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Danger of Misusing Drugs

Created by :
- Alexander Devo Wicaksono ( 1 )
- Bonaventura Mahendra Gautama ( 8 )
- Fidelano Josua Andersen Siahaan ( 15 )
- Fidelis Parmonang Sihotang ( 16 )
- Nathanael Amadeo ( 29 )

Lot of the news about misusing drugs case that often appear, we
hear from the media.Ironically,most of them are teenagers and
students.This happens because of a lack of understanding of the drugs
are minimal.

In this paper, we will give you a bit of knowledge about

drugs.First we are want to introduce what drug is.Then we will tell
why people are interested of misusing drugs.After that,we will also
describe the laws on misusing drugs in Indonesia, the effects of drugs
and in the end we will socialize ways to avoid misusing drugs.We
hope this papers will useful and can decrease druge abuse.

1|Danger of Misusing Drugs

List of Contents
List of Contents.....................................................................2
What is Drugs?
A.History of Drugs in Indonesia..................................3
B.Type of Drugs...........................................................4
Why People Misusing Drugs?
A.Internal Reasons.......................................................6
B.External Reasons......................................................6
The Effects of Drugs
A.Physical Effects........................................................7
B.Emotional Effects.....................................................7
C.Effect for life on society...........................................8
Ways to avoid drugs for teenagers........................................9
Law of Drugs........................................................................11

2|Danger of Misusing Drugs

What is Drugs?
Before we talk about drugs,we must know what exactly drugs
is.We will discuss the history and types of drugs.

A.History of Drugs in Indonesia

According to health experts,drugs commonly used to anesthetize
patients when they want surgery and to relieve pain for certain health
problem like cancer.
The use of drugs has been known for long time in
Indonesia,especially types of opium.Long before world war 2 in
Dutch colonial era.In general,users of opium is Chinese people.
The Dutch Goverment gave permission in certain places to
inhale opium legally justified under the law.Chinese people at that
time used opiate in the traditional way, that is by the way suck it
through a long pipe. This apply until the arrival of the Japanese
Government in Indonesia. Japanese government delete the law and
prohibit the use of opium.
After independence, the Government of the Republic of
Indonesia to make lawsconcerning the production, use and
distribution of dangerous drugs,where the authority granted to the
Minister of Health for the organization.
During 1970,the problem of dangerous drugs become a big
problem.Drug abuse figures is increasing and most of the victims are
young children. It seems that the symptoms were also influential in
Indonesia in about the same time.

3|Danger of Misusing Drugs

B.Type of Drugs
There are lot of type of drugs.We give some examples of the
types of drugs.

a.A class of natural Narcotics are often used by inhaling
b.Symptoms :
-Creates a feeling of busyness (rushing sensation)
-Raises the spirit
-Feel time slow
-Dizziness, lost of balance / drunk
-Estrus stimulation increases
-Skin problems around the mouth and nose

a.A class of narcotics semisintetis generated on the processing of
morphine chemically
b.Commonly used by injection or inhaled
c.Symptoms :
-Pulse slowing down
-Decrease blood pressure
-Reduce or eliminate confident
-Muscles become relax
-Create own world,dissocial,unfriendly

a.Derived from the plant Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica
b.How to use inhaled by way resembles compacted by a cigarette or
pipe smoking
c.Symptoms :
-Heartbeat or pulse faster
-Dry mouth and throat
-Feel more relaxed
-Difficulty remembering anything events
-Sometimes become aggressive and even violent

4|Danger of Misusing Drugs

a.Has2formstheacid form(cocaine hydrochloride) andbase form(free
b.Risk ofinjury toinhalecocainearoundthe inside of thenostrils
c.Symptoms :
-Visually impaired
-Nervousness, increasedalertnessandarousallust
-Reduce appetite

a.Alcohol obtained on fermented honey, sugar, juice or tubers
b.There are 3 groups of alcohol :
-Group A; ethanol content of 1% -5% (beer)
-Group B; ethanol content of 5% -20% (wine)
-Group C; ethanol content of 20% -45% (Whiskey, Vodka)
c.Symptoms :
-Feel free
-Feel happy and laugh a lot
-Unable to walk

5|Danger of Misusing Drugs

Why people misusing drugs?

A.Internal Reasons
If relationship with family unharmonious(broken home),then someone
would be easy to despair and frustration.As a result, people will be
looking for fun outside the home by a consumer of drugs.

Difficulty finding a job created a desire to work becomes a drug

When a person's personality unstable and easily influenced by other
people.It can also because of the lack of faith,and scared ignored by

B.External Reasons
Friends of the same age has strong enough effect for people's falling
into the abyss of drugs.Started from follow friend or just try it.

6|Danger of Misusing Drugs

The Effects of Drugs

A.Physical Effects
1. Health problems in the nervous system
2. Health problems of the heart and blood vessels
3. Health problems of the skin
4. Health problems in the lungs
5. Frequently headache,increased body temperature,and difficult to
6. Decreased function of reproductive hormones (estrogen,
progesterone, testosterone)
7. For drug users through needle, especially the use of syringes
alternately,risk of acquiring diseases like hepatitis B,C and HIV

B.Emotional Effects

1. Lazy and slow to work, sloppy, often strained and nervous in the
2. Causing serious psychiatric disease / psychotic
3. Loss of self confidence, become more apathetic, often imagined,
full of suspicion
4. Agresive,become violent and brutal behavior
5. Difficult to concentrate
6. Would be likely to harm themselves, even suicidal
7. Cause to commit a crime, violence and destruction

7|Danger of Misusing Drugs

C.Effect for life on society
1. Mental disorder, anti-social and amoral, excommunicated by
2. Troublesome and become a burden in his/her family
3. Destroy the future of self

8|Danger of Misusing Drugs

Ways to Avoid Drugs for

1. Selective in intercourse
-Hang out with friends who have a positive attitude

2. Avoid hanging when late at night

-Avoid wandering night is one way to stay away from drugs.
Teens who used to wander the night very easily tempted to do
bad habits because they feel they have free time unattended

3. Do not fight the parents advice

-Basicly, every parent wants their children to be children who
have a good character. Listen to and follow the parents advices.

4. Have a hobby and positiveactivity

-Feel teen years with the positive hobby and activity like
sports,paiting,writing and more.This activity can improve your

5. Do not be afraid of losing friends

-Teenagers are dare to some extreme activity which invited by
friend.Do not afraid to lose a friend if he/she is likely to invite
you to do bad things, including abusing drugs.

6. Fortify yourself with religion

-Closer to God will keep a person from actions that harm self or

9|Danger of Misusing Drugs

7. Remember the Future
-Abusing drugs can destroy future.People who are addicted to
drugs tend to have criminal behavior because he may not be able
to learn, school, or work.

8. Never Tried
-The biggest mistake of all teenagers drug users is that they ever
tried. Once you try it, you have become addicted.

9. Experience in Family Togetherness

-Drug users often are teenagers who do not feel at home so that
they would rather be outdoors without a goal until finally
involved in the wrong crowd.

10. Focus on Positive Things

-A lot of positive things that can keep you busy and provide
benefits for self or others. Do the positive things that can
support your goals, make parents proud,improve skills, and so

10 | D a n g e r of Misusing Drugs
Law of Drugs
Criminal provisions of Law No. 22 Year 1997 on Narcotics
contained in Article 78 through Article 104 which regulates the
prohibition, distribution and use is allowed or not allowed. As
contained in article 82, which reads:
1.Whoever without authority and against the law:

a. importing, exporting, offering for sale, distributes, sells, buys,

delivers, become intermediaries in buying and selling, a tool exchange
narcotic Schedule I, shall be punished with death or imprisonment for
life, or imprisonment of 20 years and a fine Rp. 1,000,000,000. (One
billion rupiah);

b. importing, exporting, offering for sale, distributes, sells, buys,

delivers, be an intermediary in the sale and purchase, or exchange
narcotics Group 3, shall be punished with a maximum imprisonment
of 10 years and a maximum fine of Rp.300.000.000. (three hundred
million rupiah)

2. When the offenses referred to in paragraph (I) preceded by a

conspiracy, then the offenses referred to in:

a. paragraph (1) letter a, shall be punished with death or imprisonment

for life or imprisonment for a minimum 4 years and maximum 20
years and a fine of at least Rp. 200,000,000 (two hundred million
rupiah) and maximum Rp. 2,000,000,000. (Two billion rupiah);

11 | D a n g e r of Misusing Drugs
b. paragraph (1) letter b shall be punished with imprisonment of 18
years and a maximum fine of Rp. 1,000,000,000. (One billion rupiah);

c. paragraph (1) letter c, shall be punished with imprisonment of 12

years and a maximum fine of Rp. 750,000,000. (seven hundred and
fifty million rupiah);

12 | D a n g e r of Misusing Drugs
Us, humans, have done things that we shouldn't do and misusing
drugs is one of them. Starting to misuse this things is one of the worst
mistakes the human intelligence has done. We can't remove drugs
because we need it, we have tried with laws but the temptation is
stronger than the fear of going to jail.
Misusing drugs only gives us negative effects, wheter its physical,
emotional and including ruining your social life. So the thing that you
have to do is to avoid and keep distance from anything related to
drugs(that can lead you to addiction). Listen to your parent’s advice,
and be selective of your surroundings. You should listen to this
advices if you don’t want bad things to happen.

13 | D a n g e r of Misusing Drugs






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15 | D a n g e r of Misusing Drugs

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