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An essay about How do we adapts Globalization?

Patintero; Young Filipinos play with Globalization

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements in The Contemporary World





Patintero; Young Filipinos Play with Globalization
Nowadays, globalization has been a very prominent issue in the world. The
issue on whether globalization is ultimately beneficial or harmful to the average
citizen of the world is clearly still a much publicly debated issue. Globalization
has a both negative and positive impacts to the young one’s particularly the
young Filipinos. In the Philippines, the goal of attaining sustainable development
has been a primary consideration: therefore, global forces are often intended to
achieve, and directed towards achieving this purpose. However, these efforts do
not always mean that different communities are able to participate at the same
level or even benefit from these endeavors. Globalization is the process in which
the economies of the nations are being integrated so that different industries will
be allowed to enter different countries. In this case, the countries all over the
world would be able to help one another to sustain peace and development. A
lot of changes occurred because of globalization and I believe that there are
positive and negative effects here in the Philippines, particularly the youths.
First is growing up with globalized or modernized virtual world were
communications technology is primitive. We can sit in front of a monitor across
from another person in front of their monitor. We can see each other, hear each
other, and view documents together. All this is wonderful, but it’s still a far cry
from face-to-face interaction. The technology of virtual reality and augmented
reality promises to fill this gap. Right now, we can wear special devices and enter
startlingly realistic fantasy worlds. The potential for entertainment and gaming
is obvious. Mobile Legends as one of the prominent online game.
Additionally, with the invention of technology, people in different countries
will be able to “meet” in a virtual conference room with the full sense of being
physically together. Having access to subtle cues—facial expressions, tones of
voice, sideways glances—will make these meetings seem almost real.
Conversely, there are also some harmful effects. Like, science and
technology itself. Yes, it is true that internet bridges communication from one
country to another, but there are some Filipinos who got too addicted to
computers and forget that they still have to be with real world. Since they are
too engrossed in learning what's in in the virtual world, the relationship between
family members, friends and relatives suffer one way or the other. Like what I
have observed in my students. I taught grades 1 and 2 pupils, 6- 7 years old.
They are really techy and even knows a lot of things, they are already exposed to
a lot of things that adult do, but I feel mad whenever I think that when I was at
their age, the only thing in my mind was to play hide and seek or jumping rope
with my friends. Now, badminton, tumbang preso or even patintero are no longer
"in" for kids because they prefer to sit in front of their computers, laptops, tablets
or whatever and click.
On the other hand, Philippines tried its best to be competitive around the
globe. Globalization brought to our country a lot of opportunity for the people's
professional and personal growth. We all know that because of this phenomenon,
science and technology really emerged. Since Filipinos like us wanted to become
globally competitive, we study and look for some resources. Like studying and
trying our best to be good communicators of English. In this way, we develop our
communication skills and at the same time, earn enough compensation to have
good life style.
Meanwhile, Globalization can also help the Philippines education to
improve more. In the Philippines in terms of education we improve more and we
offer higher education and skilled people. The education in the Philippines is now
recognized outside the country. And many foreigners are going here to study
because the quality of education is higher while the cost is lower and can
accommodate all foreigner who wants to studies in the Philippines. One reason
also is the lower cost of living while studying here. The Filipino people are smart
and can communicate well to other foreigners. Speaking English in the
Philippines is a natural language of Filipino because it is one of the subjects of
all schools. At present, the Philippines has a large outsourcing foreign
companies, especially in Metro Manila.
However, globalization sounds pretty in the field of education. The purpose
is to provide students with a common core of fundamental knowledge and skills.
But as noted by some analysts, politicians are not talking about enriching
education with diverse subject matter, time to engage in critical thinking, or
participation in political, cultural, and intellectual life outside the classroom in
a campus setting. They are actually talking about skills-based classes that
provide the training and certification that used to be provided on the job. This
set up takes away from corporations the cost of training workers and places it
on the back of the students. That is why subjects like Filipino will be side-tracked
to a K-to-12 curriculum, giving way to the “internationalization” of the courses –
that is, to give more importance to English course in college which will be the
“standard language” in the global market.
Consequently, how can we develop our national language if we keep on
killing it in the guise of internationalization? It’s not only killing the Filipino
language but the other languages in the country as well. They are killing the way
people think in their own language. They are killing our culture and selling our
souls to the wishes of the multinationals, the IMF-WB, and transnational
corporations that hamper our growth as a nation.
Recently through, Korean Popular Music or K-Pop is the more popular
Korean cultural product across the world that also affects the Filipinos and they
already love the K-pop music. I'm confused why I often hear sort of Filipinos
singing K-pop Music and going to a K pop band concert because i assumed that
they don't understand Korean language. And that's how I see that there is really
a Korean wave in our country. K-Pop groups like coming in the Philippines
because they know that they will receive fame and hospitality not just from their
fellow Koreans who stays in our country, but also from Filipinos.
In response to the Filipinos growing addiction towards K-Pop, Philippine Music
Industry also make their own K-Pop group version. Like "Blank Pink" who
followed who followed the concept of K-Pop girl group and "MNL48". This make
a variety of reaction from the Filipino audiences, especially Filipino K- Pop fans.
Some have negative reaction about another "copy", while some felt glad about
the brave move of the Philippine music industry. The Filipinos fans not only
developed an interest in the Koreanovelas or K-Pop music but also the likeness
towards the Korean fashion. This Korean fashion trend exploded among the
students who love to be hip and chic and "In" with the new. Even sometimes they
may look weird, as long as they tried to imitate the Korean hair, clothing style
and shoes. Because of the attitude of the Filipinos that is easily to be influenced
of foreign marketing, the Korean Culture products poses a negative effect on the
Philippine entertainment industry since it is a threat to the local entertainment
since and to the Filipino identity in its own cultural products. Perhaps the
Philippines can learn from Korea in this sense. This nothing wrong if we like
things or culture from foreign country but we don't have to forget that we are
still Filipinos and we have to support the products (Music, Fashion, Shows) of
our country.
Above all, globalization is a great phenomenon that we can’t deny. It is
obviously plays an important role in our society, generally in the whole world. It
has a quite negative impacts to us Filipinos and yet it has also a massive positive
impact to the society in terms of technology, education, fashion and at the same
time culture. What we must to do is just to adapt, try, and be “in” but never
forget the traditional one who molds us towards modernized and globalized
society. Thus, 20?30?50 years from now, young Filipinos will play a role to a
tremendous and remarkable global modernization.

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