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Holistic Healthcare chapter 5

Deborah Devar
Path to Perfect Health
6/1/2011  626 348-1434


Reflexology Explained













Reflexology not only helps the body to naturally open up congested channels, it also sends a
supply of electrical currents with coded messages charging through the channels within the body
like a healing shock wave. The body continuously strives to maintain a delicate equilibrium.
When this balance is disturbed by injury, disease, or the stress of daily life, it upsets the normal
functions of the body and health is compromised. Reflexology is a simple and noninvasive
method for realigning these functions to help the body accomplish the perfect balance that leads
to super health.

In simple terms, foot reflexology is the practice of working the reflexes in the feet, which
correspond to other body parts. This is done with specific hand and finger techniques.
Reflexology causes responses in corresponding parts of the body. Relaxation is the first step
towards normalization. The body returns to a state of equilibrium or homeostasis, when the
circulation flow is reestablished. With the restoration of homeostasis, the body‟s organs, which
are actually groupings of cells, may then return to a normal state of function as well.

Reflex points are energy junctions that relay and reinforce energy along meridian lines of the
body, passing energy, (Chi) toward the organs via the nervous system. There are specific
electrical properties at the reflex points and along the meridians that are different from the
surrounding tissues‟ electrical properties. When these reflex points are stimulated, the chemical
messengers in the brain release endorphins. Endorphins have the same effect as morphine in
suppressing pain. They seem to work by blocking the transmission of pain impulses from one
neuron to another. This is a much safer and effective pain suppressant than using drugs.

For this process the focus is on the ten equal longitudinal segments running the length of the
body, which conveniently match the number of toes and fingers. Each meridian is named for the
organ or function connected to its energy flow. Zone one incorporates the thumb, extends up the
arm into the shoulders and neck to the brain, and then down the body to the big toe. Zone two
extends from the index finger, up the arm into the shoulders, neck and brain and down the body
to the second toe. The third zone extends from the middle finger, up the arm to the shoulder,
neck and brain and down the body to the third toe. The fourth zone toe begins at the ring finger,
traveling up the arm into the shoulder, neck and brain, then down the body to the fourth toe. The
fifth zone extends from the little finger traveling up the arm to the shoulder, neck and brain and
down the body to the fifth toe.

Stress and disease are on-going facts of life for the majority of us, so reflexology can serve as a
preventative program. Utilized once or twice a week reflexology can help each individual restore
and maintain a natural balance, while providing the support that the body needs to heal itself.

Stress is the single greatest threat to the body‟s equilibrium. When specific organs or systems of
the body are in duress, areas of the feet reflect a corresponding buildup. The calcification, (tiny
crystals) and lymph fluid (puffy, swollen spots) becomes a road map reference to the areas of
imbalance. Wherever buildup is found on the foot, it is a sign that the side effects of stress have
begun to accumulate in corresponding parts of the body.

When applying Reflexology techniques, there are rules and guidelines for the safety and
protection of both the giver and receiver. Any treatment is to be taken seriously, because even a
simple demonstration will offer relief. It is best not have expectations on results of the treatment
with either the giver or the receiver. Each treatment or a series of treatments will speak for itself.

Reflexology can be a bit painful at first because of the inflammation. The pain will subside shortly
after the sensitive spot in the foot has received the endorphins to numb out the pressure that is
being applied. The sensitivity is important because it will confirm what and where the problem is.

Encourage clients to put up with a little pain for minute or so. To demonstrate that the pressure is
not too hard, move to another spot on the foot and use the same pressure and technique on a
spot that is unrelated to the organ or system under duress. This spot will not be painful or
sensitive at all. You definitely know when you find the tender spot. The motto, “no pain, no gain”
isn‟t exactly what is being explained here because harder pressure does not send more electrical
currents. Smashing or grinding down the crystals is not the goal of this service. Too much
pressure would be reckless and backwards, similar to digging into connective tissue to get rid of
cellulite using deep tissue massage. Damaging tissue is counter productive. You will dissolve a
bit of the congestion, but keep in mind the term, “sympathetic vibration”.

Sympathetic vibration is adding more of the same, or adding sympathetic information and energy
to each vibration or communication exchange at the right time to accentuate the natural vibrations
that the system naturally or previously expressed. Create a consistent rhythm and apply it to
each reflex point.

A good visual that demonstrates the power of sympathetic vibration is a child on a swing. There
are two ways to push a child higher on a swing. One way is through brute force. If you are
strong enough you can pull the child back, then push the child forward, and motion starts with a
big bang. The other approach is to gently give a short soft push to activate the motion of the
swing and then add a push each time the child returns. This is what it means to “sympathize”
with the cycle (vibration) of the child. Little by little, the child‟s swing span will increase. Because
the swing “remembers” the previous push, the child will increasingly swing out higher and higher
with each addition of gentle, sympathetic force. I use this example so you do not take reflexology
lightly. We have the power to move things using gentle, repetitive, consistent motion.


Don‟t diagnose, just focus on working toward a positive result and instruct to the best of your
ability. The beauty of reflexology lies in the central fact that it works without diagnosis. If you are
curious about a particular part of your client‟s foot, you can ask: “Do you ever have trouble...” or
“Do you ever notice difficulty...” Don‟t pursue correspondence beyond this point; it is shocking and
exciting enough that you can find the location of the problem in the body on the bottom of the

 Don‟t prescribe, observe. When the opportunity presents itself explain the connection
between the congested reflex points in relationship to the organ systems under duress.
Abstain from statements such as, “It might be beneficial to...” or “In my experience it is
often helpful to...” Avoid all temptations to prescribe anything to anyone at anytime.

 Don‟t Treat for Specific Illness: A wholeness coach should always plan out carefully just
what he or she will say about reflexology to perspective clients. Once again, it is
important not to make promises to treat anything specifically. Explain that there is no way
to be sure just what will be accomplished, only that you are willing to teach and apply the
basic principles of reflexology to any pair of feet in a consistent and professional manner.

 Do tell your client: Reflexology is the study of the reflexes on the feet that correspond to
every part of the body. Working on these points relaxes tension and helps the body to
seek its own equilibrium. Explain the organization of the foot (use charts if possible).
There should be no secrets. Be open and helpful when asked for this information. Finally,
be willing to describe your technique.


As in any serious discipline, Reflexology requires consistency and dedication by those who
practice it. There are no shortcuts. The fast way to get results is the same for each pair of feet
you work on: persistent application of the rules and guidelines are discussed here, together with

simple, effective and efficient techniques. In each case the focus is the safety and comfort of the

Visual Observation: Before working on any pair of feet, inspect them for abnormalities (i.e.
corns, calluses, sprains, etc.). Painful areas of the feet should be avoided. Note the condition of
the toenails (i.e. ingrown, cracked, etc.). If severe problems exist, suggest to your client they see
a podiatrist. To complete your inspection, ask your client if there are any painful or unusual
conditions of which you should be aware. Note that corns and calluses should not be worked on
with direct pressure if they are painful.

Do Not Work on an Infected Area: Under no circumstance should you work a damaged area. If
you find a cut or bruise, work around it and point it out to the client. If there is a foot injury, work
the corresponding areas.

Fingernail Length: The nails of the walking finger and thumb should not cut into the skin of the
foot at any time. The proper technique cannot accommodate long nails. Fingernails that are too
long will always cause discomfort. There is a popular technique called Vita Flex. With this
technique the giver rotates the fingertip over onto the foot, but nails must still be cut short and
flush to the fingertips.


Foot Scrub: Whether you are treating yourself or another to a foot scrub, it is genuinely a labor of
love and nurturing from the heart of a servant. When combined with the essential oils miracles
happen. Foot scrubs are easy to make and worth the effort.

Foot scrub during your bath: Prop a foot out of the water and on the side of the tub. Apply a
droplet of foot scrub to your hand with a spatula and spread it over the entire foot. Allow the foot
to sit out of the water as you treat the other foot in the same manner. If your feet have layers of
dead skin or hard calluses, don‟t try and scrap the layers off completely during the first treatment.
Dunk two-hand towels in the water and wring them out. Wrap each foot in a hand towel and
leave the foot wrapped for at least 5 minutes. This will melt the salts and soften the dead skin,
while the minerals have a chance to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Remove the hand towels
and submerge the feet in the tub. After all the salt is rinsed give yourself a foot massage working
the reflex points.

Foot scrub for another- Apply the foot scrub to your hand with a spatula and spread it over the
entire first foot. Use your palms and your entire hand to create light friction in a scrubbing motion.
You may need to use a pumice paddle on calluses. Thoroughly scrub the first foot. Remember
to take your time; this is the slow and deliberate part of this service. Wrap the first foot in a hot
towel from foot tub. Set it aside and start on the other. Clean off any salt that has not dissolved
and proceed with a foot massage working the reflex points.
The foot scrub works great before a detox footbath or a reflexology treatment.

Recipe For Foot Scrub

• Sea Salts 4 Tablespoons
• 2 oz. glass jar & lid
• Carrier Oil- 1 or 2 Tablespoons (just enough to cover the salts).
Mix these two ingredients using a spatula until blended.
Add 10-20 drops of either: Virus, Pain, Protection, Sexsations or Attractions.


Wringing helps to smooth out the feet by stretching the muscles. This technique is especially
effective after a long day of wearing shoes. Start at the top of the
foot near the toes and wrap your hands around the sides of the
foot, with the thumbs on the sole and the fingers on the top of the
foot. Gently twist your hands back and forth similar to wringing out
a washcloth. Continue wringing as you move your hands down
toward the heal. Repeat 3 times and give the foot a good stretch.

Kneading will relax the client and begin stimulating the reflexes. Stabilize the foot with one hand
across the top of the foot. Make a clenched fist with the
other hand. Place the knuckles of your clenched fist into
the sole of the stabilized foot. Alternate knuckle techniques
between circular movements and a rocking motion back
and forth over the entire sole of the foot. Repeat 3 times.

Stretching allows the bones more freedom of movement. Stretching will help elongate feet that
have been cramped in tight shoes all day. To begin, position the
hands the same as for the wringing technique. Keep your hands
close to the ankle over the top of the foot with the thumbs starting in
the middle of the lower foot. Work towards the toes. Use the thumbs
in alternating thumb over thumb rolls to stretch out the soles of the
feet. Repeat 3 times.

Finger Circling - Start by placing both your hands on top of your client‟s foot with your thumbs on
the sole for support. Gently make tiny circular movements with your
fingers over the top and side of the foot and over the ankle. Repeat 3

Milking the Foot pulls away the tension from the entire body. This is an effective technique to
finish off the foot. You literally milk the foot by wrapping one hand at a time, around the entire
foot starting at the ankle with a firm grip and pull while sliding your grip towards the toes. Repeat
3 times.

Instruments: The hand and fingers are the most trusted instruments. There are several
instruments on the market, but there is no easier way to pursue safe and effective techniques
than with the human hand. Instruments have no feeling so it is difficult to control leverage and

 Knuckles: Knuckles can cause as much damage as other instruments. Adhere to the
basic finger/thumb walking technique using consistent, repeating pressure.

 Lubricants: Creams, lotions and cold pressed oils applied the feet make it difficult to
properly hold the foot, causing loss of leverage. By utilizing the foot scrub prior to the
Reflexology treatment you will have exactly the correct amount of lubricant needed for a
relaxing and comfortable treatment. A therapeutic grade of essential oils can be applied
during a method of reflexology.

 Pressure: Learning how much pressure to use for different problems on different feet
takes time. Even though we know that some pain is inevitable and can be an excellent
indicator of the area to emphasize, one of the primary goals of reflexology is the help the
client relax. Above all, remember that getting results takes time.

 Length of Each Treatment: The normal amount of time for a treatment after a foot scrub
is fifteen minutes. However, if your client is ill, you should work a shorter amount of time
and more frequently on the congested areas.

 Reactions: Occasionally after a treatment, your client may have some kind of detox
reaction. Normally, this will be a general feeling of discomfort throughout the body, and
sometimes there is even a temporary feeling of the flu. Do not panic if this occurs.
Reassure your client by explaining that this is common and should pass quickly. Most

reactions are caused by the sudden release of toxins into the system. You can counter
the intensity by working the kidney area thoroughly on each foot during the first several
treatments with a new client. Even the most healthy-looking people can have these
temporary reactions; it just depends on their toxicity levels.

 Positioning, Posture and Eye Contact: Your client‟s feet should be elevated enough so
that your arms and back are not unduly strained. A recliner with an extending footrest is
an excellent way to insure your client‟s comfort. Put the feet at a high enough level for
you to work on. Position yourself so that your client‟s feet are at the level of your chest.
This will also allow you to watch your client‟s facial expressions, so you know when you
are reaching their pain threshold.

 Washing Your Hands: Make it a habit to wash your hands before and after working on a
client. It is both professional and hygienic.


Accupoints are located in small depressions, or hollows between bones, muscles or tendons.
There is almost always a slight sensitivity or „charge‟ to be felt at the site of an acupoint. The tip
of your index, middle finger or the thumb generally locates the points. With regular practice, you
will develop sensitivity and confidence.

Use the fingertips or thumbs to apply pressure. Apply pressure gently at first and gradually
increase to the point where there is mild sensation, but not pain. For sensitive individuals,
infants, elderly or those who are weak and frail, only very light stimulation is required.

Locating the point, applying pressure, releasing, relaxing and repeating the sequence several
times use acupressure either in a sustained way or intermittently. Repeating this process will
create a pulse of healing energy, a wave of energy that continues to accentuate with intensity.
Some people experience acupressure as a dull aching or a slight „electrical‟ sensation, which
often will peak and then disappear. The moment the sensation disappears is the time to stop
applying pressure.

The sensation may vary. A strong sensation reflects an imbalance due an excess of energy. The
more sensitive the area reflects an excess of trapped energy that shows up as pain, swelling,
inflammation or acute conditions collect. Less sensation suggests a deficiency. Lesser sensitive
areas reflect energy deficiencies such as fatigue, weakness, and aching or long-standing
conditions. Working the reflexes is always beneficial, so do not feel that you should not work the
areas if they are less sensitive.



Applying Pressure is done when you place your thumb in the center, bottom of the foot. With a
rotating motion, press and roll the thumb as if you were trying to break up lumpy sugar. Do this
about five times and then move to another spot. You are not necessarily manipulating the skin,
but the reflexes under the skin.

Walking the Thumb or Walking the Fingers. The thumb or finger walking technique exerts a
constant, steady pressure while contouring to the surfaces of the feet.
The interplay of the finger and thumb provide the ability to contour and
exert pressure to the variety of surfaces.

The Grasp is best explained with an example of how you use it. It is the motion used to turn a
screwdriver when you are holding it in the palm of your hand. This is a
power grip, used when strength is needed. The thumb reinforces the
efforts of the fingers.

The Precision Grip would be moving to the end of the screwdriver using your fingertips to turn
the tissue on the foot. The precision grip is used when direct
pressure is needed. The thumb works in opposition to the
fingers for balanced pressure.

If you are concerned about fingernail marks, use the flat side of the finger or thumb to exert
pressure. The fingers are used to brace the foot when using your thumb to exert pressure and
your thumb is used as a brace when exerting pressure with your fingers.

Direct Pressure exerts the amount of pressure desired for 15 to 30 seconds.

Alternating Pressure is achieved when you bend and unbend the first joint of the thumb to
create an alternating pressure.

There are many thumb and finger techniques. You may even develop some of your own. Refer
to other books and videos for a better understanding. Regardless of the routine the goal is the
same. Relax the client and stimulate the body‟s ability to heal itself. It is best to begin each foot
reflexology treatment with a foot massage.


Reflexology can be used in conjunction with the essential oils. Reflexology and aromatherapy
are separate treatments that are very powerful when combined. Modified reflexology treatments
are applied during aromatherapy facials, massage, body wraps and body scrubs. Reflexology is
a helpful tool when deciding what oils to use in order to best support the weaknesses in the body
during a treatment. The essential oils can be applied to specific reflex points on the feet, in order
to intensify the treatment to the areas that correspond with each reflex.


Adrenal- Essential oil formulas that stimulate the Adrenal cortex are: Virus, Harmonic 7,
Emovere' and Thyroid.

Asthma - Work the reflexes of the endocrine glands, especially the adrenals, lungs and the
lymphatic system. Essential oil formula choices are: Pain, Alignment, Infection, Cold & Flu, Virus
and Protection.

Brain: is the master regulator and control center for the entire body.

Left Side of the Brain governs the analytical, structural thinking, memory retention and mental
alertness. Suggested essential oil formulas are: Alert, Virus, Nerve Cell, Pain, Stomach,
Headache and Cold & Flu.

Right Side of the Brain governs our creative and inspirational thinking. Suggested essential oil
formulas are: Dream catcher, Stress, Wrinkles, Alinement, Harmonic 7, Emovere, Attractions and

Cellulite - Massage the lymphatic zones for congestion and fluid retention. Essential oil formula
choices are: Weight+/- and Scar Tissue.

Digestion - Work the reflexes of the elimination organs such as the large intestine, kidneys,
lungs, the liver and lymphatic system.
• Psychological congestion can cause mental tension, fatigue or depression.
• Physical congestion can cause constipation, varicose veins or cellulite.
Suggested essential oil formulas are: Weight +/-, Virus, Pain, Harmonic 7, Emovere, Stress,
and Cleanse Pure.

Varicose Veins - Work on the large intestine reflexes and check the small intestine, liver,
kidneys, and lungs. Essential oil formula choices are: Cleanse Pure, Weight +/-, Nerve Cell,
Harmonic 7 and Emovere.

Large Intestine- Reflexology is a quick fix for constipation. Work the reflexes of the adrenal
glands, digestive system, lower back and tailbone. Essential oil formulas that assist are:
Stomachache, Headache, Weight +/-, Pain and Virus.

Menopause - Work the reflexes of the reproductive organs. Essential oil formula choices are:
PMS, Hot Flash, Wrinkles, Emovere, Alinement, Hair & Scalp or Harmonic 7.

Ovaries - Work the reproductive reflexes. Essential oil formulas to assist the ovaries are: Cold &
Flu, Infection, Hot Flash, PMS, Thyroid, Virus, and Pain. Also check the uterus and fallopian
tube reflex points for tenderness. Massage the pituitary and thyroid reflex points if tender.

Parathyroid-Work the parathyroid and the thyroid reflexes. Essential oils that assist with
metabolism and stimulating weight loss are: Thyroid, Wrinkles, Weight +/-, Hot Flash, PMS,
Harmonic 7, Alignment and Hair & Scalp.

Pituitary- The master gland, and should never be omitted when checking the reflexes. Working
the pituitary reflex will usually benefit all disorders, which involve the endocrine glands. Systems
related to the endocrine glands are the brain, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries, testicles, uterus,
prostate and thyroid. Essential oil formula choices are: Protection, Sexsations, Attractions,
Hair & Scalp, Nerve Cell, Wrinkles, Alignment, Harmonic 7, Thyroid, Weight +/- and

Uterus/Prostate- Essential oil formulas that assist prostate disorders are: Virus, Stomach,
Nerve Cell, Harmonic 7, Emovere and Weight +/-.

Sinuses - Work the sinus reflexes to relieve congestion and colds. Essential oil formula choices
are: Cold&Flu, Virus, Stomachache, Headache and Infection.

Spine- Essential oil formulas traditionally used when working the spine reflexes to reduce
inflammation and pain are found in: Nerve Cell, Pain, Remission, Alert, and Virus.

Stomach- This is the principal organ of digestion. The following essential oils may assist in
relieving digestive irregularity and disturbances such as an upset stomach, belching and bloating
from gas: Stomachache, Virus and Headache.

Thyroid- Releases several hormones, two of which are thyroxin and de-iodothyrin. Work the
thyroid and parathyroid. Effective essential oils are: Thyroid, Wrinkles, Alignment, Nerve Cell,
and Weight +/-.

Trachea, Bronchial, Lung, Esophagus- Work the reflexes of the adrenal glands, lungs and
solar plexus. Essential oil formulas that help give relief from colds, bronchitis, sinusitis and
respiratory congestion are: Cold&Flu, Infection, Protection and Attractions.


Treatment by means of pressure points was known in India and China 5,000 years ago. The
credit for initiating reflexology, as it is known today is given to Dr. William Fitzgerald. In the
beginning, reflexology was used to numb an area and relieve pain. We now understand that
when an area is relaxed, the healing begins. A Canadian scientist, Professor Pomeranz of
Toronto, discovered that acupuncture liberates endorphins. Reflexology accomplishes the same
effect using pressure instead of needles. Working the reflexes will begin to dissolve the blocks

that contribute to stagnation and starvation of all parts of the body. This simple method has
proven to be very successful when properly applied.

Dr. Edwin Bowers who was a colleague of Dr. Fitzgerald first introduced the zone theory in 1916.
The zone theory teaches that primary meridians or channels of energy run through the body.


The basic premise of reflexology is that any blocks along a meridian can affect every body part
along that entire meridian. The relationship is based on the zones.

In the early 1900s, Dr. William Fitzgerald observed that direct pressure on certain areas of the
body could produce a numbing effect in a corresponding body area. The zone theory evolved
from his research. Dr. Fitzgerald discovered by observation that his patients would numb
themselves with direct pressure, such as clenching fists. Technology has made it possible to find
the scientific basis for this discovery because frequency can now be measured.

In the1930's, before the frequency measuring technology was available, Eunice Ingham used
Zone Therapy. She realized that the feet should be the specific target for the therapy because
the feet are highly sensitive. She charted the feet in relation to the zones and their effect upon
the rest of the anatomy. She then created, on the feet themselves, a “map” of the entire body.
Using rhythmic pressure instead of constant pressure, she discovered therapeutic benefits
beyond pain reduction.

The Zone Theory was proven at Aberdeen University and the University of California at La Jolla,
when Dr. Becker and his colleagues experimented using electrode currents and documented that
electrical currents pass most readily along the body‟s meridian lines.

“Sympathetic Vibration”

Nikola Tesla, a brilliant but eccentric inventor actually known as the “mad inventor”, invented the
AC current and AC generator among other things. Tesla knew that everything vibrates and by
adding sympathetic information and energy to each vibration, one could gently but surely
accentuate the vibrations that the system was naturally expressing. This included skyscrapers.
In 1898 Tesla was testing a tiny electro mechanical oscillator. He attached the oscillator to an
iron pillar. As the tempo built higher and higher, a resonance was established and items in the
room would shimmy and dance. Soon he sensed an ominous vibration in the floor and walls.
Knowing that he must quickly put a stop to it, he seized a sledgehammer and smashed the little
oscillator in a single blow just as two policemen rushed through the door. This was not the only
building he shook nearly to destruction with oscillators no larger than an alarm clock. Tesla
proved on several occasions the power of sympathetic vibration. When Tesla‟s mechanical
resonance principal is implemented with sufficient energy over a long enough period of time,
Tesla proved that even very sturdy things can vibrate out of control.


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