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ANSYS - Analysis Procedure

Set preferences

Define element types and options:

In this step the element type for the slab, steel ball and contact
element are chosen.

Element description

The Square slab model is created using SOLID65 Element (3D

Reinforced Solid). SOLID65 is used for the three-dimensional modeling
of solids with or without reinforcing bars (i.e. rebar’s). The solid is
capable of cracking in tension and crushing in compression. SOLID65
allows the presence of four different materials within each element; one
matrix material (concrete) and a maximum of three independent
reinforcing materials. The most important aspect of this element is the
treatment of non-linear material properties. The concrete is capable of
cracking (in three orthogonal directions), crushing, plastic deformation
and creep. The rebar’s are capable of tension and compression, but not
shear. They are also capable of plastic deformation and creep.

The geometry, node locations, and the coordinate system for this
element are shown below. The element is defined by eight nodes and by

isotropic material properties. The element has one solid material and
upto three rebar materials.

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Fig. A.l SOLID65 3-D Reinforced Concrete Solid Element

Rebar specifications include the material number, the volume ratio

and the orientation angles. Whenever the reinforcement capability of the
element is used, the reinforcement is assumed to “smeared” throughout
the element.

The slab was modeled in 3D using eight noded hexahedron solid

elements. The reinforced cement concrete slabs, ferrocement slabs, fiber
reinforced concrete slabs and fiber reinforced ferrocement were modeled
using SOLID65 element (3-D Reinforced Concrete Solid) available in
the element library of ANSYS software.

The steel ball was modeled in 3D using four noded tetrahedron
solid elements.

Define real constants.

Real constants include the reinforcement details of the slab, and

the contact stiffness for the contact elements. The contact stiffness for
the contact element is calculated based on the below guidelines.

Contact stiffness should be large enough that it reasonably

restrains the model from over penetration, yet it should not be so large
that it causes ill- conditioning. For most contact analysis we can
calculate contact stiffness (KN) as follows:
KN = f * E * h
f = factor that controls contact computability. This
factor will be usually between .01 & 100; using f=l is
always a good starting value.
E= Young’s modulus (use the smaller one under
contact problems).
h = characteristic contact length. It is equal to typical
contact length or a typical element size.

Define material properties:

The material property of both the slab and the steel ball, which
include Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and density, are given. There

are no material properties for the contact elements and the data table
concrete is activated and in which the temperature, shear transfer co­
efficient, tensile strength, compressive strength are given as input.

Create slab:

Set element attributes and meshing controls and mesh slab:

Create ball:

Set element attributes and meshing controls and mesh the ball:

Create components required for contact surfaces:

The contact element has two parts: a contact surface and a
target surface. Create a component of the slab nodes and then a
component of the ball nodes, reselect everything before generating the

Set element attributes and create contact elements:

Define analysis type and options:

To solve for the dynamic response of the slab caused by the block
striking it, a transient dynamic analysis must be used. The large
deflection behavior of the block requires that the large deformation

effects be turned on. The slab being used is slender so the lumped mass
matrix will be used.

Apply load for first (static) load step:

The loadings that apply to all load steps are specified. The slab is
fixed at the bottom comer nodes so that the nodes are constrained in all
degree of freedom. First static analysis of the model is done to establish
zero initial velocity and acceleration. The ball is fixed so that it does not
move during the static analysis. A one-g acceleration is applied to the
model in the positive Y direction, resulting in a body force in the
opposite, or negative Y direction.

Solve for static:

Apply load for second (transient) load step:

Specify load step option for second load step:

Automatic time stepping will be used for this exercise. This

allows ANSYS to adjust the time step size if there is a problem with the
convergence. The program makes adjustments within the specified
limits. Time integration effects are turned back on.

Solve for Transient



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