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Hello! This is a beautiful day for everyone. It is nice to see you.

This week, we are going to see a great

deal of you. We wish that everything is going well. Let us be excited.

Click the first tab to begin. (This is an example of a guided navigation, PLEASE FOLLOW THE FLOW
as a teacher directs.)

Listen Up! (1 of 5 tabs) (Introduce each tab with emphasis.)


Learning Objectives

At the end of this section, you will be able to…

⮚ Provide evidence to support understanding.

A. Setting the stage

Do you go to church every Sunday? Listen to the story “Hearing Mass” then answer the following

Hearing Mass

One Sunday morning, Father, Mother, Teresita, and Marivic went to mass. Marivic could not wait
any longer for the mass to end. During consecration, she began to cry loudly. Everybody turned to look at
Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A CALABARZON, Division of Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Teacher’s Guide. Retrieved on August 13,
2019 from

Answer the question.

1. How did Mother feel when Marivic started to cry in the church?
2. If you were Mother and Father, what would you do?
3. What should Father and Mother do with Marivic next time they go to mass?

B. Explaining the students what to do.

Kindly listen to the story.

The Ferris Wheel Ride

Myrna was scared to ride on the ferris wheel. One fiesta day, her cousin asked her to ride on the
ferris wheel. When the ferris wheel turned around, Myrna felt dizzy. She couldn’t look down. She felt as
if she was falling.
Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A CALABARZON, Division of Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Teacher’s Guide. Retrieved on August 13, 2019
1. What do you think did Mryna wish?
Answer: Myrna may wish that she did not ride the Ferris wheel after all.

2. Did Myrna enjoy her ride on the Ferris wheel?

Answer: No, because Myrna was scared to ride on the Ferris wheel.

3. What would Myrna do next time?

Answer: She is not going to ride the Ferris wheel again.

In providing evidences, you provide reason or opinion based upon information you read, hear or
interpret visually.

C. Modeling the students

Please listen to the story and let’s answer the question and provide evidence for your answer.

The Big, Pink Bundle of Joy

Mother has been there for five days, she could hardly wait to bring the big, pink bundle of joy
to the children. Mother held the pink bundle lovingly to her bosom while father called a taxi.
Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A CALABARZON, Division of Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Teacher’s Guide. Retrieved on
August 13, 2019 from

1. Where were father and mother?

Answer: They were from the birthing home or hospital.

2. Why were there?

Answer: Mother gave birth.

3. Where were they going?

Answer: They were going home.

Please listen the story entitled “A Bookworm”. After listening you are going to answers the questions.

A Bookworm

Vicente is a bookworm. He likes to read about almost everything. He likes to read adventure
stories, nature stories, fairy tales, and biographies. Whenever he gets hold of a book, nothing could
stop him from finishing it. He overworks his eyes by reading. He reads even when the light is dim.
Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A CALABARZON, Division of Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Teacher’s Guide. Retrieved on August
13, 2019 from

1. What do you think will happen to Vicente?

2. What should Vicente do to save his eyes?
3. Does Vicente know how to take care of his eyes?
Please Remember
⮚ In providing evidences, you provide reason or opinion based upon information you read, hear or
interpret visually.
Let’s Talk! (2 of 5 tabs) (Introduce each tab with emphasis.)

Congratulation for moving up to the next stage.

Learning Objectives
At the end of this section, you will be able to…
⮚ Infer the meaning of words based on given context clues (Synonyms and Antonyms).

A. Setting the Stage

Read the following pair of words.

small – tiny beautiful - ugly

shiny – sparkling thick – thin

At the end of the lesson you will be able to compare synonyms and antonyms.

B. Explaining the Pupils what to do

(lovely) LYVELO ________________________1. Beautiful
(elegant) GEELTAN________________________2. Graceful
(adaptable) EAAADPTLB____________________ 3. Pliant
(fragrant) TRANFRAG_____________________ 4. Sweet Commented [1]: Hi Sir! Just some concern, isn't the a
here supposed be "pure" like in the other self-check/asse
(shining) NIIHGSN ______________________ 5. Sparkling with same kind of question?

Thanks sir!

In the jumbled letters and given words, you observed that the words used have the same meaning like Commented [2R1]: No problem! It is the same with
checked it. Follow that, so we are consistent. Words are
beautiful and lovely; these words are called Synonyms. The words which have different meaning like meaning words have multiple meanings, not just one.
beautiful and ugly are called Antonyms.

C. Modeling for Pupils

We have here a poem. Let’s start reading and follow the proper reading with accuracy, appropriate rate
and proper expression.

by: Esmeraldo B. Pascua

How beautiful are her mountains grand

The peaceful valleys between
Her sparkling sun and cooling rains
That bathe the fertile plains –

How graceful are her stately plains

Her towering emerald trees
How pliant her rustling bamboos green
Dancing blissfully in the breeze –
How pretty her white sampaguitas

And fragrant orchids so rare

How modest and sweet her daughters
Who harvest the golden grain –

How I love her rainbow birds

Her blue skies and sparkling waves
How I love this dear Philippines
Home on this troubled earth.
Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A
CALABARZON, Division of Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Teacher’s
Guide. Retrieved on August 13, 2019 from

Synonyms - are words that are similar in meaning.

Antonyms - are words that are opposite in meaning.

Please try to answer the following question and identify the words that have similar meaning or
Synonym and opposite meaning or Antonym of each underlined word.

1. Synonym. The grand mountains are beautiful.

a. attractive c. elegant
b. marvelous d. radiant
2. Synonym. How graceful are her stately plains!
a. willowy c. delicate
b. obedient d. refined
3. Synonym. How sweet and modest are her daughters who harvest the golden grain!
a. darling c. harmonious
b. pure d. fragrant
4. Antonym. How graceful are her towering emerald trees!
a. brief c. tiny
b. little d. low
5. Antonym. How I love this dear Philippines, home on this troubled earth!
a. peaceful c. dignified
b. restful d. gracious Commented [3]: Hi Sir! This one is too similar as the
week 1. Is that intentional? Please reply, thank you!

In this practice test, match the word at the left with their antonyms at the right.
1. dependent a. ordinary
2. start b. independent
3. unwise c. end
4. special d. conserve
5. waste e. sensible
Answers: b, c, e, a, d

Please Remember
⮚ Synonyms are words with the same meaning.
⮚ Antonyms are words with opposite meaning.
Story Time (3 of 5 tabs) (Introduce each tab with emphasis)

Hi! In this lesson we will be reading a story.

Learning Objectives
At the end of this section, you will be able to…
⮚ Read grade level text with accuracy, appropriate and proper expression.
⮚ Show tactfulness when communicating with others.

A. Setting the Stage

Today you are going to read about the story of “The Eyebrow” with accuracy, appropriate and proper

Show a picture of an eyebrow.

The Eyebrows

Eyebrows are part of the face which serve two purposes for beauty and protection. Eyebrows make
the face look more beautiful by calling attention to the eyes. They make the eyes look healthier and

Eyebrows do not only beautify the face but also protect the eyes from sweat. Without the eyebrows,
drops of sweat may run into the eyes and blur the sight. Sweat itself is a waste product and should be rid
Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A CALABARZON, Division of Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Teacher’s Guide. Retrieved on August 13,
2019 from

1. The parts of the body mentioned in the selection are the ___________.
a. eyelashes b. eyelids c. eyebrows
2. This part makes the face look_______________.
a. beautiful b. sad c. sleepy
3. Aside from beauty, they also serve as _______________.
a. communication b. conservation c. protection
4. They call attention to the ___________.
a. nose b. eyes c. cheeks
5. They make them look___________.
a. Uglier b. healthier c. funnier

B. Explaining the Pupils what to do

You will be going to read another story “A Visit to the City”.

A Visit to the City

Mang Tibo had not visited the city lately. Everytime he came to the city, he would write
his son to pick him up in the station. Because he wanted to surprise his son, he did not write him
about his coming this time.

Mang Tibo was surprised to see the many changes in the city. When he got down the bus,
he did not know where to go.
Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A CALABARZON, Division of Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Teacher’s Guide. Retrieved on
August 13, 2019 from

Answer the following question:

1. What happened to Mang Tibo?
a. He got lost.
b. He enjoyed looking around
c. He took a walk around the place

2. What should Mang Tibo Have done?

a. gone to the nearest radio and TV station
b. gone back to the province at once
c. look for a policeman and asked for help

3. What was Mang Tibo likely to decide?

a. Never come to the city again.
b. Never leave the province.
c. Never come to the city without asking his son to meet him.

1. What have you noticed while you are reading the story?
2. Is it proper to read the story with accuracy, appropriate and proper expression?
3. In what part of the story did the author use accuracy, appropriateness and proper expression?

C. Modeling for Pupils

You will read again the story “A Visit to the City” with accuracy, appropriate and proper expression.

A Visit to the City

Mang Tibo had not visited the city lately. Everytime he came to the city, he would write
his son to pick him up in the station. Because he wanted to surprise his son, he did not write him
about his coming this time.

Mang Tibo was surprised to see the many changes in the city. When he got down the bus,
he did not know where to go.
Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A CALABARZON, Division of Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Teacher’s Guide. Retrieved on
August 13, 2019 from

Read “Counting the Rain” with accuracy, appropriate and proper expression.

Counting the Rain

I love counting the rain, Mother

As they patter and as I see
Do not all the great men like Rizal
Count rain, too, when still young like me?
See the numerous dropping rains
How hard it is for little brains.
And I recall the children’s riddle
About the old man’s countless canes.
How I love the fast falling rain
Like a thousand pounding pestles
And the little rushing water
Down the stream to see it nestles.
Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A
CALABARZON, Division of Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Teacher’s
Guide. Retrieved on August 13, 2019 from

Please Remember

⮚ Reading with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

Look! (4 of 5 tabs) (Introduce each tab with emphasis)

Congratulation for moving up to the next stage.

Learning Objectives
At the end of this section, you will be able to…
⮚ Distinguish text types according to features problem solution.

A. Setting the stage

What image have you seen? What is written inside the arrow?



At the end of the lesson, you will be able to distinguish text type according to problem and solution by
reading short stories.

B. Explaining the students what to do.

You are going to read the story and answer the questions.

Jose Rizal owned a horse when he was studying in Madrid. When his allowance did not
come one day, he did not have enough money for food.
Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A CALABARZON, Division of Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Teacher’s Guide. Retrieved on
August 13, 2019 from

1. What problem is encountered by Jose Rizal?

Answer: His allowance did not come one day; he did not have enough money for food.

2. Is there a solution for his problem?

Answer: Yes!

3. What solution can you give?

Answer: Sell his horse.
(Show a picture of Jose Rizal with the horse)

C. Modeling the student



What problem does the character have?

Why the problem needs to be solved?

How the problem needs to be solved?

For example:

Totoy needs a new school bag. He did not have enough money to buy the bag. Then he heard that
their neighbor was looking for a baby –sitter for her little child. She was willing to pay a few pesos to
the baby-sitter.
Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A CALABARZON, Division of Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Teacher’s Guide. Retrieved on August 13,
2019 from

1. What is Totoy’s problem?

Answer: He did not have enough money to buy the bag.

2. Do you think Totoy solve his problem? Why?

Answer: Yes because he needs a new school bag.
3. What did Totoy do to solve his problem?
Answer: He worked as baby-sitter to his neighbor’s little child.


Read a short story and determined the problem and solution.

Passage Problem Solution

1.Jonh didn’t know what to take to take to school for

show and tell. He asked his mother for an idea. She
suggested to take the ribbon his dog won at the pet

2.Emiily knew she had to get to school on time, but

her mother said she couldn’t drive her. Emily decided
to leave early and walk to school.

3.Mrs. Anderson wanted a fresh pineapple for her

cake. The store near her did not have any fresh one, so
she went to another store and bought it there.

4.Robert was afraid the flooding river would reach his

home. His parents were away, and he was watching
with his little sister. He saddled his horse, and he and
his sister rode to the top of the hill.

Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A CALABARZON, Division of Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Teacher’s Guide. Retrieved on August 13,
2019 from

Please Remember
⮚ Problem
What problem does the character have?
⮚ Events:
Why the problem needs to be solved?
⮚ Solution
How the problem needs to be solved?
Expressway (5 of 5 tabs) (Introduce each tab with emphasis.)

Hi! This is the last one for this week. How is everything going so far?

Learning Objectives
At the end of this section, you will be able to…
⮚ Use a particular kind of sentence for specific purpose and audience asking permission, making

A. Setting the stage

Read the following sentences.

● Can I ask question please?

● May I borrow your book?

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to use can and may as modal auxiliaries in asking permission
and making request.

C. Explaining the students what to do.

Read the following sentences and observe the difference.

Can I ask a question ? Could you take a message ?
Could I ask a question ? Would you carry this for me?
May I ask question? Can you take the message?

1. What is the use of can? Could? May?

▪ We use can, could, and may to ask permission to do something.

2. How about the use of could you? Would you?

▪ We use could you and would you as a polite ways of telling or asking someone to
do something or request

D. Modeling the students

Type a sentences using can and may.


Type a sentences using could you and would you.



(Let the student list all his/her idea)


Answer each question carefully.

1. What can you do for mother today?

2. What may you do on rainy days?
3. Who can always help us?
4. Who can give me a pet?
5. Who may play basketball?

(Let the student answer the questions on their own idea)

Please Remember
⮚ We use can, could, and may to ask permission to do something.
⮚ We use could you and would you as a polite ways of telling or asking someone to do something
or request.

Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A CALABARZON, Division of

Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Learner’s Material. Retrieved on August 13, 2019 from

Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A CALABARZON, Division of

Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Teacher’s Guide. Retrieved on August 13, 2019 from

Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines. (2016). K to 12 Curriculum Guide: English

(Grade 1 to Grade 10). Retrieved on August 13, 2019 from

I. Provide evidence to support understanding.

Please read the story and answer the following questions. Choose the answer from the box.


Insects are found anywhere. They are either harmful or beneficial. The butterfly and the bee are
beneficial. They help pollinate the flowers. The dragonfly is also a helpful insect. It eats other insects
that destroy plants. Ants, flies, cockroaches, aphids, termites and mosquitoes are insect pests. They
destroy our crops and homes, cause illnesses, and kill our plants. They are harmful to men, animals,
and plants.
Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A CALABARZON, Division of Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Teacher’s Guide. Retrieved on August
13, 2019 from

butterfly, bee, and dragonfly
It eats other insects that destroy plants
crops and homes

1. What word that tells where insects can be found? anywhere

2. Write three beneficial insects. butterfly, bee, and dragonfly
3. Provide evidence that dragonfly is also a helpful insect. It eats other insects that destroy plants.
4. Name two things which insects destroy. crops and homes
5. Copy the letter that tells what insects may cause. illness

II. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar word based on the given context clues synonyms and antonyms.

A. Identify the words that have similar meaning as the underlined words.
1. The grand mountains are beautiful.
a. attractive b. marvelous c. elegant d. radiant
2. How graceful are her stately plains.
a. willowy b. obedient c. delicate d. refined
3. How pretty are her white sampaguitas.
a. lovely b. cheerful c. ample d. considerable
4. How sweet and modest are her daughters who harvest the golden grain!
a. Darling b. pure c. harmonious d. fragrant
B. Identify the antonym of each of the underlined words.
1. How peaceful the valleys between her sparkling sun and cooling rain.
a. violent b. disturbed c. noisy d. troubled
2. How graceful are her towering emerald trees!
a. brief b. little c. tiny d. low
3. How pretty are her fragrant orchids so rare.
a. Frequent b. repeated c. periodic d. common
4. How sweet and modest her daughters are!
a. Unchaste b. boastful c. grand d. excessive
5. How I love this dear Philippines, home on this troubled earth.
a. Peaceful b. restful c. dignified d. gracious

III. Read grade level text with accuracy, appropriate and proper expression.

Read a short story with accuracy, appropriate and proper expression and answer the following question.

Air Pollution

Today, in most cities smoke and exhaust fumes fill the air and endanger the health and well-being
of the people. Smoke and exhaust fumes contain harmful by-products from gasoline burned in cars and
from factories.

Air pollution or smog is a serious problem in some cities. Smog consists of smoke and exhaust
fumes mixed with fog.

To control air pollution, smoke ordinances have been passed. Smoke-belching Vehicles are
checked and factories are required to reduce fumes emanating from them.
Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A CALABARZON, Division of Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Teacher’s Guide. Retrieved on August 13,
2019 from

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Smoke and exhaust fumes are usually abundant in______________.

a. cities b. farms c. towns
2. Pollution is not good for our____________.
a. health b. mind c. spirit
3. Smoke and exhaust fumes contain much___________.
a. oxygen b. water vapor c. harmful gas
4. Air pollution can make us __________.
a. active b. sleepy c. sick
5. When gasoline is burned, by-products are given off such as_________.
a. oxygen and nitrogen
b. carbon dioxide and water vapor
c. smoke and exhaust fumes

IV. Distinguish text types according to features problem solution

Write the problem and solution based on the short story. (Let them type the answer)

1. The young man is kind-hearted. One day, he heard a little boy crying outside his window. The
young man found out that the child was being teased by the bigger boys. The young man went


2. Jose Rizal owned a horse when he was studying in Madrid. When his allowance did not come
one day, he did not have enough money for food.


3. Totoy needs a new school bag. He did not have enough money to buy the bag. Then he heard
that their neighbor was looking for a baby-sitter for her little child. She was willing to pay a
few pesos to the baby- sitter.


4. Jun and Jerry started arguing over the new toy. Jun wanted to keep it but Jerry disagreed since he
wanted to keep the toy for himself. Mother came to the scene and advised the boys to share the
toy train. But the boys went with the quarrel. Before they knew it, mother was back holding one
of the slippers.


5. The dogs were playing wildly in the yard. Father drove them away. However, The dogs ran
towards the patch of vegetables where they continued lunging at each other.

Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines, Region IV – A CALABARZON, Division of Laguna. (2015). English Grade 5 Teacher’s Guide. Retrieved on August 13,
2019 from
V. Use a particular kind of sentence for specific purpose and audience asking permission, making

Look at each picture. Complete each sentence by writing may or can on each blank.

1. I_________ write a letter to my friend. can

2. You_______ go home now. can

3. I_______ help my teacher. may

4. I_______ sing our national anthem. can

5. A dog ______ barks if he sees a stranger. may

(Make the same pictures)

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