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Uses with get

• What did you get from that?=obtain

• Get the ball/get it =catch
• Get a pen and get it to her= coge ese boligrafo y llevaselo a ella
• Now i get it=undertand
• What time do you get home? I arrive at 6 pm = arrive
get home
• That video get me= move/conmover
• She always gets me to help her=convince
• What did you get at the mall?=buy
• Get that girl over there= see =mira esa chica que esta por alla
• Get that over there=put = pon eso alla

• Get thin=adelgasarse
• Get upset= enojarse
• Get jelous=ponerse celoso
• We are getting better= estamos mejorando
• That got me exited= eso me emociono
• Dont get late= no te restrases
Phrasal verbs
• Get up= levantarse
• Get down= agachate
• Get in/out=entrar/coche
Get out of here= sal de aqui
• Get on=subirse/avion,tren,bus=get on the bike=subete a la bicicleta
• Get off=bajarse/quitar= get off that bug from me/quitame ese vicho
• Get away=irse/escaparse/alejarse
• Get back= volver/regresar=dont ever get back/nunca vuelvas
• Get along=llevarsela bien=we get along well/nos la llevamos bien
• Get by=arreglarselas/defenderse. What about your languange level? I get by
• Get together=reunirse. Let's get together
• Get over=superar. Get over it
• Get through= terminar. Get through that book
• Get across=cruzar/entender. Get across the message=explica bien el mensaje/has entendrr el
• Get even=vengarse
• Get lost=perderse. Let's get lost=perdamonos
• Get nuts=volverse loco. Are you getting nuts? Te estas enloqueciendo?
• Get rid of/someone,something= deshacerse de alguien o de algo
• Get used/accostum=acostumbrarse. Get used to that. I want to get used to speaking english
• Get hurt= quedar herido. Do you get hurt? Te hirieron?
• Get aquainted=relacionarse/familiarizarse. I need to get aquintes with that book
• Get sunburned=quemarse con el sol
• Get done= get it done=terminalo
• Get crowded= llenarse. It get crowded
• Get engaged=comprometerse
• Get amused= divertirse. Iam getting amused
• somewhere= llegar a alguna parte
• Nowhere= llegar a ninguna parte
• Anywhere=llegar a cualquier parte
• Everywhere=llegar a todas partes
• Get bigger=hacerse mas grande

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