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Leadership & Management 5.

Path Goal: leader works to motivate followers &

Leadership influence goal achievement by using the appropriate
Gardner: the process of persuasion & example by w/c style of leadership
an individual induces a group to pursue objectives *directive *achievement oriented
held / shared by the leader & his followers *supportive *participative
Maloney: Leadership is an interpersonal process of Robert J. House: derived path goal theory from
influencing the activities of an individual towards goal expectancy theory & argues that people act as
attainment in a given situation they do because they expect a satisfactory
Stoney: the process of directing & influencing the task result.
related to activities of group members. 6. Life Cycle: Hersey & Blanchard: suggested that
Mitton: the process of sustaining an initiated action. leadership style may be predicted on the basis of the
leadership is conception of a goal & a method of maturity of followers
achieving it. Maturity: refers to level of security & competence the
individual feels about the task to be accomplished
Leadership is viewed as having followers, intepersonal 7. Strategy: Bennis & Nanus: Concluded that there are
relationships & as a process of influencing others. over 4 types of human handling as strategies
*Strategy 1: Management of attention thru vision
Leadership for Nurses: they function as nurses because *Strategy 2: Meaning thru communication: able to turn
of expert knowledge & influence others toward goal their vision into images that others could understand
attainment *Strategy 3: Ability of the leader to inspire trust in
others by contributing to the integrity of the
Theories of Leadership: guide in performance organization
1.Trait Theory: traits are distinctive characteristics that *Strategy 4: Leader projects a positive self-image & self-
distinguish a leader from a non leader. respect by recognizing own strengths & compensating
Common Leadership Traits for the weakness while nurturing the talents & skills we
*Intelligence *Communication Skills already possesses.
*Initiative *Persuasion 8. Great Man: Aristotle; leaders are born not made
*Creativity *Emotional Maturity w/ Integrity
*Leaders need to participate in social activities. Leadership in Nursing is dynamic and dependent on the
*Perceptive enough to distinguish allies than opponents present situation, behavior or personality of the leader
& the client.
2. Charismatic: someone who can inspire to be loyal,
obedient & committed to the cause overcome New & Emerging Concepts
bounderies 1.Leadership can be learned & cultivated
3. Situational: traits varies per situation 2.Leadership are not necessarily charismatic
Stogdill: a leader in one situation may not be so 3.Leadership is not limited at the top of the org.
in a different situation. 4.Leadership is not so much in exercise of power but in
4. Contingency: by F. Fiedler; leadership style will be improvement of others
effective/ineffective depending on the situation 5.Effective leaders are not born but develop overtime.
3 Aspects of Situation that Structure
*Leader-Member Relations: amount of confidence and
*Task Structure: # of correct solutions given to a
situational dilemma
*Position of Power: amount of organizational support
given to the leader.
Styles of Leadership Fullan's Components of Leadership
Leadership styles can be identified as sets/clusters of 1. Moral Purpose: social responsibility to others ->
behavior Servant leadership ethical right/wrong, betterment of
Nurse manager: leadership style is where they use employees in mind, treat people well in order for them
interpersonal behaviors to influence the to follow.
accomplishment of goals. 2.Understanding Change: change can be led and its in
the leadership. Learning to manage change is one of the
1.Authoritarian/Autocratic major components of developing future nurse leaders
*directive behaviors, make decisions alone, more Bednash: need for change has never been
concerned w/ task accomplishment greater. Change is needed in both the practice
*considered positions of authority, expect followers to & the systems that nurses use to deliver care.
follow 3.Relationships: improving relationships is key to
*cooperation among staff are not encouraged successful change initiatives.
Personality: firm, insistent, self assured, self centered Rosner & Posner: what separates effective from
Characteristics: ineffective leaders is how much they really care
*strong control is maintained over the group about the people they lead.
*others are directed with commands 7 Essential Factors to developing Relationships
*communication flows downward *setting clear standards
*decision does not involved others *expecting the best
*emphasis on studies difference (I&You) *paying attention
*criticism is punitive *personalizing recognitions
*telling stories (experiences)
2. Democrative/Participative *celebrating together (socialize)
*leader is people oriented focusing on Human *setting the example
Relations, Teamwork Building of an effective workgroup
*"togetherness" participates together w/ members 4.Knowledge Sharing: effective leaders understand the
Characteristics: value & role of knowledge sharing and make it a
*less control is maintained priority. A norm of sharing with other is the key to
*economic & ego rewards are used to motivate continual growth.
*others are directed thru suggestions & guidance Knowledge sharing must have the ff.
*communications goes up and down *create opportunities for learning by designing events
*decision-making involves others that prompt the necessary activities
*emphasis on "We" *cultivate the proper time fostering desirable norms,
*criticism is constructive behavior & roles of engagement
*personally lead the process of discussion, questions,
3.Permissive/Laissez Faire listening attentively & providing feedback.
*general climate is with no central direction or control 5.Coherence Making: unity persistent coherence-> too
*minimal participation of manager in decisions much dependency. Chaos is an expected product of
*subordinates have complete freedom in decision dynamic complex system, leaders need to accept this
making condition to recognize its potential value & accept
Characteristics: coherence making while retaining the awareness that
*Permissiveness with little or no control persistent coherence is a dangerous thing. (can form a
*Motivation by support when requested by the union which can overpower the government) Collective
group/individuals bargaining agreement.
*Provision of little or no direction
Bases of Power: "Potere" to be able; French & Raven: *Building Community
capacity to ensure outcomes one wishes and to prevent *Commitment to growth of others
those that one does not wish.
Filipino Style of Leadership: person oriented committed
Reward: grant favors to maintaining interpersonal relationship mixed with
Punishment: "coercive" by force, based on negative informal matters with official issues.
things by threats
Information: based on "who knows what" obtained Western Managers: task oriented
when people have information
Legitimate: gained by title/official position; within the Primary Motivators
position *Pakikisama: one make sacrifices in personal welfare
Expert: knowledge & skills *Pakikipagtulungan: Filipino works as one.
Referent: admiration & respect
Participative Nature of Decision Making
Interpersonal Relations: secret for successful leadership *Pagsangguni: seeking others opinion
*manner w/c people respond & identify w/ each other *Pakikipagkasundo: group consensus as mutual
in situations of everyday living; how you deal w/ other agreement.
Foundations of Good Interpersonal Relations 4 Types of Filipino Leadership Style
*Respect *Trust *Pakiramdaman: feeling others
*Consideration for other people *Takutan: relies on coercion
*Kulit: much ado about something, Paulit ulit?
Intrapersonal Relations: understanding & respect to *Patsamba-tsamba: guesswork, Bahala Na
one's self; knowing one's self.
Managerial Values
Individual Characteristics *Lagay
*Self Awareness: aware of others *Compadre System/Nepotism
*Self-Acceptance: accept one's own *Palakasan/Kakilala
strengths/weaknesses & live with it *Utang ng Loob/Hiya
*Acceptance of others & sensitivity to other needs-- *Kusang Loob
not all the same
*Respect for the Job: willing to accept responsibility Management Conflict
Categories of Conflict
Robert Greanleaf's Servant Leadership 1.Intergroup conflict: occurs between two or more
*Leader serves the people he lead groups of people departments or organizations: Ex. two
*the servant-leader is a servant first political affiliations, contradictory beliefs
2.Intrapersonal conflict: occurs within the person, it
What they do? involves on internal struggle to clarify contradictory
*Devote to serving values or wants
*Focus on meeting needs 3.Interpersonal conflict: aKa "horizontal violence" or
"bullying" happens between two or more people w/
10 Characteristics differing values, goals, and beliefs.
*Listening *Conceptualization
*Empathy *Foresight
*Healing *Stewardship
*Awareness *Persuasion Common Causes of Conflict
*Poor Communication 7.Remuneration: employees receive fair payment for
*Inadequately defined organizational structure services, not what the company can get away with.
*Individual behavior (incompatibilities or disagreements 8.Centralization: consolidation of management
based on differences of temperament or attitude) functions. Decisions are made from the top.
*Unclear expectations 9.Scalar Chain (line of authority): Formal chain
*Individual or group conflict or interest. command running from top to bottom of the
*Operational or staffing changes. organization like military.
*Diversity in gender, culture or age. 10.Order: all materials and personnel have a prescribed
place and they must remain there.
Common Conflict Resolution 11.Equity: equality of treatment but not necessarily
*Compromising: each party gives up something it wants identical treatment.
*Competing: used when one party pursues what it 12.Personnel tenure: limited turnover of personnel.
wants at the expense of others. lifetime employment for good workers
*Cooperating/Accommodating: opposite of competing; 13. Initiative: thinking out a plan & do what it takes to
one party sacrifices his or her beliefs and allows the make it happen
other party to win. 14.Esprit de Corps: Harmony, Cohesion among
*Smoothing: used to manage a conflict situation; One Personnel.
person smoothes others involved in the conflict in an
effort to reduce the emotional component of the Management Theories
conflict. 1.Scientific Management: Frederick Winslow Taylor;
*Avoiding: the parties involved are aware of a conflict Advocated that work be studied scientifically to
but chose not to acknowledge it or at least attempt to determine the "one best way" to perform each task,
realize it. required a complete mental revolution on the part of
*Collaborating: an assertive & cooperative means of owner, manager and worker.
conflict resolution that results in a win-win solution.
2. Bureaucracy: Max Weber; the advocate that the
14 Principles of Management ideal form of organization for a complex institution was
1.Division of Work: principle of work allocation and bureaucracy or an organization characterized by a well-
specialization in order to concentrate activities to defined hierarchy of authorities, division of work based
enable specialization of skills and understandings, more on specialization or functions.
workhorse and efficiency.
2.Authority and Responsibility: if responsibilities are 3.Behavioral: Kurt Lewin; proposed those interaction
allocated then the post holder needs the requisites between the workers personalities, the structure of the
authority to carry these out including the right to primary work group and the socio-technical climate of
require others in the area of responsibilities to the workplace influence a workers behavior, concluded
undertake duties. that the process of attitude and behavior change occurs
3.Discipline: the generalization about discipline is that in three places: unfreezing, changing and refreezing
discipline is essential, no slacking or bending of rules
4.Unity of Command: each employee has one and only 4.Motivational: Frederick Herzberg; proposed a two-
one boss. factor motivational need theory in which he pointed the
5.Unity of Direction: a single mind generates a single workers are motivated by two type of needs associated
plan and all play their part in that plan with working conditions: hygiene factors and needs
6.Subordination of Individual Interest: when at work, associated with the work itself that he called
only work things should be pursued or thought about. motivational factors.

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