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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Differentiate shade of meaning of words and phrases
b. Give appropriate meaning of the given shades of words
c. Appreciate the importance of using shades of meaning in everyday communication


Topic: Shades of Meaning
Competency: Identify words or expressions used in a selection that show varying
shades of meaning.
Materials: Cartolina and construction papers

Preparatory Activities
- Prayer
- Classroom management
- Checking of attendance

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Review

Class, what was our lesson yesterday? Our lesson was about different kinds of Figures of

So, what are the different figure of speech? These are Simile, Metaphor, Hyperbole,
Personification and many more.

Very good! Is there any question or clarification about None, Ma’am.

our past lesson?

B. Motivation
Okay class, I have here a song entitled “All The
Words” by Kutless. We are going to sing this song
and while singing try to go over with the lines and
please understand the meaning of each line.

All The Words

By: Kutless

All of the words in all of my life that could never

explain and never describe
All of my love, which is nothing to hide so I lift up
my hands and I worship Yes, Ma’am
I worship You
In your presence I forever choose to live (Students will sing together)
I will praise You for it's all I have to give
So looking to the sky I will sing and from my heart to
You I bring

Okay! So now class, what does the song tells us about

words? Yes, Crisme? Crisme: The song tells us that without words we
cannot understand each other.

Yes, you have a point Crisme, that without words we

could not barely express our true feelings right? Yes ma’am!

How powerful words are in your own opinion? Yes,

Alex? Alex: Words are very powerful in so many
aspects. It is used as the main tool to
communicate each other.
That’s right Alex! And how do you define words?
Yes, Rey? Rey: For me, it is something that a person says or
sequence of letters or as a character used for
Very good Rey! Words are used in putting one’s
feelings into words.

C. Discussion

This time, I have here four pairs of sentences. I will

call one by one to read each sentence. Ann please read
sentence pair 1, Nova on pair 2, Donna on pair 3 and
John on pair 4. Start!

1. Ben walked quietly down the hallway.

Ben walked gently down the hallway.
2. The boy has a serious disease.
The boy has Leukemia.
3. My kids are the sunshine of my life.
My kids are my inspiration. (Assigned students read each pair of sentences)
4. That lady is just shedding crocodile tear.
That lady is just pretending to be sad.

So, what have you observed from the given pair of Francis: I have observed that each pair has almost
each sentences Francis? the same words but differ in one word only.

Yes, very good! Good observation Francis. Most of

the sentences on the board are almost likely the same.

So, in what ways are they similar? Yes, Mary? Mary: They have the same thought ma’am.

Rose: Some of the words are adjectives and some

are phrases that have deeper meaning.
Good idea Mary. It is indeed correct that they convey
one thought. How about in the ways they differ? Yes,

Very good Rose! Although they express one idea but

they have different terms used in the sentences. Mae: Some words describe another word and
some express deep meaning.
So, what can you say on the given underlined words
above? Yes, Mae?

Excellent Mae! Mae said that some of the underlined

words describe and some express deep meaning. Shaira: The general idea in pair sentences 2 is the
underlined word, “ serious disease” while the
What words in pair 2 sentences expresses general specific idea is the underlined word, “Leukemia”
idea? Yes, Shaira?

Very well said Shaira! Serious disease is basically the

general idea for it has a broad meaning and Leukemia
is the specific idea. Rizza: The words express metaphor.

How about pair sentence 3. What makes the word

related? Yes, Rizza? Jezza: The kids are being compared to a sunshine
and inspiration.
That’s rigtht Rizza. The words in pair sentence 3
expresses metaphor, because it compares what? Yes,

Very well said Jezza. Metaphor is an example of

figurative language that compares one thing and is
used to refer another thing. Jara: The underlined expression in sentence one
of pair 4 is called idiom.
What do you call the expression used in first sentence
of pair sentence 4? Yes, Jara?

That’s right Jara! Idiom simply means that an

expression that cannot be understood but has a
separate meaning of its own. Angel: The words may have different meaning
depending on how it is being used in the sentence.
Generally, what do these groups of word tell us about?
Yes, Angel?

Good idea Angel! It tells us about having different

meaning or what w so called different shades of
meaning. April: We usually encounter this kind of words in
poems, narrative stories and other literary forms.
Where do we usually encounter these different kinds
of words with different meaning? Yes, April?

Very good April! We usually encounter these kind of

words in different literary forms and we also call this
as connotation and denotation. Connotation where in
it expresses a broader meaning while denotation is
more on specific. Mia: It is connotation ma’am most especially on
In literary genres, what do writers usually use? Is it
connotation? Rather than denotation? Yes, Mia? Jane: It is because writers add flowering words in
their writings.
And why do you think it is more on connotation in
poetry Jane?

Good idea Jane! Connotation because in poems you

could not actually understand directly its own
meaning but it makes the reader to understand the line
deeply as they read. Ariel: Sometimes ma’am and it depends on the
In our daily lives, do we use these expressions? Yes
Ariel? Bryan: Yes, ma’am, because using different
shades of meaning in our sentence or when
Thanks Ariel. Do you think it is important to use conversing with others improve our oral skills
different shades of meaning? Why? Yes, Bryan? and our writing skills. Also, it serves as an outlet
for an expressive communication and way for
different people to say the same thing but in a
different way.

D. Generalization Elson: They have different shades of meaning

Based on the discussion, what can you say
about synonymous words? Yes, Elson? July: These are the figurative language, idiom,
general and specific idea and connotation and
So, what are the different shades of words? denotation.
Yes, July?
Michelle: General idea expresses to the main
meaning rather than particular. While specific are
Thanks Elson. Who can differentiate general words that is exact and precise.
from specific idea? Yes, Michelle?
Peter: Connotation has a deeper meaning with the
positive and negative associations while
Very good Michelle! How about the difference denotations are the literal meaning of a word.
of connotation and denotation? Yes, Peter?

E. Practice

This time class, I will group you into 3. Each

group has a specific kind of activity to be
answered these are:
A. Connotative and Denotative
Write a plus sign (+) before each pair of
words below which convey a more
favorable attitude. And a minus sign (-) for
words which carry a less favorable attitude.

refreshing – chilly
plain – natural
clever – sly
cackle – giggle

B. General vs. Specific

Encircle the general idea/s and underline
the specific idea/s
Narra tree fruits squash Honda
cars Man lion carnivores yellow
magenta Coca-cola fried chicken
desert softdrinks

C. Idiomatic Expressions
Before each number, write I if the
underlined word/s is and idiom and X if

1. We won the contest. So let’s paint the

town red.
2. We have an emergency meeting. I will
just give you a rain check of our next
get together.
3. She’s under the weather that is why
she’s absent today.
4. During our dance practice, I was told
by my teacher to put my one foot
5. Kids, you may now eat the cake. It’s
divided fair and square for all of you.


Tell whether the underlined word expresses denotation or connotation and explain the
meaning of those that expresses connotation below the sentence.

1. If you work hard, you’ll surely go places.

2. Each place in the Philippines has a beautiful spot to visit.
3. It will rain cats and dogs today.
4. You’ll find cats and dog shows of pet lovers.
5. You have to see the eye of the storm to solve the problem with your peers.
6. The eye of the storm is seen near the Palawan Island.

With the same groupings, prepare a role play of 3 minutes each group plans for a
“Birthday Party”. Emphasize words/ expressions with different shades of meaning.

Prepared by: Lora Jane A. Tumali

Teacher 1 Applicant
How do I speak of the indescribable to You
I will try to explain these feelings that are true
So looking to the sky I will sing and from my heart to You I
All of the words in all of my life that could never explain
and never describe
All of my love, which is nothing to hide so I lift up my
hands and I worship
I worship You
In your presence I forever choose to live
I will praise You for it's all I have to give
So looking to the sky I will sing and from my heart to You I
All of the words in all of my life that could never explain
and never describe
All of my love, which is nothing to hide so I lift up my
hands and I worship
By Your grace You let me come talk to You
It's not that I'm worthy I thank you Jesus
For the love that You have shown
All of the words in all of my life that could never explain
and never describe
All of my love, which is nothing to hide so I lift up my
hands and I worship
With all of the words in all of my life that could never
explain and never describe
All of my love, which is nothing to hide so I lift up my
hands and I worship
I worship You

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