- Filled DP every 5 stands
-No losses noted

Washed down with liner from 2437 m to 2603 m as follows:

- GPM = 125 (3 BPM)
- SPP = 280 to 290 psi
- SOW: 145 to 149 K lbs w/ pump
- no fill noted
- max gas was 0.3 %
- no cuttings noted at shakers
- no losses noted

At 2603 m - noted press spiked to 670 psi and set down 5 K lbs while GPM = 125 and
SPP = 290 psi prior to tagging fill
Picked up to 2600 m
Washed down from 2000 to 2606.1 m
Increased GPM from 125 to 150
SPP = 300 - 525 psi
PUW 330 K lbs /SOW: 145 K lbs w/pumps at 2603 m.

Date: 17/09/2018 At 2603 m - noted press spiked to 670 psi and set down 5 K lbs while GPM = 125 and
Report # 26 SPP = 290 psi prior to tagging fill
Depth 2610.7m Picked up to 2600 m
Washed down from 2000 to 2606.1 m
Increased GPM from 125 to 150
SPP = 300 - 525 psi
PUW 330 K lbs /SOW: 145 K lbs w/pumps at 2603 m Stopped circulating and Disconnect
TDS. Pulled out & laid out one joint of 5" DP. Picked up 2 x 5" DP

pups & picked up 1.5 m/Side Entry sub/5" DP pup assembly.

Held PJSM/ Connected TDS and installed SLB Well Services line to SE sub. Set
Liner hanger and blew out ball seat as follows:
- Dropped 1.75" liner setting ball and pumped down w/ 100 gpm w/ 200 psi using rig
- Ball landed after 21 minutes - increased pressure to 1800 psi and held for 2 minutes
- Slacked off all of liner weight ( 45 K lbs) plus 60 K lbs = 70 K lbs on Weight Indicator
- Positive indication liner hanger set - OK
- Bled off press to 500 psi , pressured up to 2800 psi (to release running tool) & waited
for 2 mins.
- Bled off pressure to 0 psi
- Picked string back up 2 m to new free point and noted loss of liner weight - new
PUW : 250 K lbs - line
set OK
- Set down 60 K lbs
- Closed FOSV/ opened Valve on SE Sub to SLB pump unit
- Pumped at 1.7 bbls/min - total of 2 bbls and pressured to 3600 psi and blew out ball
seat Picked up to neutral weight, closed valve on SE sub and opened FOSV. Circulated
bottoms up at 5 BPM
w/ 900 to 970 psi - total of 374 bbls No losses noted Held pre job safety meeting

31 | P a g e

regarding making up cement head and performing 7'' liner cement job.
Discussed the following:
- One banksman only when directing crane.
- Tag line must be used.
- Be aware of pinch points and being in the line of fire.
- The importance of not blocking the driller's view.
- Staying away from pressurized lines.
- If you see a leak DO NOT try to fix it, notify supervisor and the job will be stopped, leak
will be fixed and then the job will continue.
- The need for good communication during the job.
- If you get cement on you wash it off as it is corrosive.
- The right to stop the job if it is unsafe.
NOTE : Circulated during seafety meeting. Broke out pup joint and FOSV from drill string.
Picked up cement head with cementing lines already rigged in with crane.
Made up cementing head to drill string.
Connected cementing lines to lines on cement head. Pumped 5bbl spacer to flush
cementing lines.
Pressure tested cementing lines to low torque valve on cement head to 300psi low for 5
minutes and 5000psi high for 10 minutes. Good test. Mixed 15.8ppg cement slurry in
batch mixer as follows: Circulated while mixing @ 5bbl/min = 700psi.
- Sack reference = 94lb of cement per sk.
- Mix fluid = 5.196 gal/sk.
- Fresh water = 4.656gal/sk
- D047 (antifoam) = .010 gal/sk
- D168 (Fluid loss) = .450 gal/sk
- D145A (Dispersant) = .040 gal/sk
- D081 (Retarder) = .040 gal/sk.
Total slurry mixed = 60bbl.
Spacer already mixed make up as follows:
- Density = 12.0ppg - Type = Mud Push II
- Mix water / spacer = 85.4%
- Fresh water = .854 bbl/bbl
- D047 (Antifoam) = .110 gal/bbl
- D182 ( Turb. spacer) = 4 lb/bbl
- D020 ( Extender) = 7 l /bbl
- D031 ( Weight agent) = 193.85 lb/bbl Performed cement job on 7'' liner as follows:
- Pumped 35bbls 12.0ppg spacer @ 5bbl/min. SPP = 900psi.
- Pumped 52 bbls 15.8ppg slurry @ 5bbl/min. SPP = 900-1100psi.
- Dropped top wiper dart. Witnessed by DSV. OK.
- Pumped 10bbls 12.0ppg spacer @ 5bbl/min. SPP = 300psi.
- Pumped 44bbls 9.5ppg silicate mud @ 5bbl/mi. SPP = 250-300psi.
- Pumped 20bbls 12.0ppg spacer @ 5bbl/min. SPP = 250-300psi.
- Pumped 35bbls 9.5ppg silicate mud @ 5bbl/mi. SPP = 300-400psi.
- Observed top dart pick up bottom wiper plug after displacing 115bbl.
- Pumped 45bbls 9.5ppg silicate mud @ 5bbl/mi. SPP = 1100-2000psi.
- Pumped 18bbls 9.5ppg silicate mud @ 3bbl/mi. SPP = 1200- 1350psi. (FCP = 1350psi)
- Bumped plug after displacing total of 172bbl. (calculated dispalcement = 178bbls) Plug
down at 10:15hrs.
- Pressured up to 2500psi & held for 10 minutes. OK.
- Bled off pressure & got back 1.5bbl.
- Floats holding.

7'' shoe @ 2606m MD

7'' float collar @ 2579.86m MD (top)
7'' landing collar @ 2568.25m MD (top) Laid down cement head and attached cementing
lines to pipe racks with crane. Set liner top packer as follows:
- Made up TDS to drill string.

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- Picked up to 225K lbs( free PUW)Put mark on pipe.

- Picked up 2m exposing packer actuator dogs.
- Slacked off to shear. First shear at 125K lbs and second shear at 90K lbs.
- Held down weight for 5 minutes.
- Using rig pump put 500psi on drill string.
- Picked up 4m to sting out of liner top @ 2047m MD. Observed pressure drop to 0psi.
Lined up kill line to pump down annulus.
Checked space out and closed pipe rams.
Checked high pressure hose from side entry sub on drill string to flow line was secure.
Reverse circulated 3 times drill string volume. (330bbl) at 8bbl/min = 800psi.
Dumped 46bbl spacer and 26bbl contaminated mud / spacer. No cement observed.
Stopped pump, open pipe rams, lined mud pumps up to pump down drill string. Rigged
out high pressure hose used for reverse circulating.
Broke out pup joints and side entry sub from drill string and laid down same.
Installed foam ball in drill string.
Pumped foam ball down drill string and back to surface.
5bbl/min = 200psi.
8bbl/min = 500psi. Rigged in cementing line to drill string.
Pressure tested cementing line to 300 psi low for 5 minutes and 4000 psi high for 10
minutes. OK.
Closed pipe rams.
Pressure tested liner packer as follows:
- With cement unit pumped to 3500 psi. Volume pumped = 5.8 bbls
- Held pressure for 10 minutes. OK.
- Bled off pressure and received back 5.8 bbls
Opened pipe rams.
Rigged out cementing lines. Began tripping out of hole laying down singles of 5'' drill pipe
to pipe racks from liner top at 2047 m to 880 m.

Date: 18/09/2018 Continued POOH, B/Out & L/Down 5” DP in hole and racked on derrick
Report # 27 N/Down BOP & N/Up X-MAS TREE
Depth 2610.7m Start Moving to new location MAN-F6

33 | P a g e


17 ½” Hole section

A pre-spud meeting was held with all services company representative supervisors in order to spud
the (MAN-F6) development directional well on September 28th, 2018 at 08:00hr.
17 ½” hole section was drilled into 2 run. The first run was from 24 m to 95m with Avg. ROP = 25.7
m/hr. The second was from 95m to TD at 312m with Avg. ROP = 26.7 m/hr.
It was drilled with water base mud by increasing gardually from 8.4 to 6.3 ppg. A chemical wash (drill
zone) was added to the mud active system at 230 m to avoid bit balling inside sticky shale. The well was
cased and cemented with the 13 3/8” Casing shoe set at 308.6m.


Other, 29.65%

Logging, 0.00%

BOP ,9.35%
Rig services,
Tripping, 0.00%

34 | P a g e

12 ¼” Hole section

Ran in hole 12 ¼” directional drilling BHA and tag cement at 434 m. Drilled out cement and float equipments to
447m. Performed an LOT at 450m, 3 meters in new formation. Drilled 12 ¼” hole section from 450 m to TD 2198m
with average ROP: 15 m/h, drilling of this section started with mud weight of 9.5 ppg and reached TD with 10.5
ppg. Circulated hole clean once TD was confirmed by WSG and pulled out of hole drilling BHA. Ran 9 5/8” Casing
to 2194m and cemented same.

8 ½” Hole Section

This section was drilled in two runs. The first run was from 2198m to 2450m where a pressure drop of 190 psi
while drilling at 2448m and a subsequent loss of the L/MWD signal led to a POOH to investigate the leak in the
drill-string. The leak was found 20 meters in the BHA at the circulating sub. The second run was from 2450 to TD
at 2610.7. The average on bottom ROP was 15.7 m/h. the mud wight was 9.5 ppg silicate mud.

The logging operations were performed with run 1A (CMR-ADT-PEX-HNGS) followed by run 1B(PPC-MSIP-
PPC-GPIT-HRLA-GR) than the third run 1C MDT (Pressures & Fluid ID). All runs were successful with data acquired
as per program.
During the wiper trip operation after wireline logging 150m of the slick BHA were lost in the hole at 2044m.
We didn’t reliese that intill we reched the surface. A fishing BHA was was run in hole and successfully latched on
to the fish. After a long period the string became free and was pulled out of hole successfully.
7” liner was ran to the shoe depth 2606m. The liner was set and cemented successfully without any issues.
POOH with cupet cup tool. Set top liner packer and POOH and L/D all 5” DP.

35 | P a g e








1st RUN 17 ½” (Slick BHA):


2nd RUN 17 ½” (Directional BHA):


3rd RUN 12 ¼” (Directional BHA):


4th RUN 8 ½” (Directional BHA):

5th RUN 8 ½” (Directional BHA):


17 ½” Hole Section:

Mud Properties Unit Programmed Minimum Maximum Typical

Mud Weight (MW) ppg 8.3 – 9.5 8.4 9.3 9.0
Funnel Viscosity (Sec.) Sec/qtr. 50 - 60 37 50 50
Plastic Viscosity (PV) cP ALAP 11 12 11
Yield Point (YP) lb/100ft2 20 – 35 18 23 20
API Fluid loss cc/30min. NC/ 10 7.5 10 10
Dial 6rpm θ° N/A 6 10 8

12 ¼” Hole Section:

Mud Properties Unit Programmed Minimum Maximum Typical

Mud Weight (MW) ppg 9.5 – 10.5 9.5 11 11
Plastic Viscosity (PV) cP ALAP 16 24 22
Yield Point (YP) lb/100ft2 25 – 35 25 29 25
Dial 6 rpm Lb/100 ft2 8 – 12 8 11 10
Potassium ppb 40 40 40 40
API Fluid loss cc/30min. <6 4.3 4.8 4.5
MBT ppb < 15 2.5 7.5 7.5


8 ½” Hole Section:
Mud Properties Unit Programmed Minimum Maximum Typical
Mud Weight (MW) ppg 9.5 – 9.9 9.5 10.5 10.5
Plastic Viscosity (PV) cP ALAP 16 24 22
Yield Point (YP) lb/100ft2 15-30 25 29 25
Dial 6 rpm Sec. 6-10 8 11 10
Potassium Silicate ppb 40 40 40 40
API Fluid loss cc/30min. <6 4.3 4.8 4.5
MBT ppb < 15 2.5 7.5 7.5



13.375 12.508 Surface 308 13 3/8”, 68#, K55, BTC Casing – Range 3
9.625 8.807 Surface 2194 9 5/8”, 43.5#, N80, BTC, Range 3 Casing
7 6.224 2047 2606 Liner 7”, 29#, P110, BTC, Range3 Casing



Projection System WGS84 / UTM Zone 33 North

North Reference Grid
Scale 0.999721
Convergence at Slot 0.14 East
Horizontal Reference Point Facility Center
Vertical Reference Point Rig on MAN-WI-M1 (Winj4) (RT)
MD Reference Point Rig on MAN-WI-M1 (Winj4) (RT)
Field Vertical Reference Mean Sea Level
Rig on MAN-WI-M1 (Winj4) (RT) to Facility Vertical Datum 6.34 m
Rig on MAN-WI-M1 (Winj4) (RT) to Mean Sea Level 403.12 m
Rig on MAN-WI-M1 (Winj4) (RT) to Mud Line at Slot (MAN-WI-M1 (Winj4)) 6.34 m
Section Origin X E 0.00 m
Section Origin Y N 0.00 m
Section Azimuth 262.69°

Toolfac Build Turn

MD Inclination Azimuth TVD TVDSS North East Grid East Grid North Latitude Longitude DLS e Rate Rate

[°/3 [°/30
[m] [°] [°] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] 0m] [°] m] [°/30m]
0.00 0.00 27.81 0.00 -403.12 0.00 0.00 598688.68 994044.86 8°59’29.777”N 15°53’52.138”E 0.00 27.81 0.00 0.00
82.57 0.22 27.81 82.57 -320.55 0.14 0.07 598688.75 994045.00 8°59’29.781”N 15°53’52.140”E 0.08 -165.08 0.08 10.10
96.28 0.06 331.98 96.28 -306.84 0.17 0.08 598688.76 994045.03 8°59’29.782”N 15°53’52.140”E 0.42 95.25 -0.35 -122.17
116.16 0.46 59.77 116.16 -286.96 0.22 0.15 598688.83 994045.08 8°59’29.784”N 15°53’52.142”E 0.70 128.57 0.60 132.48
152.17 0.36 95.83 152.17 -250.95 0.28 0.38 598689.06 994045.14 8°59’29.786”N 15°53’52.150”E 0.23 -179.69 -0.08 30.04
192.34 0.26 95.71 192.34 -210.78 0.26 0.60 598689.28 994045.12 8°59’29.785”N 15°53’52.157”E 0.07 49.01 -0.07 -0.09
230.14 0.40 115.34 230.14 -172.98 0.19 0.81 598689.48 994045.05 8°59’29.783”N 15°53’52.164”E 0.14 -17.99 0.11 15.58
268.29 0.47 112.59 268.29 -134.83 0.08 1.07 598689.75 994044.94 8°59’29.779”N 15°53’52.173”E 0.06 92.35 0.06 -2.16
306.74 0.48 126.88 306.74 -96.38 -0.08 1.34 598690.02 994044.78 8°59’29.774”N 15°53’52.182”E 0.09 -160.73 0.01 11.15
345.22 0.40 122.82 345.21 -57.91 -0.25 1.59 598690.27 994044.61 8°59’29.768”N 15°53’52.190”E 0.07 -56.61 -0.06 -3.17
425.05 0.44 115.59 425.04 21.92 -0.53 2.10 598690.78 994044.33 8°59’29.759”N 15°53’52.206”E 0.02 -25.26 0.02 -2.72
465.22 1.69 96.71 465.20 62.08 -0.67 2.82 598691.50 994044.19 8°59’29.755”N 15°53’52.230”E 0.96 74.13 0.93 -14.10
480.33 2.78 135.07 480.30 77.18 -0.96 3.30 598691.98 994043.91 8°59’29.745”N 15°53’52.246”E 3.56 87.23 2.16 76.16
499.46 3.66 172.99 499.40 96.28 -1.89 3.71 598692.39 994042.97 8°59’29.715”N 15°53’52.259”E 3.53 72.59 1.38 59.47
518.68 5.50 206.22 518.57 115.45 -3.33 3.37 598692.05 994041.54 8°59’29.668”N 15°53’52.248”E 4.93 77.56 2.87 51.87
537.84 6.42 227.06 537.62 134.50 -4.88 2.18 598690.86 994039.98 8°59’29.618”N 15°53’52.209”E 3.66 40.74 1.44 32.63
556.83 8.32 237.60 556.46 153.34 -6.34 0.25 598688.93 994038.52 8°59’29.570”N 15°53’52.145”E 3.67 41.88 3.00 16.65
576.49 10.41 247.29 575.86 172.74 -7.79 -2.59 598686.09 994037.08 8°59’29.523”N 15°53’52.052”E 3.98 38.90 3.19 14.79


595.71 12.27 254.05 594.70 191.58 -9.02 -6.16 598682.52 994035.84 8°59’29.484”N 15°53’51.935”E 3.56 27.37 2.90 10.55
614.27 14.26 258.16 612.76 209.64 -10.03 -10.29 598678.39 994034.83 8°59’29.451”N 15°53’51.800”E 3.56 30.27 3.22 6.64
633.55 16.30 262.32 631.36 228.24 -10.88 -15.30 598673.39 994033.98 8°59’29.424”N 15°53’51.636”E 3.60 21.65 3.17 6.47
653.39 18.53 265.08 650.29 247.17 -11.52 -21.20 598667.49 994033.34 8°59’29.403”N 15°53’51.443”E 3.59 7.41 3.37 4.17
671.62 20.38 265.77 667.48 264.36 -12.00 -27.25 598661.44 994032.86 8°59’29.388”N 15°53’51.244”E 3.07 0.00 3.04 1.14
690.39 22.57 265.77 684.95 281.83 -12.51 -34.10 598654.58 994032.35 8°59’29.372”N 15°53’51.020”E 3.50 -1.42 3.50 0.00
709.42 24.95 265.63 702.36 299.24 -13.09 -41.75 598646.94 994031.78 8°59’29.354”N 15°53’50.770”E 3.75 -6.77 3.75 -0.22
729.85 27.78 264.91 720.67 317.55 -13.84 -50.79 598637.90 994031.03 8°59’29.330”N 15°53’50.474”E 4.18 -2.67 4.16 -1.06
748.36 30.27 264.68 736.85 333.73 -14.65 -59.73 598628.96 994030.21 8°59’29.304”N 15°53’50.181”E 4.04 6.72 4.04 -0.37
767.37 32.80 265.23 753.05 349.93 -15.52 -69.64 598619.06 994029.34 8°59’29.277”N 15°53’49.857”E 4.02 5.90 3.99 0.87
787.36 35.08 265.64 769.63 366.51 -16.41 -80.76 598607.94 994028.45 8°59’29.249”N 15°53’49.492”E 3.44 -73.01 3.42 0.62
806.48 35.11 265.47 785.28 382.16 -17.26 -91.72 598596.98 994027.60 8°59’29.222”N 15°53’49.133”E 0.16 -72.56 0.05 -0.27
825.90 35.15 265.25 801.16 398.04 -18.17 -102.86 598585.85 994026.70 8°59’29.193”N 15°53’48.769”E 0.21 5.49 0.06 -0.34
844.96 35.21 265.26 816.74 413.62 -19.08 -113.80 598574.91 994025.79 8°59’29.165”N 15°53’48.410”E 0.09 -104.62 0.09 0.02
864.00 35.12 264.65 832.30 429.18 -20.04 -124.73 598563.99 994024.83 8°59’29.134”N 15°53’48.053”E 0.57 -67.31 -0.14 -0.96
883.14 35.20 264.32 847.95 444.83 -21.10 -135.70 598553.02 994023.77 8°59’29.101”N 15°53’47.693”E 0.32 -125.63 0.13 -0.52
902.29 35.13 264.15 863.61 460.49 -22.21 -146.67 598542.05 994022.66 8°59’29.065”N 15°53’47.334”E 0.19 -123.90 -0.11 -0.27
921.51 35.03 263.89 879.34 476.22 -23.36 -157.66 598531.07 994021.51 8°59’29.029”N 15°53’46.974”E 0.28 -41.69 -0.16 -0.41
940.74 35.14 263.72 895.07 491.95 -24.55 -168.65 598520.08 994020.32 8°59’28.991”N 15°53’46.614”E 0.23 -75.82 0.17 -0.27
959.86 35.19 263.38 910.70 507.58 -25.79 -179.59 598509.14 994019.08 8°59’28.952”N 15°53’46.256”E 0.32 -155.34 0.08 -0.53
997.37 35.04 263.26 941.39 538.27 -28.30 -201.02 598487.72 994016.57 8°59’28.872”N 15°53’45.554”E 0.13 50.98 -0.12 -0.10
1037.18 35.11 263.41 973.97 570.85 -30.95 -223.74 598465.00 994013.92 8°59’28.787”N 15°53’44.810”E 0.08 -95.39 0.05 0.11
1074.78 35.09 263.03 1004.73 601.61 -33.51 -245.21 598443.54 994011.36 8°59’28.706”N 15°53’44.107”E 0.18 -65.44 -0.02 -0.30
1112.53 35.18 262.69 1035.60 632.48 -36.21 -266.77 598421.99 994008.66 8°59’28.619”N 15°53’43.401”E 0.17 156.79 0.07 -0.27
1151.24 34.90 262.90 1067.29 664.17 -38.99 -288.82 598399.95 994005.88 8°59’28.530”N 15°53’42.679”E 0.24 130.46 -0.22 0.16
1189.16 34.25 264.27 1098.52 695.40 -41.40 -310.20 598378.57 994003.47 8°59’28.454”N 15°53’41.979”E 0.80 -77.58 -0.51 1.08
1227.80 34.28 264.03 1130.45 727.33 -43.62 -331.84 598356.93 994001.26 8°59’28.383”N 15°53’41.270”E 0.11 -177.70 0.02 -0.19
1266.61 34.14 264.02 1162.55 759.43 -45.89 -353.54 598335.24 993998.98 8°59’28.311”N 15°53’40.559”E 0.11 10.60 -0.11 -0.01
1304.81 34.17 264.03 1194.16 791.04 -48.12 -374.87 598313.91 993996.75 8°59’28.240”N 15°53’39.861”E 0.02 -94.74 0.02 0.01
1343.21 34.12 262.83 1225.94 822.82 -50.59 -396.28 598292.51 993994.29 8°59’28.162”N 15°53’39.160”E 0.53 147.45 -0.04 -0.94
1381.44 33.98 262.99 1257.61 854.49 -53.23 -417.52 598271.27 993991.65 8°59’28.077”N 15°53’38.464”E 0.13 125.36 -0.11 0.13
1419.82 33.85 263.32 1289.46 886.34 -55.78 -438.79 598250.02 993989.09 8°59’27.996”N 15°53’37.768”E 0.18 -46.86 -0.10 0.26
1457.61 34.05 262.94 1320.81 917.69 -58.31 -459.74 598229.07 993986.57 8°59’27.915”N 15°53’37.082”E 0.23 152.26 0.16 -0.30
1496.19 33.87 263.11 1352.81 949.69 -60.92 -481.13 598207.68 993983.95 8°59’27.832”N 15°53’36.381”E 0.16 -170.26 -0.14 0.13
1534.26 33.58 263.02 1384.47 981.35 -63.47 -502.11 598186.71 993981.40 8°59’27.750”N 15°53’35.694”E 0.23 -92.00 -0.23 -0.07
1572.53 33.57 262.43 1416.36 1013.24 -66.15 -523.11 598165.72 993978.72 8°59’27.665”N 15°53’35.006”E 0.26 -36.57 -0.01 -0.46
1611.33 33.75 262.19 1448.65 1045.53 -69.03 -544.42 598144.41 993975.85 8°59’27.573”N 15°53’34.308”E 0.17 -90.24 0.14 -0.19


1649.25 33.75 261.61 1480.18 1077.06 -72.00 -565.28 598123.56 993972.88 8°59’27.478”N 15°53’33.625”E 0.25 68.82 0.00 -0.46
1688.21 33.91 262.34 1512.55 1109.43 -75.03 -586.75 598102.09 993969.85 8°59’27.381”N 15°53’32.922”E 0.34 115.55 0.12 0.56
1726.62 33.82 262.68 1544.44 1141.32 -77.82 -607.97 598080.88 993967.06 8°59’27.292”N 15°53’32.227”E 0.16 75.73 -0.07 0.27
1765.05 33.86 262.96 1576.36 1173.24 -80.49 -629.21 598059.65 993964.39 8°59’27.207”N 15°53’31.532”E 0.13 167.45 0.03 0.22
1803.37 33.81 262.98 1608.19 1205.07 -83.11 -650.38 598038.48 993961.78 8°59’27.123”N 15°53’30.838”E 0.04 6.36 -0.04 0.02
1841.79 33.86 262.99 1640.11 1236.99 -85.72 -671.62 598017.25 993959.17 8°59’27.040”N 15°53’30.143”E 0.04 -164.93 0.04 0.01
1879.81 32.62 262.37 1671.90 1268.78 -88.37 -692.29 597996.59 993956.51 8°59’26.955”N 15°53’29.466”E 1.01 -177.76 -0.98 -0.49
1898.59 30.42 262.20 1687.91 1284.79 -89.69 -702.01 597986.86 993955.20 8°59’26.913”N 15°53’29.147”E 3.52 -175.21 -3.51 -0.27
1917.88 28.92 261.94 1704.67 1301.55 -91.01 -711.47 597977.41 993953.88 8°59’26.871”N 15°53’28.838”E 2.34 178.52 -2.33 -0.40
1936.15 27.49 262.02 1720.77 1317.65 -92.21 -720.02 597968.86 993952.68 8°59’26.832”N 15°53’28.558”E 2.35 179.52 -2.35 0.13
1956.87 25.43 262.06 1739.32 1336.20 -93.49 -729.16 597959.72 993951.40 8°59’26.792”N 15°53’28.258”E 2.98 -179.30 -2.98 0.06
1975.36 23.78 262.01 1756.13 1353.01 -94.56 -736.79 597952.10 993950.33 8°59’26.757”N 15°53’28.008”E 2.68 178.01 -2.68 -0.08
1995.06 21.85 262.19 1774.29 1371.17 -95.61 -744.35 597944.53 993949.28 8°59’26.724”N 15°53’27.761”E 2.94 -175.80 -2.94 0.27
2014.23 20.03 261.80 1792.19 1389.07 -96.56 -751.14 597937.75 993948.33 8°59’26.693”N 15°53’27.538”E 2.86 -177.26 -2.85 -0.61
2033.50 18.32 261.54 1810.39 1407.27 -97.48 -757.40 597931.49 993947.41 8°59’26.664”N 15°53’27.333”E 2.67 169.14 -2.66 -0.40
2052.69 16.61 262.69 1828.70 1425.58 -98.27 -763.10 597925.79 993946.62 8°59’26.639”N 15°53’27.147”E 2.73 172.89 -2.67 1.80
2071.85 14.90 263.52 1847.14 1444.02 -98.89 -768.27 597920.63 993945.99 8°59’26.619”N 15°53’26.977”E 2.70 175.44 -2.68 1.30
2090.83 13.39 264.04 1865.54 1462.42 -99.40 -772.88 597916.02 993945.49 8°59’26.603”N 15°53’26.826”E 2.40 -167.41 -2.39 0.82
2110.03 11.62 262.07 1884.29 1481.17 -99.90 -777.01 597911.89 993944.99 8°59’26.587”N 15°53’26.691”E 2.84 -168.93 -2.77 -3.08
2128.58 9.77 259.93 1902.51 1499.39 -100.43 -780.41 597908.49 993944.46 8°59’26.570”N 15°53’26.580”E 3.06 -176.93 -2.99 -3.46
2147.78 7.68 259.09 1921.49 1518.37 -100.96 -783.27 597905.63 993943.93 8°59’26.553”N 15°53’26.486”E 3.27 173.11 -3.27 -1.31
2166.93 5.84 261.28 1940.51 1537.39 -101.35 -785.49 597903.41 993943.54 8°59’26.540”N 15°53’26.413”E 2.91 169.60 -2.88 3.43
2180.69 4.58 264.19 1954.21 1551.09 -101.51 -786.73 597902.17 993943.38 8°59’26.535”N 15°53’26.373”E 2.81 -176.21 -2.75 6.34
2199.47 2.95 262.09 1972.95 1569.83 -101.65 -787.95 597900.95 993943.24 8°59’26.531”N 15°53’26.333”E 2.61 -155.19 -2.60 -3.35
2212.90 2.51 257.35 1986.36 1583.24 -101.76 -788.58 597900.32 993943.13 8°59’26.527”N 15°53’26.312”E 1.10 -142.18 -0.98 -10.59
2231.66 1.64 225.37 2005.11 1601.99 -102.04 -789.17 597899.73 993942.85 8°59’26.518”N 15°53’26.293”E 2.26 135.21 -1.39 -51.14
2251.26 1.31 242.46 2024.70 1621.58 -102.34 -789.57 597899.33 993942.55 8°59’26.508”N 15°53’26.280”E 0.84 95.56 -0.51 26.16
2289.25 1.51 278.32 2062.68 1659.56 -102.47 -790.45 597898.45 993942.42 8°59’26.504”N 15°53’26.251”E 0.70 -97.85 0.16 28.32
2327.91 1.51 262.62 2101.33 1698.21 -102.46 -791.46 597897.44 993942.43 8°59’26.504”N 15°53’26.218”E 0.32 -105.10 0.00 -12.18
2366.15 1.46 244.39 2139.56 1736.44 -102.74 -792.40 597896.50 993942.15 8°59’26.495”N 15°53’26.187”E 0.37 -102.20 -0.04 -14.30
2405.39 1.57 207.54 2178.78 1775.66 -103.43 -793.10 597895.80 993941.46 8°59’26.473”N 15°53’26.164”E 0.74 134.50 0.08 -28.17
2424.10 1.21 229.78 2197.49 1794.37 -103.78 -793.37 597895.53 993941.10 8°59’26.461”N 15°53’26.155”E 1.03 -92.48 -0.58 35.66

2443.16 1.31 204.64 2216.54 1813.42 -104.11 -793.61 597895.29 993940.78 8°59’26.451”N 15°53’26.147”E 0.88 -98.12 0.16 -39.57
2481.29 1.40 174.39 2254.66 1851.54 -104.97 -793.75 597895.15 993939.92 8°59’26.423”N 15°53’26.143”E 0.56 9.84 0.07 -23.80
2519.57 1.55 175.35 2292.93 1889.81 -105.95 -793.66 597895.24 993938.94 8°59’26.391”N 15°53’26.146”E 0.12 -152.27 0.12 0.75
2558.01 1.22 166.84 2331.36 1928.24 -106.87 -793.53 597895.37 993938.02 8°59’26.361”N 15°53’26.150”E 0.30 20.13 -0.26 -6.64


2600.63 1.35 168.85 2373.97 1970.85 -107.80 -793.33 597895.57 993937.09 8°59’26.331”N 15°53’26.156”E 0.10 0.00 0.09 1.41
2610.70 1.35 168.85 2384.04 1980.92 -108.04 -793.28 597895.62 993936.85 8°59’26.323”N 15°53’26.158”E 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


Ground Elevation: 396.78 m MSL RT Elevation: 403.12 m MSL
Provisional Formation Tops

Group/Formation Prognosed (m) Actual (m) Pick Type


Miandoum Shale 6.34 -396.78 6.34 396.78 0

Lower Miandoum Sand 244.4 -158.7 261.6 141.52 LWD

A Sand 410.4 7.3 410.6 -7.5 +0.2 LWD RM Data

13 3/8’’ Casing 425.0 21.9 447 -43.8 +21.9

B Sand 1101.5 627.3 1113.6 -633.35 +6.05 LWD

Mangara Shale 1737.2 1155.5 1735 -1148.27 -7.23 LWD

Transition Zone 2168.8 1545.4 2166.8 -1537.2 -8.2 LWD

9 5/8” Casing 2187.4 1563.9 2194.0 -1564.4 +0.5

C1A Sand 2212.6 1589.1 2222.3 -1592.6 +3.5 LWD

C1A Shale 2244.0 1620.4 2242.0 -1612.3 -8.1 LWD

C1B Sand 2264.9 1641.4 2262.5 -1632.8 -8.6 LWD

C1B Shale 2301.6 1678.1 2301.8 -1672.1 -6.0 LWD

C2 Sand 2333.3 1709.8 2325.3 -1695.6 -12.2 LWD

C2 Shale 2398.7 1775.2 2409.6 -1779.9 +4.7 LWD

C3 Sand 2428.8 1805.3 2434.2 -1804.5 -0.8 LWD

C3 Shale 2484.7 1861.2 2479.8 -1850.1 -11.1 LWD

D2 Sand 2516.9 1893.3 2498.0 -1868.3 -25.0 LWD

D2 Marker 2556.2 1932.6 2550.7 -1920.9 -11.7 LWD

TD 2616.2 1992.6 2610.7 -1980.9 -11.7

10 | P a g e


Top (m) Litho

FORMATION Lithology Descriptions
MDRT Column

17 ½” Section: From Surface to 312 m MD

13 3/8” Casing @ 309 m

SAND: trnsp-trnsl, yelsh, lt gy, redsh i/p, occ off wh, lse, f-m qtz grns, occ m crse grns, sub ang-sub rnd,
w rnd i/p, occ sub sph, m-w st, fr intergr por, no shows
Claystone: medium grey, firm, sub blocky to sub fissile, silty in part and grading to Siltstone, non
CLAYSTONE/SHALE: gy, lt gy, crmbly, sub blky-blky, sft to frm, occ mod hd, non calcareous.
233 m SAND: Clrs , trnsp, lse , fn to med grs , occ crs grs, sbrnd, sbang, mod, strtd, fr-g , por. 30% Siltstone -
10% Claystone : wh off wh, pal yelsh, trnsp tmsl, qtz i /p f, med rr crse mod siltstone td sub ang-sub f por
non shows
SAND: Trnsp-trnsl, off wh-wh, yelwsh wh, occ subsph, m-w srt, gd intgran por, no shows.

383.6 m SAND: Clrs , trnsp, lse , fn to med grs , occ crs grs, sbrnd, sbang, mod, strtd, fr-g , por. 30% SST -10%
Claystone : wh off wh, pal yelsh, trnsp tmsl, qtz i /p f, med rr crse mod siltstone td sub ang-sub f por non
A Sand shows
SAND: Clrls, trnsp-trnsl, lse, f-m grns, ooc crs grns, subrnd-sbang, mod-w sort, fr-g intgran por w/ 30-40%
silstone: trnsp-trnsl, off wh, pal yellsh, f-m grns, rr crs, sbang-subrnd, mod srt, f por, no shows.

12 ¼” Section: From 312 m to 1999 m MD

9 5/8” Casing @ 1999 m

SAND: Trnsp-trnsl, off wh, lt orng i/p, m-crs grns, com crs grns, f i/p, sbang-subrnd, subsph i/p, m-w srt, f-
p intgran por, no shows.
SAND: Clrls, off wh, occ lt orng, m-crs grns, v crs, rr f grns, qtz, m-w srt, sbang-subrnd, subsph i/p, f-p
intgran por, w/ 10-25%
SANDSTONE: trnsp-trnsl, off wh, occ pal yel, m-crs grns, f i/p, mod srt, subrnd-subang, subsph i/p, pyr,
kao&cmt mtx, f-p intgran por, no shows.
SILSTONE: lt-gy, lt grnsh gy, lt redsh gy, arglcs, sndy, crmbly, sft, mod hrd-hrd, nn calc.
CLAY/SHALE: lt gy-gy, dk gy i/p, redsh brwn grnsh-gy i/p, sub blky-blky, amorphous, rthy, sft,stky,
SAND: Clrls, off wh, occ lt orng, m-crs grns, v crs, rr f grns, qtz, m-w srt, subang-subrnd, subsph i/p, f-p
intgran por, w/ 10-30% SANDSTONE: trnsp-trnsl, off wh, occ pal yellsh, m-crs grns, f i/p, mod srt, subrnd-
subang, subsph i/p, pyr, kao&cmt mtx, tr of com coal, f-p intgran por, no shows.
CLAYSTONE/SHALE: lt gy-gy, dk gy, dk redsh brn, sub blky-blky, rthy, sft i/p, fr – md hd i/p stky i/p,
A Sand sndy, slty i/p, tr of lignite,calc.
SANDSTONE: trnsp-trnsl, off wh, occ lt orng, f-m, occ crs grns, subrnd-sbang, subsph i/p, mod srt, kao
cmt & mtx, fr intgran por, no shows.
CLAY/SHALE: lt gy-gy, dk gy, grnsh gy, dk redsh brn, sub blky-blky, rthy, sft i/p, fr - md hd i, stky i/p,
sndy, slty i/p, tr of lignite, calc.
SANDSTONE: Trnsp-trnsl, lt gy, off wh, yelsh, occ org, v fn-fn, occ fn-md grns, w srt, sb ang-sub rnd,
arglcs, md w cmt, silcs cmt, pr-fr intrngl por, no shows
SANDSTONE: Trnsp-trnsl, lt gy, off wh, yelsh, occ org, v fn-fn, occ fn-md grns, w srt, sb ang-sub rnd,
arglcs, md w cmt, silcs cmt, pr-fr intrngl por, no shows
CLAY/SHALE: lt gy-gy, dk gy, grnsh gy, blsh gry dk redsh brn, sub blky-blky, rthy,
Sft i/p, fr- md hd i, stky i/p, sndy, slty i/p, tr of lignite, calcareous.
SAND: Clrls, off wh, occ lt orng, m-crs grns, v crs, rr f grns, qtz, m-w srt, sbang-subrnd, subsph i/p, f-p
intgran por, w/ 10-25% SANDSTONE: trnsp-trnsl, off wh, occ pal yel, m-crs grns, f i/p, mod srt, subrnd-
subang, subsph i/p, pyr, kao&cmt mtx, f-p intgran por, no shows

11 | P a g e


SAND: Clrls, off wh, occ lt orng, m-crs grns, v crs, rr f grns, qtz, m-w srt, sbang-subrnd, subsph i/p, f-p
intgran por, w/ 10-20% SANDSTONE: trnsp-trnsl, off wh, occ pal yel, m-crs grns, f i/p, mod srt, subrnd-
sbang, sbsph i/p, pyr, kao&cmt mtx, f-p intgran por, no shows.
CLAYSTONE/SHALE: gy, lt gy, occ grnsh gy, sft-frm, rthy, amr, sub blky-blky, nn water react, non
SANDSTONE: Trnsp-trnsl, lt gy, off wh, yelsh, occ org, v fn-fn, occ fn-md grns, w srt, sb ang-sub rnd,
arglcs, md w cmt, silcs cmt, pr-fr intrngl por, no shows
SILTSTONE: off white, lt gy, argillaceous, sndy grading to v f grns SANDSTONE, w cmt, siliceous cmt,
mod hd to hd
CLAY/SHALE: lt gy-gy, dk gy i/p, blsh, brn, grnsh-gy i/p, sub blky-blky, mod sft-frm, occ hd i/p, slty,
sndy, slgly calc.
SILTSTONE: off wh, lt gy, grsh gry, v arg, sndy grad to v f grns SANDSTONE, w cmt, si cmt, mod hd to
SILTSTONE: off wh , lt gy, grsh gy, v arg, sndy grad to v f grns SANDSTONE, w cmt, siliceous cmt,
B Sand mod hd to hd.
SANDSTONE: lt gy, qzs, cln, med- v crs grn, grnl, pbl, prly srt, sb ang- rdd predominantly quartz, clr,
trnsp-trnsl, trce lithic grains, no vis cmt, exl por.non shows.
SAND: Clrls, off wh, occ lt orng, m-crs grns, v crs, rr f grns, qtz, m-w srt, subang-subrnd, subsph
i/p, f-p intgran por, w/ 10-30% SANDSTONE: trnsp-trnsl, off wh, occ pal yel, m-crs grns, f i/p, mod
srt, subrnd-sbang, subsph i/p, pyr, kao&cmt mtx, tr of com coal, f-p intgran por, no shows

SILTSTONE: off white, lt gy, grsh grey, v arg, sndy grading to v f grns SANDSTONE, w cmt, siliceous
cmt, mod hd to hd
CLAY/SHALE: lt gy-gy, dk gy i/p, blsh, brn, grnsh-gy i/p, sub blky-blky, mod sft-frm, occ hd i/p, slty,
sndy, slgly calc.
SANDSTONE: Trnsp-trnsl, lt gy, off wh, yelsh, occ org, v fn-fn, occ fn-md grns, w srt, sb ang-sub rnd,
arglcs, md w cmt, silcs cmt, pr-fr intrngl por, trce of lignite, no shows.
SILSTONE: lt-gy, lt grnsh gy, lt redsh gy arglcs, sndy, grdng to v f graind SANDSTONE: wel cmt, slcs cmt,
md hd-hd, calcareous.

1569 m CLAYSTONE/SHALE: grn, dk gy, brnsh gy, frm-mod hd, crmbly, amr, occ lam, sub fis-sub blky, slighly
CLAYSTONE/SHALE: brnsh gy,blsh grn, grnsh gy, med dk gy, frm- hd, crmbly, wax, amor, locally lam,
sub fis- sub blky, slty i/p, tr of silstone, calcareous.
CLAYSTONE/SHALE: Blsh grn brnsh gy mod dk gy, frm-hd crmbly, amr occ lam, sub fiss - sub bblky i /
p, non calcareous.
CLAYSTONE / SHALE: Blsh grn brnsh gy mod dk gy, frm-hd crmbly, amr occ lam, sub fiss - sub bblky
SILTY i / p, non calcareous.
CLAYSTONE / SHALE: Crn dk gy, brnsh gy, frm-mod hd, crml bblky amr occ lam, sub fish-sub bblky
non calcareous
CLAYSTONE: brnsh gy,blsh grn, grnsh gy, med dk gy, dk brn-blk, frm- hd, crmbly, wax, amor, loc lam,
sub fis- sub blky, slty i/p, com calcareous.
SILTSTONE: Off wh, lt gy, crmbly, argillaceous, v f grns, mod hd-hd.
CLAYSTONE/SHALE: lt gy to gy, dk grnsh gy, brnsh, dk gy, , dk brn blk, sub blky to blky, slky texture
i/p, frm, mod hd fis, stky i/p, slowly water reactive, slgtlycalc
SILTSTONE: off wh, lt gy, v argillaceous, sndy grading to v f grns SANDSTONE, w cmt, siliceous cmt,
mod hd to hd.
SILTSTONE: Off wh, lt gy, crmbly, argillaceous, v f grns, mod hd-hd.
Transition CLAYSTONE/SHALE: Bk, dk gy, frm-hd, crmbly, wax amr, locally lam, sub fis-sub blky, slty ip, tr of
Zone siltstone, slighly calcareous.

8 ½” Section From 2002 m to 2515 m MD (Well TD)

7” Liner @ 2515 m

Transition CLAYSTONE/SHALE: Bk, dk gy, frm-hd, crmbly, wax amr, locally lam, sub fis-sub blky, slty ip, tr of
Zone siltstone, slighly calc.

12 | P a g e

SANDSTONE: Off wh, ltgy, occ gy, vf-f grns, sub ang-sub rnd, w rnd i/p, w srt, arg, por intergr por, kao
cmt&mtx, no shows. SILTSTONE: off white, lt gy, v argillaceous, sndy grading to v f grns SANDSTONE,
w cmt, kao cmt&mtx, mod hd to hd.
C1A Sand
CLAYSTONE/SHALE: brnsh gy,blsh grn, grnsh gy, med dk gy, dk brn-blk, frm- hd, crmbly, wax, amor,
locally lam, sub fis- sub blky, slty i/p, tr of silstone, com calc.

m CLAYSTONE/SHALE: gysh-dk gy, blsh-grn, dk brn-blk, lt brn i/p, crmbly, sub blky-blky, sft to frm, occ

C1A Shale mod hd, sghtly water reactive, calc i/p.


SANSTONE:Off wh,lt gy, arkaosie, f grns, w sort ang to sub, kaolinitic, w cmt, trace calcaerous, poor
C1 B Sand ingtgran por, shows : no visible oil stain, pachy light yellow direct fluoresence v weak milky white cut
fluoresence, v weak pale residual stain.

CLAYSTONE/SHALE: Blnsh grn, brnsh gy, med dk gy, frm-hd, crmbly, amor, occ lam, sub fiss-sub bblky
C1 B Shale m
i/p non calcareous.
2121 m SANSTONE:Off wh,it gy, arkaosie, f grns, w sort ang to sub ang, kaolinitic, w cmt, tr calcaerous , poor
ingtgran por, shows : no visible stain, pachy lt yel dir fluoresence v weak milky wh cut fluoresence v, weak
pale residual stain.
C2 Sand
CLAYSTONE/SHALE: gysh-dk gy, blsh-grn, dk brn-blk, lt brn i/p, crmbly, sub blky-blky , sft to frm, occ
mod hd, nn calc

2186 m CLAYSTONE/SHALE: Blnsh grn, brnsh gy, med dk gy, frm-hd, crmbly, amor, occ lam, sub fiss-sub bblky
C 2 Shale
i/p non calcareous.
SANSTONE:Wh, Off wh, f grns, lse qtz grns, mod w sort, sub ang to sub rnd, sub sph, tr calcaerous, poor
C3 Sand ingtgran por, shows : no vis oil stain, pachy lt yel dir fluoresence, v slow weak milky white cut fluoresence,
weak pale residual stain.

CLAYSTONE/SHALE: Blnsh grn, brnsh gy, med dk gy, frm-hd, crmbly, amor, occ lam, sub fiss-sub bblky
i/p non calcareous.
C3 Shale
SANSTONE:Wh, Off wh, f grns, lse qtz grns, w sort, sub ang to sub rnd, tr calcaerous, poor ingtgran por,
shows : no vis oil stain, patchy pale yel dir fluoresence, no cut fluoresence.

2276.0 SANSTONE:Wh, Off wh, f grns, lse qtz grns, mod w sort, sub ang to sub rnd, sub sph, tr calcaerous, poor
m ingtgran por, shows : no vis oil stain, pachy lt yel dir fluoresence, v slow weak milky white cut fluoresence,
weak pale residual stain.
D2 Sand SILTSTONE: off white, lt gy, lt brnsh gy, grading to v f grns SANDSTONE, amor, friable-mod hd, w cmt
, siliceous cmt, carbonaceous, nn calc.

CLAYSTONE/SHALE: Blnsh grn, brnsh gy, med dk gy, frm-hd, crmbly, amor, occ lam, sub fiss-sub bblky
D2 Marker
i/p non calcareous.

13 | P a g e

2380 m

CLAYSTONE/SHALE: Blnsh grn, brnsh gy, med dk gy, frm-hd, crmbly, amor, occ lam, sub fiss-sub bblky
D2 Shale
i/p non calcareous.

2410 m
SANSTONE:Wh, Off wh, f grns, lse qtz grns, mod w sort, sub ang to sub rnd, sub sph, tr calcaerous, poor
ingtgran por, shows : no vis oil stain, pachy lt yel dir fluoresence, v slow weak milky white cut fluoresence,
weak pale residual stain.
Dolerite: Dk gy, gy wh, lt grn, yelsh brn, mod hd-hd, amor

2464.8 SANSTONE:Wh, Off wh, f grns, lse qtz grns, mod w sort, sub ang to sub rnd, sub sph, tr calcaerous, poor
m ingtgran por, shows : no vis oil stain, pachy lt yel dir fluoresence, v slow weak milky white cut fluoresence,
D3 Lower weak pale residual stain.

2515 m SANSTONE:Wh, Off wh, f grns, lse qtz grns, mod w sort, sub ang to sub rnd, sub sph, tr calcaerous, poor
ingtgran por, shows : no vis oil stain, pachy lt yel dir fluoresence, v slow weak milky white cut fluoresence,
weak pale residual stain.
CLAYSTONE/SHALE: Dk gy, blk grn, i/p firm-hd crmbly-wax amor, loc lam, bblky,silty i/p calcareous
Well TD @ 2515m/MD / 1445.93m/TVD


Depth (m) Type T.G C1 C2 C3 iC4 nC4 iC5 nC5
MD RT (%) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
1797– 1850 BGG 0.13
1797.6 0.1242 807 33 15 6 4 2 1
1817.8 0.1479 977 47 25 11 7 2 3
1820.8 0.1018 618 34 17 8 5 3 1
1825.2 0.1056 660 30 15 7 3 2 1
1826 0.1181 749 35 17 8 4 3 2
1831.4 0.1039 685 21 9 5 2 1 1
1834.8 0.1301 875 30 12 6 2 2 2
1840.2 0.2161 1404 57 27 13 6 4 3
1848.6 0.1051 606 36 19 10 5 3 1
1966 - 1996 BGG 0.14
1983 FG 0.3304 3735 112 48 22 10 6 5
1994 FG 0.4442 3081 123 51 21 8 5 3

1995 FG 0.5637 3826 151 64 27 9 7 4

1996 FG 0.5285 3989 160 70 31 12 6 2

1996 – 2030 BGG 0.26
2017 FG 0.3435 2269 92 48 21 9 7 3

14 | P a g e

2020 FG 0.4813 3244 134 68 29 13 10 5

2022 FG 0.572 3829 164 84 36 15 12 6
2030 – 2098 BGG 0.24
2035 FG 0.3412 2229 92 47 22 11 10 5
2054 FG 0.5637 3707 168 77 28 15 13 5
2068 FG 0.4119 2524 144 83 32 18 14 7
2088 FG 0.8567 5120 304 173 54 43 28 15
2089 FG 0.6715 4241 252 144 45 36 24 13

2098 - 2193 BGG 0.71

2104 FG 1.8019 11574 789 461 131 113 68 40
2156 FG 1.1845 6977 515 286 49 62 27 18
2157 FG 1.3394 7731 556 309 52 66 32 24
2158 FG 1.4329 8206 587 325 55 70 34 25
2161 FG 1.5846 8554 667 366 60 75 35 25
2182 FG 1.128 6674 503 287 45 64 27 21
2191 FG 0.9431 5708 417 236 37 54 23 18

2193– 2231 BGG 0.23

2194 FG 0.5288 2898 228 142 26 38 19 15
2222 FG 0.4771 2797 217 121 14 26 6 5
2223 FG 0.9437 5713 442 244 28 53 13 12
2226 FG 0.7168 3548 476 294 37 68 17 14
2231 FG 0.5244 2834 226 137 17 33 8 7
2231 – 2266 BGG 1.03
2237 FG 1.4417 7636 1203 713 83 156 34 34
2239 FG 2.0359 9520 1567 905 103 196 41 42
2256 FG 1.4455 5590 1330 940 110 231 49 53
2261 FG 1.3573 6282 1526 1099 126 226 55 59
2266 – 2283 BGG 1.7
2269 FG 2.8463 3473 1226 1584 362 792 303 360
2270 FG 2.9409 3481 1262 1668 385 847 324 386

2271 FG 2.7384 3170 1165 1485 336 741 283 336

2272 FG 2.6777 3446 1228 1499 334 739 284 339
2283 - 2375 BGG 1.25
2296 FG 1.5343 3413 1334 1106 147 361 98 121
2319 FG 1.5915 7312 1297 752 65 154 29 37
2320 FG 1.6615 7309 1381 810 70 168 34 43
2322 FG 1.5283 6281 1270 758 65 161 32 39
2334 FG 1.5458 4648 1459 1003 100 258 62 67
2356 FG 1.6789 4166 1455 1073 125 310 90 110
2357 FG 1.5894 4053 1576 1140 127 326 92 115
2365 FG 1.6347 4105 1636 1114 109 283 71 90

15 | P a g e

2366 FG 1.5617 3730 1499 1065 115 296 83 104

2375 - 2450 BGG 0.64
2404 FG 0.9663 5348 522 269 23 57 12 15
2407 FG 1.3101 6911 745 443 46 109 25 33
2409 FG 2.1717 7871 1267 1172 166 414 122 160
2411 FG 1.0691 4713 507 302 29 73 16 22
2415 FG 1.3855 8918 1000 586 55 124 25 31
2423 FG 0.9012 6025 572 280 23 60 13 17
2428 FG 1.1686 6613 623 304 25 66 14 19
2430 FG 1.1784 5426 548 291 27 66 15 20
2431 FG 1.1015 6418 681 369 34 84 19 26
2433 FG 1.0756 5706 595 324 30 75 17 23
2434 FG 1.2066 6136 757 401 36 94 21 29
2447 FG 1.342 4881 610 507 79 186 69 80
2448 FG 1.8235 6001 811 748 128 299 118 135
2449 FG 1.232 4363 547 503 86 204 80 92
2450 FG 1.1545 4590 536 465 75 178 69 80
2450 - 2610 BGG 0.28
2452 FG 0.9924 3910 478 428 67 157 57 65
2453 FG 0.8758 3704 490 463 79 182 70 80
2461 FG 0.5784 3148 264 136 13 30 7 8
2462 FG 0.6711 4698 377 181 17 40 9 11
2463 FG 0.5847 3611 298 151 15 35 8 10
2461 FG 0.5784 3148 264 136 13 30 7 8
2472 FG 0.5459 2872 244 137 15 37 11 15
2473 FG 1.0474 4676 388 206 21 51 14 19
2474 FG 0.6982 5125 430 231 24 59 16 22
2475 FG 0.873 4916 441 246 27 63 17 22
2477 FG 0.5725 2291 273 176 20 48 12 16
2492 FG 0.6171 3191 276 161 17 43 9 15
2494 FG 0.5068 2525 253 163 18 45 11 16
2497 FG 0.6929 2658 359 238 25 64 15 21
2498 FG 0.7744 4013 422 268 28 68 15 21
2499 FG 0.9165 4095 649 428 44 105 21 32
2502 FG 0.6229 2170 532 359 38 94 20 29
2503 FG 0.5892 1936 528 358 37 94 21 31
2513 FG 0.5113 2926 262 166 18 42 8 14
2522 FG 0.8157 3590 428 269 27 61 11 17
2570 FG 0.5033 2412 234 167 17 43 8 15
2571 FG 0.5599 2903 267 178 18 45 7 15
BGG: Background Gas; F.G: Formation Gas; T.G: Total Gas


5. Total plastic boxes 19: Unwashed 6 Boxes, Washed and dried 12 boxes & 1 boxe mud samples


Hole sections Intervals

17-1/2’’ Unwashed / Washed& dried samples 30 m From / To 10 m / 450 m

16 | P a g e

12-¼” Unwashed / Washed& dried samples 30 m From / To 450 m / 2198 m

8-1/2” Unwashed/Washed&dried samples 10 m From / To 2198m/2610m


2 (A, B, C) 1800 2610 58 SAMPLES / BOX


1 (A, B, C) 30 990 34 SAMPLES / BOX
WASHED AND DRIED 2 (A, B, C) 1020 1890 30 SAMPLES / BOX
3 (A, B, C) 1920 2380 30 SAMPLES / BOX
4 (A, B, C) 2390 2610.70 24SAMPLES / BOX

TYPES Depth (m) MW (ppg) Samples

17 1/2” 30 9.3 01 SAMPLE

12 ¼” 480 9.5 01 SAMPLE

12 ¼” 1000 9.5 01 SAMPLE

12 ¼” 1500 10 01 SAMPLE
12 ¼” 2000 10.5 01 SAMPLE

8 1/2” 2500 9.5 01 SAMPLE

8 1/2” 2610.7TD 9.5 01 SAMPLE

8 1/2”
2610.70 9.5 01 SAMPLE


Tool Weight in
Run Tool-string Tool Length

17 | P a g e

1A CMR-ADT-PEX-HNGS 25.45 m 1933 lbs

1B PPC-MSIP-PPC-GPIT-HRLA-GR 35.23 m 2200 lbs

MDT (Pressures & Fluid ID) – Extra Large
1C 24.31 m 2575 lbs



18 | P a g e

19 | P a g e

20 | P a g e


5.2.1. MASTER LOG 1/500

5.2.2. DRILLING LOG 1/500

5.2.3. GAS RATIO LOG 1/500

21 | P a g e


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