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Business Proposal

Employees may be asked to prepare a business proposal when the company they work for wants
to bag a contract or to secure a partnership with another firm. It is important to produce a well-
written proposal to have an edge over the competitors and to convince the client.

Major Parts of a Business Proposal

A business proposal should have a title page and should be accompanied by a cover letter. The
title page should indicate the names of the competing company and client and the date of
submission. While there are many templates, a business proposal has four major parts.

Executive Summary

 It highlights the products or services that a competing company provides.

 It emphasizes the “added value” that the company provides. This is the “selling point” of
the proposal.

Problem Statement

 It states the problem that the client is encountering.

 It has to convince the client that the company you work for understands the problem and
can provide solutions.

Proposed Solution

 It explains the procedure that a competing company will do to resolve the problem of the
 It has a “sound methodology” and “realistic” timetable.
 It emphasizes the capabilities of the company you work to convince the client to choose
the service of the company.


 States a “reasonable and justifiable budget.”

 States if the company wants a one-time payment or payment on a staggered basis.

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