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Eye of Providence

Avidest Assassin
Martain Mystery
Thug War

Ground Rules :

Team of 5

ѧ Atmost Two Hand-Held Device Gamers

ѧ Atleast Two Logicians

ѧ A Few with Mere Agility

Assassin Martain
The pro Mobile
gamers would form a
It’s time to embrace
team of 2 against the
your dark shade, solve
rivalries. The gamers
“the mysterious”. let
would be asked to join
wander your thoughts
through the room set-
across dimensions, tame
up by our Game Masters.
the logic and Logicians.
Simply the goal is last
So Solve first Score
(wo)men standing.
Improvise the rest,
your scoring will be
improvised by us.

Thug War
The classic tag team fun play game. Make sure
you send a thoughtful one with agile one.
Note : Thug War not tug war

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