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Social and Political Stratification

• A society’s categorization of i. Open (Class)

people into socio-economic
strata. • The stratification that facilitates
social mobility, with individual
• Based upon their occupation and achievement and personal
income, wealth and social merit determining social rank.
status, or derived power (social
and political). • The hierarchical social status of
a person is achieved by their
• Social Stratification can be effort
classified into three social
classes (the upper class, the • This type of class systems are
middle class, & the lower class) achieved-based

Social Desirables ii. Caste System (Closed)

 Any rational individual in  The division of society into
human community will always distinct social classes which
aspire for things that bestow usually feature a hierarchical
wealth, power, and prestige. arrangement.

* Wealth  These social groups are known

as castes.
-Includes property such as buildings,
 Economic status, lifestyle,
lands, farms, houses, factories and as
well as other assets. occupation and education levels
are some of the factors used in
*Prestige the stratification of society in
- The respect with which a person or
status position is regarded by others. Social Inequality
*Power  The existence of unequal
opportunities and rewards for
-The ability of people or groups to different social positions or
achieve their goals despite opposition statuses within a group or
from others. society.
Social Mobility System  A fairly clear that inequalities in
different size and shapes exist in
• The movement of individuals, the world, this phenomenon is
families, households, or other also referred to as social
categories of people within or stratification.
between social strata in a
society. It is a change in social
status relative to others’ social
I. Access to Social, Political, and
location within a given society.
Symbolic Capital
Social Capital IV. Other Minorities (e.g.,
- The ability of a collective to act persons with disabilities)
together to pursue a common goal - The disability rights movement
Political Capital has contributed to an
understanding of people with
- Refers to the trust, good will, and disabilities (including not to be
influence possessed by a political actor, called ‘disabled’) as a minority or
such as politician, to mobilize support
a coalition of minorities who are
toward a preferred policy outcome.
people disadvantage by society,
Symbolic Capital not just as people with
disadvantaged by their
- Refers to the resources that one impairment.
possesses which is a function of honor,
prestige or recognition, or any other traits V. Global Inequality
that one values within a culture.
(Relationship between States
and Non-state actors in the
II. Gender Inequality global community)
- Refers to unequal treatment or - Countries can be stratified
perceptions of individuals based on according to their per-person
their gender. gross national product.
- Inequality does not exist only in
- Sex and gender-based prejudice
societies and states, but also
and discrimination, called sexism
are the major contributing factors
among states.
to social inequality. - There are states that are
wealthier and more powerful
III. Ethnic Minorities than other states, and former
end up being more influential in
- Racial or ethnic inequality is the
the global community.
result of hierarchical social
- Can also be manifested through
distinctions between racial and
the operations of translational
ethnic categories within a
corporations and organizations
society and often established
that they can wield to influence
based on characteristics such as
the economy of countries where
skin color and other physical
they have investments.
characteristics or an individual’s
place of origin or culture.

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