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As an employee of [your company], you have the opportunity to lead the way in defining and
enhancing our Human Resources Department by providing your honest, open, and confidential
opinions about the quality of our services.

We are seeking your feedback on a variety of HR processes and documents. We would like you to
rate our department on responsiveness, timeliness, expertise, and clarity using the definitions below.
Please indicate your job level:

_ Staff _ Supervisor _ Manager _ Other

How often do you contact HR for assistance?

_ Daily _ Weekly _ Monthly _ Rarely

Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

1. HR efficiently communicates changes in policies
and procedures
2. HR responds to my questions and inquires in a
timely manner
3. When I contact HR, my first contact person
answers my questions or finds the answer for me
4. I know whom to contact for specific HR
5. It would be beneficial to have a complete
contact list of the HR staff and their area of
6. I am confident that all issues discussed with HR
are kept confidential

Customer Service
7. HR is readily available to all customers
8. The HR department is focused on meeting the
needs of their internal & external customers
9. HR has a clear understanding of their
customers’ needs
10. The HR department works well as a team
11. If a situation or question arises that I as a
manger cannot answer I’m confident that the
HR department will be able to assist
12. HR is easy department to work with
13. HR provides seamless service

Recruitment & New Hires

14. I am satisfied with the length of time it takes to
fill open positions
15. I understand the efforts that go into the
recruitment of new hires
16. HR does a good job of providing a high quality
of new hires
17. We have the right number of people in our
18. We are understaffed in areas
19. As an organization we attract and hire the very
best people
20. We hire people with the competencies and skills
needed to be high performers

HR Polices & Procedures

21. HR procedures necessary to do my job often
involve unnecessary steps
22. There is too much paperwork involved in HR
23. HR policies and procedures help the
[Company] achieve success in the
24. HR continually improves its programs
25. The HR department is able to rapidly initiate
26. HR reviews and drops programs that are
27. The HR department reinforces the [Company]
culture and standards of performance
28. I feel that HR decisions/counsel are not biased
in favor of any one group
29. Personnel procedures effective handle a variety
of employee situations and needs
30. The information that I have received about
employee benefits is easy to understand
31. I feel HR provides me with the support I need
when disciplining an employee
32. HR effectively helps mangers that are having
difficulties within their department
33. I feel HR provides me with guidance to be a
more effective supervisor
34. HR makes decisions that are not biased
35. Current procedures are effective in rewarding
36. I can easily understand the information I have
received about benefits
37. HR procedures necessary to do my job often
involve unnecessary steps

Training & Development

38. I would be interested in training to help me
develop my mangerial skills
39. Our company is committed to improving the
skills of current employees
40. The training programs offered help me to

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