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1. DOMESTIC PURPOSES- drinking, food preparation, bathing, washing clothes, dishes, toilets,
lawns, and watering gardens
2. Agricultural use-irrigation of crops, cultivating lands
3. INDUSTRIES- fabricating, processing, washing, diluting, cooling, or transporting product; also
used in smelting facilities, petroleum refineries, industries, producing chemical products, food,
and paper.
4. ELECTRICITY GENERATION- hydroelectric power plants, thermal plants
5. RECREATION – resorts near springs, waterfalls and lakes

Evaluation questions:

1. Which of the following describes the importance of water in agriculture?

a. Water is used to manufacture papers.
b. Water is used irrigate crops.
c. Water is used for washing clothes.
d. Water is used in thermal plants.
2. Water plays an important role in industries. Which of the following uses of water supports this
a. Production of chemical products.
b. Watering gardens and lawns.
c. Developing water resorts.
d. Generating electricity.
3. In what way do water resources contribute to our recreational life?
a. When it is used for food preparation.
b. When it is used to cultivate lands.
c. When is used in petroleum refineries.
d. When water resources are developed into resorts.
4. Which of the following is a domestic use of water?
a. Bathing
b. Watering crops
c. Producing electricity
d. Developing beach tourist spots.
5. How do we conserve water as one of our important natural resource?
a. Close the faucet when not in use
b. Check faucets and pipes for leaks.
c. Use rain water to flush toilets.
d. All of the above.

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