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cm auzs C name: Adoo Fronds Anivtin TD DATE:06l tbl /¢ SCORE: 6 INSTRUCTION Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box ‘comesponding tothe letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. BW The amount of heat required to melt @ ton (2000 lbs) of ice at 32°F, 288,000 Btu/24 hr, 12,000 Btufhr, or 200 Btulmin. 2 KW of Rtigeration Tons of Retigeraton, Specie Hest d Latert Heat B 2. Thetemperature of vapor efigerant above ts saturation change of late lsmperatr. Sresturates b-cuperheat, @ subecsled @orecite <& Progges that maintains comfort conditions in a defined area, ar conatoning 2 refigeraten «-itraton 4 compression V4 The Weight per unit of volume of @ substance 2: specie volume D volumecisplacement _((B density 4 pressure VE tis when the temperature ofa liquid is cooled below its condensing tempefature, 2. superheating 'b condensing 'G subcooling 4. subliming VE The exact temperature at which moisture begins form eee yo nnn Fhe lowest obtainable temperature whare molocla motion stops, 460°F and- 275°C 2 negotvo‘omperture abcolte zor temparatir &. absolute tomperatire ew pont temporstre AA. The Sate rare BY toe ons ranted by ST DSRSPREnenys cobs halon eon az007opes 4. hydrocarbons K_2._ The temperate scale that places the boll pnt of water at 212" and the feezing pin at 32° TA onadtanrnhet Sate Ces Seale (Gkevinseale Rankine Scale 7. Chemical substances found in many retigerans cortaning clon, bromine, eine, and Murine jalogens Halon Xenon 4. Freon A... inreFigeratng system, ts ratio of usable output energy divided by input energy coffeentof Performance (COP). b. Power of Refigeraion oe Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) <4. Tons of Refrigeration 42. stat uses to describe 8 vapor when preesuro ie applied and the molecules are compacted closer together, | a. Expansion Extrusion @ Convestion @)Compression <5. The temperature measured using a plain thermometer. 2. WetBulb Temperature Dry-Bulb Temperature, Dew Point 4. None of the above Ga tra eas te HEARSE conconeng st othe rebjoerpicr eter. ft Tight Size > Low Side Grin sce 4. Medium side 15, Any Substance in a refrigeration system thats foreign tothe system, partetlarly Ht causes damage. see oe ET, cineca C16. The part of the energy from the pressurization of a gas or a liquid converted to heat. 2. Heat of Evaporation Latent Heat of Fusion 6. Heat of Compression d. Heat of Combustion WAT _Atemperature scale wnere absolute 0 eqlkte 0 or wnere molecular motion stope at O, Rhea the seme graduation er degree of changes 38. Colsius scale. Ke Kevin ». Rankine ©. Centigrade 4. Fahrenheit © An netrument use to measure the amount af moisture inthe ai 2. Hycrometer ‘ygrometer . Pyrometer 4. Psychrometer 519. Heat energy absorbed or rejected when a stestance is changing state and there is ne change in temperature. 12. specif heat » radanthest latent heat ‘none of these (C2. The volume within the eyinder that is displaced with the movement of the tan form top to bottom. 2. Volume Displacement Piston Displacement 6. bath a end b none of these {D2 Refrigerants that contain halogen chemicals, R12, R-22, R-600, and R-502 are among them. Hycrocarbon b. Organic © Azeotropes: 6 Halide C 2 __suestance in a refrigeration system drier that collects moisture, a, Coagulats| eceiver . Desiccant ¢.Siter 2 Menechiereditiuerometnane, a popular refrigerant fr ar conditioning systems, 4 24 Dichioroditueromethene, 2 popula refrigerant or reigeration systems 2 R12 bR22 ert @ Ammonia V5 fn azectopic mixture of R-22 and R-115,a popular refrigerant for low-temperature retigerstion systems Re om eRe 1: None of these Vs A form of positive displacement compressor that squeezes fluid from a low-pressure area to a high-pressure area, using sorew-type mechanisms 1. Reciprocating Compressor screw Compressor Rotary Compressor. Centrifugal Compressor Wr. Acomsressor that uses retary motion to pup fh. is a postive dsplacernent pump. 2. Reciprocating Compressor b Screw Compressor Rotary Compressor 4. None of these A 25 Lowestiemperatre atch fat wl fow, : sear tone Drop Pore «. cleus Foe @oew Poie G9 Heat that causes a change in the level ofa thermometer. Bu vs Vv ws. | a Latent Heat Specific Heat ()sensice Heat 4. Radiant Heat (G2 A device wih two thermometers, ane a wet bulb and one a dry bub Veed for checking ar condtions, temperture and humility ‘Sing Peyetrometer—b Hycrometer : Penometer @ Doubiethermometer 27 Addu that transfers neat rom one substance te another. 2. Compressor > Pump G heat exchengor 6. cooling tower A refgoratin eystom operated wth the baud retngerantlvel very case tothe outet ofthe coll fr improved heat exchange 2 Flooded System Ce, Vapor Compression ‘Steam JetRofgoration od Heat Purp ‘The final devi in mary water cSale systems, which rejects heat rom the system inf the atmosphere by evaportion of water 2 Coving Tower (Sconce Compressor ¢ Eveportor Another term for pressure, uvall 7eering to gas oF qui 2. ambient > need Greases bar ‘The fd in a refsgeration system thet enanges trom liquid te var an back te aliquid at practeal pressures, 2: coclant refngerant 5 sesecant halogens ‘The aqrount of heat required to the temperature of bof a substance °F pectic heat latent heat eat of fusion eu ‘The Sipe tat caries the heat-aden refrigerant gas from the evaporator to the compressor. a. dlecharge line © evaporator col . ution ine 4. expansion ine ae As Re A term used to refer to that part of the refrigeration system that oberates at the lowest pressure, between the expansion device and the compressor, 2. medium side ». high side ©. condensing side Jow side A soft material that can be shaped and compressed to provide a seal. itis commonly applied around valve stems, packing ». seal 7) Grabber ‘A substance where molecules push outward and downward and seek a uniform level 2 928 E ead c. eal Chien A 41 Keogiginer inthe refrigeration system where liquid retigerantis stored. fa oe via “% Cw Va Bas Dag. Be he B sz Ds. C. 5 Css Avs. Ds. 4 vA Keo Gina teciar er vapors 4. condeeer ‘The erm applet retigraton astern when the laud eigen eats ne comprescor 2 fooding eSring condensing a,oscng eta substance change rome ao tte tothe vapor sat wnt ging trough the guid tate. eration © Seaton evereten S$ cepoaion wher sueatarce changes rom he vapor sat sl sate 2. sblimaton evaporation Deevoston 4, condensation A totaly enclosed religeraton sytem wer the motor and corptaor re sald win the same sytem ihe refigerat et yeen moa food systrn none of tese Arefigerston oa condtioningpetor at has tne condensing unt rms fom he indor (vapors col GE tooded system bs ert pee pit asterm hal tthe ‘The Movable component in a refrigeration compressor that allows hot gas to flow to the condenser and prevents if from refiling the cylinger on the downstroke, exhaust valve ». expansion valve «. suction valve 4. none of these Sour absorber at the compressor. 2 foundation >. mutfier siencer 6 allofthese The term applied to frozen food when it becomes éry and hard fron dehydration due to poor packaging 2. freezer cooled . frosted @ treezer dry 4 freezer burn Excess ice or frost accumulation on an evaperator tothe point that aiviow may be affected. freeze down freeze up «freezer bum .none ofthese A pi¥e usec to keep fds from moving back and forth at wil ina container. a bate . angio plate «. tomate B parallel pate The amount (quantity) of heat required to raise the temperature of 1p of water 1°F. Spectres > STU © cHU 4: tater neat ‘A.coPditon of lubrication which inyalves the physical Séparation of siding surfaces by a lubricant fm ‘ hygodyname Kbcaton Qi urenon ©. natural lubrication 4. hydrodynamic lubrication ‘A condition of frost of the suction line and even the compressor body usually due to liquid refrigerant in the suction. a. frost down Yreeze up «. frost back all of these A torchtype leak detector used to detect the halogen refrigerants 2, leak torch b. metal torch halide torch halogen torch ‘The term used to describe the pressure drop in an expansion device when some ofthe liquid passing through the valve is change quickly to a gas and cools the remaining liquid to the corresponding temperature. 2. fash gas », blaze gas crop gas 4, none of these ‘The most widely used reffigeration cycle in practice. In this cycle a vapor is compressed, then condensed to a quid, fllowing which the Pressure is drooped so thatthe fluid can evaporate at a low pressure, Rankine cycle . String cycle . Brayton Cycle 1d. Vapor Compression cycle |s ong whose efficiency cannot be exceeded when operating between two given temperature, ‘Carnot Cycle . Rankine Cycie 6. Diesel Cycle 4. Brayton Cycle All tae.process in the Carnot Cycle are thermodynamic reversible ». irreversible either aor 4d. none of these A _—_ Coefficient of Performance (COP) is desirable because it indicates that the given amount of refrigeration requires only a ema amount of werk a high > medium all of these 61-8 Usep te same equipment a retigeraton eystem but operates fer the purpose of delivering heat thigh evel temperate heat exchanger >. heat ime .coolng tower ‘condenser f 022” The Bong gt chenemorie ut ermal ctnomtres prosere 2288 > 28°C «28 errs (C63. The heat required to change one pound of a liquid into its vapor or gaseous form at atmospheric pressure without changing temperature. 1 a heat ofcondenantion (CB) heat of fusion @ heatofvaporization specie heat G4. The process by unich a vaperis Change int gui without changing the temperature 3 condensation sublimation eeposiion 4. evaporation WE The part ofthe refrigeration aytoréin wich the refgerant bois and in 0 doing, absorbs heat oe ’. expansion valve G evaporator ‘condenser 4. evaporator Ze, _The.gat ofthe retrigeraton sytem in whch the religeration condenses, so doing. gives oftheat S {condenser liquid recover @ evaporator ‘compressor A.67. Thé-reat required to change one pound of vapor to a liquid at the same temperature 2. heat of condensation GO hesttraortn spect heat 4. heat of vaporization 68. Refersto thatheat which producsb'e temperature ise a8 itis added to a materi 2 senaible heat latent heat ‘speci heat Greater eson 62. Heat carving abity ofthe retigerentis called the atone otreigraton b.religorating eect Wsubeooing ettect 4. KW of Refrigeration 'B. 70. The capenty of refrigeration ayatom ts dotomined By comparing sabi t abwor heat to that ofthe heel absorbed by the meting of onaton of ie in a. period of me ‘ hour > 24-hour oe. -hour 4. 96-hour © 71. Use to measure the relative humidty of air 2 snernometer ammeter «. payetrometer 4. calorimeter ‘A.72, contoethe ow of rtigerant by maintaining the laud at a constant level na vessel ran evap fost vee gate ave c. give vale Ca pcpansin vave 79. Controls the fo of eigerant by the sizeof ks teral ameter ang ts length g ‘2 thermostatic valve b. float valve ‘Qaite varvo 4. capillary tube C..74. _ Retigeration system that has two or more wide pressures, 3 vapor compression flooded eyetom c-multipresure system __d.absorpton rofigoraton {B25 lmerggeang bearoon wo tagee of cneraeern, te el error tel re ae Sines reduces c. no fect, none of these 7, _RST6r Nonochlrodiivoromethane fe an example of what ype of rtigerans 2. inorganic ® organic ©. azeovopes Draiocarvon 717. Whats the numerical designation, of ammonia refrigerant? aRT18 GR77 e R728 R12 {72 Teron popu ansorope olga wees a citi cal esas tas hate een at ora to sce nasc patoon Savarese om testns wren Sacer pra Raves ueiere trnacnneamneees 2. feeded ysiern coca (Gampreeeuwieysr! Galt tees C.80. The type of water evaporative refrigeration wherein water is used a5 the refrigerant. Tooded system cascade eyeter Ccememserongeatn) — d. muthpreeure eyetom ‘Dat. Retittaulated by viding he coung copes (ute by he power put fata) sr any eet operaing condone expreeed in Buty Seoetfeent of Pertarmance Aspect Rat Engh Beste ate €. Energy Efiency Rate 2. compression process tat begin ina region vnere ho eubetance completly not Comaring moet. 2. Wet Compression b. Hot Compression ‘Gory Compression id. Warm Compression 1D 89. The inverse of coefficient of performance (COP? 2. Ton of Retigerstion performance Factor @)nergy Efficiency Ratio 4 Power pr Kwaf Reigertion 1D 84. Used eicpaly In krge et condoning hetaltone, are beloved ibe ose samen czone lye’ bt el eleses clrre labromnrutetll Tu briccetors (Gezeorepes :hycrocoronrocarbons £5, Consie eo Corprocecr ck hairg Ht wher room lenpershi rac doo ws lovel ant etree Per BOVE EE eat TZN ovomeer D tarmonetar . ermostat (epourvave 7. When ars at 100% relative humidity ie saturted, then wet bub deprecion 21008 meee es aunty VE. res ofthe ciagram from the clation of temperature and entropy She ert chat werk energy Groat C86, Whit te folowing mates issuable in retigeraton system apetcaiera vith retigerant arson employed? aura Tveastion Catal a exeper ‘B 29, Property ofa liquid in which they extend resistance to angular or shear deformation. A wanna cael Jenene weit 4. specie gravy ©. Which ofthe towing ascrains te efectvenes ad the sze of andeneer? a nunbercpasees b tackrece of tw shal reat varetor 4. tbe some 1) 21. Arebioeant contol ina oigraton ey tha umed to proven a ef etoarart gu rom he condenmer back the compressor of cycles cated y eae taba won ale ieee aire — 2. RteSferture measurementin at orcinary thermometer which hs constr: spect humidity rectnb areas GR MMCSEEEE c aycustnrersure.” « d cAbelianparahre $5 Acondaner feel Coote aaa rare ome tou cvaportoheawy ces paste vapor 94. CReceiver must be ~ a. vented to the atmospherq’® installed with safety valve « tited tothe feed pumps \¢ both a and c ©. (A The diagonal lines in the Psychrometric Chart represent 2. dew-point temperature (b effective temperature wettbulb temperature d.dry-bulb temperature $6 (_ Combined process of cooling af humidifyng is ala known as 2. moisture removal process. cooling tower, c.evaporative cooling S27 The difference between the tempacature ofthe water leaving heating and humiditying tower and the wet bulb temperature ofthe surrounding ar. orange roach cooing range Gr wetbub depression Bos. The quality ofhavng s low-bting port or subiing teperatre a onary pressure é 2 evaporabaty s votty refrigerant Bereessity 0. _Saupmertceigned to reduce tha amount wate vapor inthe amber emaphere nen donning cn Qpentng tower ‘The spcte measurement of mare content of a 12. specific humicity \e)dearee of saturation «. percent saturation 4. celative humidity Gt. The sensible heat rato is 0.8, That is 20% latent and 60% sensible heat )80% sensible heat and 20% latent heat {5} 80% sensible heat and 20% sensible heat and latent heat ) 20% latent heat and 80% sensible heat and latent heat The effect of superheating the refrigerant is (Note: COP — Coefficient of Performance) increase in COP ‘high COP ¢. decrease in COP. low COP ‘The'€e making capacity is always ‘2. directly proportional to the refrigerating effect é less that the refrigerating effect )greater than the refrigerating effect equal to the refrigerating effect ‘The most economical and low mgigtenance cost condenser ‘a. water-cooled air-cooled . evaporative 4. sub-cooled A105, The high pressure of refrigeration system consist ofthe line to the expansion valve, the receiver, the uppermost helf of the compressor and, /eondenser b. expansion vaive evaporator <4. lower most hal of compressor ‘Dios, Whtis the specific humidity of dry air? oz 2.150 100 350 40 (07. When hot soup was served in a cup during dinner an engineer was so eager to drink it. Since it was hot, he added cubes of ice to cool the ‘soup and stirred it He noticed that the dew etarts to form on the outermost surface of the cup. He wanted te check the temperature of the Seareacal coos twin Weal peas erpasare sie t I acefase! eeoeckiey saan eeatas ees (100, Asipener pete an acenctoieg unt He found et al to at's dew point temp. does not produce any cooling effect, however, the air-conditioning Unit is running. He checked the temperatures of the condenser and evaporator and has the unit run. He found out the there was no ‘change in the temperature, What ghould he do? 2. replace fuse replace relay «©. adjust door seal «. charge with new refrigerant 408, A hot blook is cooled by blowin conduction. Itis eventually carried away from the surface by. vecton radeton os omntcton joerc [seas Sigs acorn ern era cabes caer au Cass oats Te « al ach a nore elon ues coc bal yao nn able este Werner Bonen tect tenperstre pre shactes erowrsnre dinner atecive eres A\ a1. (eoclgtowere tinction on wich basic prince 2 evapraten ar pressure € Boling refrigerant eet transter in reversbie to cool (p11 en oo cate tetera ore «.iebarie 4. isentropic 472, The quanty st neat egured te noe tesa of substance rom gale Agu wAhou change of temperte “ae tof ton

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