ES Learning Activity 1

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Taganito, Claver, Surigao del Norte


Name: Score:
Grade & Section: Date:
Type of Activity: Concept Notes & Activity Activity Number: One (1)
Activity Title: The Theories of the Origin of the Universe
Learning Target: a) Identify and state the different theories explaining the origin of the universe.

Reference: Title Earth and Life Science

Author Teresita F. Religioso, et. al. Pages 3-11

Cosmology is the study of the universe; its origin, structure, properties and evolution.

How did the universe started?

Creationist Theory
- states that God, the Supreme Being created the whole universe out of nothing.
- proof can be read in the Holy Bible.

Big Bang Theory

- proposed by Georges Lemaître, a Belgian priest, and Alexander Friedman.
- states that the universe started from a tiny compact point called as “singularity”—an area predicted to be in the core with a very high
temperature and density, which compressed matter with its intense gravitational pressure.

Steady State Theory

- proposed by Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Fred Hoyle
- suggests that the universe always looks the same in any time or space but continuously expands while simultaneously creating
matter, maintaining the density of the universe.

Inflation Theory
- proposed by Alan Guth, Andrei Linde, Paul Steinhart, and Andy Albrecht
- proposed a period of exponential expansion of the universe prior to the more gradual big bang expansion.

Oscillating Universe Theory (Pulsating Theory)

- discusses that the universe is expanding and will contract once all the energy after the Big Bang is used up.
- proposed by Richard Tolman, can be described as the combination of the Big Bang and the Big Crunch.
- Big Crunch occurs when the universe expands and eventually reverses, then collapses causing a singularity or the formation of
another Big Bang.
- Big Bounce suggests that once the universe reverses and attains the point of singularity, another universe will be born.
- Tolman theorized that the universe may be first in the cycle and could be a result of a previous Big Bounce event.

Activity No. 1: Identify what is described in each statement. Write your answer on the blank before each number.
___________1. The study of the entire universe.
___________2. The widely accepted theory about the origin of the universe.
___________ 3. This theory states that the universe has always been the same and will continue to be the same forever.
___________ 4. This theory suggests that the universe expanded from a small ball and is still expanding.
___________ 5. The other term for universe.

Activitity No. 2: Answer the following questions.

1. How did the universe start based on the creationist theory?
2. Why is the Big Bang Theory the most accepted theory about the origin of the universe?
3. List down at least 5 theories of the origin of the universe. Show your understanding by creating a concept map indicating their

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