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Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2019) 42:187–198


Role of zinc oxide nanoparticles for effluent treatment using

Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas aureofaciens
Dharmesh H. Sur1,2 · Mausumi Mukhopadhyay1

Received: 16 January 2018 / Accepted: 6 October 2018 / Published online: 25 October 2018
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

The biological treatment of textile effluent is enhanced by the use of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles for the reduction in
chemical oxygen demand (COD) from its initial value of 1700 ppm. The present research investigated the effect of ZnO
nanoparticles when microbial cultures of Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas aureofaciens were used to treat textile
effluent in three-phase inverse fluidized bed bioreactor. The parameters like—size of ZnO nanoparticles, static bed height,
superficial gas velocities and solid media particle size—together affected the COD reduction and all of these were inves-
tigated in this paper. ZnO nanoparticles of 280 nm reduced the maximum COD to 47 ppm (97.24%) at low gas velocity of
0.0027 m/s at 10% inoculum size and at a static bed height of 2.43 cm.
Graphical abstract 

Keywords  Zinc oxide nanoparticles · Aerobic treatment · COD reduction · Three-phase inverse fluidized bed bioreactor ·
Textile effluent

Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this
article (https​://​9-018-2024-y) contains
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. The existing wastewater treatment strategies are in need of
revival in context to improvement in technology, since envi-
* Mausumi Mukhopadhyay ronmental pollution control demands cheaper wastewater;
treatment technologies. The need of the time is to develop
technologies that treat pollutants which are highly toxic,
Extended author information available on the last page of the article


188 Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2019) 42:187–198

persistent, and difficult to treat. Various physical, chemical and the nanoparticles can be present in the environmental
and biological treatment processes are used for the efflu- contaminants [10, 15].
ent treatment. Recently, using biotechnological application A recent study showed the effect of ZnO nanoparticles
to treat the industrial effluent was a success [1]. Currently, for biological wastewater treatment [16] and their removal
nanotechnology is extensively studied to conquer its poten- behaviour is also exercised [17]. ZnO emerged as an attrac-
tial advantages like low cost and high efficiency in removing tive material for water treatment, as it can be tailored to
and recovering the pollutants [2, 3]. The benefits of nano- absorb visible light with a high surface reactivity owing to
technology might bring attenuation of the environmental large number of active sites [10]. The ZnO nanoparticles
pollution through a convenient and ecofriendly means of have shown more enhanced biocidal activity against vari-
wastewater treatment [4]. Application of nanotechnology ous pathogens when compared to chemical ZnO particles
through the breakdown of contaminants by nanoparticles is [18]. ZnO is more biocompatible than T ­ iO2 [19]. It has an
one of the means of treating wastewater. edge over other metal oxides like ­TiO2 in water purifica-
Different types of nanoparticles such as nanosized met- tion and other environmental remediation processes, as it is
als, metal oxides [5], catioinic exchangers [2, 6], and nano- soluble in water [20]. Further, ZnO can be synthesized under
filtration membranes [3] have been proven to be effective mild conditions and the asymmetry in the crystal structure
in detection, removal and/or destruction of contaminants. allows aniotropic growth that can provide large surface-to-
The applications of nanotechnology in wastewater treatment volume ratios [3]. The nanosized ZnO interacts with the
are intensively reviewed with their process concerns [7, 8]. bacterial surface and with the bacterial core, wherefrom it
Most of these are discussed for its use at laboratory scale or enters inside the cell, and subsequently exhibits distinct bac-
pilot stage. Qu et al. [7] represented the summary of various tericidal (killing bacteria) mechanisms. However, toxicity
methods applied under nanotechnology-driven mechanisms differs from one study to another based on test conditions.
for wastewater treatment. It indicates the remarks on differ- Additional research is required to investigate exact effects
ent parameters which still require more focus indicating the (bactericidal/ bacteriostatic) to elucidate the sensitivity of
incompleteness of that particular method for its industrial bacteria to ZnO nanoparticles [21]. It means that their con-
application. In this regard, there exists a good scope to select centration and size must be specified for the range where
the proper method of treatment for industrial effluents. they do not kill or deactivate microorganisms. And that is
worked out here in this paper.

Selection and comparison of potential

nanomaterials for wastewater treatment Interaction between ZnO nanoparticles
to remove COD and microorganisms

The nanoparticles like titanium dioxide (­ TiO2), zinc oxide The interactions between ZnO nanoparticles and micro-
(ZnO) and cerium oxide (­ CeO2) have roles in chemical or organisms have been studied by Sirelkhatim et al. [21].
physical treatments [9, 10]. They possess high reactivity and ZnO exhibits photo oxidizing and photo catalytic impacts
photolytic properties. They are good adsorbents for water on chemical and biological species. ZnO provides signifi-
purification due to their surface area. Nano ­TiO2 is used cant antibacterial activity when particle size is reduced
for electrocatalytic oxidation of organic compounds and to nanometer range, then nano-sized ZnO can interact
COD removal is observed to be high [11]. For cerium oxide, with bacterial surface and/or with bacterial core enter-
researchers found no evidence of nanoparticle uptake by ing inside the cell and disturbs bactericidal mechanism
cells, but observed that their toxic mode of action required [22]. Particle size and concentration is one of the impor-
direct contact between nanoparticles and cells. Cell damage tant properties affecting the antibacterial activity of ZnO
most probably took place by cell wall and membrane dis- nanoparticles [21]. Larger surface area and higher con-
ruption. Researchers further needed to find out whether the centration are accountable for antibacterial activity of
oxidative activity of ceria could be responsible [12]. ­TiO2 ZnO nanoparticles [23, 24]. ZnO nanoparticles of smaller
and ZnO are stated as the benchmark catalysts [10]. ­TiO2 size can easily penetrate into bacterial membranes due to
nanoparticles are used to successfully inactivate different their large interfacial area. Thus, it improves antibacterial
genera of bacteria including E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, efficiency. The superoxide and hydroxyl radicals cannot
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Aspergillus niger [13] as penetrate into the membrane due to their negative charges
well as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium [25]. Thus, these species are found on the outer surface of
and Enterobacter cloacae [14]. ­TiO2 nanoparticles inacti- the bacteria, by contrast, ­H2O2 molecules are able to pass
vate the bacteria, fungi, protozoa, spores and cysts under through the bacterial cell wall, subsequently leading to
solar light irradiation. However, T­ iO2 is insoluble in water injuries and destroy, and finally triggering cell death [23].

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2019) 42:187–198 189

The larger the surface area and the higher the concentra- Materials and methods
tion of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on the surface of
nanoparticles, the easier is for smaller particles to obtain Collection and characterization of sample
higher antibacterial activity [26]. It was contradicting
other works which found no size-related effect [27]. Pad- The textile effluent (Table 1) was collected from the tex-
mavathy and Vijayaraghavan [26] used three different sizes tile industry in Rajkot (Gujarat, India). The wastewater
of ZnO nanoparticles (45 nm, 12 nm, 2 µm) to find out the used in the experiment was the wastewater collected after
bactericidal efficiency. A smaller size was found to kill mercerizing operation (mercerization is a process applied
the bacteria that were attributed to ROS release on ZnO to cotton to increase luster and done after weaving the cot-
surface under both UV and visible light. The 12 nm size ton) from the Textile plant. The effluent was stored at 4 °C
particle of ZnO showed best efficiency compared to 45 nm before use to prevent any metabolic activity of microorgan-
for bactericidal activity [26]. ZnO nanoparticles’ antibac- isms present in that. The chemical oxygen demand (COD)
terial activity is inversely proportion to particle size as was measured when the reactor was in steady state. The
deduced by Raghupathi et al. [28]. ZnO (100–300 nm) has pH was determined using pH meter (Eppendorf, USA).
bacteriostatic effects on two bacterial strains Lactobacillus The effluent samples were collected for analysis every 2 h
salivarius and Streptococcus sobrinus. However, few inhi- after the ZnO nanoparticles were dosed into the TPIFB.
bitions are observed on three other types (P. aeruginosa,
Streptococcus mutants, and S. aureus) according to test
conditions [29]. Reactor set up and operation

The effluent was treated in a TPIFB which was fabricated

[1]. Liquid phase was a textile effluent that had an initial
COD removal using ZnO nanoparticles COD of 1700 mg/L. The analysis of solid media particles
(made of polypropylene) via SEM confirmed the size of both
Recent research on effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles on bio- the particles. FTIR imparted the structural morphology. At
logical wastewater treatment revealed that ZnO nanoparti- a time, the bed of solid media became steady with expan-
cles caused poor settleability of activated sludge and a sig- sion of bed and then remained constant. This was the condi-
nificant decrease in the removal of nitrogen and phosphorous tion after which COD removal was observed at a zero liquid
over a time [16]. However, there was no discussion on COD velocity and superficial gas velocities. The steady state for
reductions using ZnO nanoparticles and that makes it as a the TPIFB was reached in 18 min. Having ensured inverse
scope of this work. Long-term effects of ZnO nanoparticles condition of the fluidized bed while maintaining the constant
on the system performance of membrane bioreactor are also superficial gas flow, the experiments were carried out at all
investigated [17]. possible combinations of parameters including gas veloci-
Another vital parameter is the selection of microorgan- ties (0.006 m/s, 0.004068 m/s and 0.00343 m/s), bed heights
isms to degrade the wastewater. Inherently, it depends on (0.3 m, 0.6 m and 0.9 m) and the H/D of 0.5 and 0.25. When
the type of industry wherefrom wastewater is generated. the bioreactor operation began, gas bubbles entered the bio-
Recently, COD reduction is achieved with specific microor- reactor through gas sparger. These bubbles were moving in
ganisms for textile effluent, in an aerobic mode using TPIFB different fashions developing flow patterns including inver-
[1]. The application of TPIFB is well-reviewed for waste- sion of bed where particles moved downward.
water treatment [30]. The present work is aimed for textile
effluent treatment. This idea encouraged to investigate the
COD reduction combining nanotechnology with biotechnol-
ogy to treat textile effluent. Nevertheless, the size of nano- Table 1  Characteristics of Parameters Value
textile effluents
particles and other operating variables of the system need
pH 8.2
to be understood.
TSS (mg/L) 97.8
The present work investigates the potential of ZnO nano-
BOD (mg/L) 105
particles for the biological treatment of textile effluent to
COD (mg/L) 1700
reduce its COD. This may serve as an example showing
NO3− (mg/L) 7.6
combined nano-bio treatment of textile effluent. So far, no
NO2− (mg/L) 0.48
research addressed the effect of nanoparticles in a bioreactor.
NH4+ (mg/L) 6.8
That is presented in this paper demonstrating reduction in
Chlorides 108.2
the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the textile effluent
H2S 0.5
using two different ZnO nanoparticles (90 nm, 280 nm).


190 Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2019) 42:187–198

Microorganisms Results and discussions

The microbial cultures of P. putida (NCIM 2872), P. aureo- Characterization of samples

faciens (NCIM 2026), Pseudomonas fluorescens (NCIM
2174), Bacillus subtilis (NCIM 5433) and Escherichia coli Figure 1 illustrated the characteristics of 90 nm sized nan-
(NCIM 2805) were purchased from National Chemical Lab- oparticles through its SEM image and a similar image is
oratory, Pune, India. Their pH at various concentrations was captured for 280 nm (Online resources: ESM: Figure S1).
measured to observe the optimal growth at different concen- Since each element has a unique atomic structure allowing
trations (Table 2). The COD degradation capability of each a unique set of peaks on its electromagnetic emission spec-
of these cultures was determined in presence of ZnO nano- trum, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS or EDX)
materials (COD reduction: 87% for Pseudomonas putida, was used for size and morphology of the samples (Online
98% for P. aureofaciens, 56% for Pseudomonas fluorescens, resources: ESM: Figure S2). EDX imparted the elemental
26% for Bacillus subtilis and 11% for Escherichia coli). composition of the specimen to be monitored. The structural
Finally, two microbial cultures of P. putida and P. aureo- morphology was further studied by FTIR of ZnO nanopar-
faciens were selected considering their capacity to reduce ticles (Fig. 2a, b).
the COD and continued with the same for further experi-
mentation. These inoculated cultures were used for the entire Reactor operation
bioreactor operation in a batch mode for inoculum sizes of
5%, 10% and 20% of the working volume of the reactor. Textile effluent was treated in TPIFB with 90  nm and
280 nm sized ZnO nanoparticles to reduce COD from its
Nanoparticles initial value of 1700 ppm using aerobic biological treat-
ment. The bed of solid media particles (polypropylene
The size of ZnO nanoparticles, at which it was not show-
ing bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect for the cultures of
P. putida and P. aureofaciens, were selected. Considering
that fact, ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized at 90 nm and
280 nm using the Solgel method. The suspension of ZnO
nanoparticles was prepared by adding 0.125 g of ZnO nan-
opowder to 1 L deionized water. These suspensions were
sonicated at 20 kHz for 25 min to break the aggregates. Only
after this, this suspension was added to the TPIFB. Each
concentration was set in such a way that the total working
volume in the reactor becomes 2.43 l approximately. These
nanoparticles were characterized by various tests such as
SEM (scanning electron microscopy), EDS or EDX (energy-
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) and Fourier transform infra-
red spectroscopy (FTIR).

Fig. 1  Images of 90  nm ZnO nanoparticles by scanning electron


Table 2  pH values for various microbial strains for different concentrations of ZnO nanoparticles
Species NCIM reference Optimal pH at 60 mM pH at 100 mM pH at 140 mM pH at 180 mM pH at 280 mM
range of

Pseudomonas fluorescens 2174 8.5–9.5 8.5 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0

Pseudomonas aureofaciens 2026 7.5–8.5 7.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
Escherichia coli 2805 5.5–8.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.0 5.0
Pseudomonas putida 2872 5–6 6.5 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.0
Bacillus subtilis 5433 7-7.5 8.5 8.5 8.0 8.0 8.0

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2019) 42:187–198 191

Fig. 2  a FTIR spectrum for 90 nm ZnO nanoparticles. b FTIR spectrum for 280 nm ZnO nanoparticles


192 Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2019) 42:187–198

particles) was stationary at no gas flow rate. As the reac- sustained for all retention time with 30 cm bed height. So,
tor was injected with gas flow, only the lower portion of it was only considered across the whole experimentation.
bed started fluidizing at 0.0027 m/s (much lower due to However, 90 cm bed height produced slugs at regular inter-
induced liquid circulations promoted by gas bubbles) show- val and the tendency of the bioreactor at this height was to
ing inversion. As the gas velocity increased, the remaining form slugs at regular interval. This contributed poor expo-
fixed bed also moved progressively until the full fluidization sure of solid media particles to gas bubbles making micro-
was achieved (incipient fluidization). The media particles organisms deficient in growth. The reason was that micro-
were distributed along the total height of the reactor column organisms were not being able to degrade the full oxygen
non-uniformly with the further increase in the gas velocity. required for their growth. Therefore, slugs must be prevented
The concentration of media particles was still higher at the in exercising suitable bed height for better performance.
top and progressively decreased downward. The pH values
contributed by microorganisms, at working range of ZnO Selection of size of ZnO nanoparticles
concentrations, ensured the bioreactor operation for COD
reduction (Table 2). The actual working pH values were From the trial experiments, the ZnO nanoparticles showed
determined for each of the microbial cultures at different slow to moderate growth for 90–280 nm size and no growth
concentrations of ZnO nanoparticles. These pH values were inhibition was observed between 90 and 280 nm. The experi-
investigated for its optimal range for each of the microorgan- ments were performed to find out representative values of
isms tested, initially. Finally, at all ZnO concentrations, the ZnO nanoparticles size that can result in COD reduction.
microbial cultures of P. putida as well as P. aureofaciens These initial experiments were conducted to find out the
were found in optimal pH range and employed for the entire size of ZnO nanoparticles within which it does not kill P.
experiments. ZnO particles were added after 1 h of each putida and P. aureofaciens. The antibacterial activities are
batch of the bioreactor to ensure sufficient growth of mixed not desirable within some size of ZnO nanoparticles, but
cultures of P. putida and P. aureofaciens. The experimental the same was observed for higher concentration of ZnO
trials were carried out at 0.00343 m/s and 0.004068 m/s for nanoparticles. This was due to its higher surface area corre-
measurement of reduction in COD. The bed showed no more sponding to that size. It was concluded that increase in ZnO
inverse flow beyond 0.0068 m/s and exhibited slug formation particle size will decrease the antibacterial activity. There-
at or beyond 0.0068 m/s. The images from scanning electron fore, ZnO nanoparticles’ antibacterial activity was inversely
microscope further clarify the structural morphology of the proportional to the particle size. This can be explained by
solid media particles (Online resources: ESM: Figure S3). the fact that smaller size ZnO nanoparticles can penetrate
The structural emission spectrum is characterized by FTIR the bacterial cell easily due to its large interfacial area and
for both the solid media particles (Fig. 3a, b). Most of the enhance antibacterial activity. The reaction mechanism is
time TPIFB exhibited partially fluidized bed with dispersed illustrated in Fig. 4. The generation of reactive oxygen spe-
bubble flow regime. The performance of the bioreactor was cies (ROS) is strongly dependent on the surface area avail-
investigated to check the effect of superficial gas velocities able. The ROS species generated would consequently dam-
(0.0027 m/s, 0.00342 m/s, 0.0068 m/s) and static bed height age the cell wall as bacterial cells come in contact with the
(4.85 and 2.43 cm) using polypropylene particles (12 mm ZnO nanoparticles.
hollow). This batch reactor was operated until maximum
COD reduced. Nanoparticles were added to the bioreactor in Effects of static bed height using nanoparticles
a quantity of 0.75 g for 2.12 l of volume of bioreactor with
4.85 cm and 2.43 cm static bed heights. The ratio of static bed height to column diameter (H/D) was
Initial trails were conducted to find out the best set of an important parameter in evaluating bioreactor performance
operating parameters leading to maximum reduction in apart from considerations of gas velocities [1, 30]. H/D was
COD. Three bed heights were taken as 30 cm, 60 cm and taken as 0.5 and 0.25 but since the diameter was constant
90 cm each at 5%, 10% and 20% inoculum size (percentage here, H equivalent to H/D of 0.5 and 0.25 was calculated
is of the total working volume of the reactor) and three gas to be equal to the height of 4.85 cm and 2.43 cm of solid
velocities. At lower bed height of 30 cm, the gas holdup media particles in a bioreactor filled with the wastewater.
formed faster but for a lesser period of time in comparison ZnO nanoparticles of the two different sizes 90 nm (Fig. 5a)
with that of 60 cm. Both the heights—30 and 60 cm exhib- and 280 nm (Fig. 5b) reacted differently when its effects
ited the discrete bubble regime. The pattern of degradation were investigated with two static bed heights at 4.85 cm and
of COD was similar for all bed heights. However, the ini- 2.43 cm. The faster reduction was achieved between 5 and
tial adaptation period was different for mixed culture of P. 10 h for 90 nm particles and between 3 and 10 h for 280 nm
putida and P. aureofaciens. Consistent gas holdup was also particles. The use of ZnO nanoparticles definitely enhanced
visualized with both—30 cm and 60 cm. However, inversion the rate of reaction of the process. The 280 nm particles

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2019) 42:187–198 193

Fig. 3  a FTIR spectra for 4 mm polypropylene solid media particles. b FTIR spectra for 12 mm polypropylene solid media particles


194 Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2019) 42:187–198

reduced COD much faster than that by 90 nm particles. The

photocatalytic activity of ZnO with high surface reactivity
made it possible to have nano-bioreaction: biological growth
of P. putida and P. aureofaciens degrading organic pollutants
and treatment by ZnO nanopowder. Oxygen entered via air
through gas sparger destructed organics through photo reac-
tions on catalytic surfaces of ZnO. The higher sizes of ZnO
nanoparticles (> 280 nm) provided lower surface area. Less
surface area implied very low generation of reactive oxygen
species (ROS) like oxygen and hydrogen peroxides. Less
ROS generation meant that there would have been bacte-
riostatic effect causing inactivation of both P. putida and P.
aureofaciens but would not have killed them.
If the size was reduced in the range of 12–45 nm [26], the
same effect was bactericidal and that is not desirable here,
since the growth of P. putida and P. aureofaciens helped
reducing COD apart from same role by nanoparticles. The
Fig. 4  ZnO reaction mechanism
ZnO concentration than 45 nm killed the microbial cultures.
However, the range of nanoparticles between 90 nm and
280 nm did not kill the cultures of P. putida and P. aureofa-
ciens but allowed them to grow and reduce COD as exam-
ined. This was the reason why they were added after 2 h for
the entire experimentation and elucidated the sensitivity of
P. putida and P. aureofaciens to the ZnO nanoparticles. The
result confirmed the mechanism on the basis of morphologi-
cal features of nanoparticles, as described by other research-
ers [21, 26]. The highest COD reduction was achieved to be
47 ppm (97.24%) for 2.43 cm static bed and 280 nm sized
ZnO particles (Fig. 5b).

Effects of superficial gas velocities using


The chief advantage of TPIFB was that very low superfi-

cial gas velocities were sufficient even in presence of ZnO
nanoparticles, to degrade textile effluent. Superficial gas
velocities were observed within all possible ranges, ensur-
ing inversion process of solid media particles onto which P.
putida and P. aureofaciens rest for growth to degrade COD.
As the gas velocity increased, the gas hold up increased
over a period of time and then remained steady. Addition
of ZnO was done at this juncture of process to enhance the
COD removal across all retention time. Gas holdup was, in
turn, dependent on the rate of consumption of oxygen by the
mixed cultures P. putida and P. aureofaciens. This actually
decided the extent of degradation of the pollutants present in
textile effluent. Figure 6a indicated consistent degradation in
COD for 0.0027 m/s and 0.00343 m/s of gas velocities. At a
velocity 0.00342 m/s, the growth of P. putida and P. aureo-
faciens increased between 5 and 8 h, since there was holdup
comprising bigger than normal size gas bubbles. These big-
Fig. 5  a Effect of static bed heights at 0.0027  m/s gas velocity and
90 nm ZnO nanoparticles. b Effect of static bed heights at 0.0027 m/s ger bubbles reduced the surface area available for both P.
gas velocity and 280 nm ZnO nanoparticles putida and P. aureofaciens to degrade COD from effluent

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2019) 42:187–198 195

Fig. 7  Effect of solid media particle size: 0.0027 m/s superficial gas

velocity; 10% inoculum size; 280 nm ZnO nanoparticles

The gas flow rate was further reduced to a value where par-
ticles were reaggregated. Bed was in the expanded state and
ready for operation. All the experimentations were conducted
with 4 mm diameter particles since they had large surface area
and density lower than that of 12 mm diameter spheres of
polypropylene particles. Both these factors were important
in achieving COD reduction because the higher the surface
area of solid media particles, the better was the degradation
of organic load present in the electroplating effluent. P. putida
and P. aureofaciens used all surfaces present on particles to
grow over this entire surface and degrade the waste in pres-
ence of oxygen. The difference of COD reduced with both
these particles was 11.48% which was significant from point
of view of hydraulic retention time for a batch process. Both
the particles bring the COD down in the permissible limit of
250 ppm set for the textile effluent, but 12 mm particles it is
Fig. 6  a Effect of superficial gas velocity at 10% inoculum size, with
90 nm ZnO nanoparticles. b Effect of superficial gas velocity at 10% faster than 4 mm sized particles.
inoculum size, with 280 nm ZnO nanoparticles The optimal operating parameters were found this way
and from the present experiments, it is ensured that low gas
velocities and very low minimum fluidization velocity gave
phase. Not only that but ZnO particles were also introduced much lower COD removal in batch mode in TPIFB. Table 3
at 1 h and they contributed significantly to the 10 h reten- illustrated the comparisons of other similar works [32–41] for
tion period. At 5–15 h, ZnO reacted consistently with gas COD reduction. From all the above trials, three-phase inverse
(oxygen) making COD degradation faster. Then after, the fluidized bed bioreactor operation ensured optimal COD
bubbles were constantly formed in an uneven manner until reduction for the textile effluent at 10% inoculum size with low
16 h. The retention period from 6 to 15 h for 90 nm particles gas velocity 0.0027 m/s and static bed height of 2.43 cm. The
was the one where formation of ROS was observed. This maximum COD removal was achieved at 47 ppm (97.24%)
ROS generation would have been as comparatively higher in with the use of 280 nm ZnO nanoparticles exhibiting its effi-
particles of 90 nm, leading to bactericidal effect as compared ciency in oxidizing the pollutants. Therefore, it can also be
to that with 280 nm (Fig. 6b). concluded that bio-nano treatment for industrial effluent was
accomplished using ZnO nanoparticles in an effective way.
Effects of size of solid media particles

Two different particles—4 mm and 12 mm diameters—were Conclusions

used in the bioreactor operation [31]. They exhibited reduction
in COD (Fig. 7). Both the particles were made from polypro- In this study, experimentations carried out to: (1) deter-
pylene. Once the packed bed was broken and bioreactor was mine the appropriate size of ZnO nanoparticles that do
in inverse conditions, minimum fluidization velocity prevailed. not show either bacteriostatic or bactericidal effect (2)


196 Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2019) 42:187–198

Table 3  Comparisons of various research works for COD reduction

Sr. no. Effluent type Reactor system Maximum Time consideration Process characteristics References
(%) COD (HRT or operation time)
removal and mode of operation

1 Textile wastewater Three-phase inverse flu- 97.24% HRT = 12–16 h, batch Aerobic treatment (nano- Present work
idized bed bioreactor operation bio)
2 Low-strength synthetic Anaerobic fluidized bed 96% HRT = 0.27–1.33 h, Anaerobic treatment [32]
wastewater reactor (AFBR) 3–46 days of operation,
continuous mode
3 Textile Sequencing batch reactor 97% 24 h cycle, 12–97 days Anaerobic–aerobic [33]
of operation, semi-
continuous mode
4 Textile Submerged filtration 91.50% Reaction time = 50 h, Physical–chemical [34]
semi-continuous mode
5 Textile UASB reactor coupled 81.20% HRT = 5.3 h, 230 days of Physical–chemical [35]
with adsorption operation, continuous
6 Textile Fluidized bed reactor 34–49% Single reaction Chemical [36]
time = 100 m, batch
7 Textile Microbial degradation 97% 14 days of operation, Biodegradation [37]
batch mode
8 Cotton textile (dye-bath Fixed and fluidized bed 70–93% HRT = 19.8–30.8 h, Physical–chemical [38]
effluent) (optimal), semi-continuous mode
95.60% HRT = 40 h (max.),
(maxi- semi-continuous mode
9 Domestic wastewater Inverse fluidized bed 97.50% HRT = 6–40 h, batch Aerobic treatment [39]
bioreactor mode
10 Industrial wastewater Inverse fluidized bed 96% HRT = 65 h, continuous Aerobic treatment [40]
biofilm reactor mode
11 Refinery wastewater Inverse fluidized bed 96% HRT = 27.5–80 h, con- Aerobic treatment [41]
biological reactor tinuous mode

examine the effect of other parameters in TPIFB, respon- 248 ppm (85.4%) for 90 nm ZnO nanoparticles, for tex-
sible for COD reduction (3) examine and investigate the tile effluent using P. putida and P. aureofaciens.
species of bacteria that follows reduction in COD with
possible concentrations of ZnO nanoparticles. The follow-
ing inferences are drawn: Acknowledgements  Mr. Dharmesh H Sur acknowledges the help pro-
vided by Dr. Jaysukh Marakana and Mr. Chirag Savaliya of Department
of Nanotechnology, V V P Engineering College, Rajkot. The author
1. 280  nm sized ZnO nanoparticles reduced COD to remains grateful for the support provided by the management of V V
47  ppm (97.24%) in 14  h and that was much below P Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujarat (India).
its permissible limit (250  ppm) for industrial efflu-
ents. 90 nm sized ZnO nanoparticles reduced COD to Compliance with ethical standards 
248 ppm (85.4%) in 16 h.
2. Size of nanoparticles, static bed height, superficial gas Conflict of interest  This manuscript is the authors’ original work and
has not been published nor has it been submitted simultaneously else-
velocities and solid media particle size affects the COD where. All authors have checked the manuscript and have agreed to
reduction. The work concludes that three-phase inverse the submission.
fluidized bed bioreactor performed optimal for the tex-
tile effluent at 10% inoculum size with low gas velocity
0.0027 m/s and static bed height of 2.43 cm for 280 nm
sized ZnO nanoparticles. References
3. The maximum COD removal is enhanced by nano-
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198 Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2019) 42:187–198


Dharmesh H. Sur1,2 · Mausumi Mukhopadhyay1

1 2
Department of Chemical Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai Department of Biotechnology, V. V. P. Engineering College,
National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat 395007, Rajkot, Gujarat 360005, India


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