Journalistic Writing

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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Maragondon Annex – Alfonso Campus

Alfonso, Cavite

A Detailed Lesson Plan for Grade 8

South African Social upliftment by Chris Marais

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

a. Identify the characteristics of literary text and informational text

b. Compare and contrast a literary and an informational text about the same topic
c. Participate actively on the given task

II. Subject matter

Topic: Literary Text vs Informational Text

Reference/s: Grade 8 E - module for English pg. 461 to 462. Smart TV, Laptop, Chalk

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Daily Routine

A. Routinary Activities

1. Prayer
“Our Father who art in Heaven Holy Be Your
“Let us all stand and _____ kindly lead the Name Your Kingdom come Your will be done on
prayer. earth as it is Heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread and forgive us in our sins as we forgive
those who sins against us. Do not bring us to the
test but deliver us from evil. Amen.”
2. Greeting

“Good morning class!” “Good morning Ma’am!”

3. Classroom Management The students will follow the instructions.

4. Checking of Attendance

“Class monitor, are there any absentees “I’m glad to say that there are no absentees
today?” today.”

“Very Good! Give yourselves a round of


5.Checking of assignment

Let us check your assignment first.

Were you able to make your assignment? Yes, Ma’am.

Very good. Let’s start checking now. The students will check their assignments.


Let’s have a short recap about our discussion

yesterday. We discussed about____________________.
What can you remember about our discussion

Lesson Proper

I. Motivation

Teacher’s Activity

A. Routinary Activities:
1. Prayer
Let us all stand for the prayer.
______kindly lead the prayer.

Answer :
2. Greetings
Good morning Grade 8! 1. D

3. Classroom management 2. A
Before you take your seat, please pick
up all the pieces of paper or trash 3. B
under your chair and arrange your
4. C
chair properly.
5. E
4. Checking of attendance
Class secretary, is there any
absentee today?

I am glad to hear that!

How are you today class?

Now, let’s have an activity first before

we move to our topic for today.

Are you ready?



“Did you enjoy our activity for today”?

Let us examine the picture.

What have you observed in our activity for


Based on your observation in the picture

where do you usually see or get that kind of
Do you think it has a relationship with our
topic for today?

What do you think is our lesson for today?

Okay very good, today we are going to

discuss about “Journalistic Writing”

The teacher introduces the topic about the


II. Discussion

We live in the era when accessing almost every sort

of information is possible within five seconds. An
internet has changed the whole process people
receive information. Earlier people consumed daily
news through magazines, newspapers, TV programs,
of course, all of them exist nowadays.

But, we live in this fast world, so, it’s easier for us to

use the internet any time we want, to know anything
we want. The way of consuming news has changed
dramatically, although, the journalistic writing has
remained largely unchanged. So, what is journalistic
The journalistic writing is a very popular type of writing
which reports news stories in magazines and
newspapers, television broadcasts, on radio and on
the Internet. For a better understanding of the
journalistic writing style, you can open book at any
page and newspaper’s article.

You will see that in the article sentences are short,

and easy lead to the point. The brevity is not the only
specific characteristic of journalistic paper. The
structure of news stories is easy to distinguish among
the other types. There are always big, bold headlines
that are used to grab readers’ attention and to evoke
the desire to read this news.

One rule that most journalists follow is to write

copy in the active voice, not passive. In order to
understand this rule, you must know the parts of
a sentence.

Subject: who or what is doing something

Predicate: what the subject is doing. (verb and

any information contributing to what is being
“Yes, Ma’am!”
Example: The biker climbed the hill in three
hours. “Some upliftment project of South Africa is to
promote their country to the whole world through
Subject: The biker tourism that will help Them to show their rich
culture and tradition and especially the beautiful
Predicate: climbed the hill in three hours. scenery that they have.”

Example: Moving at a strange angle, the bird fell “The goal of social upliftment projects of south
from the sky. africa is to find a win-win path that helps redress
past inequalities, and support South African
Subject: The bird community tourism, to increase quality of life and
in many cases, to offer visitors a deep and
Predicate: fell from the sky moving at a enriching tourism experience.”
strange angle

“Through tourism it helps their country to earn

more profit and also gives opportunity to the
people of south africa to have a job especially for
those people that live in the rural parts of south
Active Voice: When the verb is being performed Africa.”
by its subject.

Passive Voice: The action the sentence “Ma’am I think that we should still give
expresses is being performed upon by its importance to the tourism but we should be more
careful and we should be aware of everything
that tourism might bring to our country.”

( Student answer may varied )
Active: The manager hired us. ”I want to buy imported goods because of their
Passive: We were hired by the manager “Our local products are cheaper.”

“By buying our own products and by being proud

of our own country.’
Active: The judge carefully instructed the

Passive: The jury was carefully

instructed by the judge.
Active/Passive Voice

Directions: After each sentence, indicate whether

each of the following sentences is active or

A = active

P = passive

In journalism, passive construction is not just

about the writing. It is often used by sources to
deflect blame: Mayor at press conference: (The student will present their group activity )
“Mistakes were made.” Shifting from passive to
active voice improves clarity and shortens
sentences (the passive-voice sentence is two
words longer than the active-voice sentence).
Active gives much more impact and vitality and it
helps the reader to imagine what went on. The
word rate climbs dramatically. We can say that
passive writing leads to questions and active
writing answers them. The passive voice also
lends itself to grammatical errors: They gave
an award to Spielberg. (active voice) They
gave Spielberg an award. (active voice) An
award was given to Spielberg. (true passive)
Spielberg was given an award. (false passive)
When an active sentence has two objects, the
passive sentence can begin with either object.
Notice that if the direct object (an award)
becomes the subject of the passive sentence, to
is used before the indirect object. Some verbs
that use two objects are: bring, give, hand, lend,
offer, owe, pay, sell, send, serve, show, take,
teach, tell, write.
Part I:

1. The whole club elects the

2. A terrible accident has been
prevented by Mario’s quick
3. The leading role was played
brilliantly by an understudy
4. The book was unfavorably
reviewed by the critics.
5. A fan recognized the popular
movie star.
6. At first, the prophet’s advice was
7. The mayor usually leads the
8. Children of many different
countries play that game.
9. The contributions to jazz music
by W.C. Handy are appreciated
by all.
10. W.C. Handy composed the
blues classic “St. Louis Woman”.

Part II: Change the passive verbs in

the sentences above to active ones.

“Okay, did you understand our lesson for today?”

“Let me asks you few questions first before we

proceed to our activity.’

1. What are the different uplifment projects in

South Africa?
2. What is the goal of the social upliftment
projects in South Africa?

3. Why is tourism the best way to achieve this


4. In your own perspectives, do we Filipinos still

need to focus on tourism now that we are
threatened by the Novel Corona Virus?

III. Abstraction

1. As a filipino which one are you willing to buy

local products or imported products? Explain
your answer?

2. As a student how can you show patriotism in

your country?

IV. Application
“Class, I think everybody already knows our topic
for today, let us have an activity.”

“I will group you into four groups and each group

will need to choose one representative to get
your task card every taskcard has contain
differentiated task.

Task 1 : Perform a short skit about promoting
local products.

Task 2 : make a slogan about promoting your

country to the tourist.

Task 3 : through news casting feature some

famous places in your town.

Task 4 : make a 2 stanza poem that shows that

you are proud being a filipino.

“You will be graded according to this criteria:

Content & Organization of Topic: 40%

Creativity & Presentation of Idea: 40%

Instilling Values to Students: 20%

TOTAL 100%

“You only have 15 minutes to brainstorm and 3

minutes to perform.”

“Timer starts now.”

Time is up! Go back to your seats & we will

have your presentations now.

V. Evaluation

On a ½ crosswise, answer the following


1. Has the reading text give you a new way

of looking at Africa? Explain.
2. What new perspective of Africa does the
article provide you?

VI. Assignment

Write an essay about respecting the different

perspectives of everybody.

Prepared by:
Kathlyn Joy O. Mercado

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