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CPM QUIZ NO. 2 name: Addo, Fraacs Andre) 0 DATE: June (J.shKSCORE: Ao INSTRUCTION: Eneirle the letter ofthe best answer. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED, A+. Device in high side of the absorption system for increasing the concenttation of refrigerant in the vapor entering rectifier or condenser ee (nese ces (eae a ee WE aninstnment for measuring iheVelocty of he ud. @) Analyzer ®) Anticipating contol Qprenorte <) Air washer ‘Bs. one that, by artificial means, is actuated sooner than it would be such means, to produce a smaller differential of the controled property es Guns Gienaccnea, aan G © ina evaporative cooling device, the difference betveen the average Temperature of the circulating water leaving the device and average wel-bub temperature ofthe entering air, s known as. 2) Approach ‘Theoretical cooling range ATRESIA 3) Dy pss taco “The total plane area ofthe podion a agile, face, or egister, Bounded bya line tangent to te outer edges of tne cuter openings through which air can pass, i called as B.A terperature that would result he psyehrometic process occurring in a dehumidifier, humic, or surface cooler were caried to the saturation conaton of the leaving ai while maintaining the sage rao of sensible to total heat load inte process. ayant eaeiee ot bub temperture ©) Diy bulb lemperature suuraton peta 7. vapor preauced by vapenzaton of sma amount of iui eigrar.downettam oe expansion valve imate ptow gas noe a asain B. 8. The largest neal oad in a cold storage oom, heat tom nfreton qMMBIGR «heat emequnment heat rom cccupants 3 9. Which of the following is a halocarbon refrigerant? a. ammonia '. methyf chioride @prsoz almethons A.10. Achievement of temperature beloy-that of the surrounding temperature. @. refrigeration 'b/ventilation ¢. air-conditioning d. cooling and humidifying 11. The pat hat dress the fow of te eeigeret trough the compressor een aencenhen oe ia (1. 12, an tomamtigs ts il ste lon one SS aelclaempensurs. a Freon ze Freon 12 nen — 43. A refrigeration system in which only part of the reffigerant passes over the heat transfer surface is evaporated and the balance is ‘Separated from the vapor and recirculated a. chill water system —_b. muttile system @ flooded system d. direct expansion system A. 14, Where is a ithium bromide used in a refrigeration system, a. absorbers b. ion exchangers G©ondensate retumlines a. centrifugal compressor B15. Ina refrigeration system, the hest abscrbed in the evaporator per Kg mass of refrigerant passing through is: Basu toncrace inva equals to the increase in enthalpy Ze is decreased if pre-cooleris used 1. does not depend on the refrigerant used “16. The relationship of water vapor in the air at the dew point temperature to the amount that would be in the air f the air were sstraigg at the dy bulb temperature is Gast Tumidty b.percentage huridiy __c. paral pressure of water d.none of hese A..17. an airerrent n'a confined space such as that in a cooing tower or chimney scales 3. drat velocty gradient variable ow 6. veloaty profie Cc 18. Which of the following refrigerants has the highest critical point of temperature? 2. carbon dioxide ', ammonia «. Freon-t1 @Freon22 CC. 18. The cOP ofa domestic or local reigerator is always: 2. equal one less than one .greastertnan one, dependent onthe manufacturer 20. Highest pressure drop ina vaporsemoression reigeaton oye oesurs the ' expansion valve jevaporetor compressor 6 condenser 21. In sensible nesting process, tesmeiture content ic a. increases fecreases: c. remains constant d. indeterminate D 22 Inretigerant leak detection, sutur sick buming in the presence of ammonia vl release @ dense smoke 4 ated . orange Qyeliow 4, white és 2 The secondary reftgerant ued iasplceiing ans RD a brine ©. aqua-ammonia solution 4, R-22 24, for confor cooing should main a moverent om eareote seh mean @4s10 107620 nmin € 7620 te 9830 min @ 5420 0 12480 mmimin 1p 2 te he sy of varous airconditioning processes, cece maa rae Overs Kemrtite J).26. Retrigerant used in passenger ira cabins aoe (once eR2e 4. steam 4.27. if salt is added to pure water, thérésulting mixture will have a: a higher freezing point @)iower temperature «lower boiling point 4d. higher pressure 28. A solidified form of carton dioxide.j¢ termed as: wile be Oe idee 4 cite 28, Any liquid cooled by a refrigerant 34d used for transmission of heat one 5) Retrigerent @) Secondary refigernt _ ¢) Ammonia C. 30. A removable plug, cap, or other means of venting a space containing insulating material through vapor-tight sheathing to the ‘ihc ol acaligere’ convgartoane 2) Fusible pug ) Spark plug ©) reather plug Qairpus Ma C2 cx 4 8.36. Cx. Was 38, C2 “a0. Ca $a a3, Vu B. 45. C4 Bar “8, H 49, C. 50. Ass ‘A separate insulating element or integral insulating extension of the cabinet interior surfaces around the periphery of the cabinet oor or drawer openings, which functions as a thermal barrier to minimize heat flow to the interior of the cabinet, @ Refrigerator cabinet breaker tip 1) Refrigerator breaker ©) Cabinet breaker ¢) Breaker A relatively poor conductor of neat fe oi the liner and outer shel of en internally cegerated container suchas a retrigerator a) Refrigerator cabinet (6) Insulator ©) Breaker d) Switch Joined by fusion using a speter 9 the order of brassThis is considered equivalent to hard soldering a) Welded @)soWdered ¢) Brazed @) Plugged The insge dlameter ofa cylinder S called as lo= b) Stroke c) Inside diemeter d) intemal diameter ‘The teperature at which the vapor pressure ofa qui equals he absolute external pressure a he hquic-vaporinterace. a) Freezing point 'd) Boiling point @Critical point d) Triple point The equivalent evaporation of 34.5 Ib of water per hour from and at 212 °F. This is equal to a heat output of 870.3 x 34.5 = 33 475 Btu a) Mechanical power _b) Horsepower ©) Boiler Hp @essvaion Evperaton All ofthe surface ofthe heatransfer apparatus in contact on one side with the water or wet sivam being heated and on the other side with tne gas or refractory being cooled, in which the fd being heated forms part of the creating system, this surface to be measured onthe side recelving heat. 2) Boller heating surface b) Direct heating surface @ Indrectheatng surfaced) Heating surtace Its generally understood to be the Boller heating surface subject to direct radiation from the surface of the grate, or from the suaces of olor gas bumers 2) Eoler heating surface @ Direct heating sue) Incest heating surtace 4d) Heating sutace ‘Te bole heating sutace whine fest ald as: 2) Boer heating surface” 8) Dre heating surface) Indirect heating surface (3)Heatngsutace A close vessel in which aqui is heated or veponzed Baler b) Hot vessel 6) Heater «) Heating vessel ‘fan sect fore air under pressures krown as: Qicewicat fan b) Rotary fan ©) Blower d) Axial fan In ai itibuton, the dtence an ar stream travels fom an cute fo 8 poston at which ar metton along the axs reduces 10 velocity of 50 for is called as: a) Distance b) Blow Flow 4) Drag For unit heaters, the distance an air stream travels from a heatdr-Without a perceptible rise due to temperature difference and loss of velocity oe Orrow ) Few 6 Drag A pipe attached, as o a condenser to lead of quid retigerant,parall to main flow. 2) earte ) Asprator Opecie €) Agitator A set of heat transfer coils or sections used to heat air that is drabrf or forced through it by a fan. 2) Heater coil ®) Blast neater G Dvect heater 4) Hester battery ‘A meter use to detect the velocity of fu, air, or water. 2) Prossure gage «) Velocity Meter 4) Flow meter ‘The speed at which a substance 2) Speed ®) Velocity Flow rate €) Motion ‘A oll hat has @ V-shaped contact surface and is used to drive Sbmnpressor, fans or pumgs. 2) Fan belt ®) Pump belt Ozet 4) Flat bet ‘A nonswipeable deposit on engine gers that ean interfere with ths engines operation. 2) Fu fim Ovarnen ) lubes 4) Surface tension A pulley whose diameter can be adjusted Ques pulley ') Variable pulley c) Variable pitch pulley _—_¢) Toothed pulley ‘A meakie of pressure ofthe vapor accumulated above the liquid, Inerease vapor pressure incicates increased liquid voatty 3) Vapor pressure b) Surface pressure (Gui pressure 1 Voll pressure 82, 16e changing of a quit a gas 9 vapor is caled as ) Gandereton Npotzaion — 4 Futon (¢.5% Ths term is used in pulverizing ca is te measure ofthe relative hardness of easiness of gndng of pulvezed coal, What i hs? 8) Grindabilty index ® Coal index ©) Diesel index 6) Fuel index 547 tis. a polsion contol device used to contol very smal or minute prteuats that can be dispersed by mechanical colectrs, This uses electrostatic charges on two electrodes which onze te paricltes as they pas tv. How do you cal ts device?” 2) Oral Apparatus 8) Oust ter ) Cyclone sepeator Elocrostaic Procptator C. 55. Thais type of foundation whose sractures compose othe same constoney of materials eto contnuns pouring z)Macrine founsaton (@) Simple foundation) Monolthis foundations) Riga founaation 6%. Is the periodic time schedule inspection to detect weer and tear in advance of actual equipment breakdown with subsequent replacement of worn out parts before they fll in-order to minimize interference in operation. What is this type of maintenance? Preventive maintenance b) Maintenance chart) Corrective maintenance 4) Routine maintenance ~57. In his pe of incustral dust collecter, the gas passed tangential into a vertical cylinder with @ conical bottom. The ges folows a spiral aath with most of separation taking place in the smaller section. How do you cal this type of dust collector? ICycione Dust Collector 6) Spray scrubber ©) Electrostatic preciptatord) Dust fiter ¥ 58. This iS. prime mover actuated by the gases resulted from the combustion of liquid or pulverized fuel, injected in a fine state of subdivision ito the engine cylinder at or about the conclusion of the compression stroke. How do you call this prime mover? Ke 2) Diesel Engine b) Gas engine ‘Steam Engine @) Heat engine 9. This is a refrigerant control that prevents the compressor trom oefloading brought about by the increased loads in the evaporator dite to defrosting warm produc, and cer. How co you cal ig. contal> @pepearsonvave "9 Suction wave Geierane <) Solenoid vaive 60. This tyB8 of power plant uses energy from uranium to produce elett ic power. Identiy the said power plant from the flowing 2} Geothermal powerplant” @Nucloarpowr plant) Disel powerplant) Steam power plat 61. What ipfte stgniteance of insaling a regenerator a Brayton cycle? Giisecicinioematencetey 1) Deoresen in ema ecerioy €) Moderate thermal efieney 6} Lew tral fftoney ‘B62, wnt d you cl te large pipe or Gum no which each of he group of balers connecteg? “ho Maniot 1) Header ) Mufer 4) Expansion oop 45, Wise ype of valve designed o pen automaticaly to relieve excess pressure in @ bor Whats this vlve? ve nc boas vale Relet valve ) Check vave @) Gate vaive 4. This teigeant is non-oxe, non-corrosive, and nonlammable itis usod asa replacement for R12 and compete wth polyester cits now a8 Being uted a2 slancard refgerantn vei ar conatening. What's this reigerant? 2) R02 Orissa erin R207 85. This pressure contrl valve is insted atthe sucon side of the evaporator and sometimes use te protect the compressor fom cover loaging due fo excess amount of hea absorbed bythe evaporator cals, Whats hs cont valve? K Gearon Vale b) Relat valve ©) Evaporator valve) Thermestaic expansion veve 6. what ed you call a heat ransfer ade between sold suface and a moving uid? 2) Conduction Gsomesien ¢) Radiation 6) Evaporation Ber. Thiet a deve used o convert Stalpc energy ino kinetic energy: is used to erect the mass flow toe spectied direction by means gta varable cross sectional area, What sthis device? fuser b) Nozzle ©) Throttng valve 4) Blower P 68. Ita gd compressed isothermally, what willbe the enthalpy change? 2) Negative value @ reste value 6 Indeterminate 200 C. 88, hat.ace the materials preferable Yor ll and fuel pings? 2) tee! and iron 2) Plastics matenals ©) Copperand brass 4) Bronze and aluminum “0, How de-fou call his component used in absorption refrigeration system that serves the same purpose as the suction stroke of @ compressor? 38) Regenerator ) Generator ©) Aftercooier Bp A This is @ component in absorption refrigeration system that raises the pressure of strong“iquor and sends it through a heat exchanger. What is this component? -ump ) Generator ©) Expansion valve 4) Absorber D..72. This component serves as a heat exchanger of ammonia vapor from the generator and tends to throw back a portion of the water vapor that was ditiled of along with ammonia, How do you cal his component? Opie ) concerser @) Generator oy Anaiaer J. 78. tis abating systom using steam hot water asthe heating medium, Wet do cal this syterr? 2, a, 8) Wet Heat system Steam nealing system c) Hot water heating system d) None ofthese a, This san ar conditioner installed a window that ejects the heat ouside the structure, How co you cll ths air condtioner? 2) Spltype ai ondtionede)Window-ype a condiioner c) Crilertype air condones a) Low cost pe airconaloner 75, This temperature of iris used to eval the humidity inthe air It is obiained wih a wet thermometer ould 0 record the a) Dew point temperature b) Dry-bulb temperature jetcbulb temperature) Saturation temperature C.,76. This is a unit of power that takes into consideration the time of tnsumption. itis the equivalent of 1 W bulb burning for 1 hour. How do you call this unit of power2, a) Btulhr Hp-hr ©) Watt-hour ¢) Fsibimin \B 77. Itisa arge refrigerated products Space used for storage ofrefriggrated products. A a) Cold storage ) Walk-in Cooler Refrigerator 4) Cooler ‘evaporation rate with an air stream passing over the bulb to help, Gueiee ‘What is this temperature? ovis ype of condense i sed to eject heat ro a eigeration stem nto water. What shi condenser? (@)Water-Cooled Condenser b) Air-cooled condenser ©) Flooded type condenser —¢) Fins type condenser ‘PIB. This euimping efficiency of a compressor or vacuum pump describes the pumping capecity in relationship fo the actual volume of the pump. How do you call this efficiency? 2) Pump Effcency b) Brake effciency Gisentropeeticieney ed) Volumetric ect 60. This instrument is used to measure electrical potential. What is this instrument commonly called? 2) Wattmeter WVatineter cj ammeter ) Al of nese J\.81. How do you cal the potential eletcalciference for electron Royrom ane ine to ancherin an eacieal cet? 8) votage ) current Resistance 2) Resonance v62. This is an arbitrary number that describes the rate at which oils viscosity changes with changes in temperature. What is this number? 2) Ol index Qvscoty index «) Ftion index 6) Flow index &, iis the measure ofthe resistance flow ofa taud. Commonly Used uns include cetpoise, Centsiokes and Saybot Univers Seconds, Whats ths? a 2) Viscosity b) Absolute viscosity ¢) Fluid viscosity ous of these iis an adtve hat inceases the viscosly of of beyond that which could be obtained by xifary Fetning methods, Whats this adeive? 2) Ol adave oP nsve ©) Vimprover @) None ofthese C5. Itisa used to detect the veldxtty of fluids, air, or water. ow mater ) Volume meter ¢) Velocty meter ) Alot nese VE tis.anyaro power plant wih a reservoir of sufficient size to permit cary-over storage from the wet season fo dry season and, thus, 1 de fifo ubantay moe ane mn stra ow Steragestype plant b) Run-cfiver plat c)A pumpettstorage plant ¢) All ofthese VE itis a yar plant that generates power for peak load but at cf-peak, wales pumped rom al weter poof the headwater pool fr future use 2) Storagestyee plant __b) Rursafiver plant pumped-storage plant) Alot these This hydro plants the one with a very limited storage capaciy ahd can be used oly as water Comes. How do you cal his hero plan? 2) storagesyee plant (@) Run-oiver plant )Apumpec-storage nlant a) All ofthese A. 89. ‘tis the channel into which the water is discharged after passing through the water turbine. How_do call this channel? 2) Watertairace 2) Head water ¢) Pensiock ster nozzle (C-s0. tis a component in ahycro plant that absorbs waler hammer during fod fuctuations and strive as an aur reservoir during igh load demands. Whats this capone? 2) Splway Oban © Surge tank 4) penstock Is avtary pum in which two meshing gear wheels rotate in opposite drectons so that he quid eirained on one side and discharged on he othe side ISear pump ») Serew pump <¢) Vane-ype pump 4) Positive displacement pump C82. A gas that does net change into a ouid under nomal operating conditions. 2) ideal gas CopReal gas ‘)Non-condensable gas 4) None of these -END-

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