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Lesson Plan in Empowerment Technology

Prepared by:
Michael Rey C. Bermillo
Grade 12 (ICT & IA)
November 11, 2019
Topic: Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies

At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to understand the impact of ICT in
their daily lives and to the nation.

Give students a pre-test to know their knowledge of the lesson.

 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) deals with the use of different
communication technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, Internet, etc. to locate,
save, send, and edit information.
 Having a unified way to communicate is one of the goals of ICT.
 Philippines is dub as the “ICT Hub of Asia”
 According to the 2013 edition of Measuring the Information Society by the International
Telecommunication Union, there are 106.8 cellphones per 100 Filipinos in the year

Activity (Take Home):

ICT, Me, and My Community

To fully understand the importance of ICT, let us first look at our community. Look for a
small business around your community.
Conduct a short interview of the business owner using the following guide:

Company/Establishment Name: _______________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________
Nature of Business: _________________________________________________________

Guide Questions:
1. What are the different ways for customers and/or suppliers to contact you?
2. How often do you use a phone or cellular phone for business? Estimate only.
3. Does your establishment have Internet connection? If yes, what is its purpose? If no, would
you consider having it in the future? Why or why not?
4. Does your business have a website? If yes, how does it help the company? If no, would you
consider having one in the future? Why or why not?
5. (If applicable) Would you consider giving free Wi-Fi access in the future? If you already have
it, does it help boost sales?
Lesson Plan in Empowerment Technology

Prepared by:
Michael Rey C. Bermillo
Grade 12 (ICT & IA)
November 18, 2019
Topic: Web 2.0 Dynamic Web Pages

At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to understand and cite the meaning
and definition of Web 2.0.

Ask a student of their favorite sites they usually visit and ask them how they interact with
it that make it easier for them to find things they look for.

 Web 2.0 is a term coined by Darcy DiNucci on January 1999.
 Web 2.0 is the evolution of Web 1.0 by adding dynamic web pages.
 Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites,
hosted services, and web applications.
 Web 2.0 allows users to interact with the page: instead of just reading a page, the user
may be able to comment or create a user account.


Exploration 1.1 Static vs. Dynamic

Look for ten websites and classify them as static or dynamic. What makes each website
static or dynamic? Use the table below.

Website URL Static Dynamic Reason

Lesson Plan in Empowerment Technology

Prepared by:
Michael Rey C. Bermillo
Grade 12 (ICT & IA)
November 25, 2019
Topic: Features of Web 2.0

At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to have an understanding of
different features of Web 2.0 & the introduction of Web 3.0 and the Semantic Web

Tell the students, “There are some features of Web 2.0 that you are already
experiencing since you are living on a time where ICT is fully realized. Question, do you even
know what those features are called?”

The key features of Web 2.0 include: (Discuss the following)
1. Folksonomy
2. Rich User Experience
3. User Participation
4. Long Tail
5. Software as a Service
6. Mass Participation

Web 3.0 and the Semantic Web

The Semantic Web is a movement led by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). W3C
standard encourages web developers to include semantic content in their web pages. According
to the W3C, “The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared
and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries.”

Several problems of Web 3.0:

1. Compatibility
2. Security
3. Vastness
4. Vagueness
5. Logic

Look for 5 websites, and identify the different features of Web 2.0 that they are using.
Topic: Web 3.0 and the Semantic Web

At the end of this lesson, the student should have an introductional knowledge of the
Web 3.0. It’s advantage and disadvantages.

Ask the student’s what would they feel, if technologies nowadays can understand what
they want or what they need?

The Semantic Web – coined by Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web (www).
W3C – World Wide Web Consortium, an international organization that standardized the
contents of the World Wide Web.

According to the W3C, “The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows
data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries.”

Several problems of Web 3.0

 Compatibility. HTML files and current web browsers could not support Web 3.0.
 Security. The user’s security is also in question since the machine is saving his or her
 Vastness. The World Wide Web already contains billions of web pages.
 Vagueness. Certain words are imprecise. The words “old” and “small” would depend on
the user.
 Logic. Since machines use logic, there are certain limitations for a computer to be able
to predict what the user is referring to at a given time.

In your own idea, how would Web 3.0 affect each users? Would it be more on advantage
or disadvantage?
Lesson Plan in Empowerment Technology

Prepared by:
Michael Rey C. Bermillo
Grade 12 (ICT & IA)
December 2, 2019
Topic: Trends in ICT

At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to have an additional knowledge of
the different trends in ICT, and to further expand their knowledge of what trends they already

 Convergence
o Technological convergence is the synergy of technological advancements to
work on a similar goal or task.
 Social Media
o Social media is a website, application, or online channel that enables web users
to create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user-generated content.
 Social networks. These are sites that allow you to connect with other
people with the same interests or background.
 Bookmarking Sites. These are sites that allow you to store and manage
links to various websites and resources.
 Social News. These are sites that allow users to post heir own news
items or links.
 Media Sharing. These are sites that allow you to upload and share
media content like images, music, and video.
 Microblogging. These are sites that focus on short updates from the
 Blogs and Forums. These websites allow users to post their content.
 Mobile Technologies
o iOS
o Android
o Blackberry OS
o Windows Phone OS
o Symbian
o WebOS
o Windows Mobile
 Assistive Media
o Assistive media is a nonprofit service designed to help people who have visual
and reading impairments.

Write down different sites or technologies that fall under different categories of trends in
Lesson Plan in Empowerment Technology

Prepared by:
Michael Rey C. Bermillo
Grade 12 (ICT & IA)
December 9, 2019
Topic: Rules of Netiquette

At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to have knowledge of different
rules, threats, and laws that govern the use of internet, and how to be safe online.

Show the students some check list that shows different types of personal information
that the students used online. Have them check what information they usually share online.

As teenagers, you are all exposed to many things powered by the Internet. Whether it is
socializing, playing games, reading sports news, shopping, etc., the Internet has given you one
of the most powerful tools that your parents, during their teenage years, did not have. Because
of this, do you not think that it is also important to wield this powerful tool properly? Without
proper training, a swordsman can easily injure himself when wielding a sword; the same could
be said for you whenever you use the Internet.

Group activity: Form a group that has 5 members, and list down the possible threat that
may pose by just giving or posting your personal information online.
Lesson Plan in Empowerment Technology

Prepared by:
Michael Rey C. Bermillo
Grade 12 (ICT & IA)
January 6, 2020
Topic: Online Safety and Security

At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to have knowledge and abilities to
identify threats and how to have safety and security online.


Type of Information Risks

First name There is a risk in sharing your first name. Chances are, a
hacker may already know plenty of stuff about you even if you
only give out your first name.
Last name If sharing your first name is a small risk, having both your first
and last is more risky. You will be vulnerable to being searched
for using search engines, which include image search.
Middle name Sharing your middle name alone is probably not the most risky
of these shared information, but sharing your full name would
Current and previous Most people who steal identities study their subject. They can
school(s) use this information for verification purposes.
Your cellphone number Your cellphone number should never posted over the Internet.
The Internet is a public place.
The name of your mother and Risky, yet not as risky as posting their full names, especially
father your mother’s maiden name.
The name of your siblings Disclosing this is a huge risk. Strangers may pretend or use
their identity to dupe you.
Your address Giving the Internet your number is one thing; giving them your
address is a whole other level.
Your home phone number This shared information is more risky than sharing your
personal phone number. Scams usually use this information to
deceive you, one of which is when a stranger pretends to know
your parents or pretends to be you.
Your birthday Letting people know your birthday is probably a must if you
want to get many gifts as possible. But having it in your profile
makes you vulnerable to identity theft.
Lesson Plan in Empowerment Technology

Prepared by:
Michael Rey C. Bermillo
Grade 12 (ICT & IA)
January 20, 2020
Topic: Tips to Stay Safe Online

At the end of this lesson, the learner should have knowledge and cautious online.

1. Be mindful of what you share online and what site you share it to.
2. Do not just accept terms and conditions; read it.
3. Check out the privacy policy page of a website to learn how the website handles the
information you share.
4. Know the security features of the social networking site you use. by keeping your profile
private, search engines will not be able to scan your profile.
5. Do not share your password with anyone.
6. Avoid logging in to public networks/Wi-Fi.
7. Do not talk to strangers whether online or face-to-face.
8. Never post anything about a future vacation.
9. Add friends you know in real life.
10. Avoid visiting untrusted websites
11. Install and update antivirus software on your computer.
12. If you have a Wi-Fi at home, make it a private network by adding a password.
13. Avoid downloading anything from untrusted websites.
14. Buy the software; do not use pirated ones.
15. Do not reply or click links from suspicious emails.

If you own a company, what rules will you implement to ensure the safety and security of
your company and employees online? Write at least 10.
Lesson Plan in Empowerment Technology

Prepared by:
Michael Rey C. Bermillo
Grade 12 (ICT & IA)
January 27, 2020
Topic: Internet Threats

At the end of this lesson, the student should have knowledge of different types of
Internet Threats, and how to identify them.

 Malware – stands for malicious software
o Virus – a malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from one
computer to another either through the Internet and local networks and data
storage like flash drives and CDs
o Worm – a malicious program that transfers from one computer to another by any
type of means.
o Trojan – a malicious program that is disguised as a useful program but once
downloaded or installed, leaves your PC unprotected and allows hackers to get
your information.
o Spyware – a program that runs in the background without you knowing it.
o Adware – a program designed to send you advertisements, mostly as pop-ups.
 Spam – unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers.
 Phishing – its goal is to acquire sensitive information like passwords and credit card

Ask the learner if they ever encounter this type of threats. If they had, what and how did
they experience it, and how they deal with it.
Lesson Plan in Empowerment Technology

Prepared by:
Michael Rey C. Bermillo
Grade 12 (ICT & IA)
February 10, 2020
Topic: Advanced Word Processing Skills

At the end of this lesson, the learners should have the ability to create a mail merge.

You were tasked to create and send out formal invitations for a promo campaign that a
company is running. You were also initially given a list of ten names of loyal customers to send
out to.
1. From the scenario above, describe briefly how you would most likely complete the task
of sending ten invitations with individual names of recipients using Microsoft Word.
2. Give examples of documents that you can personalize and send or distribute.

Discussion and activity:

Show the student the procedure and steps to create a mail merge. Discuss each step to
that they would understand its importance. At the end of discussion, have the student create
their own mail merge activity.
Lesson Plan in Empowerment Technology

Prepared by:
Michael Rey C. Bermillo
Grade 12 (ICT & IA)
February 17, 2020
Topic: Advanced Spreadsheet Skills

At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Familiarize the most commonly used functions in Microsoft Excel;
2. Use several conditional functions available in Microsoft Excel; and
3. Use Microsoft Excel as a viable tool in market research and product development

Form groups with five members each. Try to come up with a product or service that you
can sell or offer around the campus. It can be sweets like polvoron or yema, small souvenirs like
keychains or bag tags, or services like foot spa or harana for hire.
Add a personal twist to your product. If is a food product, add something that you think
could be marketable. You can also create artworks and sell them as a product or service.

Whether you work in the field of accounting or not, the truth is whatever you do should
be accounted for. This is because the resources you use cost you expenses. Whether you
become a scientist, an engineer, a yoga instructor, a bartender, or an airline pilot, it is important
to understand how a company spends to be able to deliver a product or service. These factors
could easily be computed using spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel or Google sheets.

From the motivation, create an information in Microsoft Excel.

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