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SEMESTER/ACADEMIC YEAR : 2nd Semester, A.Y 2019-2020

PROGRAM EDUCATION OUTCOMES (Business Administration Program):

The graduates of the BS Business Administration must have the ability to:

1. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.

2. Perform the basic functions of management such as planning, organizing, staffing directing and controlling.
3. Apply the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of business (marketing, finance, human resource management, production and operations management,
information technology and strategic management) and employ these concepts in various business situations.
4. Select the Proper decision making tools critically, analytically and creatively solve problems and drive results.
5. Plan and implement business related activities
6. Apply information and communication technology (ICT) skills as required by the business environment.
7. Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibility.
8. Exercise high personal moral and ethical standards.
9. Analyze the business environment for strategic direction

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Good corporate governance, observation of business ethics and implementation of risk management and strong internal controls are elements to self-
regulation that leads to good corporate citizenship. The course highlights decision-making approach to business ethics, good governance, risk management, and assessment
and review of internal controls by using case studies, lectures and reflections. The pertinent principles advocated by different frameworks such as those of the Committee of
Sponsoring Organizations (COSO), Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and ethical practices that are within and beyond the provisions of laws are covered. Learners will be able to apply
and integrate concepts and theories and develop sensitivity to values particularly Christian values involved in business decisions. Likewise, learners shall apply an ethical decision-
making process and evaluation and review of internal controls in solving real-life cases.

 Case Study Output on Governance
 Design a risk management program for a business organization
 Case study (Demonstrate ability to report the results of the audit)
 Case study on Business Ethics

 Grading Criteria:

Pre-mid to Pre-final Final

Major Exams 50% Final Exams 50%
Quizzes/Hands-on Activities 30% Exit Assessment 50%
Oral Participation/Projects/Requirements 20%
Total 100% Total 100%


At the end of the semester, the students will be able to:

1. To develop skills of high order so as to provide thorough knowledge and insight into the corporate governance framework, best governance practices.
2. To develop skills of high order so as to provide thorough knowledge and insight into the spectrum of risk face by businesses.
3. Understand key legal and regulatory obligations imposed on corporations;
4. Interpret the accountability hierarchy from a corporate governance perspective;
5. Review issues involved in addressing litigation risks in corporate governance and regulatory contexts;
6. Use ethical theories and frameworks to analyze ethical dilemmas in business and resolve practical problems;
7. Identify different stakeholders and understand why they may hold differing perspectives on ethical issues.

Course Policy:
a. Attendance: The highly accelerated pace of this course requires students to accept a great deal of responsibility for achieving their own learning outcomes. While in class, students are
expected to actively participate in discussions and groups activities, and not just listen to lecture. Outside class time, students are expected to spend hours of preparation which will
include reading assignments, homework preparations, and research and group meetings.

b. Class Participation: Each learner is expected to actively participate in discussions on the assumption that each brings a wide range of experiences to the learning process active
participation may include asking thoughtful questions, being willing to consider new ideas, helping the class, understand complex ideas, having a cooperative attitude and sense of humor,
and helping others comprehend the material. However, consideration of other students is strongly encouraged to avoid dominating class discussions.

c. Written Assignments: an importance component of this course is the completion of written assignments by the students.

d. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY: Every student is responsible to know the standards of conduct and expectations of academic integrity that apply undertakings. Academic dishonesty will
not be tolerated and will result in the maximum penalty as defines in the Student Handbook:
1. Cheating during exams
2. Submitting spurious reports copied from previous materials other than his/her own
3. Copying another students work including assignments and reports
4. Receiving assistance from anyone else with take-home quizzes
5. Plagiarism

Text book:


 Courseware: Quick Guide to Fundamentals of Accounting using SAP Business One Application by SAP IT Solutions
 Courseware: Quick Guide to Computer Applications using SAP Business One by SAP IT Solutions

Useful URL for the course:


Term/Period Learning Outcomes Content/Topics Teaching Methodologies Assessment Tools

 provide a range of definitions of GOVERNANCE
Pre-Midterm corporate governance  Conceptual framework of  Lecture &recitation Quiz 1:
Coverage Corporate Governance  Governance
 identify issues usually addressed by  Legislative framework of corporate  Output Presentation (Pen & Paper Test)
corporate governance structures
 summarize recent scandals and  Collaborative Learning Activity1:
 Board effectiveness
abuses and the regulatory reaction  KWL Activity
 Board process through secretarial  Case Study (Rubrics on KWL Activity)
 identify the other drivers of standards
corporate governance, such as  Corporate policies and disclosures Quiz 2:
capital markets, shareholders and  Board committees  KWL (Know-Want-  Conceptual Framework of
rating agencies. Learn) Corporate Governance
 Accounting and Audit related issues
(Pen & Paper Test)
 describe and analyze the primary  Corporate Governance and
parts of corporate governance shareholders rights Activity 2:
frameworks  Corporate governance and other  Case Study Presentation: Accounting
stakeholders and Audit related issues
 Governance and compliance risk
 explain and evaluate the role of (Rubrics on Oral Presentation)
audit in corporate governance  Corporate governance forums
Output 1:
 Case Study Output
(Rubrics on Case Study)

Pre-midterm Examination
(Pen & Paper Test)
 demonstrate knowledge of the RISK MANAGEMENT
Midterm range of financial and financial  Risk Classification of Risks  Lecture & recitation Quiz 1:
Coverage related risks facing organisations • Risk Management (Pen &
 Risk Management
 Lecture – Paper Test)
 Advantages of Risk Management Demonstration
 understand the approach to risk Activity 1:
 Steps in Risk Management Process
management through risk  Presentation  Group presentation on Steps in
identification, risk measurement  Risk Mitigation Strategy Risk Management
 Collaborative Learning (Rubrics on Group presentation)
and risk management (or  Maintaining the Risk Strategy
 Fraud Risk Management Quiz 2:
 Classification of Risk
 Understand operational risk and  Reputation Risk Management
(Pen & Paper Test)
how to manage it.  Responsibility of Risk Management
Output 1:
 Role of Company Secretary in Risk
 Identify and categorise the various  Design a risk management
Management program for a business
risks face by an organization;
 Risk Governance
(Rubrics on Student’s Skills
Explain the various risk control  Risk Management Frameworks and Performance)
measures available;
 Design a risk management Midterm Examination
program for a business (Pen & Paper Test)

 Apply the insurance mechanism in

risk management.6. Describe the
management of international risk.
Pre-Final Term 1. Understand risk assessment and its INTERNAL CONTROL
Coverage importance in the audit function.  Introduction  Lecture & recitation Quiz 1:
 Nature of Internal Control  Introduction to Internal Control
2. Demonstrate the ability to plan and
 Classification of Internal Control  Lecture – (Pen & Paper Test)
document the planning of the audit Demonstration
including the initial risk assessment,  Elements of Internal Control
Activity 1
calculation of materiality and preparation  Components of Internal Control  Presentation  Group presentation on Elements
of audit programs.  Limitations of Internal Control of Internal control
 Techniques of Internal Control  Collaborative Learning
3. Understand the concepts, processes System (Rubrics on Group presentation)
and assessment of internal control.
 Internal Check
Output 1:
4. Understand and demonstrate the ability  Internal Audit
 Case study (Demonstrate ability to
to report the results of the audit.  Steps for Internal Control report the results of the audit)
 COSO’S Internal Control Framework (Rubrics on Case study)
5. Demonstrate the ability to research  Role and Responsibilities with
auditing and accounting issues and Pre-final Examination
regard to Internal Control
respond to current developments and (Pen & Paper Test)
changes in the accounting and auditing
profession due to legislation, new
pronouncements by regulatory and
standard-setting bodies and forces of
current events in the business world.

6. Develop an understanding of the ethical

decisions than an auditor must make in the
conduct of the audit from the client
acceptance phase throughout the audit to
the reporting process.
Final Term  Aware of the essential role of BUSINESS ETHICS  Lecture & recitation Output: Case study on Business Ethics
Coverage ethical values in business relations  Introduction (Rubrics on Case study)
and the importance of the ethical  What Is Ethics  Lecture –
treatment of others for individual Demonstration
 Business Ethics
and organizational success Final Examination
 aware of the concepts and  Context And Relevance of Business  Presentation (Pen & Paper Test)
principles of ethical reasoning Ethics in Today’s Business
which have been developed in  Five Bottom Lines of the Future  Collaborative Learning
ethical theory, and to be able to  Organisation Structure and Ethics
apply these concepts and
 Four Fundamental Ethical Principles
principles to specific ethical issues
 Ethical Dilemma
 comprehend the legal and
regulatory structure of business as  Code of Ethics
it bears on ethical issues in  Code of Conduct
business and the ethical basis of  Model Code of Business Conduct &
that structure, including areas Ethics
where existing law and regulation
 Advantages of Business Ethics
are open to ethical criticism
 Comprehend and assess the ethical
basis of corporate organization
and governance, including the
ethical arguments for and against
the concepts of corporate social
responsibility and stakeholder
 Recognize the ethical concerns in
situations faced by managers at all
levels of business organizations,
and be able to analyze these
situations and present solutions
 communicate with others in order
to express one's own ethical
values and standards

Terms Assessment Methods Assessment Tools Performance Target

Students are expected to gain knowledge on
 QUIZ 1:Introductiont o Governance
Pen and Paper Test pre-midterm topics with 75% level of
 QUIZ 2: Conceptual Framework of corporate governance
PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT The students are expected to perform the
Rubrics on KWL Activity Oral
PRE-MID  Activity 1: KWL Activity task assigned on them with 75% level of
Presentation & Case Study
TERM  Activity 2: Case Study: Accounting and Audit related issues accuracy and 75% level of proficiency in case
 Requirement 1: Case Study Output studies
The students are expected to achieve 75%
Pre-Midterm Examination
Pen and Paper Test level of proficiency on topics covered for pre-
 QUIZ 1: Risk Management Students are expected to gain knowledge on
Pen and Paper Test
 QUIZ 2: Classification of risk midterm topics with 75% level of proficiency.
PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT The students are expected to perform the
 Activity 1 Group Presentation Rubrics on Group presentation
task assigned on them with 75% level of
 Requirement 1 Design a risk management program for a business &Student’s Skills Performance
MID-TERM accuracy and 75% level of proficiency in hands
organization on laboratory exercises
The students are expected to achieve 75%
Midterm Examination
Pen and Paper Test level of proficiency on topics covered for
(Written & Performance Test)
Students are expected to gain knowledge on
 QUIZ 1: Introduction to Internal control Pen and Paper Test
pre-final topics with 75% level of proficiency.
PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT The students are expected to perform the
Rubrics on Group Presentation &
 Activity 1: Group Presentation on elements of Internal control task assigned on them with 75% level of
Case study
PRE-FINAL  Requirement 1: Case study accuracy and 75% level of proficiency in hands
on laboratory exercises
The students are expected to achieve 75%
Pre-final Examination
Pen and Paper Test level of proficiency on topics covered for pre-
The students are expected to perform the
PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Rubrics on Case study task assigned on them with 75% level of
 Output: Case study on Business ethics accuracy and 75% level of proficiency in hands
on laboratory exercises
Final Examination The students are expected to achieve 75%
Pen and Paper Test
(Written) level of proficiency on topics covered for final.

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Noted by: Approved by:

Faculty, BSBA Program Chairperson, BSBA &BSA Library Staff School Administrator

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