Prelim LabExer5

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S-ITPC121 – Fundamentals of Database Systems

Prelim Laboratory No. 5

1. Analyzing tables
 Analyze the relationship of the three tables
 Identify primary key and foreign key for the relationships (connection of tables)
2. Creating tables
 Should include fieldnames based on the given table.
 Data taype, description
 Field size
3. Inputting of records
4. Querying (see lesson in Query(criteria)

Table: Employee
Table : Customer
Table: Order
1. Display the Emp_Id, LastName, FirstName with a Job Title Sales Representative.
2. Display the Emp_Id, LastName, FirstName, Job Title of employees having letter ‘M’ as the first letter of their FirstName.
3. Sort the table according to LastName.
4. Display all orders that took place on 4/22/2006.
5. Display the Employee info of Order no. 60.
6. Display the Customer info of Order n. 30.
7. Display the Order No. , Customer No. , Company, First Name, Last Name, Employee No, First Name, Last Name, Job Title of orders that
has NEW status.
8. Display the Order No. , Customer No. , Company, First Name, Last Name, Employee No, First Name, Last Name, Job Title of orders that
has CLOSED and SHIPPED status.
9. Display all in Order Table where the total > 1,000.
10. Display the all the information of Company BB.

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