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plo airy bho 4 hy, 28.0 lh a WC Goldie precious metal thats chemicaly ureacve. itis used mainly in jewel, denteny, and electronic devices, A ae ee wave Adad, France Andean Depaniy Da ‘Multiple choice. Choose the BEST answer. 19.3 gem3 b. 18.5 glom3. ¢.17.2.glem3 155 gicm3 WE Those are the procedures involving chemicel or mechenical steps to aid inthe manufacture ofan tem or tems, usualy cariag uton a vary large scale Manufacturing Processes) industial Processes ¢. Unformiy Processes 4. Monopoly itis also caled « domestsystem in vic includes many producers, working fom the homes, yicly pate, am Manafectve 2 ination © Oigopely Gpotese nasty 4 ‘Aprocess of converting raw materials into products Manufacturing b. Processing . Diverting 4, Organizing Itis process where removing of allimpurites and unflled grains from the paddy up to preparing preduets to customers. a. Beer Manufacturing ». Tobacco Manufacturing &)Rice Milling 4. Molding ~E_wnat ne ecuivalent meesurementot 52 em? 2 sacs Oive o. 18 ong 4:10 yards Ao ame Che earls fon Oeste iced oer 2. Degurmming @YecerutRefning —"¢. Phospherie Exracton 4. Sutide ‘D8. which ofthe folowing does net belong tothe group? 3) Bleaching b, Degumming ¢. Deodorization 4. Garbonization —ay beer/bewa W4Thebasicraw material ora carbongted beverages manufacturing is sugar, favor concerzate,carbondioxde ans a. Oxygen Water ¢.Catbon 4. Boron (C. 10, nis one of raw mata of lass manifesting proceseesin which composed of cuted alae om mperet aries, tym and oer waste gass ‘Ths ow meters eclctes meting ar ikses wane maeria Sota cece eae i Feceper ens thud 4%, Thai clad savage tat 98 dow can inside ourhomes and Sees om washing danes and iota, troverng.tushing tle, enc cual procetses, @ Wanner PRodted << Ostia ~ BWaterpaeasDegatnatst Tite ee ee renee ere te Hise aay cae sro eeseea a Saar eee a ToL a le eae tat ten Mae ane Si eae acetate Ss imeene Oa comstn a restates ape taey earere one eae ete ets ee tee a. Milling . Drilling Courting d. Boring W145. Operatonsin which holes ae recuced or fined by bringing a oaing cuter wth cuting edges a the lower extremity Into contact the worse Harri pains ae ear necting operate that amore snl aunt meal fom ale ea eens ng Seu (), 7 Atootwith a single bent pointed tp is advanced into @ roughly made hole in a spinning workpiece to sighty enlarge the hnole and improve its accuracy. Reeming > Ming «Orting 6 Boning V6. Ba ntoy of copper end tn elza Boron ¢. Brass Gere 6 serve 27 5 tne meting pit fled) fo degrees Ftreonet @) e215F b.1052F ©. 7832F 6. 604.2F (C-.20. tise creaton of meta asuewres by cuting, bending and assembling processes Iie 2 vakie-added process invaving the éroston of machnes, pat endstvcires rom varous aw moteras en woang CByiecnneranrsion Mata Febicaton drone ofthe stove Greet peeen x abebiri oe ote 00 kg Besa ©.2281sho 0.298 kg Aa. Prcens hich foe ttl cn ba oh ope Ses wane eating ate Pec se ees fl vc ut stowed tet slovinski Sy feeveung ort 2 WetaiWecng — @)arewetsrg o:PresueWelzng 4 Fusion Welding AAG. Process in which cetanal teas applestoprosice wie ints ether at tompertures blo te malin pot. hich esol siato woking, ora temperature ebove he meting pant whichis fuson sie weing a. Metal Welding 'b. Arc Welding (©Pressure Welding d. Fusion Welding 9. 25. Welding that produces welded joints by localized heating of the edges of the base metals, above their melting temperature. » & Melalwioting bare Weldng uPressureWeldngd EusoaWelgng WG: Above gears ofthe same size mounted ona shah at 90 degree. 2. Bevel gear (Smeraear e helical gear 4 intemal gear B27. whatteots used in found for smoctnening and cleaning out depresion in the mould? a Hammer ®. bellows G@hnoer <.ftings oe The clearance between the tooth profiles of a gear tooth, 2” earance opinion width @)pactosh 22, The most important element that contol the ghysical properties of steel is 2 Nek bz aban Tin 30. Atype of welding whereby a wire or powder from the nozzie of a spray guns fused by a gas flame, ere or plasma jet and the molten particles are projezyedTn a form of a spray by means of compressed air or ges a. Metal Water Welding (B)Metal Spray Welding © Gas Metal Weng d Are Weldng AT, Nara of secheem wich awetng optus hele ing go woldng ed tte end of hich fe pues are bred Paton the ways gee wading opus one Clare newt V2. An oy topper end coe azo born ase 4. Bronze Nits =Note 3000/19) 'B.34. Atype of bot intended for use in boing wooden pars together rood to metal. itha a shot porton of shank ust gceeath ound hea, which is designed o keep te bot ee tung nthe weed when the nt ightened ‘Screw bot Dreatiagebot c T-bot RUSE — yep See LN ce 25. Type of bolt common usedin the constructon tess eedad in both ends. 2 Screw bot cartage bot ¢ Tbot ted bot 86. Ag aloying element used principally to produce stainless steel Sonam one Pee Tn 4.2ne ei 4 . s0:cheg anion coos rehiont.dahies el wnatsbfum chomaum comet eeeunee? — f° — || Er D.2% oo asr% A eee 3, Hons the material described ft ecovers its onginal mensions when tke loads moved? 2” Maleable ® bust, eels isto A. 20, the detormaton that resuts roma sess and'sexprggeed intems of fe amount defomaton per inch. a. Stain b. Stress: (Yield Point ‘d. Modulus | ‘9 4, teal vente» mail oferta deo nd i mercuric ated ‘Stain AB) Str . Yield Point ‘d. Modulus ¥ \B Sues “B41. The cepacty of metal to winstand load without breckng a. Toughness Strength Harcness Reslience Fate ae VG Meare aa eran ee 19205 motos by 8 mates Hee wap micnescbaaensrsa lites rte lI, ep ore es See eee AG. ‘The abiity of metal to withstand loads without breaking down is: a” Toughness Strength ‘ Harcnese 6 Resiionce AG. The sity ofa matt to rest being crushed 2 Pipa! b Torsone Qeorrpssve Lateral oa a Lent ‘och 1 S How many signfcant gues in a substance with @ mass of 0.07080 grams? at 6.2 23 @ A. 40, The asty ofl be deformed consteaby vou pte 2. Plastety Strength rteness Elasticity WF. in tne color eocng of pie , the color fora pipeline of wateris a. Bue Yellow c Red Aa. sn tne color coding of pipe he clorfora pipeline of ars Bue elon Red ae ©. Inthe color coding of pipe ,the color for a pipeline of electrical is a. White Orang Red 4.Green 66, spe untorm nesting of see above he usual hardening temperatures, flowed by colin rely in ai Nocnatang © cessing cee a Nerdening 6 fearon g tetera arene tgs anf ase. coe tay aaa Seeterepe reese iecvecteet st Cleerg ec $2. Heating above the transformation temperature and quenching usualy in ll, for the purpose of increasing the hardness. a. Notmaling b. Quenching ©. Tempering Hardening A) este poeaeel ake reese et eremen ain oral nica mesa ome cy eae eceary ee ites Heating of metal above the critical temperature and then cooling slowly usually in the furnace to reduce the hardness and iprove the machinability is called Annealing 'b. Quenching c. Stress Relieving 4. Hardening ‘A.35. vinatnet reatrent proces can cst too mateal of high heme high manganese, 20. ype tel be abjted othe coy meingeee reba ee eaacer tye eet ees yiasening VE. The operation of cooling a.peated piece of work rapidly by dipping itin water, brine or ol a. Anneding Quenching © Stes Relieving 4, Hardening ‘The column shows bus 2 cross-sectional area of 13 m?. What can the approx ‘mato maximunn load be ifthe compresive stress onnnot exceed 9.6 KPa? Gr KeGERS a WY. For wise @ime (am oN AE Heating to a subertical temperature, about 1,100°F to 1,300" and holding at that temperature fora suitable time forthe purpose ofrecuengintemal resi eresso< Phare Guncing @svessRetevng 4. Hereing i aioe fornia a tatl pane by re lnsot es poenabtee i toni shania eee abkiv ts ome! shape, ater the metal has been neato to fs lot rnge a "Sendcasing b. Metal leatna(@)Foring 4. Punching VE set of gages consisingothin sips of mela of vous thickness mounted in a tel cae orholder ance widely used ferment md checing ceorrcee, fooler gene s Feeler Gage 2 Caiper .Cuting bede 4. Pressure Gage Which of the folowing metals will respond to heat treatment? @. High Carbon Steel b. Low Carbon Stee! GMeaum Carbon Stee! d. None of the above igen et one Copper Rea ea Neon 3. An imaginary circle passing through the points at which the teeth of the meshing gears contact each other a. Dedendum ’b, Diametral Pitch module — (4)Pach Gcle A. 04, acti pounding tre bot ofthe eet “Gq Degendum Cicle (b)Diametal Pech e-module 4. Ptch Cle wens Ct {§.85. Wate ne resutng pressure when one pound of a at 0.2 pig and 200 wheat ateonatartounéiveno? WP eS nos ps Bopea CT esr pea Gites ea Botendan "6 Bemeual Pash Simodde Utphen cree 7 Te porton of gear tot tat projets above or use the pich re a, Oedendum b, module (©psdendum d. backlash: is We ne comer ates Manganese sel «Catton steel @ool nd dl ee ‘D, 20. in genera tne design stress and factor of safety are related os folows: Design Sess = ulimate sess added by ctor of sey @ Bengn Stes = Uma sess mated oy fac eoy Utimate Sess = Design stess died by facto of elety 4 Desgn sien or feat ‘0, Which ofthe following is a non-magnetic? a. Alloy iercmene steel ¢. Carbon Steel d. tool and die steel AL. The best material for brake drum s 2 Aloy Ste! © Mangenese Swe! (@)castion a. ton Aloy A. 72, soteyteaures that muatbe paces andmainaned st machine backs, walang and foundry shop a lehrnoices safety markings at skin safety markings at external cover none of the above VG natin, itcomprises the main spindle, the necessary mechanism for obtsning he various spindle speed and also certan gears which ate Used to operate the uick-change gear mechanism a. Talbtock Turing plate (Goan a Spindle 74, Gavasized ion's a tem refering tion coated with a. Carbon ne ©, Mangenese 4. ron Ais ty wentendscmarn ee aracctae sea ee ane) Sicieelncta cmetaars Co or ec Which of the folowing is another name forthe guid vave? aaa Belows ture? oa vale 4, bimetal strip ‘Diz? hich ofthe folowing would cause a high head pressure? : ‘Clogged inlet . Dittypipes ©. Less refrigerant d.ingufigient cooling water Aire, suostinces that have the gity to sbeoro mature rom te a are cae 2. Descents enceester~e.monture probed. irfiter Ack catenin encanta one oats compress retigeran vapor om evaporatorte the condenser 2. Condenser > Pumpe ¢. Evaporator (Hcomereso: eC amien ot the folowing chetzcal eactonsin which hest absorbed? a." Exothermisreecton §ayendotierme Teacton © nOSecIGT allot the above iva caioa eer Wea a (25) Etotemicreacion’ b.Endothemic easton ©.norescton all ofthe above The instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure is Thermometer Anemometer c. Hydrometer (Qparometer {2. Which ofthe foliowing is tha defintion of Joule? 2. Newton b. mete(¢)Newton meter d. Force G4, Supemeated vapor behaves a. Liquid Solid approximately as a gas 6. crystal 45. How many significant figures in a substance with a mass of 0.034 grams? Hint’ Zeros in front of a number ‘ate not significant. : © 29 as 5 £9 pi tm olovng ean sample oa Newnan Nk? ary wee Se ieee AF Wat do you call the pressure which the fui exerts on an immesged objector container walls? 2. Vacuum Pressure b. Atmospheric Pressure (E)Hycrostaic pressured. Inner Pressure VEE Aload trom a faucet comes cutin seperate drops. Which of the following isthe main cause ofthis phenomenon? 2 Cepllay Gsitacetenson Feat 4. mmersion (6a eof eae tin rn ot rate cel kv bide of cack ons haw Hs pgs other the rine tats to move = Pelion wheel b.Frape Tube e.Kaplan Turbine -—=«.Danfeue Turbine iy AWA f. bo instrument which is used to determine te specific gravity ofa substance? Ning a easnae ae Seay mney ea te WA The Fat Hyeroclectie Power Plantin the Philppines? g Macban Hydro Power lent Calraya Hycropowe: Plant ~~ “Agua Grence Hydro Power Plant Sebengan Hydro Power Pant Which point on the atrew-strain curve shown gives the ultimate stress? Zo wa @) B (HP 4 tp %2, 4 Which matemene is true forthe stress-strain relationship for the metal sown? (A) Peiat A i tho lor ys point. 4 (B) Point Dis the fracture size post. Point 8 isthe wer vid point me ‘The range from point C to point D is known asthe eate range. Wich of tho following are true statements about the modulus ofelasiclty, £7 Ie is the samme as the rupture modulus. It is the slope of the stese-strain diagram in the linearly clastic region. (Of It isthe ratfo of stres to volumetric strain. Fe (D) Its value depends only on the toraperature of the material. VA A2am'ong alumi br (no laste = 70 Gp) ubeted ten ste of 175 Mpa. Fin the eengabon 235mm somm c7Smm 9.0mm pee & ~ Txt? Sy -VEw ) > lode) (3. wn” & = VE, What is most nearly the lateral strain, ey, of the steel specimen shown if Fy = 3000 KN, £ = 193 GPa, and v = 0.29? E =O 2 96 NO"Pa= o0w 4 f yo DS pn pee a = 5) = &. (son Att 1x! (O)ixie# =D) axa0~* _6. 041? ae Lb iar oe ee per ree 143.108 momo of erhi. Hd > 3.3 x10%m N@ltmd renin A 1. OTe 5 (te -)(199) 266% a ER lee B.01n* (auxin ip) Sy hy =a 10° ©: 0,032° (Ay comsr wanes : on Meme wom Qamr- anr (C.98. Amactine used forthe testing ofyey thin sto or sutacelayers 2 "Charpy Tet rock Test 1 Rockwel tet 4. Janorti Test i) cite etry sos ose carr nppse ems ean Totes rectors tae ee enseeeeaes ay 25psi b. 34 psi 8 psi 4. 12 psi atoll both peed ct ceven pom Pa eee er2pn 4.120 500. [Zo “Everything you went is out there waiting for you to ask Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get i Jack Canfield Mes Colona bo ey lOO fe contin me Canes es ees End of Exam oF 400 rine

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