Maxwell Jordan

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Jordan Maxwell

Jordan Maxwell aka Russell Pine (28 December 1940) is a researcher and independent scholar in the fields of astro-
theology, religion, secret societies, and the occult, with a focus on the foundations for modern-day religion and
government. He began his work in 1959 and has produced numerous video lectures and documentaries on these
subjects. He has been described by peers and fans alike as "the preeminent researcher and scholar in the field of
occult/religious philosophy", although Maxwell prefers to refer to himself simply as "an ordinary man pursuing
extraordinary knowledge". Maxwell had his radio show on an ABC-owned station taken off the air by eliminating his
sponsor under provisions in the Patriot Act during John Ashcroft's term as US Attorney General.
Maxwell's areas of interest include secret societies, ancient symbols and occult emblems, secret meanings of modern
symbols (from corporate logos to government emblems), ancient sciences and technologies, and hidden Bible teachings
and mysteries. Confusion regarding the actual definition of the word "occult" (Latin word simply meaning "hidden") has
led some to misunderstand Maxwell's work. As he states, "Occult doesn't mean evil or bad or corrupt. It just means
hidden. Secrets. In the medical field, there are terms that doctors use; certain organs are means hidden or not
in view."
Maxwell was born in Pensacola, Florida, U.S.A.. He claims to have witnessed paranormal experiences since the age of 7
or 8. At age 19 he moved to Los Angeles, California, with little money and no idea what he was going to do. Maxwell has
stated that he was fascinated with hidden knowledge since childhood, but the true genesis of his life's work began upon
meeting a man in California named Bob Ferney.
As a child, Maxwell's maternal great-uncle was employed in the Vatican Secretary of State's office as a civilian, and
young Jordan was enthralled by the behind-the-scenes tales of religion and politics he would hear when visiting.
He served for three and a half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, America's oldest free-thought
journal since 1873. His research led to the publication of his non-fiction book Matrix of Power: How the World Has Been
Controlled by Powerful People Without Your Knowledge in the year 2000.
He has conducted dozens of intensive seminars, hosted his own radio talk shows, guested on more than 600 radio
shows, and written, produced, and appeared in numerous television shows and documentaries (including three 2-hour
specials for the CBS TV network, as well as the internationally acclaimed 5-part Ancient Mystery Series - all devoted to
understanding ancient religions and their pervasive influence on world affairs today. He is affiliated with the Society of
Professional Journalists since 1993, and the Greater Los Angeles Press Club since 1994.
Maxwell believes all religions, not only parallel, but are ultimately based on Sun worship and astrology. Maxwell claims
that "We as humans are word-controlled." He uses this concept, coupled with his belief that most languages have the
same root, to associate words with similar phonemes to related meanings.
Maxwell also believes that his research reveals a secret society which controls government and major religious
institutions in concert with organized crime. This secret society practices ancient Canaanite religion in secret and is
revealed through various Canaanite symbols used by government, religious institutions, and even Hollywood (Spock's
"live long and prosper" hand gesture originated as a masonic gesture stemming from the Jewish priestly blessing).
He also believes in a British-Israel World Federation Movement, referencing the Congressional Record of the United
States of America, 76th Congress, Third Session (April 19, 1940).
Christmas, for example, celebrated on December 25, Maxwell says (along with many others) is simply a celebration of
the Pagan winter solstice of the northern hemisphere. Maxwell says that, on the solstice, the Sun raises in the sky "not
one degree higher" between December 22 and December 24 (three days), suggesting a solar reason why Christians
believe Jesus Christ, whom they worship as the son of God—or, to Maxwell, the Sun of
God—was resurrected after 3 days. Maxwell thinks Christ's resurrection is meant to be a metaphor for the
solstice, and that Christians have been fooled by these secret societies into believing it to be literal truth or parable.
People have demonstrated several errors in Maxwell's theories, especially in regards to Astro-theology and Etymology.
FTC Action
On January 28, 2004, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a default judgement and order against Jordan
Maxwell charging that he, along with Vic Varjabedian, aka Victor Varjabedian, aka Varouj Varjabedian, violated the FTC
act, in connection with illegally and deceptively selling marketed international driving permits over the Internet.
According to the Memorandum Opinion in Support of Order, under section II titled FACTS, both Jordan Maxwell and Vic
Varjabedian, from about December 1999 to January 2003 "conducted a nationwide scheme to defraud customers using
an Internet website and in-bound telemarketing calls. The defendants maintained this website,,
where they sold fake international driver's permits, bogus credit-repair services, and sham debt-termination programs.
Varjabedian directed, controlled, and participated in the acts and practices of BBCOA."
In Jordan Maxwell's defense, a BBCOA freelance contractor writes in a letter published on Jordan Maxwell's website:
"...BBCOA preyed on the hopes of thousands of people but in point of fact they only cared if their checks cleared. Their
only intention in promoting Jordan's work was to use his name to attract people to the BBCOA. Jordan, the only man with
honest intentions to educate his fellow man was dragged into this whole mess and was swindled into being BBCOA's
cash cow. Who knows where all money BBCOA made went. It didn't go to Jordan that's for sure."
Comic books
Jordan Maxwell most recently served as a research consultant for a conspiracy comic book titled Third Army. Powered by Joomla! Generated: 10 December, 2010, 01:05

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