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At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to :

1. Acquire clear understanding of what is curriculum evaluation.

2. Explain the need to evaluate a curriculum and how it's being done.
3. Expand knowledge about different curriculum evaluation models.


TOPIC : What, why and how to evaluate a curriculum?

REFERENCE : Curriculum Development book (pg. 106-115)

MATERIALS : Visual Aids, Hand-outs



The teacher will ask the students to arrange the jumbled words that are posted on the board. That will
serves as the title of our lesson for today.


*what are the two ways of looking at curriculum evaluation?

 Curriculum program evaluation, may focus on the overall aspects of a curriculum or the
curriculum itself. (K to 12, Mother tounge curriculum etc.)
 Curriculum program component evaluation, a curriculum component may include separate
evaluation of (a) achieved learning outcomes (b) curriculum process (Teaching-Learning
methods/strategies) (c) instructional materials (books, modules, models).

*what is curriculum evaluation?

 Analysis of various definitions reveals that evaluation is both a process and a tool.
 As a process, it follows a procedure based on models and framework to get to the desired result.
 As a tool, it will help teachers and program implementers to judge the worth and merit of the
program and innovation on curricular change.
*How do curricularist define curriculum evaluation?

 Ornstein, A. & Hunskin, F. (1998),curriculum evaluation is a process done in order to gather data
that enables one to decide whether to accept, change, eliminate the whole curriculum of a
 McNeil, J. (1977), evaluation answers two questions, 1. Do planned learning opportunities,
programmes, courses and activities as developed and organized actually produce the desired
results? 2. How can a curriculum best be improve?
 Gay, L. (1985), Evaluation is to identify the weaknesses and strength as well as the problem
encountered in the implementation to improve the curriculum development process.
 Oliva, P. (1988), it is a process of delineating, obtaining and providing useful information for
judging alternatives for purposes of modifying or eliminating the curriculum.

*Why is there a need to evaluate a curriculum?

 Needs assessment
 Monitoring
 Terminal assessment
 Decision-making

*How to evaluate a curriculum?

 Bradley Effectiveness Models

 Tyler Objective Centered Model
 Stake Responsive Model
 Scriven Consumer Oriented Evaluation

* What are the simple ways of curriculum evaluation process?

1. Do the curriculum emphasize learning outcomes?

2. Does the implemented curriculum require less demand?
3. Can this curriculum be applied to any particular level?
4. Can the curriculum aspects be assessed as (a) written (b) taught (c) supported (d) tested and (e)
5. Does the curriculum include formative assessment?
6. Does the curriculum include summative assessments?
7. Does the curriculum provide quantitative methods of assessment?
8. Does the curriculum provide qualitative methods of assessment?
9. Can the curriculum provide the data needed for decision making?
10. Are the findings of evaluation available to stakeholders?

*Whatever models of curriculum evaluation to be used, ASCD,1983 suggest the following steps :

1. Identifying primary audiences.

2. Identifying critical issues /problems.
3. Identifying data source
4. Identifying techniques for collecting data.
5. Identifying established standards and criteria.
6. Identifying techniques in data analysis.
7. Preparing evaluation reports.
8. Preparing modes of display.


Reflect on your current and past experiences on the different curricula you went through from the time
you entered school up to the present. Read the "I wonder if... " incomplete sentences base on your
reflection, choose one number and write your answer on your paper, then complete the sentence "I

I wonder if...

1. My teacher have reviewed the textbooks we used in highschool?

2. Instructional materials we are using now, will not be used in the future?
3. What I learned now will still be relevant in the future?
4. Evaluation of a curriculum will still be a task of a teacher?
5. There is really a need to evaluate a curriculum?


*What is curriculum evaluation?

 Curriculum evaluation is both a process and a tool, wherein the result of the evaluation will be
the basis to improve the curriculum?

*why is there a need to evaluate a curriculum?

 Because planning, designing and implementing are less useful unless there is an evaluation. It
will be the guide for a successful curriculum and enhance achieved learning outcomes.
 To improve the existing curriculum to Benifits the students.

*How to evaluate a curriculum?

 Through the use of curriculum evaluation models.


___________________1. It is a process done in order to gather data that enables one to decide whether
to accept, change, eliminate the whole curriculum of a textbook.

___________________2. Identify the weaknesses and strengths as well as the problems encountered in
the implementation, to improve the curriculum development process.

___________________3. It is a process of delineating, obtaining and providing useful information for

judging alternatives for purposes of modifying or eliminating the curriculum.

___________________4. Curriculum evaluation will guide whether the result have equalled or exceeded
the standards, thus can labelled as a success.

___________________5. Curriculum evaluation provides information necessary for teachers, school

managers for policy recommendations that will enhance achieved learning outcomes.

___________________6. Curriculum evaluation identifies the strength and weaknesses of an existing

curriculum that will be the basis of the intended plan, design, implementation.

___________________7. Evaluation is done in the middle of the curriculum development, it will tell if
the designed or implemented curriculum can produce or is producing the desired result.

___________________8. Compare actual ends with intended ends and lead to a series of recycling

___________________9. A curriculum evaluation model which is until now continues to influence many
curriculum assessment processes.

___________________10. A curriculum evaluation model that uses criteria and checklist as a tool for
either formative or summative evaluation purposes.


Research about the curriculum evaluation through learning assessment.


Mariefe C. Relano


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