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AS-300 MANUFACTURER’S DATA requirements of this Division and shall be forwarded,

REPORTS in duplicate, to the Manufacturer of the finished vessel
(see AG-302). These Partial Data Reports, together
A Data Report shall be filled out (Form A-1) by
with his own inspection, shall be the final Inspector’s
the Manufacturer and the Inspector for each pressure
authority to approve and witness the application of a
vessel to be marked with the Code symbol. For sample
Code symbol to the vessel (see AS-110). When Form
Report Forms and guidance in preparing Data Reports,
A-2 is used, it shall be attached to the associated Form
see Appendix I.
A-1 by the Manufacturer of the finished vessel.
AS-300.1 Units of Measurement. The units of mea- (b) Data Reports for those parts of a pressure vessel
surement shall be in accordance with AG-151. which are furnished by a parts manufacturer to the
user of an existing Code vessel, as replacement or
repair parts, shall be executed on Form A-2 by the
AS-301 Distribution and Filing of Reports parts manufacturer and his Inspector in accordance with
(a) The Manufacturer shall: the requirements of this Division. A copy of the parts
(1) furnish a copy of the Manufacturer’s Data manufacturer’s Partial Data Report shall be furnished
Report to the user and, upon request, to the Inspector; to the user or his designated agent and a copy shall
(2) submit a copy of the Manufacturer’s Data be maintained in accordance with AS-320.
Report to the appropriate enforcement authority in the
jurisdiction in which the vessel is to be installed where
required by law;
(3) keep a copy of the Manufacturer’s Data Report AS-320 MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS
on file in a safe repository for at least 10 years or for
the intended life of the vessel, whichever is greater. In addition to the requirements of AS-301, the Manu-
(b) In lieu of (2) and (3) above, the vessel may be facturer shall maintain other records as follows.
registered and the Data Reports filed with the National (a) Contents of File. The Manufacturer of the vessel
Board of Boilers and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, 1055 or part shall maintain the complete file for all material
Crupper Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43229. certification and /or Partial Data Reports, examination,
testing, heat treatment and manufacturing procedures,
specifications, and drawings used. All records shall be
fully identified by pertinent material or item identifica-
tion numbers. The record shall include all data on
The parts manufacturer shall indicate under “Re- repaired material, items, and assemblies.
marks” whether or not he has performed any or all of (b) Maintenance and Access to Reports. Records
the design functions. For guidance in preparing Partial specified above shall be filed and maintained in a
Data Reports, see Appendix I. manner which will allow access by the Inspector to
(a) Data Reports for pressure vessel parts requiring specific information contained therein within a period
inspection under this Division, which are furnished by not in excess of 24 hr at any time during the period
other than the shop of the Manufacturer responsible of vessel manufacture. The Manufacturer shall take
for the completed vessel, shall be executed by the parts such steps as may be required to provide suitable
manufacturer and his Inspector in accordance with the protection of all records from deterioration or damage.


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Licensed by Information Handling Services

(c) Duration of Files. The vessel Manufacturer shall

maintain these records for at least 5 years after vessel
completion. After that time, the Manufacturer may
either continue to maintain the records or, after offering
them to the user and receiving a rejection, the records
may be destroyed.


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Licensed by Information Handling Services

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