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nawe:Adan, Fano Andres Dejaqn __oare a) Lees INDUSTRIAL/POWER PLANT ENGINEERING INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each ofthe following questions. Markonly one answer for each tem by shading the box corresponding tothe letter of your choice on the anewer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. At ieee eat Economizer ‘Atmospheric pressure |e Regenerator C2 Theat Cito "Three b Four thermic: 5 ic Slightly above 7 much higher than 7 Increase the air densi is Ses Infinity c Tatrece & Forebey “= 14. this te rt oe i 4 Owes © Plastic tis it 5 rae Gray body : : ‘White body iG i ok G@ Sur and otner noxious gases 2 Both are rac cerns Both are line or path functons @ Bath ae wansion phenomena 4. Both are boundary phenomena (2.17, rye not entropy change in the universe i Aways nevetve Zero & Alay posite 4. Gannot be aocounted for C18 Which “of the foloning principles lays. the foundation of thermometry? 2. Clauss Statement @) Centigrade scale arch tier rcemace Ke, Conservator of energy “anti tne rato of tre dens of liguic susstance and the dens of water at standard conditons 2 Specite weight Density ©) Specie aviy dee ae 20. & process that takes place without change in one Isotnermal process Nome procaes © sobare tooess &._sentropie process V1. Gas from sludge digestion tanks is mostly composed of ethane Methane © Frosane @. Butane 2. Asa general rule, the cooing water sie ofthe Condenser shoud be scheduled for inspecton ery: © rons 6 months © Year ,_ Month 23. When a Bourdon gage registers a zero reading, the absolute pressure is: 401.325 kPa z Zero psi © 29.92 psi d._ 760 psi 4, Which ofthe following provides the basis in heat duction? @) Fouriers Law B._ Newton's Law of cooling ©. Stefan-Bolzman law * 4. Torriceli's Principle 25. A part ofthe steam turbine made up of the shaft and a wheel to which blades are securely fastened 2. Spiral casing b. Rotor Turbo-generator Housing 26. Adding one mole of carbon to one mole of xygen produces ‘One mole of carbon monoxide (One mole of carbon dioxide ¢. Two moles of carbon dioxide . Heat Yaporization is: o Miirrurn Maximum Cannot be determined 28, Identfeaton color code for pipes carrying steam a Sivergray > White © Black @ Blue 729, Another term for controlmass system Closed system B Open system © Steady fow 4 Transient fow system 30, Which ofthe folowing is an extensive property? Voltage Temperature © Density Total volume 31, The most efficent thermodynamic cycle that operates between two temperature level. Rankine cycle Erioson cycle © Stiring eyele & Carnot eyoie 32, A vaNe designed to allow the fluid to pass through in one direction only a. Solenoid valve Check valve Gate vai Giobe vaive 38. Used for low pressure measurement, the MoLeod gage operates on the principle ot a. Boyle's iow Chores’ law soule's law @ ators {92+ The Westphalbolnceis atortoryisrunent ed to measure Density © Specie gravity ¢ Volume 4 Mass . By using a reheat cycte in steam power plant, the thermal efficiency a. Decreases No change increases Needs tobe computed 36, Eneray due to the elevation and position of the > aster Kinetic energy % Potential eneray © Flow energy Heat eneroy 37. Combustion reaction that is chemically correct Stoichometnic Fuck nich = Fuellean d.» Equivalence reaction Css te Adiabatic ‘d._Isentropic V9. The Lower than © Less than alc gradient Vos 0. 40, increase: 2. Ultimate analysis icrease the Increase the moisture Ete rae Hyaraule eneroy @ Haste rages C.v43. The entropy of substance ata temperature of lute Zero Unity ft pan ae lle weit G Sister ‘Beers aera Internal pressure A, 4, Pipe wall thickness 6s, int fc. Flash point oe Freezing point team temperature 2. Kaplan turbine Francis turbine eller turbine four point ©. Cloud point 4. Solid point Serene (Sesmes at iat b. Velocity profile © Replecry aleaking vave d._ Replacing a blown fuse cc Isobaric b d._Isenthalpic 61, In the processing section, there is an instrument + frequentiy used to measure the flow rate of ling point of water at 101.925 kPa Superheated temperature Rote-aire © Cannot use impulse water 4. Radiation losses are higher because fire is Cn the inside of the boiler and is surrounded b; Trwotting Seems Pe crea eae pace 4 wns se 4. ‘Eee aC ci on wren ti Be eareisor Condensate water level aif the working steam pressure 1% fe oto stowabe er c. The working steém pressure d. Twice the maximum allowable working pressure Qs a a fature and CO 6 ‘Over-the-fre-draft and CO Ringelman chart and COs 5 oapex fiter installed before the lubricating ¢. Bypass fiter win cleanable and replaceable ‘elements k . Splash lubricating system in the crankcase et 88 alr Control air 'b, Have alow specific gravity Bum without smoke temperature Ee vere erie eric ‘aetna Sensible ion Conduction ¢. Conduectvity 4. Reflect De Selina a Create low steam quality ‘Cause foaming ¢ Gverheat bloy a 4 88. s oil a dioxide Oxygen Nitrogen G 8, What occurs ina reversible polyrope process? lalpy remains constant Internal energy do pressure. 2. Rotameter Manometer Vert

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