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Module 2 Visual Graphics Design Page 1 of 1

Activity 2 – Designing Your Own Infographics

Please print this paper and keep it for reference purposes. It will be signed by the professor in charge to mark its completion and record.

Group Name: _______________________________ Date: _______________________

January 31, 2020
Group Members:
Aballa, Alberaham Gellado, Aaron Jame B.
Canoy, Christian E. Tuddao, Julius
Macion, Trisha G.

Infographic is one of the common ways of presenting data insights for non-technical people to understand in one glance.
Having a skill on the matter is crucial for visual graphics design.

For example:
Look and analyze the infographic on the left side.

Using the infographic alone, answer the following questions:

a. What does the infographic talk about?

It talks about
It talks the the
about severity of water crisis worldwide.
Mentions its potential threats, and the importance of
having access to reliable drinking water sources
especially on rural areas.

b. Does the title speak properly of the content?

Yes, although some information are redundant.
For example, "783 million people.." is almost
the same as
"1 in 9 people".

c. Is the design of the infographic match the theme of the message?

Yes, the page template match the topic it talks about.
Even the color of the font and the images displayed.

d. Are there any improvements needed for this?

Logos of the organization/s where the information
came from can be added, to show legitimacy to the
information given.

For each group, choose a data set from the following:

a. Index of Industrial Production c. Internet usage
Link: Link:
6V7ZYRI20sUyQ2 bZlq8czc

b. Agricultural Production d. Tourist Visitors

Link: Link:
V-wbwyg7Z8z9BU9vS QP-0rQWE4ZcCmU2X

Create your own infographics describing the data set. You may choose any significant parts of the data to highlight.

Instructors signature: ______________________________________

By signing this, the members are marked as COMPLETE in this activity.
Please record promptly for future reference.

Activity 2 – Designing Your Own Infographics Prepared by: Bob Mathew D. Sunga

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